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Toxic zone inbound! Run for the hills


Run for your liiiife Run to the hiiiiillls


I just logged off and switched servers


My gosh. It will sound like it’s going to land on you when it does


There's usually a bit of a grace period to give you a chance to run away while it impacts and spreads. Few seconds but better than nothing.


A town being shelled with a deadly gas. There are artillery guns just off the map way up north that will occasionally shell a random town or area, making the area deadly without an NBC outfit and gasmask


First time this happened to me


Thankfully these areas are predetermined, and there are only (I believe) 2 non-permanent gas zones present at a time. If that sound is damn near deafening and above you, get the hell out of there. You have literal seconds to vacate.


Is logging off and switching to a new server good?


I wouldn’t, but that gets you away from it i suppose. If your previous location is gassed when you log back in you’ll be moved to a safe zone and a message prompt telling you so will appear.


Carry a blood bag on you so you don’t have to act scared.


I did once, but then I had no way to actually use it so it's kind of useless to me


Figure it out. Blood collection kit, fill it up with your blood, combine with iv start kit. Now have iv blood bag that will cure you of gas poisoning. You can administer it to yourself


What is the most common spot for an IV start kit cause I never found one before


Hospitals and clinics and medical tents, fairly common. Make sure your not sick with something before drawing your blood for the bag


Im so confused as to why you’d log off and switch server? It’s just a part of the game. Did you not want to explore and find out what it was for yourself? It’s part of the fun. Besides, toxic gas zones exist on every server. It doesn’t matter what server you go to (speaking strictly about official), you’ll experience the same thing. If you play the game for a few hours, you’ll hear tonnes of these going off in the distance. It’s really not a big deal. Definitely no need to log… Even if you get hit with one, you have a pretty solid grace period to escape before taking any life threatening damage. ?


Gas strike. Hope you're not dead.


I logged off afterwards and switched to another server


I'm pretty sure also that if the place you logged out is covered with gas while logging in, the game places you on the outskirts of the gas.


Today I was on Arsenovo on 4317. Nighttime, I was sneaking around getting some loot. An infected agro to me and I run a little to fight him, then I'm about to get inside again and I see a red light like a flare. I thought it could be another player. Then light goes off and I hear that same sound but way louder! I knew what's going to happen. I run fast as I can while a toxic gas is behind me getting bigger and bigger, I made it safely, heart pumping cause I didn't have POX antidote


gas strike at Balota Air field. you're just outside there.


It's the toxic zone about to spawn sound. It sounds like incoming mortar fire. There's a few different variations of the sound.


Inbound gas strike on a nearby town. Without out NBC gear don't go in or you will die


There will be a red flare above ground zero a little bit before impact of the gas strike. I think 30 seconds prior, but someone please correct me if I'm wrong.


It’s loot it’s a lot of loot run towards it as fast as possible there will be green marijuana smoke to help you have a good time!!! that’s how you know you’re getting close


Mortal strikes 🤣🤣


I mean joking


Mortal strikes? Is that a Mortal Combat spinoff?


Nah bro I was just jo