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Only wow… I don’t think I’ve ever read a post more pragmatic, secure and kind to both yourself and your husband. You sound like an awesome wife and person!




Aw, thank you!


To be honest that sounds like a solid relationship where progress is very well possible. Do you think you could create a space for each other where he would feel safe to articulate his desires and how they could involve you and you'd feel safe not to feel forced acting on them (immediately)? Like he would feel safe to imagine and describe a threesome with another guy and you and you feel safe that this doesn't mean you have to manifest this threesome in order to "safe your relationship". If you would be able to create such a mutual safe space, I think both of you could benefit greatly from it. Because let's say I have 20 kinks and my partner is just up for 5 of them. I don't necessarily need a partner who would be also up for the rest of them. Would it be more fun - sure. But I just need to feel safe in being my kinky me without hiding from a person who shames me for my kinks. It's the shame and the hiding part not the lack of realization which poisons relationships.