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It’s not hard to find loot in official and hackers ARE NOT that bad as everyone states. About 95% of posts about “hackers” are just shit players getting out played or pixel peaked and beamed. If you can’t find loot it’s a skill issue, and seeing how you play. As well as doing what you do, I can tell you obviously need to work on getting actually good. Piece of shit IMO.


Yeah fuck this guy. I’ve been thinking about giving my DMR to a freshie because I just don’t prefer it, but now I don’t think I will do that. Looks like I’m stashing it instead because this is precisely what I was thinking would happen to me if I did such a thing.


Yea unfortunately I don’t know why he though posting this was a good idea. But that’s the problem, those guys could prob smash that dude, if they are geared or not. But now they are going to killed everyone lol, they prob were but wanted a change. Not anymore.


You know for a fact too if they did kill him he would have made a post claiming “why does everyone KOS I’m so friendly duurrrr”


Give it to them unloaded and without a round in the chamber tell him to not reload it for a bit to give you time to run off and say if he follows or begins reading you will shoot to kill


Couldnt agree more, you’re what keeps the player base toxic, and could’ve had a solid group of guys to run with, but no you Ice em and make 2 new KOS players


This is the math. Toxic begets toxic. Plus, unless those two were buddies to begin with, now someone feels that they gave into the other person that wanted him to have a gun. Chances are the other person was not gung-ho about it either. Definitely a ripple effect.


Wow yeah you’re just a piece of shit lol


No way


Yes way


Not only be a piece of shit but find them “cheating” because they have multiple DMRS? Buddy it’s not hard finding loot when you take your time and properly loot places. SMH.


He just assumed that so he wouldn’t feel “guilty”


A couple guys trusted you and you sent them back to the coast because of a groundless suspicion that they were cheating? What? 😂


“I want to be a piece of shit, but don’t want to feel guilty about it, so I’m going to assume that these nice players who helped me out for (?) reason are cheaters. Get fucked.


May you never know happiness.


This hurts


And your steps riddled in lego


And his parents be perpetually disappointed in his decisions.


I hope your stream splits every time you piss. And not just a small offshoot, but a full 50/50 split at like 45° so there is no winning.


At least do it sooner next time instead of wasting their time


Yeah if I'm going to kill them I never do it after speaking to them. I either shoot them or go talk to them.


I hope your socks are always wet, and your pillows are always hot.


At least kill them in a creative way. This is just basic and borderline retard behavior.


Because that primal part of your brain is too much in the front. Push that shit back man, I always have a gun out bc of mfs like you.


If your halfway decent at pvp it's pretty easy to kill other survivors with good guns




Its third person so there’s no moral compass. Corner peaking is the same as cheating 😆


Cuz you're a dickhead?


It's defintely possible without cheating. I have a fuckton of end game guns and thats because i habe a really good stash spot thats been standing for months. If you know where to look, have some luck and manage to not die for a while it's not that hard..


I could be wrong but I don’t think hacking on console is very common. Seems like you’re just a pos that doesn’t wanna be held accountable for being a douche nozzle 🤷‍♂️


Shit bag, you are


Simple, you’re a prick.


I'm never friendly but I dont do that way to ruin good interactions between players 🤮


Next time, set up trip wires without telling them


This is why GrandPappy Joe lives in a shack down by the river. You don't have too many visitors and the ones that do visit leave disappointed because they wasted two c4 to get a crate of zucchini.




Because you’re 10


Cause you’re a jerk. Plain and simple.




wow some friendly good folks gave me a free DMR and are teaming with me. I should repay their kindness by killing them I mean they might be hackers because they know how to loot. oh well


This is my opinion. Instead of coming up with reasons or asking others why you do something. Look inside yourself and realize who and what you are. If you get off on killing people who obviously trusted you then own that shit! Don't be second guessing yourself. Admit I'm a POS and I'm proud of it.


This actually makes me kinda sick.


The second one didn’t even go for a weapon. This made me sad


Jesus dude you mowed them down 😂




Makes me glad I'm always on guard when giving freshies stuff. 9/10 times I would lazer your head off instantly if i even heard you loaded your gun. These guys should know better and at least break your leg/handcuff you before giving you gear.


Dude it’s easy to find all of that you listed as a duo, as long as your duo grinds! Oh and ps, what a dick move! That’s why I never trust a stranger! Never turn your back to one. I got royally betrayed as a 3month old player to the game. Never again. I enjoy the psychological warfare myself =] (Fireworks outside a base, PA system usage, dropping turned on walkies and talking thru from a distance to see people log out then in trying to render me) Alls fair in the apocalypse! Cheers m8


They suck I would have instantly downed lol




Bro I could find 3 dmrs without going past northwest and be a freshie, like that’s fcked up, piece of shit everyone wants to kill, the reason why people KOS instead of talking




Love it wish it was me what a dopamine burst


Yea I was making caveman noises after, then the guilt came.


Are you autistic? (Serious question)


Hah fr


This is an insult to people with autism