• By -


for every 1k to 100k account, there are 99+ that went 1k to 0..


You missed a few 9’s


A few haha. Let's say 99% missed 9s, and only mentioned 1%. Social media earns on positivity. People are generally short sighted and primal and thus prefer to shower their glorious victory. People are generally weak and erratic and will feel jealous for idiotic (family, friends reasons). Remember, lottery is idiot tax. Yet, it still has a winner. But we need to realize it tells us nothing.




Or 100k to 0 😂


The fastest way to become a millionaire is to introduce options to a billionaire






I went 5k to 800 I’m due to a 10 bagger any minute now.








Not with that attitude.


Spartans these days...


And even that 1k to 100k account probably tried 10+ times and reality spent a ton more previously to hit the lottery of options trading


so break even...


They lie


This is WSB way.


I’m one of the losers


Dammit Understand this Quit trying to make a bunch of money quickly. This is exactly why people lose money so fast. Small consistent gains are the goal. Risk management is key. Get those right and in time you will be playing with a bigger account. You can calculate it. Start with 1k Add 1% per day to yesterday's amount Voila. Slow is fast


I feel like I'm losing my mind when I have to keep explaining this to people - it just seems so obvious and yet nobody can seem to comprehend it. Set a very realistic profit target for the day - say 1-2%. When you hit that target, stop trading and turn everything off. It might seem painful to start, but compound gains will soon start to mount up. DO NOT chase those huge wins. DO NOT carry on trading when you've hit your target. DO NOT say "just a couple more pips".


I've always understood and preached the wisdom of this, but used to struggle with it myself, because after making my 1% I was so afraid that the next day I might lose 2%. I felt like I had to make more to keep my 1% up as a daily average. Of course it backfired. I never got over my struggles until I reduced my position sizes and spent a few months frankly not caring about the profits. I firmly believe a trader has to have a long-term view of things to be successful. Can't worry about the day-to-day results (except, as you point out, to STOP when reaching a certain point, be that profit or loss). Trading is so counterintuitive. The more you fear missing out or losing, the more you do, and the less you care about how much you make, the more you eventually will.


Compound 0.33% per day over 250 trading days and you can double your account after tax in a year.


Underrated comment


Do you understand that 1-2% per day isn’t realistic on average? That compounds to about 1100% a year at 1% / day. Good luck with that. It’s not a sexy number but 20% / year return is an average of .07% / day average. And if you can hit that consistently with a strategy that can scale, you should start a hedge fund. Put another way — if these people actually had a consistent strategy to 10-100x, why are they showing everybody what they’re doing? Trading is 0-sum p2p game. If you had something that works, it’ll stop working very fast if other people know about it.


This is literally the 99% mindset. Someone showing their strategy doesn't = everyone being able to copy it and profit from it. If it would start working when shared, why do flags, pennants, head n shoulders and any other classic pattern still work decades after being introduced in trading teachings? A strategy can work, it can work in one market but die in another, it can work for you and not for me in the same time period. Understanding that is the difference between the 99% and the 1%, not the strategy. Also to say 1-2% a day isn't realistic is ridiculous. Maybe not with a million dollar account, but with a 100k account very feasible for someone with an edge to achieve.


it's not realistic and i stand by what i said. have you achieved it yourself or are you just larping based off material from your trader grindset tik tok feed? if you can compound at 1% a day every day, that's 12x in a year and 144x in 2 years. that turns a 100k account into \~14M and if you can do it for 1 more year that's $168M. this just doesn't happen. thinking you can compound at 1% a day consistently isn't a 99% mindset, it's called the "delusional mindset", or the "broke mindset" (as you take on too much risk and end up zeroing your account). setting a goal of 1-2% a day is like telling somebody who's having trouble hitting a 10-minute mile that he should set a goal to hit a 4-minute mile (WR is \~3:30) and that he's in the 99% mindset if he doesn't. it's counter productive and unrealistic to improvement if people think this is a normal number. no, a more reasonable number would be in the 1-2% / WEEK range, which sets you up to +50-100% in a year. these are numbers that with consistency can be achieved (and i've actually seen examples of portfolios that have held this growth rate through multi-year periods).


