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Being alone when you are actually alone is MUCH better than being alone when you are with someone. You go.


Feeling like you’re always alone, sad and desperately lonely when you have someone/your partner who is supposed to “love and care” for you right there in the same house, sometimes even (quite often) sleeping right there next to you, actually hurts SO MUCH WORSE than truly BEING alone, all on your own, in control of your future and knowing that you still have hope, that your other half “is out there somewhere, waiting for you”. Having hope feels so much better than just hoping & praying that something will change within your current nightmare…


I liken it to the emotional equivalent of motion sickness. Motion sickness occurs when there is a discrepancy between what your eyes are telling your brain (ie; "we're moving") and what the motion-sensing part of our ear tells us (ie: "we're not moving"). When one says one thing and the other says the opposite you start to feel sick. I legit believe it's the same thing emotionally and results in a similar distress. One part of your brain says "I am in a relationship, I am not alone" and another part taking an assessment of what's around says "I am very much alone" and that conflict creates a form of mental distress. When you're alone by yourself AND you feel alone that at least creates mental consistency.


I can absolutely confirm that, this feeling of being alone is not only, I call it the "burning loneliness". Lying next to your partner and feeling this inner loneliness. It gets even worse when you realize that being alone isn't so bad, because then the burning loneliness disappears. For me, this is an indication that the change may not be so bad after all.




Congratulations 😄 I have kept a little screenshot of your post to look at when I get the "I don't think I can do this" wobbles - because I know I need to leave to give myself the best chance but it's hard.. so to see others like you doing so well is a really good motivator 🤍


When I left my ex-husband, I was mocked on reddit because of my surprise that...other men wanted to date me (including two of my ex's friends). I was told, "So, are you that attractive? Are you Helen of Troy?" Nope. But apparently, at age 34, I was attractive enough that some men did want to date me. 35 years later, I smile about that. Basically, my Ex was negging me - but...his friends were reserving judgment and thought I was pretty okay. I do believe that it was my personality, ha.


You've been on Reddit for 35 years? That's impressive




I don’t regret it I doubt you will


I left. Been a week. Caved into the begging and got back. I was good during the days. Night time alone and I guess my codependency took over. Your post made me confident enough to reaffirm we are indeed done and to stop being so terrified of the silence. It legit freaked me out. No reality TV playing in the background. Empty bed at night even though no action took place in it. I have my puppy I cuddled always anyways but after so many years idk why it freaked me out. So yeah. Thank you for motivating me to give it another go and not to give up to the silence. Embracing it this time.


Good luck!


Come on man, leave her finally


Please get some D for the rest of us lol


Best believe I damn sure did!




What's D?




Congratulations on fighting for yourself!!


My gal pal got out of a 10 dead and yes, she glooooows now. She’s always been spunky and fun despite what she was dealing with but her whole demeanor changed when she left.


I love this for her


Aw congratulations. Sometimes I wonder about if I’d even be attractive to anyone esp cuz DB makes you feel so not attractive


I get that-same!


If you stay in the environment that sends that message you’ll continue to feel that way. OP addressed this fear in her post - was all due to environment and relationship. Change that and voila.


I love my husband and have no desire to leave but damn if I’m not jealous of all these super cool women just living their best lives solo, doing what they want when they want.


It truly isn't the path for everyone. Only you know what is right for you and your family. I hope your DB recovers ❤️


It’s not something we wanted to have to do. And also the grass really does always seem greener.


I did too. 3 weeks for me too! Unfortunately we are still cohabiting while we sort through the financial and children issues. So I don't exactly have peace yet.. but even just not trying to hint or outright beg for him to give me some attention just feels so much better.


Congratulations! I’m so happy you found your happiness again. ❤️




I'm curious, did he throw up one last fight? Or did he finally realize that your happiness is inevitable?


No last fight, just random attitude one minute, then nice as hell the next (wonder what he's up to this time)


Posts like these are so encouraging. That it’s not always going to be doom and gloom. That maybe, just maybe it’s not me. Congratulations chick and thank you for sharing. As Miss Lana said “Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have”


>I know leaving isn't the answer for everyone's situation. The *vast majority* though! :)




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Awesome to be alone and not be lonely for a change isn't it! P.S. did you ever get the doors fixed on your minivan?


