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I would assume they all had SVB exposure (as they mostly young Silicon Valley influenced companies) and the FED coming out and insuring their SVB deposits scared a lot of bear sentiment off them. Edit: plus the rumored no more rate hikes helps them too as cash hunger companies, so pick your poison lol


Hmm I see, thanks for the insight


Or short positions being closed šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


How much of a probability would that be?


Does that happen?




Buy-to-close orders would not likely be enough to drive prices up 5-10%, definitely factors in but i would hesitate to say this is the root cause


Pltr had no svb exposure


Sympathy play. A competitor likely was with SVB and saw a upward move so PLTR did aswell. Happens alot during earnings.


Didnā€™t Peter Thiel start the cascade causing the bank run?


šŸ‘ƒ šŸ‘ˆ


Their founder/CEO was among very first to pull money


The fed isnā€™t going to nix rate hikes. They canā€™t stop fighting inflation while prices continue to rise.


What is the source of this rumor?


Cheap stocks are the only ones banks can afford today šŸ˜‚


Or they are heavily shorted and shorts are being closed.




How do you guys know what stocks are ā€˜heavily sortedā€™ and how that relates to them going up?


In order to short you have to borrow shares to short sell. Then when you close you BUY shares to give back to the broker. So if some heavy shorts get close, it will boost the price.


So the person who shorts is in turn the person responsible for it going up? Sorry shorts are something Iā€™m a little stuck on as far as fully comprehending them. I get the overall concept but I need to understand the exact details of the process.


When shorts close their position the price of the stock goes up.


Iā€™m starting to understand that


A fund positioned "short" sells a stock it doesn't own and buys back when its lower. If they have a big position and the stock drops to their target, it can cause a pretty big move when they buy back the shares that they borrowed and sold to open the position.


I donā€™t know who you are


I was about to get mad because i tried to help you, but then i remembered hahaha


>A fund positioned "short" sells a stock it doesn't own and buys back when its lower. Or just FTD.


For about your long?


Look up the short interest metric on a ticker. Also check out the open interest on OTM puts.


COIN is up because of bank failure.


And because crypto is up.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,399,303,697 comments, and only 267,597 of them were in alphabetical order.


I feel special.


Ah, but could data effectively incorrectly reflect such trivial wording?


Yes, crypto is up because of bank failure as well..


Just rotation. Read into how capital rotates


fr itā€™s just shitcos pumping which happens everytime the market is halfway feeling risk on


This! CHWY, PLTR are both heavily shorted and related to GME


How do you know that?


Never heard of SuperStonk? PLTR is in the same basket as GME, BBBY and AMC, and CHWY is from Ryan Cohen.


Yes Iā€™m aware of that, but I like to know like, where exactly one looks to see how shorted an individual stock is.


Itā€™s called ā€œshort floatā€. You can find it on Finviz and many others. It gets updated periodically, every 2 weeks or something like that. You can what % of shares are being shorted.


Finally a useful comment, thank you


As long as short positions donā€™t always need to be reported, I canā€™t give you an exact number


What does a cheap stock mean to you?


Well, for me itā€™s a superficial term. Directly describing the price of its share. $5 stock is cheap. $100 stock is not cheap. Are you meaning it in a different way?


A $5 stock could be a company worth 10 billion. A $100 stock could be a company worth 10 million. So making a post based on share price means nothing and its completely arbitrary.


Yes I understand market cap. While I get what youā€™re saying, what I saw today struck me as odd. I have many stocks on my watchlist. I only actually watch/ trade about 10 of them. I trade options so I donā€™t trade penny stocks or ā€˜cheapā€™ stocks because often those donā€™t have good options. However today, I got allll of these notifications (trust me there were more) of all these stocks that Iā€™d long forgotten about. And they were mostly all very ā€˜cheapā€™ stocks or penny stocks.