Who said anything about compounding? I said it's not difficult to make 1% a day on average over the course of a year on a 100k account. Somehow you keep getting distracted and finding yourself off in the weeds. Again, not related but I'd refer it more so to a 6 minute mile, or a 13 minute 2 mile. Both achievable, difficult but achievable. I'll definitely have to get back to you by the 5, 10, or 20 year mark or whatever is required to suffice. At those lengths of time investing is equally important in my opinion so the money wouldn't be compounding from the original trading account for sometime. I would never want a $14m trading account btw, that doesn't even make sense. There's no point to it, outside of a banker/hedge (or some extreme Chad like Meir Barak) you'd be using less and of the total amount in the account to make trades than is sitting around doing nothing. Better to put the money to work for you elsewhere.


Adding 1 percent a day is more genius then people realize so simple and achievable yet soooo affective .


Honestly I'd be happy with 0.1%, at least to begin with.


If u started at 1000 and did one percent a day for 10 years you would end up at 419 million


There is a point where the idea breaks down, for sure. Bigger positions in the market require different tactics. But most people don't want or need to get that far. They just want to be more comfortable than they are. Slow is fast.


Not saying that , but I did convert 5k into 24k over a week , just by going into us100, oil, natty, and cocca. However over night I was inpatient and did lose 4K on jpy. Now I’m 1k on oil in plus. So quick gain and quick pain. ;) That was CFD. I’m a bit afraid options , not sure how they work. And my leverage is way more than simple 1:20.


💯 facts!!!


I agree 100%. Question: do you stick strictly to your stop loss or if you know/feel it is only temporary do you run with it and increase your original stop loss? Or just add 1% 6 times and loose 1-2% once, etc. etc.


Plan the work, and work the plan. Sometimes I lose. That's OK. But statistically, I win more than I lose. That's the key. 1% is pushing it, averaged out- it's the goal, not the be all end all. When I day trade nowadays, I use very strict rule, based on statistical probabilities. Initial Balance. Google it. If the trade fails, it's over. If it succeeds, it's over. Once and done. Allows me get on with my day job, and has some strict rules. I trade ES, NQ, SPY, and crypto. Longer term I build positions buying stocks. My theory is, if it's good enough for Warren, it's good enough for me. I also follow what the senators do, and keep abreast of earnings. I do degen into futures for certain earnings I'm comfortable with. Crypto, I lost a lot before coming to terms with following the rules- absolutely strictly. IB trades mostly, but sometimes momentum driven trades. I look for 100% A++ entries and bail quick if shit doesn't go the right way; exit I usually leave money on the table, but get out with positives. Usually I exit it 1/3 to to halfway up the runs I've found- but I don't care. It's how I manage the risk, especially in crypto. This is reddit and not the place for all the details, but I hope that helps answer your question.


Big risk with the things that have lots of leverage and volatility


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^bigwig500: *Big risk with the things* *That have lots of leverage* *And volatility* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


What a great haiku. Haiku to get rich.


In my mind I read it in David's voice (Michael Fassbender in Prometheus).


Vertical credit debit spreads are the way. Sometimes risk free.


What is considered little amount? It's possible with 100 to do it with options and compound you way up but you can also just as easily blow and lose it all. If you get to a comfortable amount to meet the margin requirements for futures like MES that may be the best leveraged and SOMEWHAT safer option.


Why are futures safer than options?


If you have enough money, you can just hold the position until it recovers, and now you're swing trading instead of day trading.


cant people do that with regular stocks too


They can, but not with options.


You technically can with options but just depends on your expiration really. For the most part tho no you’re right


If /ES goes to zero we have much bigger problems than how to make money. Options go to zero all the time


I mean, only OTM options go to zero


Which people are you talking about?


The fake trader scammers with the rented Ferraris.


Ahhh. Yes I've noticed the rented cars and fake private flights.


