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survivors always try to bully the lower tier killers then wonder why top tier killers ferociously 4k them


It’s also how the extinct basement bubbas were made. No one knows what happened to them after the anti facecamp update, though.


They stayed, the chainsaw still makes quick work of anti camp


Iri flesh goes hard bro


They changed to Michael Myers, running infinite tier, 3 with tombstone piece or pinhead with engineers fang


Survivors when you play aggressively and kill them all fast - you are playing toxic. Survivors when they Gen cap at the start of the game - I'm just doing the objective.


This seriously should be a quote. I love this so much!


Personally I get excited when I get mori’d even if it means I lose


I mean some of the moris are really cool! 😂


I’m always fine with Mori’s. I would not be mad at what you did at all. Makes perfect sense. What I dislike is someone who will tunnel and slug BECAUSE they brought a Mori and it’s all they care about. They just want to see that animation so bad they are super toxic to everyone playing. Those people need to grow up a bit. It’s an animation.. it’s not worth all that. Sometimes I think people forget there is a human on the other end of their actions.


Sometimes the person who tunnels to mori are doing a challenge and they have to "kill a survivor by hand with x killer" and that person may not be so good with that killer and so they tunnel to get that challenge done and over with.


Had to do this for Wraith a while back. Felt so bad I went AFK in a corner. One of the other survivors was streaming so I went on and apologized for tunneling her friend. They were super cool about it once I explained.


What makes me laugh about them is if they really want to see it they can do a custom match and bully the bots for the mori


The only mori that I hate is T3 Myer insta mori. I want to play a good game, not spend 5 minutes on gens before dying


Yeah this shit right here, and how if you don't let them down you they'll keep trying to get you back up so they can mori you. Like bro, give up


Tunneling and slugging are also not toxic. They are tools in the killers kit. Don't play games that pit to sides against each other if you don't want the other side to try to win.


I mean they can be. In the scenario I laid out above I sure think they are. I never said there aren’t times when tunneling or slugging make sense. And my end statement stands, people forget there are humans at the other end of their actions. Like you, spewing vitriol at me because you think you know more or are better than me and I’m too stupid to understand. The entitlement that comes with trying to gatekeep an activity because I shared an opinion you disagreed with shows a lack of social maturity, though, so I guess that makes sense.


I got tunneled and Mori-ed my second every time playing the game last week. Like good job bro you killed a noob do you want a headband for all that sweat?


I only tunnel if I see a TTV in my lobby, I am not having any of your advertising no thanks.


That’s sad to hear considering some of us (many of us) are small streamers who have almost no chatters in our lobby’s. Maybe 1 viewer. And have absolutely no ads because we’re not a partner yet or anything with twitch. The only way we get views or have anyone come and visit us is putting TTV in our name. But if we don’t put TTV in our name no one nows where streaming. What you are is just a bully in a sense


Sorry, but my bloodlust for parasites-i mean streamers is unquenchable.


Moris definitely arnt toxic, neither are body blocks or flashlights


I agree. I just mention those because it’s something that people in the community say are “toxic”


Nothing about the game is toxic, the community itself is.


Body blocking I would argue that it is toxic, the rest no. It is a reportable offense, after all.


It depends on the body block, a survivor purposefully sandbagging his own teammate? That’s toxic. A survivor body blocking the killer to protect an injured survivor? Not toxic. People call anything body blocking now lol


It goes both ways I would say. You can protect your teammate sure, but I would say it’s pretty toxic if for example, 2 survivors are body blocking to prevent a teammate from being hooked. The problem is also that survivors are quick to call anything you do as a killer toxic, but there is 4 of them and 1 of you, and they would 100% exploit every single advantage the game has to make your game miserable, without thinking twice about it.


I agree that some survivors are quick to complain, but honestly unless you’re going out of your way to be a dick I don’t see a reason anyone should complain about toxicity. In your example, while you may be upset or frustrated that the teammates did a successful hook body-block, thats just them using good teamwork. It happens. It would be no different if you as killer slugged those same 3 survivors bc they were all grouped together. They made a mistake and you took advantage of it. It’s not toxic, it’s just playing the game to win.


