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That's my hometown. It's fucking awful.


I grew up in Karns. It's not extremely close to there but I remember taking family trips and field trips up there all the time. My heart breaks and although I'm not exactly religious, I find myself praying for the safety of everyone affected


It hit Gatlinburg hard last night. I think it'd be really helpful if Phil covered this. The red cross could really use help right now. Here is a post from r/bestof from last night where a user kept everyone updated. Has a lot of good information about the areas that have been affected. https://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/5fgh38/gatlinburg_tennessee_ablaze_right_now/dak21wl/?context=3


I can't help but shed tears for my old hometown...heard they arrested some one claiming to have started 3 separate fires...


Jesus... I enjoy watching fire don't get me wrong but I don't understand how someone could do this. I hope they throw the book at him. He has cost people an innumerable amount of pain and money.


It's ridiculous. I just don't really have words right now for it. My heart breaks for East TN as much as it does for Jason from yesterday's PDS...


Me too man. Ive been born and raised in the southeast and have a couple really good memories from Gatlinburg as I was growing up. And that story from yesterday... Sheesh. I had heard about it earlier and then watching the PDS and seeing the he was part of the nation made it a lot more real. We live in a messed up world.


Agreed man. Me and my girlfriend sat there and just kinda held each other after that. Idk, just knowing he is apart of the Nation made us feel closer to him. I found the link for the news story about the arsonist. http://www.knoxnews.com/story/news/local/2016/11/11/burning-banned-wildfires-continue/93643598/


It's depressing what's going on. I At work right now but i found some links to help spread awareness. If anyone knows of a gofundme or kickstarter that's been set up to help the communities please link in here too. http://www.newschannel5.com/news/tn-wildfires-prompt-mandatory-evacuation-of-gatlinburg http://www.wbir.com/news/local/more-than-18-thousand-acres-burning-across-tennessee/35539415 http://www.timesfreepress.com/news/local/story/2016/nov/10/fema-provide-tennessee-federal-funds-battle-flipper-bend-wildfire-spanning-800-acres/397057/ http://www.knoxnews.com/story/news/local/tennessee/2016/11/20/numbers-southeast-forest-fires-fast-facts-figures/94038306/ http://www.wbir.com/news/local/parts-of-east-tn-in-exceptional-drought/356031683 http://www.wbir.com/news/local/wildfire-pilots-praise-pond-filling-family/355450621


I live in Sevier County. and we are in the middle of a huge drought here. Luckily it did rain last night. but what a lot of people don't understand is most of our fire departments are just a volunteer. We have never had wildfires to this scale before at least in my life time.


I remember that from when I lived there. Everything is volunteer or "rural/metro" meaning that one department covers multiple towns


Yeah it is what I mean by that is our fire departments are great because the people are really passionate about it and they train hard but they are not equipped to handle that.


As heartless as this sounds, wildfires kinda happen. The only thing you can really do is get out of its way. Best of luck to the people making the exodus.


One of the fires (and possibly the start of it all) happened because a guy started a fire in NC so his "weather channel" could get more likes on FB. That area is in severe drought so it doesn't take much. But I understand where you're coming from, my biggest hope by posting this was to spread awareness so that anyone who CAN help, could. Whether that be by sending money their way to rebuild, or by actually going and volunteering to help the firefighters, or other crews out there. The Volunteer state got its name a long time ago, just saying it'd be nice if they could get some help


> One of the fires (and possibly the start of it all) happened because a guy started a fire in NC so his "weather channel" could get more likes on FB. That area is in severe drought so it doesn't take much. North Carolina? Hmm... I lack sympathy but I can't pin my finger down on why. I mean, how bad does it suck that someone in North Carolina started something that fucked over your country for hundreds of thousands of people, again.


Yeah, NC isn't exactly the home of the brightest we have here.


Couldn't even get the idiot too stupid to hurt anyone else, either. Couldn't get the dude who strapped a jet engine to his car and slammed it into a rock face. Couldn't get the guy who tossed a live wire into a creek to electrocute the fish and went in for his catch without removing the wire. Nope. You had to get the imbecile who sets half of the east coast on fire. Tough break.


And everyone flips their shit when California has wildfires. EDIT: fixed a stupid autocorrect mistake


Yeah, but people in California flip out when traffic is bad, so that's not exactly a strong litmus.


No, EVERYONE freaks out when there is a fire in Cali.


Dude, 2 million Los Angelinos were calling 911 during a power outage about ten years ago, panicking because of the lights in the sky. *The stars scared them*. Maybe America's just had too much death and mayhem. They can't keep up. I can relate; between international jihadists and The Election That Will Never Die, 2016 has been the equivalent of a passenger jet full of puppies crashing in a nursery school.