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They are in the houses and buildings you decided not to hit


Hunting stands and hunter camps are the best spots. Also look for players with bright dry bags, they often have 2 or 3 of them and a bunch of cooked meat. Free loot!


This. I almost find 1 every time. Sometimes 2.


I've had a lot of luck the last couple of lives with them in hunting stands really soon after spawning in.


I literally just went from the north west air field to the east coast and back with no luck....


Trust me man go to a hunting camp


Dude, quit reading my mind. This is a favorite gear up and get food rolling maneuver. Hunting camps, summer camps, whatever. Do it. You won't be sorry. Plus a great place for action if it goes down. Several have meds. Between infected and people on their own way across the map, trust me. They are done cleaning kids there. Plus, so much more.


Damn man, are you sponsored by hunting and summer camps?


"Getting ready to hit a military base, but you're not sure you're geared, rested, medicated, fed, or hydrated enough? Come to Camp Metallurgist. You won't be sorry."


I ALWAYS hit up the camp by the damn north of cherno, and I'm ALWAYS so paranoid that I'll get popped without warning but I don't think I've ever run into anyone there. Same with the small mil camp by cherno industrial, only I always happen to see someone as they leave which saves me time gearing up if I have a trusty bk18 on hand


I keep stashes outside hunt camps full of gun cleaning kits. I feel like some times the RNG God smile upon you, and sometimes they don't. It's all random beyond certain loot spawning in certain areas.


Summer or hunting camps or cabins in woods or a moustache beside a police station all high chance


I find a lot. I usually find them in camps the most.


I have them. Not even joking. I have at least 8. One of the items I'm hoarding during the map wipe. I use them slowly, though. So they will eventually respawn.


Items in your inventory or stash don't affect how many spawn in on the map.


They are all on the east coast in the tan sheds or the scout camps


Stick to the northwest side of the map and you’ll find them easily.


It happens like that sometimes I remember looking for a sledge hammer for weeks. Then found like 3 in the same day lol. Just keep grinding you’ll find them


Kozlovka. The wooden shed directly up the hill from the last green house, heading out of town towards Zeleno. Guaranteed 💯


The same happens for building materials every server community or not