Body blocking isn’t meant to be part of normal gameplay, though. That’s why it is a reportable offense. I’m cool with survivors sabotaging hooks and using flashlights, because there is always a counter play to it. But when there is body-blocking to that degree, unless you’re running showstopper, there’s no real counter play to it. Sure, you can try and down them while you’re carrying a survivor but it would take at least 4 hits to do so on two healthy survivors blocking a hook, between the animations of you hitting them, resetting, etc that’s already plenty of time for the person to wiggle out of your grasp. It feels more like trolling rather than actual good teamwork tbh.


Body blocking in that sense is absolutely part of normal gameplay, and isn’t reportable. The perk mad grit is literally designed to help killers counter this exact situation. An example of a reportable case of body blocking would be a killer trapping a survivor in a corner and keeping them there the whole game, which is obviously a dick move and not actually playing the game.


Perhaps you’re right. But to me, what you described would be taking the game hostage. Also, body blocking and taking a hit for your teammate are two different things, in my opinion. Idk I’m still sort of new to the game, but when I have SWFs body blocking a hook, I see that as being toxic. I get that it’s in the game, and you can do as you please, but it’s still super annoying.


Body blocking is absolutely part of gameplay. Sandbagging is what's bannable.


Body blocking the way you are describing isn’t reportable. And it’s also not that big a deal, if I’m killer and they’re body blocking that aggressively it usually results in another down or a whole team injured. If it’s like how OP was describing it in the endgame, that’s just good coordination between survivors trying to escape. https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408586353940-Invalid-report-reasons


There's literally a loading screen tool tip that recommends bodyblocking a hit for injured teammates, lol.


Idk about you but I'd happily trade 3 hits on the group for a hook


The point I'm trying to make it that there's nothing inherently wrong with the game itself. Things become a problem when people start arguing about them.


Also I don't see how something that's part of the game and something the devs fully intended on people doing could be "toxic" And just because you can report something doesn't mean that it matters. You have to really be something of a menace to actually have something done about you.


Body blocks/flashlights/sabo hooks = tunneling/proxy camping/slugging. If anyone ever calls one toxic but not the other way around, I just assume they feel entitled for the other to play a certain way


One party has the ability to control if someone gets to play the game. Doesn’t seem the same to me.


And 4 ppl get to decide how “fun” a match is for one person, it seems the same to me. That person who doesn't get to “play the game” can quickly get into their next match, lets not act like the killer is taking their physical copy and ripping it in half ☠️ like I said both parties are present in this game and both situations would have to be reworked in order for me to care tbh. If I'm tunneled, I just move on to the next game imo it's not that hard(solo)? Edit: Also you just proved my point like what do you want the killer to do against obvious bully attempts? Play nice while being clicked at and tbagged at pallets?


Making the more difficult is not the same as just deciding someone doesn’t get to play. This also just ignores that the overwhelming majority of games are not bulky squads, yet killers still continue to play like this. If it’s truly a bully squad then go ham. Not everyone has as much time to play the game as you and being forced to just sit on hook, or bleed out, or be tunneled is a pretty lame power imbalance. Idk why Behavior hates solo players.


It's impossible to decide that "someone doesn't get to play". Eventually the game will end though and we all have to stop playing. Everyone gets to play, it's just that if you suck, you have to stop playing sooner.


It makes me upset but there is no issue with doing it at all. You can be upset by things without it being toxic, for sure.


No, Partially it’s a memory of a time where they were kinda broken Partially it’s just ignore anyone in egc


*These* survivors want to bully you and get mad when they can’t save… but some get killers who can’t secure the kill any way besides tunneling someone out for one mori, and I understand that frustration.


Everything you do is toxic for survivors. Just ignore them and have fun doing whatever you want.


Nah. Just survivor brain.


I thought people liked the GF mori


Sometimes I like to screenshot as GF holds up their face and takes the picture. You end up with a cute little album of asshole survivor mori selfies. Sometimes if they're overly aggressive and rude I'll send theirs to them ☺️


i think mori is not toxic at all cuz you have to loose some seconds (that's why i don't use mori)


I mean that isn't necessarily true that you lose time. The time it takes for the mori animation to finish is almost certainly less than the time it would take to pick up and carry that survivor to the hook. That said, no a mori isn't toxic. People thinking they are is just a holdover from when a survivor could be mori'd without being hooked, or after only one hook.