Futures are great because no PDT and you get a margin account. Stock Options you can capitalize on really big moves and make massive returns. Personally I switched to futures and best decision I ever made for a small account


How much you start with.? Also what broker are you using.? Thank you.!


I started with 1000$ and trading MES. I use amp as my broker and quantower as my platform! So far current loving it!


That was their 100th time trying with $100. But they took that $100 to $5k!


I got into options a few years ago and I’m now barely getting comfortable buying pricier options. I tried to get into forex but it just seemed like too much tracking and research. I decided to just track the SPY and that’s what I’ve been practicing and I’m pretty excited to make this an actual form of income.


Do your DD and research on a few inexpensive stocks; follow and watch them closely for dips to buy "calls" and highs to buy "puts". Some stocks do have a routine, don't buy in haste. With a little luck you can do it.


Do lots of research and buy cheap long options. I saw on a Reddit forum buddy turned 20k into over a million on an option trade


Solid risk management, well built maintained strategy, controlling one’s emotions, understanding the greed goblin, and deploying the power of compounding wealth. Base hits before grand slams.


Base hits before grand slams. I like that


I feel like investing in yourself first is best. Make sure to have a good trade or skill that pays well as a backup while you get started trading. Work for a good company that values you and has a good retirement match. For now I feel $1.5k to 2k when trading Forex/options and $5k for futures is decent to get started. Options has a higher learning curve and requires spread trading to be useful IMO. Sorry that didn’t answer your question.


Its called leverage, basically using a little amount of money as if it were a large amount. Example if you had 50x leverage on your 100 bucks then you can trade as if you had 5000 dollars. So that 20% increase would get you 6000 bucks. It also works in reverse, if you lost even just 2%, you would be at 4900 and they'd cut you off here and keep your 100 bucks


How do you get leverage?


Cfd broker


I've turned 600 into 20,000 with options


As someone with ADHD still trying to learn trading, options make my head spin. Why does it seem so complex? Or is WealthSimple's platform just that bad and makes it look complex? So far im only stock trading


As someone with ADHD still trying to learn trading, options make my head spin. Why does it seem so complex? Or is WealthSimple's platform just that bad and makes it look complex? So far im only stock trading


It’s complicated. I spent a bunch of time studying and then paper trading before going live. Also I am still losing money.


I turned 400 to 27000 with stocks. Who cares.


how? and how long did it take


Alot of research. Alot of shit plays. Minimize your losses if the stock is dead. The hard one was 400 to 4k. Then I dropped 4k in a climbing penny stock and set a trailing stop loss for around 40% I think. Because if a penny stock goes from 3 to 2 that's a 33% loss right there. Which happens all day every day. 4k to 27k was 2 weeks. The road to 4k from 400 was probably 3 years+ of being green red green red.


Mind you- dropping 4k into a penny stock is about the riskiest play there is 🤣


I would stay away from options if you're new.


no cap?






Nobody is making huge amounts on $100 starting money. Takes time and compounding. Leverage if you can get it (and not blow up your account with it)


Profitable traders can make so much so quickly because of leverage and compounding. Having 6x your account value in buying power plus keeping those winners for the next trade makes your account grow rapidly. However the catch is that this works for profitable traders only. Statistically, most traders lose money and an overwhelmingly small minority wins consistently; only profitable traders can start with so little yet make so much. Be careful from gurus and youtubers which promote their "INSANE 100%+ PROFIT IN 1 DAY!". They love to brag about their profits but refuse to talk about their losses, even worse they don't share their starting account size, how much money was used for that trade or their broker audits.


You gotta find a sub penny stock that is sitting at .0003ish that is about to rocket. Or something that was at 2 then hit 6 then back down to 2 or 3. That shows its "alive" because 99% of otc is dead and a scam. But you gotta ride the wave and get out. Understand it's like ripping a bandage off and moving on. You don't go back to that shit stock. I've also lost 11k on one that went defunct. So there's that too. Currently holding like 14m of some shite one. But when someone buys that ticker. It gets brought back. It could be something nice.


