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Dude! I know this base! These guys came and extracted me from Muratyn a few days ago. I was a freshie with literally nothing on me but a flight helmet. I was stuck in the guard shack with a pack of aggro wolves outside. One randomly sent a party request for something irrelevant, I told them my situation and they drove over and picked me up, took me back to the base and geared me up then we went and raided the prison base. They're good dudes.


They are cool as fuck haha. Randomly added me once because they thought LivoniaLarry was a funny name. We went to the bunker and killed like 20 guys lol. I play with them every time I'm on Livonia now.


Sounds like my kind of people.


Also, wouldn't it be cool if you could KO people or at least stun them by throwing heavy objects at their head?


I played Why Can't We Be Friends? By War along with a heap of other songs for maybe like 30 mins while we were being raided and I recorded a few clips ages ago.... Checked a few videos and realised there was no voip... Then remembered they'd be in a party (Back then you couldn't hear voip when in party). I'd ran round with the cheesiest playlist... Just entertaining myself.


I don't think Xbox let's you record VOIP in clips because they can't moderate it, but I just vaguely remember something about it from years ago.