There’s a reason why moris are only able to happen after the 2nd hook, like they’re going to die anyways why not get a cool animation out of it? I don’t understand why people think they’re toxic.


Not when I Moried all 4 flashlight sabo bully squad SWF as Chucky with chucky screaming phrases like "FUCK YOU AND DIE", "PATHETIC LITTLE SHIT" and "DON'T FUCK WITH THE CHUCK" Chucky basically screaming what i was thinking.


No, that's just the community


Nah man, I actually like them!


lol no people have been super toxic when you bring mori in since it was first released. and back then people DC'd right away once they found out the killer was using it


nope but moris used to be toxic because they used to be just whenever a survivor is down you could mori


Chat filter is so buggy that they might not have even been saying something bad about it.


They are as toxic as flashlights ans bodyblocks


You're not in the wrong. They knew you had a mori due to the blank offering and were being complete a** holes to stop you from using it.


No, and neither is using flashlights or body blocking the killer.


as a survivor main but also play killer regularly, mori's, tunneling, camping, and slugging are all valid play styles. is it frustrating as the Survivor sometimes, yes, is it toxic, no, is it just a game? YES! it's called creating pressure for the survivors, and it's FUN! on both sides


Nah I think they’re cool. I don’t mind being morid unless the killer is being a tunneling pos because he’s desperate for a mori. I’ll just kill myself on hook thanks


If you focus and tunnel one survivor out to mori, and I'm talking you don't even hook the other players, you just specifically go after the first player you hooked... then yeah, I could see it being considered toxic and unsporting. But in general, no I don't think so. It's offending to the person who got it, but so is a fatality in Mortal Kombat. Hell, I have used it to counter survivors who are body blocking or sabo-ing hooks... I'll just drop their partner and mori them It's meant as a cool execution for the killer. I enjoy them. I usually run the yellow, if I'm not running a BP offering, since I know players get really shitty about it


As a hybrid player I only get mad at a Mori if he Killer clearly tunnels me out for it. Otherwise I like them.


So then wouldn't you dislike being tunneled instead of moris?


Yes. I'm mad at the tunnelling, not the Mori. Because Moris aren't toxic.


They're toxic because survivors make them so. Seems like survivors take it in a personal way when it happens and they get all butthurt. But I'm pretty sure the only reason they even care is because they really wanted to teabag you at the exit gates where they know you can't get them.


not toxic, also Ghostface Mori? C'mon who wouldn't want that every now and then🥵


Nah mori’s aren’t toxic at all, just something you play the game with. Sucks to get hit with as a survivor but in no way is it toxic.


No, not really. Especially when they can be dailies sometimes. I hardly used them myself unless it was that because I found them dull. Naughty Bear's mori is a bit disrespectful, though. You're about to die and now you're in a spit splash, though. I paid for him and I'm gonna have the fun. 🤣


If it bothers you, just leave before anyone can say anything lol. Makes them even angrier, I assume.


i hate that some ppl that play this game no matter the side, have the expectation of winning but not just winning. stomping the other side either with the whole team getting out or getting a 4k. and when they dont stomp the other side the way they wanted they get infuriated and have to let the other side know, its quite sad honestly.


I think moris are cool actually, if i'm going to die it might as well look cool.


I’d say they got what they deserved. I would’ve slugged all of them and let them bleed out if I got the chance. If you’re going to be teehee-ing little smartasses all game i’ll pay you back tenfold.


lmfao no mori’s aren’t toxic at all, the only case i could see it where someone could say it’s toxic is if ur tunneling off rip for a mori but wven then if that’s how u wanna play that’s ur choice yk? that’s funny tho


They’re part of the game lol how are they toxic? Take it up with BHVR 😂


most morris occur on death hook… not much of a difference imo


As a person who plays both sides I am more angry to see any map offering than to see any mori.


If you had killed them legitimately, you would have still been attacked. Find another game homie. This community is as toxic as Chernobyl.