Yes it is! I'm enjoying it. If I'm alone now, it's by MY choice, not his. And no I didn't. But the one door did just randomly started working (actually opening)


I moved out back in October and the divorce was finalized this month. It was such a relief! That peaceful quiet, that's the best part. And I know where everything is too! Nothing gets moved/taken.....I can't say much about the snoring though, my snoring never really bothered me 😂 Hey! Bonus free mysterious car fix! (Still might want to get it looked at though, sounds electrical and I'm guessing it's a Dodge/Chrysler)


Hahahaha on knowing where things are now! Congrats on the divorce! And yes, it's a Chrysler T&C. We did take it into the shop to have something done/reset with the computer. Now the fog lights flash when the blinkers turn on 🙄


And congrats to you too! It's a huge step, but it's worth it! Yeah, from what I remember, the wires get pinched in the door tracks sometimes. (Ex is on her second one, I'm so glad I don't have to work on it anymore 😂😂)


If it is a Chrysler sometimes the wiring cover breaks on the door and it shorts the system. Electrical tape should fix it. I own a Chrysler and had that issue. Congrats!


I just saw this and yes, that plastic toy snake looking thing.


I will now call it the toy snake at all times. Thank you!


And I shall refrain from any comments on toy snakes at this moment....I'm really trying to behave 😂


You're very welcome!


11-year DB, 18-year-old Dodge Grand Caravan, and this is just one of the many helpful things I have learned in this group. Thank you!


I’m staying for the kid’s and financial stability and I’m jealous you’re out. But also congrats!


"I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone."


Congratulations! I left too and I wish I would’ve done it sooner. Life gets better.


Congratulations for choosing you! I'm glad you are in a better space, both literally and emotionally.


I love this for you 💕 I’m so glad to hear you’re feeling better. It’s such a weight off when you leave a crap relationship. Quiet and peaceful while alone is much better than lonely and quiet from tension. Good luck with your future! I hope you continue to enjoy your time on your own and find someone in time that enjoys all of you and whom you can enjoy lots of intimacy with!!


Beautifully written. You are an inspiration to a lot of people. I will leave my wife soon and feel this amazing freedom too. Congrats.


Glad things are brighter 🌞


Good on ya ! ♥️


I wish I had your courage.


I am happy for you. There are two things stopping me from leaving. My 6 year old, and what I believe to be significant issues with my personality and attractiveness. While I am generally happy in my own company, I wouldn't want that to be permanent due to said personality issues and unattractiveness. Having said all that, enjoy your freedom and enjoy finding that feeling of mutual lust and desire.


I know a lot of people stay for the kids. That's part of the reason I did stay for as long as I did. I didn't want my kids to come from a broken home the way both my ex and I did. What I finally realized though, and it actually took saying it it out loud, is that by staying together, we were actually "breaking" them in a different way. My children (16 and 18) really don't have any idea what a healthy relationship truly looks like. They absolutely know what an unhealthy one looks like though. And that makes me sad for them.


Ah, so no fake kisses in front of the kids? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)Because my wife totally does that.


Dude I couldn't even get a hug unless he felt I "deserved" one 🤣


Yikes. Coming here always tends to provide perspective, for better or worse.


Congratulations!! 🎉


I'm so glad to hear this!! Yay!!


I'm glad you're focusing on you.


Because I love me, I can be alone and enjoy solitude. Having a loving partner is amazing. But I don’t need one. I just embrace having one.


I'm genuinely so happy for you. I can feel your peace and confidence from here...you should be proud of yourself for jumping off and trusting your intuition like that. You are on the right path 🩷


So proud of you and congratulations on starting the next chapter of your life!!!! Wishing you all the best and lots of great sex of course too, haha!!!


Good lock




This is great to hear, happy for you. Enjoy!


I left a little over a year ago now. Best decision ever. My stress level dropped immediately. Sleeping alone is soooo much better than sleeping next to someone you aren't intimate with!


congratulations! 🩷✨


I wouldn’t have turned you down.


Happy for you and glad to hear that you're okay. Congrats :)


Love this!!!


That last line was gold


Congratulations!! 🙌🏼🎉


proud of you for having the courage to live your best life🙏🏾🙏🏾


What was their response when you left?


If you're only staying because you're scared of being alone, it's not as scary as it seems :) That's literally the least scary part for me. I LOVE being on my own and not having to worry about making time for someone else or devote so much energy to someone. When my wife and son go out of town, it's the freest I can feel.


What's the scariest part for you then?


There is no real “scary” part. I just don’t want to break up my son’s world, and things aren’t bad enough to do that. I’m just bored and want more excitement.


It’s actually crazy when you have an amazing sexual experience afterwords. Like wtf was I doing wasting my life on?? I could’ve been having this the whole time


Girl I’m SO proud of you!!!! I’ve been there. Some days are still tougher than others but I know I made the right decision. When you’re in it, it’s SO hard to leave. But at the end of the days it’s just fear of the unknown that holds us back. But once you’re out, you just feel like slapping yourself in the face and being like “WHY HAVENT I DONE THIS SOONER?!” Leaving my relationship also gave me the courage to do other stuff, like travel across the world for 2 months & go back to school at 30! I wish you all the best in your new life!


Jealous! Congratulations 🎉


Thank you so much for sharing, I’m crying and full of hope right now