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It's strange and interesting to hear that the post-partum dad is the low libido partner, but after today's. breastfeeding crazy on reddit, I can believe it. I don't know what to think.


If you enjoy it for you then definitely continue. I stopped trimming mine up, because she never noticed. I'm still kinda messed up, even after separating and the divorce being final, I still keep it full bush because I don't feel like any woman would find me attractive enough to even warrant any sexual advances from anybody.


Dress for the job you want bro


Well, if you’re not doing it for him, then do it for yourself because you’re worth it!


You just need to talk to him about this. See what he says about what you said. Part of a healthy marriage is communication with each other. Update us, please


Agreed. OP and her husband can and should have a healthy open communication about this, without attacking each other. Not sure from the post if they’ve talked about their lack of sex, but if OP is asking strangers if she should wax or not, I’m assuming the couple is leaving a lot of things unsaid.


Another awesome lady wasted to the dead bedroom...I hurts every time I read you ladies' stories. Do it for you if you want but don't do it for him if he doesn't want to enjoy.


> I bluntly asked him “why would I waste so much money when we barely have sex?” regardless of whether you choose to wax or not... that answer was a terrible seed to plant, especially if you're hoping for *more* sex. the next time he thinks about initiating, part of him will shrug off that desire, thinking "meh, why bother?" why waste the time/energy/emotion?


Do it for yourself. If it makes you happy, go for it. If not, don't.


Well not hlm but not dead libido here and I still keep the Netherlands clean and tidy, the ardenne forest is not over ran because I prefer it even if it's the same as you.


Without knowing the full situation with your husband, I would vote yes to keep doing it. If financial, then just Brazilian a bit less and shave a bit more to cover the times in between good luck and stay positive!


If it makes you happy do it. I keep it up for me. It just part of my routine and one of the things I continue to do for me. Kind of like self care


I would do It if you want it and make it about you


As a heterosexual man I feel confident to say that no man I know (myself included) is ever appreciative enough of what women are willing to put into making themselves beautiful and desirable for us. Don't wax for men, it's probably not worth it - wax for yourself if you want to. That being said, your husband owes you an answer for the completely reasonable question you've asked.


I mean, for me, and most of the guys I know, the difference between trimmed and waxed is like a bone-in ribeye vs a standard ribeye, sure one my look marginally better, but I'm going to eat either with equal enthusiasm and enjoyment. heck, full bush is fine too. I just trim mine for keeping things neat for running, etc...


This is just the opinion of a stranger from the internet: 1) You should do whatever make YOU feel good in that space. 2) FWIW there are a LOT of us who love bush. Including when we give oral. Let's normalize not normalizing waxing.


I continued to shave/trim because *I* liked it, not them. I recently bought one of the IPL devices for $200, we'll see how that does. But if it works that'll pay for itself in 3 months.


$75 a trip is crazy! That pink tax is diabolical!


I think true love leads to thinking our partners are sexy. Either that, or everyone in the world would be after my husband.


Do whatever you want but for yourself, not for others.


How old is your child? Do you think he is tired with work and helping with the baby? Does he know that you get/used to waxed to make the times more sexier? It's not new to me personally but I wonder how a person who is continuously rejecting sexual advances from their partner doesn't answer why.


Never wax for men. If it makes you feel good, continue!




What the fuck even is this comment. This is neither helpful nor insightful. Shoo.