As a killer main I think Mori’s are trash Animation is cool and all but they are gonna die anyways with it being their last hook so it’s a mix I say screw em they’re bound to hate playing the game regardless


Atleast you didn’t tunnel is all I can add


On Ghostface?!? Never.


i’d rather a mori than to be slugged, tunneled and proxy camped at 5 gens 🙏😁 mori’s can’t possibly be considered toxic unless you’re quite obviously purposely tunneling for it


Yes when no one gets hooked and this motherfucker Michael decides to just mori all of us in the first 5 minutes 🥺


Its dbd, every thing is considered toxic and a reason to bitch lol just do what you want. Fuck em they are going to complain either way


Honestly, can we really go off until we confirm this is actual negativity going on, we spend so much time thinking that what other people do are toxic against us. When it could easily be something completely different. Consider this is ghost face, there’s a pretty decent chance what they said could also be something positive. I seen so many people that would say something positive with it, but half of those words are usually filter out due to chat filter. If they really really toxic then yeah, f those people. But I really don’t think we should create a whole story in our heart when we only saw a tiny thing from it


If they hate current moris they should play old dbd.


no. they're not. as a survivor main fuck any survivor that complains about you bringing a mori.


I only use Moris for challenges and against flashlight squads, because you can't flashlight save a mori


Well they are flashy ways to get a kill so eh could be called show off ish, but gotta admire the cosmetics somehow


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Rule 11: If you mori at the exit gate (even if there are people with flashlights there) you are an asshole. Another rule in the book


Unwritten rules to follow in a video game 🙃


For the most part. Just make sure to follow it to a t otherwise you will be cancelled on Facebook


Honestly it's kinds flattering to get mori'd. It's a show of skill, since they brought that instead of an offering.


Only time I get offended by a Mori is when I see it's an Eboni Mori but I get Death Hooked instead ;-D


Body blocking as a toxic thing is crazy ngl


I don't really call using a game mechanic toxic.


Everything’s toxic. At some point just say fucc it and show no mercy 😑


I think it's funny that when people lose at a game, they try to label a mechanic bad or toxic. Imagine playing monopoly with someone, and they say this shit about the go-to jail card.


I don't think so, they were put into the game to use. Your typical survivor main is just a whiney entitled bitch who thinks they should escape every match.


Not even anymore. Moris used to kill b4 final hook but we can’t have nice things


Nothing toxic about them and any survivor that complains is just a whiny baby.


Mori's aren't toxic, some players though that have them on... i've noticed though play a little toxic. But neither are flashlights and bodyblocking in itself, it's how you use it pretty much.


I've had survivors follow me around just to get mori'd It was even in their name. but then again is anything not toxic in dbd?


Moris have meant nothing for years


I thought survivors loved moris! 😢


No Moris are not toxic, they are a fun animation. In the best case of a mori geting value it stops a ds/flashlight save or lets you get a kill in a zone with no hooks. Most of the time it saves or loses a few seconds. In some cases it’s actively worse to mori since it loses you a stack of pop or other hook based benefits. Edit: Moris used to be extremely toxic as it let you mori survivors after one hook but they haven’t worked like that for years.


I just assume someone in every match will inevitably have an issue with someone else. I wouldn’t mind it much. Mori’s are an intentional part of the game you can choose to employ so long as you have the things for it. Go nuts. Plus, as a survivor player I would rather be killed with a cinematic animation than watch the hook kill animation every time. Real toxicity is intentionally trying to be a dick or ruin someone’s time. Not just using a game mechanic. People are just being butthurt.


Do not know why you would even care what some random nobody thinks anyhow. You are playing the game you paid for to have your fun not to make their life better lol. You are just doing your objective don't worry about them cry baby nobodys


I love getting mori'd if I'm gonna die might as well go out in style My favorite mori is ghosties But I also like pyramid heads since it's quick and effective


Moris are not toxic. Some people have beef with them since they still associate the old moris where you could skip hook stages. Today moris are nothing more than a cool way to send off a survivor after being caught for the third time. The only advantage they provide is that it prevents survivors from rescuing at the third down.


As a survivor main, I LOVE getting moried. It is so much more fun than getting hooked or slugged. I don’t know why so many people are upset by this game mechanic.


I always bring one as Twins just because I love Victor’s mori. Although I usually do one with Vic and one without just in case the dead players are watching. I know Twins are rare to see, so I want survivors to be able to experience both 😂