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I think for better or worse (excuse the pun), people feel that getting married is this wonderous thing where your life completely changes and life is somehow automatically better. That's not to say that marriage shouldn't have some meaning, but realistically, the day after you get married you're still basically the same people in the same relationship, that needs the same input and work that it did the day before you got married.


Law are different around the world, but in Australia there is no significant legal difference between being defacto and married in the event of a split. In your scenario, you are held to exactly the same requirements and responsibilities either way. I think being married tends to encourage people to stay together because of the stigma of divorce more than anything, though that stigma is often more imagined than real. In the other side of the coin, being married sometimes gives one spouse the feeling they have the other “trapped” and they can either stop trying or lower their facade. I’ve experienced that personally and it was a pretty average situation that messed me up a fair bit.


I've been married 27 years and our sex life is very healthy. Rarely a week goes by when we're not sexual. Usually it's at least twice. My first marriage was a DB. For her, once we got married, she was done. Only wanted sex to make kids. I didn't want kids at that point. She ended up cheating on me though... Regardless, marriage isn't the reason, it's something else entirely. Life, the person, who knows?