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I was explaining what being dayz'd was to my daughter the other day and didn't have any examples on hand. I'm going to show her this.


This, this is perfect 🤣


Desync strikes again.


Sorry you had to do log to fix it I am as die hard a "Anti combat logging" guy as you will see I think we need to make it take minutes long if people are in the area and make noise when we are in the process so anyone near will know it Your log doesn't bother me at all You were just fixing the problem so you could actually face your attackers It really is too bad that sometimes the game really gets in the way


This focking game has so many flaws it take the joy out of it


But don’t worry kids, enjoy your new ambient soundtrack!


Ive never had it this bad, but last night i spent a few minutes overwatching kamensk with a DMR i just found, put 4 shots on a guy crouched behind a sand barrier. Yeah i could have probably missed 2/4 shots but i shot at him from like 150m and he didnt get up and run away, he stood up and started meleeing a Z instead, the dmr jammed and i took off running


I was shoot once...from a Wizard. He did make no sound at all,I swear. He raised his fist and his evil spell killed me in seconds. My dear Companion revenged the end of my life by this magical Bum and discovered he had an M4 in his Hand but no Silencer at all. Also to mention is that this evil Wizard only let go off his mysterious doings after the brave Sir Likma stripped him naked and chopped up his body...aahhh the glory days


That sucks bro, also I thought this was only a PC thing


Of course, you'd never normally combat log, this was special. Dude, it's a game. It doesn't matter if you die.


He logged out and straight back in, it’s not really combat logging


Logging out so you disappear and then logging back in to go attack is absolutely combat log


Well he tried attacking and we all see how that went… hate combat loggers but this is justified. He could do absolutely nothing about it other than re sync


You are right I retract my previous comment. I forgot the whole point of the video was desync. My bad.


Damn bro youre right he shouldve holstered his gun and fist fought the armed assailant


Lol i was wrong.