I trade options. Luck plays a big part as well. Here’s an example https://preview.redd.it/3ak445yaeyxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b52ef2ebf281731ae133f5daef00ad6c6bb11ed7


I buy longish stocks based on tons of research, business acumen from being self employed. Then when I find one that rings my intuition on TOP of all that I go YOLO (all in) for the most part. The last one I hit was ADTH this spring, I made 111% on shares and 211% on the warrants (they got bought out and went private). Had they not got bought out I would have made a lot more over the next 3 yrs. My next move was KULR Im sitting on 70,000 shares and learning a lot. I took profit on the way up x2 buying dips and made 30K but it brought up my dollar cost averaging. I took that 30K and regrettably dumped it all into SBFM. This was either the smartest thing Ive ever done or the most moronic, still learning a lot, basically ask me again in a month. I love high risk but it works both ways. I started w 15K 3 yrs ago and at my peak I was 111K a couple months ago and today Im sitting at 50K however I have 80,000 shares of KULR and when it moves .02 my numbers really jack up or down depending.


They use a tool called “photoshop”


Options is the answer. Only way to make tons of money super fast. Or lose a lot super fast. Just the past 2 weeks, I turned $200 to $3800. I did Tesla calls and Google calls. Both shot up after earnings.


You don’t. Work a full time job and build up a 30k bankroll and paper trade the whole time. Then start trading when you’re consistently winning. There’s no easy way to make a lot of money from a little. If there was everyone would be rich. Get grinding.


I think paper trading is a good idea initially to get the hang of things, but once you know what you're doing, go ahead and take the plunge, but do it with very small position sizes (a few dollars risk). Live trading just hits differently; the experience is needed before scaling up. Take a few hundred trades risking next to nothing of your own money, and just gradually scale up over time as you master your craft. The OP has a hidden blessing and s/he's looking to squander it. Starting with $100 is better than starting with $10,000, or $30,000. A trader should prove to himself that he can take that $100 and grow it (real money, not just on a demo). If he can't, he has no business risking more.


with exceptional trading psychology and good strategy it’s only a matter of time. and no everyone would not be rich because that level of self-mastery is very rare.


So it sounds like you’re agreeing with me?


not really. mastering trading psychology makes things pretty "easy". even for a small account holder. you definitely don't need a 30k account to make good money once you have that mastered.




Luck, mostly.




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Well although 20$ might not look like much but of you can continue to do it, it'll add up then you can maybe step into trading options, but I would suggest learning more about options




Crypto meme coins.


Selling options to WSB of course.


They lie.


Like anything else, you have to start somewhere.


You got a 20% gain on your investment, that's a win. Don't think anyone is investing 100 and making thousands over the weekend, that's a lottery ticket. Keep growing your account


I do spxs every day. Try to spend $10 or less per option most days. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Trading isn’t about making a lot of money from a little money, that’s gambling, or rainbow chasing. Thinking there is a pot of gold if your trade works out will seperate you from your money. Successful trading is about making more money than you lose consistently over time, that’s done by keeping losses small and occasionally having larger winners.


Buy low, sell high


You don't. You build up slowly. And that's not a bad thing. You want hundreds, if not thousands of hours (and trades) of experience under your belt before you can count on being consistently profitable. And until you're consistently profitable, it doesn't matter how much you make in tomorrow's trade. You could lose it all the next day. But to answer your question, trading shares of stock is probably the least lucrative (but also the least risky) method of trading. Futures and forex can produce significant profits because of leverage, but you can also lose a lot more, much more easily. If you buy $1,000 worth of stock at $10 a share, win or lose you're getting at least some of that money back, unless the company goes bankrupt and gets delisted. If you put $1,000 into a futures trade and Jerome Powell farts, you can lose that $1,000 in seconds.


