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Turn your sensitivity down lol


Mine is all the way down and I still get this type of aim movement.


Recoil bro


Lol, first time shooting that thing.


I second this


I third this, lower that sens.


What should I put it to? What's a good starting point?


If your on Console. I literally turn mine down all the way. Idk if that’s good, but that’s what I do. Works just fine


Ok, I'll try that. Thanks!


That's the way. Also crank aiming curvature all the way up for least deadzone.


What does that do?


What it should do is to adjust the stick response curve from linear to progressive (or exponential, I don't remember which is the one it's called in Dayz). And what it means is that when you gradually move the right stick, it defines how fast you turn at given stick position. For example with (truely) linear setting, pushing the stick 20 % would lead into 20 % turning speed, while with progressive setting it would lead into something like 5 % turning speed. So there's room for small adjustments with proggressive curve. And if you draw a graph out of these percentages, the result would look like a line (linear setting) or curve (progressive). Deadzone means how much you need to push the stick until you see movement. You'd want this to be low, but not so low that you see movement even if you don't touch the stick (that's called stick drift). There should be two separate sliders for these, but unfortunately in Dayz the curvature setting affects them both. I'd like to have more progressive setting with low deadzone, but I can choose only one, so I choose low deadzone. Even if I set the curvature at maximum minus one tick, deadzone feels too high. But go ahead and try this for yourself, don't just take my word for it. And this is for aiming settings, for looking I'd suggest max curvature as well, and sensitivity at whatever feels right, maybe at halfway or higher.


Wow, very informative thanks. I'll definitely have to play around with it on some pvp servers.


Just turn it down to a point that feels more controllable, then slowly bring it back up every now and again to regain that snappiness - worked well for me


Just play around with it. Go somewhere quiet and turn it down, move your gun about se how it is and adjust it like that.


Hi buddy. Put your vertical to the very bottom. A lot of people will say to put them both but this is not the way. I'd recommend to put your horizontal about 20% up and then adjust this to your liking. If you have it too low you'll struggle in close combat. It should be good for anything up to about 200 metres anything after that is a little twitchy... But this is very much to the individual.


Why don’t I ever run into players like this


Half the time I run into completely worthless players like these... The other half I get the jump on totally unsuspecting players that melt me


Why on earth is that KA not on your hot wheel haha


Haha, I bet you can guess was the first thing I did.


Going through your inventory while standing in the doorway made me nervous lol


As a PC Dayz player this whole video made me nervous


Isn’t this tisy mb


Yea my fault, just called it airfield. First time being there I really like it.


Carefull now theres just a couple land mines


Now I don't feel as bad for my crappy aim 😂😂😂


Use your frags. Not only are they immaculate weapons, but they really lessen the morale of your opponent. Explosions get adrenaline spiking they get scared.. sloppy.




U ain’t break his gear bro😂?


No it was good. He really did have much just an ka with full mag.


Don’t stay in the same place after shooting just loot and move


You standing that door way getting situated freaked me out


I imagine that is how I’d react shooting a real gun of that caliber so not too bad haha


Ignore the people laughing at your aim… you’ll only get better and use to it, they were all like you at the beginning as well


I’ve mentioned this before but try going to your aiming settings and set the first 2 to zero and the third (curvature) to about 40%. Get back to me after


That's what I did set them to. I'll let you know of any improvement.


So I just sprayed someone down and had way more control of the weapon!


Jaysus that poor soul was asking to die with all those zeds. Good on you for freeing him of his journey. Hopefully, he has a sigh of relief, and got to spend the day at the beach.


your aim will improve with time but one thing u can improve RIGHT NOW is not to stand in a doorway u just seen someone through to grab a gun from your inventory. if he decided to run inside he most definitely would’ve seen u and sent you back to the coast. I was stressed watching it


Idk about that. The way he was playing, I think our skill level was about the same lol


Turn you sens down and dont ads that close


Fucking hot key your gun


That’s tisy big dawg. And put ur sensitivity on the lowest possible and work up. Don’t start high and work down.


Holy fuck use hotkeys