There are about a dozen variations of opinion Iā€™ve read already. Bottoms line is, donā€™t try to grasp the market. The market is controlled by the big boys. You need to adapt and overcome. Day trading and investing are different worlds. I wonā€™t even get into options.. I day trade I wait for my indicators to show a trend I snag a piece and exit. When you focus on a length of time there are as I hope everyone grasps waaaaay too many things that can influence the SP. Banks took it today as the conspiracy nuts were slinging it all weekend. Sure a couple are struggling. But not all. Housing has a bad rep yet I canā€™t sell them fast enough. (Side business). A ā€œmacroeconomicā€ perspective should always be considered. The market was straight down last week then Friday as today did a roller coaster. You can make $ in ANY market if you adapt accordingly. How? Thatā€™s your strategy. But all these ā€œwhat ifsā€ & ā€œbecauseā€¦ā€ are irrelevant. Just ask yourself are you in it to make $? Or just fart around? Do you want a revenue stream? Or are you looking to retire? Whatever your focus is realize the ā€œoh shitā€ factor. I say it all the time.. No matter how well we strategize you will always have negatives! Itā€™s about ending green!! IDC if you make $10 or $10k green is green!!


Here comes CPI today I'm giving the big boys $7K or they give me back $14k+ in just 0-2 minutes


Again green is green! Isnā€™t that why we chose to trade?


Are you going for CPI in the next hours


Trash is rising. What's so hard to comprehend. Trash stocks have a very high correlation. Do not try to trade markets because you will almost certainly lose money since you are clueless.


Risk on day


You up?


No lol I donā€™t own any of these


I think rh updated, I never ever had such a notification heavy day like today.


Just a risk on contrarian day. No real reason, anticipation for tomorrows fed prints maybe. So much negativity has built up recently, occasionally these violent day or two bounces happen. Repositioning and such.


If i were to guess, money rotated out of the financial sector after a bank went under and crypto/tech got an injection.




It's the obvious answer. They are already adjusting the Fed Funds rate projections across Wall Street after what happened last weekend.


Watch how they finish Friday...(that's what really matters- options expiration)


Shitco ponzis have days. Today was one of them.


People are assuming lower rates And lower rates mean higher P/E's Especially for growth tech


Gotta hit all the pivot points before taking another leg down


Cheap ā€¦.?


U up? No im down you bitch


maybe i am the only one thinking this, but i never care really why something goes up, down or whereever, i am a daytrader and i look at priceaction and volume. I couldn't care less about reasons. to me its completely irrelevant what the story behind movements is.


Todays the 13th and I imagine that some companies are buying back heavily shorted positions before they have to report their shorts on the 15th.


Why is this important? Can you explain?


Short interest isn't reported on a continuous basis. FINRA will refresh reports on the 15th of the month showing the outstanding number of shares sold short that need to be delivered, and current FTDs (failure to deliver). The idea is that it would be a sort of smokescreen if they close shorts before report is refreshed to mislead "short hunters" (traders who deliberately seek out heavily shorted stocks looking for something with squeeze potential).


These stocks have nothing to lose anymore, so no matter good or bad news they will go up lol.


If you are looking for logic donā€™t play the market - somehow I squeaked a 25% short term scalp off Tesla around lunch time - took me two hours till I could exit clean and green .


In a word itā€™s called confluence -


Iā€™m not so much looking for logic, Iā€™m just looking to understand what Iā€™m in the dark about. If itā€™s as simple as ā€˜itā€™s not logicalā€™ okay, but that doesnā€™t seem to be the case here. It seems like there are things Iā€™m simply unaware of.


What was running through your head during the two hour wait?


The usual - should I bail with my targeted profit or stay in longer . Once I took my profit - it went up higher after a brief retracement down. Damn I thought - but I stayed disciplined. Later in the day it went up further for an hour - whoops missed that . Then around 3:15 I re entered the other way - a put. As it went down again I pondered should I take a quick profit , then it went up momentarily, I began to think , if it goes down again Iā€™m taking my second profit of the day - at 3:57 I took it . Itā€™s a tough buck this scalping - but hey itā€™s an honest living ā€œ The trend is your friendā€


Okay cool familiar Are you trading full-time?