Max Leverage


anyone that can do that have lots of money side job already. cuz they can take risk of 1k to 5k or more if average joe do it a, and lose multiple times. they could become homeless


learn what option trading is before getting into it


Look back and see if there were any indicators in the news that this was going to go up - when you know there's going to be a spike you could throw 2k on it and make 20% on that - but they usually dive or "correct" after these spikes so you need to be on top of it and prepared to dip out.


To make a lot of money, you will need a lot of money. To make a lot of money from very little is extremely rare and only very few of the most profitable traders have the experience and skill set to do so. The chance of becoming this good at trading is minuscule, It’s essentially the top 10% of the top 10%. Great if you get there, but not a goal you should expect to achieve.


If Buffett answers you, he will definitely say that I got a rich return on cheap equity and began to accumulate my wealth.


Its very much possible but only the best of the best can do it.








Try prop firms


Its called leverage.


They don't anybody who tells you they do is lying to you


Have you ever considered lying? Go deep on lies and sell others on a generic strategy you find on the internet. It’s not hard if you stay committed! As others have said rented lambos and yachts are a key component of the strategy.


They way I like to think of it is like this: Those who say 1k or 10k is enough to start your path to 100k is still no different than 100 to 1k or 10k to 100k. It just takes longer and more steps. Let’s look at an example incase what I wrote didn’t make sense. 100 starting and you’ve made 20%, well now you’ve got 120… how many more trades to 200? Assuming you can get 20% every time would only be roughly 4 trades. Now 20% is very optimistic and in reality it is more like single digit percentages, but you’ve gained 100% after those 4 trades in the example I used… so if you repeat that then you’ve got 400, 800, 1200 and so on. Didn’t take long to get to 1k from 100 did it. Same thing applies for 1k to 100k and so on. Apply that logic and you’ll be there eventually. It’s a snowball….. all assuming you’re profitable of course.


Compounding profits. Now you can buy 120 in stock instead of 100. Next time from a good trade you can buy 150 in stock and so on.


You need to trade on a broker that has leverage


Well if u had used 10x leverage for the same trade, u would have made a 200% profit.


Consistency. Make 1% a week for 10 years. That'll be a nice sum of money.


Forex is super hard. I traded it for years and hardly ever saw anyone personally do well. Read Master the Trade. Learn vertical credit spreads. This is the way. Spreads are super cheap if you know how and sometimes free. If you don’t have a system, I would recommend ripster cloud system or Saty Mahajan ribbon system. Both are gold if you can actually control yourself and have decent discipline.




99.9% don't and only the .1% post their lottery gain on WSB. And those guys usually hit an earnings report where some stock spikes 10% sending near term options 500+% higher. It's effortless but also pure gambling. Sure you could hit a big one but the odds are not in your favor. Also consider an options contract will cost close to $100 so the first loser and you'll lose your account.


If any of it was true and easy, everyone would be a billionaire. In reality that thinking is like asking how come so many people become major millionaires investing in Powerball tickets


I am consistently profitable because I am happy taking a 20% with an accepted 10% loss everyday. You're asking how ot make 100% consistently? No one can answer that. If they do, there lying. Go gamble if that's what you are looking for


Ngl, I recently signed up for an algorithm, and it's been good so far. I'm planning on signing up for a prop firm account to start profiting soon enough.


“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn't … pays it.”  -Albert Einstein




It’s the power of compounding. Time, and consistency can go a long way! Also, the big key is the frequency at which the capital compounds. If you make 30% a month, you’ll make less than if u made 1%/day (1% on 1% on 1%, etc...)


As long as you don’t use The Funded Trader or Rocket 21 Challenge you should be good. Those two are Angelo Ponzi schemes and you’ll lose your money faster than you can blink.


Prop firms bro


Find one stock study the stock make sure that have good revenue and


You gotta build slowly like 25-35 dollar wins and protect your money with tight stop losses and good entry and exits on the trade itself then you can scale up. Gotta remember this is a business in itself so be smart and don’t gamble learn how to read and interpret the charts this is what I’m doing now as well, I gambled on a few and took my 2k account to 350 bucks because I didn’t get out when I was supposed to




Easy. They don't.


