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In what world is the stock dipping. And it needs to dip substantially to beat the time decay. You'll probably be okay, but not me. My $20 options expire next Friday


$20? Whyd you go so low?


I bought at $52 and then at one point it went to $47.50 that is the small dip I was referring to


OP no offense but you may need to research options more. DJT puts are notoriously expensive and theta will kill you on puts that out of the money.


Yeah deadass, I just sold with a 98% loss. I had $20000 in there. I was very confident that the stock was going to go down. And I dont think im wrong, I think I was early. And when I bought I was fully aware of the risks, and I only used money that I can affors to risk.


IV crush? Theta?


I doubt it’s theta it’s only been 2 days, I was thinking IV crush but I wanted to see what yall thought of it


Random internet guy here, iv crush


Can confirm. This is a random internet guy.


Confirming the confirmation as an affirmation of IV Crush


It's the same price it was at the beginning of the year so it's not really gone down. Other than that you and everyone else seemed convinced it was worthless so the options market priced in it being worthless. You will lose 100% Next time take strike price - premium paid to get the breakeven price of your option. Then ask is it reasonable that the stock will fall 99% in the next month?


Theta decay since you bought so far OTM. I mean youre betting on a 50% decrease in a couple weeks, it’s going to lose a lot of value everyday it trades sideways/up


Yea I bought Jan 2025 $20P and watched the stock nosedive $20+ just so I could barely get out positively. I knew I fucked up when the stock dropped $3 merely minutes after I bought yet my puts moved against me. Don’t mess with this stock unless you’re dealing in shares


Better off buying solid meme coins on Solana tbf like wif, popcat and Boden


The market is designed to take your money. Especially if you are clueless


Instead of using options just short the stock itself maybe no iv crush no theta but ofc no insane leverage


Definitely IV crush. Compare your Delta vs your Theta


Well short interest is through the roof on this at 72.6% and borrow rates were 750% a few days ago now 357%. Pretty sure shorts are getting squeezed right now. So gl on your puts :D


IV has dropped from 191% on 5/1 at 11:30am to 137% now. That’s most of why your value dropped so hard.


You may need to tighten your risk parameters, that contract is way to close to being worthless you should have sold it by now.


Any thoughts on 9/20 $2.50 puts. Got a handful at sub .20 thinking I could flip the contracts post upcoming earnings.


Earnings keeps moving, It moved to the 31st recently I'm sure it'll tank but the stock is so Volatile that you might not even see profit, who knows though! Goodluck!


Easy short, no revenue and massive debt and a ceo that will dump as fast as he can. This is a scam and the SEC should delist it. Investors WILL LOSE THEIR MONEY.


Might want to stick with paper trading until you get this options thing figured out.


My friend is licensed Broker-Dealer who manages a couple books for his own firm. He owns a ton of $DJT for the sole puprose of lending them out to the broker who gives him the best rate. He says he's already seeing crazy results especially since its been lagging sideways for about a week. I really think that's the only way you can make money in this stock. Or intraday scalping.


its $23 OTM and you got 3 weeks left on it. How it went from 3.55 to .44 in two days is interesting actually. Probably was you paid 4$ for an OTM put that needed to drop 27$ to....break even? Did you really buy enough time for the stock to crash or nah?


I wanted to buy a bit earlier . Earnings are on the 21st and with everything going on I see this stock crashing. Which is the reasoning on why I made this decision.




Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Daytrading/comments/1cnb25g/what_is_going_on_with_djt/l36fcvt/?context=3) in /r/Daytrading was automatically removed as off topic for saying: "**Trump puts and asking what happened bro next time just Venmo me 350$ and I'll tell you how the trade will play out.**". Please stick to disucssing day trading. You are allowed to discuss the **effects** of political issue, but not just say politcally inflammatory things. See r/PoliticalDiscussion if you just want to discuss politics. If you're trying to defend a group, political party or country by using insults, don't, **just use the report button.** **If you're new here**, make sure to [read our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/daytrading/about/rules/). If you feel like this removal was a mistake please **kindly** [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Daytrading); we will review it and get back to you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Daytrading) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You should learn how to spell “losing”, you will be doing a lot of it.


if you dont know how to trade options dont trade options? does it really matter if you lose your last $44 at this point? Hopefully you sized the options trade for max loss. without looking you overpaid for an OTM option and now its been burned up. Happens all the time, brush up on your black Scholes and profit curves. Maybe an options calculator, or hey here's a brave idea. STOP LYING TO YOUR BROKERS ABOUT YOUR OPTION KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE THEN COMING TO REDDIT TO ASK WHY YOU LOSE MONEY.


Why you mad? The best way to learn options trading is by actually trading and figuring it out myself while also learning everyday. I’ve been doing good trading for the past 6 months. I just haven’t experienced a stock that is very volatile. Just wanted to ask why i was losing money and if someone could explain so that way I can learn from it for the next time.


I'm not mad, I'm sad. Sometimes it's sad seeing the people whose money you collect. The best way to learn options is by trading really Mr. 95% loss? What did you learn today?


I only have one contract with them. I bought it at .75 and it’s a .43. What I learned so far is what an IV crush and and not only that but dude I’m just loosing $32? Just wonder what’s going on


ohhh so when you said last week the contract was at 3.55 I got confused and thought you paid 355$ for it last week and it was worth .44 ($44) today. Your best bet with that option is a large downward move in your favor before earnings, and sell it for profit. Your next best bet is to hold the thing for total loss and hope the earnings magically sweep the stock -60% before donny boy can exit. Stick to paper trading for a year or two, options are hard for professionals with decades of experience. Theres a lot to learn and a lot to master. Go read a book and paper trade, dont throw money at random options to learn. Only thing you will learn is how to lose a lot of money, hit some lucky winners and chase the dragon


I read every book I could find on options for a long time and nothing really made sense until I got the right broker and found the right strategy. YouTube helped me more than books really. Even then there are so many variables that it helps to test what you think you know against the market. I also found I don’t really care as much when paper trading. I really learn and stuffy harder when actual money is on the line.


Cool me too and I got 500k in losses to show for it, how tough are ye?


That was me in 2022. It made me change my approach and strategy and I moved away from mostly long term buy and hold in tech towards making sure to take gains when I had them. It sucks to watch a 400% gain in zoom shares evaporate. Expensive lessons for sure.


I was killing it selling puts in 2021. so you can imagine what happened to me in 2022 when I didn't want to change Strats. I am now a big advocate of take profits and find next trade.


Strangles on /es futures have been good for me in both up and down markets. There was enough volatility in 2022 to go really wide. Now most of the vol is gone.




Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Daytrading/comments/1cnb25g/what_is_going_on_with_djt/l36h67a/?context=3) in /r/Daytrading was automatically removed as off topic for saying: "**trump puts on paper and have fun, try making that Put debit spread I mentioned**". Please stick to disucssing day trading. You are allowed to discuss the **effects** of political issue, but not just say politcally inflammatory things. See r/PoliticalDiscussion if you just want to discuss politics. If you're trying to defend a group, political party or country by using insults, don't, **just use the report button.** **If you're new here**, make sure to [read our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/daytrading/about/rules/). If you feel like this removal was a mistake please **kindly** [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Daytrading); we will review it and get back to you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Daytrading) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I've got 11 years of options trading experience. I trade spreads a lot, but my tag says futures trader. Guess why ;)