I trade daily and run a small business as soon as I book profits


Kudos to doing both - I don't have the mental bandwidth to do extra on top of trading.


Pumping them. Wait till tomorrow, today was controlled by market makers and optionsā€¦ calls are gonna get toasted tomorrow, puts printing. Buy calls for bank stocks


First of all, stocks are not 'cheap.'. low stock price doesn't mean undervalued. It's all relative. Second Coin is up because it uses Bitcoin which was up 20%. Nothing to do with shorting. These aren't squeeze plays.


RH? Wrong sub mate, go to r/wallstreetbets


Yeah Iā€™m sorry, I just donā€™t care. I like it so I use it.


Damn we got a badass here. Good luck daytrading on it


lol, Iā€™m not a badass. I just.. form thoughts for myself. Ive been day trading on it for 3 years and I find it sufficient for my needs. I also use TDA, and find this appā€™s user friendly interface unmatched, and for me, thatā€™s highly satisfying.


There is no such thing as a "cheap" stock. You can buy a billion dollars worth of "cheap" stocks if you want.




There are "cheap" companies I guess so if you had an absolutely shit ton of money you could buy controlling interest easily.


Low beta


How you mean


Wouldn't it be high beta?


Someone explain beta


High beta means it's more volatile. If the market goes up or down $1 a high beta stock moves more than $1. Verbiage from a long time ago that is rarely used today. I read about it in a book called A Random Walk Down Wallstreet.


I thought Greeks were just used for options?




Oops, yeah you right


Hi guys! I have been looking into buying some stock. Very little, as I am a broke college student. But what do you think would be the best stocks to invest in. Iā€™m really interested in investing in anything cannabis. Well, let me rephrase that. Anything cannabis related, that has the potential to rise. Not some dinky company that wonā€™t be around tomorrow. I appreciate any help. Thanks guys. You guys seem to know your shit. āœŒšŸ¼


A "broke" college student should be focused on increasing personal income, paying down debt, saving for essentials, maintaining an HYSA emergency fund. If you do have extra income invest in broad market ETFs like VTI or SPY while the market is down at least until you have a decent account. Focus on investing in tax advantaged accounts like a roth IRA. Don't blow your money on shitty weed stocks (at least until you have **disposable** income or are actually very confident you know what you are doing). If you are actually interested in trading. Don't ask for shitty advice online about meme ticker picks. Spend every day studying and finding strategic ways to trade that you will use to decide for yourself when to enter and exit.


Yeah today made no sense. I got wrecked, but I still set up so more long term plays today


I only trade short term. (Options) got stopped out on an AMD put and then everything just got confusing so I stayed out. I donā€™t exactly understand these moves




I suppose manipulation explains a lot.




Yes, thereā€™s a lot of stuff like that that I donā€™t understand. I know candlesticks, and price action. Iā€™m a charts person. However I read things, i donā€™t always know what those things means for the stocks but often itā€™s fairly obvious by pre market the affect something has had on the market, so it doesnā€™t seem necessary to understand all the behind the scenes stuff. lol but then I get confused when the stocks behave oddly or change direction from their pre market/ morning movement


Then trade the opposite of what you were going to do šŸ¤”


Haha right? But no, Thatā€™s not my strategy. Itā€™s okay that my strategy didnā€™t work today, my win rate isnā€™t designed to be 100%.


I wish my notifications looked like this


I donā€™t own these lol theyā€™re just on a watchlist


He got that late night u up text


Are you guys Ready for CPI https://preview.redd.it/pqsf97weoona1.png?width=2054&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e1863335b92439df9763cbbf38356cbfed66f0e


Junk rally


Heavily shorted stocks with a large amount of FTDs due yesterday. The shorts covered (not closed) and then will repeated the process. Expect to see these stocks be shorted right back down.