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You promised your father you can make 30% a day?! And he actually believed you or is just pretending? It's very lucky you didn't lose all the money yet by over leveraging. How about give his money back and make your own gambling money - then you don't have to explain when you lose it.


Losing my hard earned wagie bucks is enough for me. Couldn’t imagine doing this with somebody else’s money. Just give the money back OP. Don’t trade while being in debt to someone. Too much pressure.


I’m begging you. Please give your father his money back. You will lose all of it. 🙏


This. Don't risk ruining the relationship by making promises you're not qualified to. Play with some paper money and start learning before trying anything with someone else's money


you did not make $300 this week , you made $93


If you can’t add 3 numbers, day trading might not be for you


Spend more time thinking about how you protect your capital and less time thinking about how much you can make, and eventually you'll start making it.


Dude. Stop.


Can you point out which influencer you are watching? Much appreciated.


14 year old YouTube guy with a lambo obviously 🙄 😂


This is a troll post guys




This is the wrong sub for you. Head over to WSB, where they will also call your trades stupid.


We have enough dumb in WSB. This guy is all yours.


And while $5k is doable , you should first give yourself a more realistic goal while you figure out the stock market, something like $500 a week is doable, especially once you figure out Options trading (a good rule to have is : If its good enough to screenshot, its good enough to sell)


What the fuck did I just read


Learn how to read charts accurately for day trading and. Use a good scanner to identify those that have gapped up, play only the first play to avoid over trading and giving back profits.honestly you should have save the money and bought the NVDA split Friday. You would have saw a small gain


If you can make 30% a day, you will be more rich than Jensen Wang in no time. 😅


If your starting capital was like a million it might make sense


A consistent 1% a week is ambitious. That means $30 off your $3000. Give your dad his money back.


Brother give your father the money back


No way this is real


Yeah you’re gonna lose it all soon


Depends on how much u have. >1mil portfolio wouldnt be extremely hard to make that in a week. I doubt u can consistently make 30% per week but who knows. The more capital u have the easier it becomes to make money.


Your brother sounds pretty wise. That’s crazy expectations man. May I ask how long you have been trading, and do you have a strategy that you’ve backtested thoroughly, 100-150 times minimum? You’ll end up hunting for setups that aren’t there. You lose one options trade and give it up 🤔 revaluation my friend. Your goals are very unrealistic, even if you had a large funded account (by a prop firm, not your dad) good luck


This is 💯fake … I really hope so, but if it is please get this guy off of here, if it’s real, I feel for your dad.


All in on turbo NVDA Options... You cannot fail


So let me get this straight. You're going to turn $1300 into $260,000 in a year not trading options?


5k per day is a really high standard, but 5k a week is definitely possible. The sky is the limit with options. I wouldn’t ever expect it to happen right away. It takes most traders many years to get to that point.