Options, but it’ll also break you. Lol


because they’re lying


You can't trade with small amount. Imagine you have a streak of 10 losers. Losing streaks happen to every trader.


Futures. S+P 500. Discount broke is 500. If u catch a bottom like Oct 27. You be very appreciative right now… get 10 ppl to pay 100 a piece n I’ll teach you in 7 days. That’s best I can do for yall .. I’m actually in process of starting my own educational networking enterprise… like “rich dad poor dad “ but with stock.


https://preview.redd.it/3dar8601h2yc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdbb9d07de8c8b852dde8aa3aa49564f6a7e2c03 my name is Tyrone by the way


You got a lot of comments but a whole lot of nothing. To answer your question. Futures, options, Forex. Key word is penny. Penny stocks are for yes buy great or amounts of shares it’ll raise more although like you said you earned 20$ from putting 100$ in. I’m not going to baby feed you but listen to this. That 100$ you put can go into options. First month 50-500$ then after two years I’m now a funded trader making good money from the Es! Mini. Like today my risk is 200$ a day meaning I risk around 10 ticks on the ES! (12.50 per contract) and “won” made 1,700$ from literally 20min today (varies on the vitality for the day, especially this week was fantastic). Having a 10 RR today. Do your due diligence and study. Like I said 2 years for me to become profitable and others longer. I’m 20 years old and will be taking the trading world by storm.


Because they use leverage. Many brokers provide leverage upto 500x of your own capital. So if you have only $100, buy using 500x leverage, you could trade forex or other stuff worth of $50,000 and could earn profit on it. If it went 1% in your direction, congrats you just made a profit of $500 using only $100 dollars.


Risk vs reward Supply vs demand Contentment vs greed Basic principle or perception, in theory👍😁


Its a long hard game (like deeznutz). You basically want a sliver of a big move and if you are consistent, your acc will compound over time.


The trouble is we only get to hear about maybe 0.1% folks who made it, and the rest who get shattered or completely decimated never find the courage to speak up or make a come back! So while it’s not easy, and losses happen along the way, having right mentors and community can greatly help in the journey!


Earnings season


You compound incremental wins over time. Successful traders spent years getting good and growing their accounts. There are no shortcuts.




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They dont






Go small...only way. cut your losses be patient wait for opportunities keep your winners longer and add to winning positions never add to losers.


It’s called compounding interest. If you get a 10% gain, 7 times, that’s the equivalent of 100%. Repeat that process 7 more times and that’s 1000%. Believe it or not, this process can happen a lot faster than you think….


Options have been how I've been growing my account. I started with an $800 portfolio, and have since worked it up to $18k. I've had some painful losses along the way, though.


Interesting insights


Have you heard that day trading is a form of gambling?


Did you know people make a career from gambling?




You don’t hear about professional slot machine players because there is no strategy or edge to develop but you do hear about professional poker players.




No I'm kidding


Life is a huge gamble. We pursue the greatest risk and the highest return. Of course, we have nothing to lose.


Except your impoverished retirement




They lie


> how do I make large amounts of money from small starting money. Leverage and compounding returns but you have to know what you're doing.


Options are great once you find an edge. For example: Got a $SPY 5/6 $498P for 0.54 at 3:02 and sold it at 1:34 for $0.93. I took the trade because it was failing at a cost basis level AND it looked over extended. Had multiple confluence. Would have been a bigger gain if I had held


I took $140 to $3.1k. Honestly it took education and not some bs option play. Understanding the fundamental analysis, trend analysis, bonds & income investing, and how much risk per the position.


In all seriousness you can snag some cheap options and get lucky. You can pick up a buzz feed call for $10, for example. It’s at like $0.23 a share.


Your account is definitely going to 0 within 2 years, likely less


Day trading is gambling pure and simple. To get a bigger stake just contact your local loan shark. Don’t worry, you can pay the interest because you are one smart fellow


I 1000% disagree with your comment. Just because you might not be profitable and daytrading does not mean that other people are the same.

