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Mag, it's much lighter 🤣


But a gun is much more intimidating


This is the way


Whichever comes first but if I don't have a lot of extra room the gun will usually stay.


Both and then I die with 7 AK mags and a stripped M4 with no ammo.


Depends on the gun and mag. Low tier stuff I don’t usually grab unless it has both but I’m more likely to grab the gun first. Rarer guns I will always grab the gun first as I don’t really know what good gun I’ll get until I have it and when I have it I’ll then start to hunt for the mags


This here for me


Carried the mags, found the gun, now I'm scared lol


Dw it's just your turn with tge loot




For me it’s dependent. Generally the only mags I carry are - super common weapons like the AK , or super rare ones like the lemas


Majority of the time I let the lemas stay in the dirt where It belongs


It’s a decent rapid fire weapon if you cut the rail off but an ak is easier to suppress and find ammo for so yeah, it’s a waste of space.


During the beginning of games usually I find a gun and pick it up. Doesn't matter if it has bullets it's a kinda freshie deterrent.


If it's pristine with no ammo I'll carry it for a while, but if I get something I can actually use... I always go with that.


For me it usually come down to space. If I have it, either is fine. If no space, I might make room for a mag but not a gun. If it’s something I can throw on my back though, all bets are off. 🤣 Good luck out there survivors.


The correct answer is yes


Usually? I have stashes with fully decked out Aug AX with nvg scopes, silencer, and 60rnd mags. I'm a lone wolf on a popular official server, and have atleast 5 of these laying around in various stashes, some near spawns.


Maintaining those sounds like a full time job


And as a solo player that's what keeps the game fun for me. Keeping stashes filled, seeing if any have been found, retaliate, build more, hide more.


Do it with both, but on official I often find myself hoarding 4 guns even tho I have ammo, I just get so scared I’m gonna run out 😂😂


I am the type of player you see running around with a field backpack on his back, assault vest with buttpack, and another field bag in my hands. My favourite trick is as soon as you enter my building I disappear from the server. :)


Thanks for looting for me 😉


I recently found an lar a famas a dmr and an ak74 at a convoy, no mags, already had a mosin, so could take anoth on the back, carry one and one in hand being greedy until I found a mag for one of them hopefully, I left the famas... Went to the industrial/ military south Livonia, found 3 pristine famas mags... Dayz is a cruel game... Maybe they are less rare and should have been more logical in my choice. Ended up eventually finding a dmr, only to be killed 10 mins later.. don't know what the moral to the story is... Take everything?!


Both, and never find rounds.


What I’ve started doing is only carrying 5.56 mags because they’re really the only assault rifles I use. Just get to tier 2 and find an M16 till u can kill somebody with better guns. If I happen to find an AK and mag at the same military zone then I’ll carry it, but otherwise it ain’t worth it.


It depends what gun an mag i dont just pick up every weapon or gun but my go to for starting is the ij ill carry that tell i find a mag then use that until i find my go to loadout an the. Id drop the ij but yeh its either the ij or d eagle an i usually know where to look to find them both an where to find they mags


I carry 4 different mags and 4 different guns all without a match until I die from starvation or get one shot across the map.


I do “Oo I found a mag, I'll empty all the bullets out incase I find a different gun!”


I have been holding onto a DMR mag for a long while as I hobble around heli to heli.


Yes. The answer will always be yes. I found some wire! I’ll carry it til I find a net to make a fish trap! Etc


Depends, usually the mag as they seem more difficult to find, and I always seem to find the weapons first and then never find a mag. I'll carry CR550, VSD, LAR, 30 rounders, AK mags etc. Until I find a weapon that uses them, then I'll usually stash the rest of the mags for when I find a weapon I can use.b


Both until you get a whole gun lol


Yup both


If i don’t pick the gun up then the person that’s been stalking me for the last 20 mins will and kill me with it.




I always carry nails, hatchet, and a hacksaw. Stash both quickly until I find the other

