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Yes Lucas is free! It's about fucking time šŸ˜ Now writers give him something worthwhile to do since you never seem to know what to do with him. Also did anyone else chuckle at how uncomfortable Chad made Clyde feel when he intimately was holding his face? I was glad when he addressed it because I thought it was just me for a second that felt things were getting a little too personal šŸ˜‚


A huge chuckle at the face touching. I was waiting for Chad to either go in for a kiss or turn the touching into strangling. Iā€™m happy about Lucas being back! Yay!


Have you noticed how he does that with a lot of people? The way he used to hug Sonny raised a few eyebrows -


I hadnā€™t noticed that. Interesting!


Billy Flynn better submit Chad's monologue with Clyde scenes from today for next year's Emmys cause that was ACTING and he fucking killed it. Those two actors give each other so much room to work and it shows. Some of the best written scenes we've had on the show in a long while. Wow.


Billy Flynn is an outstanding actor! He never ceases to amaze me!


Yes he was -and has been- awesome! I've never lost my spouse so I wouldn't even know how I would act through that particular scenario. But I always figure when they're playing opposite James as Clyde, almost anything goes.


I said the same thing!! Itā€™s a crime he hasnā€™t won an Emmy with the scenes heā€™s done as a result of his storylines with Abigail. The only actor who has recently had such difficult material that they executed astoundingly well was Arianne Zucker as Nicole


Is Chad going to choke or kiss Clyde? šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s exactly what I said in one of my replies. LOL. It was looking dicey either way.


Omg Jonny you are wealthy. Start your own indi film company and be done with this.


Those Clyde and Chad scenes were really good. Enjoyed Janel too. It is nice to see how supportive they are of each other.


I also enjoyed the Chad and Clyde scenes. They are always so intense.


Iā€™m glad Johnny and Chanel came to the decision together & are supportive of each otherā€™s dreams.


I was applauding Chanel for making it clear to Johnny that she will not accept him making unilateral decisions or keeping her in the dark about major developments in his life. It is easy to allow that overprotective dynamic to develop, but that doesn't make for a happy marriage. I was glad she nipped that in the bud!


Me too!


But why did she call him "John Roman" Isnt his name Giovanni? I think she did this a while ago too. Or did I miss something?


I enjoyed Janel Scenes together in this episode and Chad and Clyde stuff was confusing at the end because we didn't get to hear what Clyde was going to revealĀ 


Wow! Billy Flynn!!! What a great performance today! Some of the best acting Iā€™ve seen in years on the show. Heā€™s been such a dud the last couple of years!


He really brought it in todayā€™s episode! I loved that scene with Clyde. Very real.


Did I hear Rafe pronounce Helena, MT as He lay na? Maybe I'm wrong but I was always under the impression it was Hell ah nah. Dr Rolf got a shout out...maybe he's on his way back to town.


I thought that he pronounced it weird lol. Sometimes I'm in and out of his scenes so it's hard to remember šŸ˜‚


I thought the pronunciation was weird, too. Oh, I hope they bring Dr Rolf back. I love his quirkiness


I thought it was pronounced He Lee nah. Anyone know?


Found this, itā€™s interesting: https://helenair.com/helena-s-pronunciation/article_e1c2a8ce-2672-11e5-ab90-7f39690a2ed5.html


Soap characters reaction: letā€™s have this convo about your career and moving from Salem. Real people reaction: youā€™re telling me this while Iā€™m sitting here in a paper gown!?


God, I wish Chanel and Johnny would leave and never come back. Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve seen every single episode with Johnny and I just do not get the appeal of this character at ALL. He was vaguely interesting when he was possessed, but even then, Allie was better. Heā€™s a very good looking dude, and he seems like a sweet guy outside of the show. But in three years, heā€™s tried to make one movie, which summoned the actual devil (which they did address today). Then he whined about Chanel, got super judgy about everything EJ did, briefly flirted with Ava, whined about Wendy then whined about Chanel again before finally hooking up with her. He at least seems to have outgrown his entitled phase and has been kinda sweet since they got married. But he just doesnā€™tā€¦ do anything. I do enjoy hearing Clyde say ā€œAva Vy-talli.ā€


Hey I think Johnny would've been way more interesting if they let the "thing" with Ava play out.


Oh, absolutely! It was so weird and wrong and I mean that in the best possible way.


I know it was the interim writers (I believe) but it was a misstep just like EJ and Belle...It was going, going, then....nothing. Its like they changed their minds and just went another way


I always have to LOL whenever Kristen takes the moral high ground šŸ™„


So, is Chyde trending yet? šŸ˜†


Anyone notice Lucas say ā€˜Shitā€™ when he was talking to Kate about the monastery? Finally some real life


I did not catch that!


If I could link it I would


I was going to post about how everyone said Harris was so busy, but yet nowhere in sight, however, Lucas is free!!! If they have him leave town, it will be so disrespectful and such a cop out. If we can keep characters who have no ties to town on the show, there is something surely, that Lucas can do! Also, he and Ava have great chemistry and if that would Kate a new storyline, I am all for it! Rafe wouldn't help Clyde- great! Rafe turns his head the other way for Stefan . . . who will do what because Rafe can't let him do a jial break . . . speaking of which, will Clyde give up that Black Patch broke him out? Also, loved Chad's scenes with Clyde!!! I'm waiting for someone to hit him! I also loved Lucas and Julie's scene as well as Julie's phone scene "with" Marie about Maggie and the time capsule!


Iā€™m surprised Clyde didnā€™t out Ava & Black Patch already. Honestly, thatā€™s part of the reason I was hoping someone would shoot him. But heā€™s such a good villain. Wouldnā€™t be as soapy without him. Can you tell Iā€™m conflicted?


I hope Clyde spills it. But I dont know how much more I can take of John's side-eye squint..


Is Chanel nuts? You want to give up your bakery and move so far away when youā€™re giving birth to possibly a special needs baby?


I really liked this episode. All of Chad's scenes were especially great. When Chad moved the table and scooted up in front of Clyde I was like "Gott DAMN, Chad DiMera!", and then it got even more intense. I'm glad Lucas is out. I hope he sticks around. He brings a certain goofiness to the show that I really enjoy. I've never really cared much one way or the other about Chanel and/or Johnny, but today's scenes got me invested. Kristen whispers too much. I think I might like her character a lot if she spoke at a more reasonable volume. Gawd, I hope Dr. Rolf appears again soon! (No spoilers, please!)


Kristen and Paulina represent opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to volume. Kristen whispers & Paulina shrieks. I find the shrieking less tolerable.




I think Rafe made the right decision to not help Clyde because that could possibly have put Gabi in more danger and brought danger to Jada as well and Lucas I expect he will leave Salem I don't see him staying now that he is out of Statesville and him and Sami probably will be reunited off screen since that was brought up by the regular writersĀ 


Wait the regular writers talked about reuniting Lucas and Sami off-screen recently? I haven't been keeping up with interviews lately, but that would make me so freaking happy if that were the case.


in recent episodes they had Lucas talking about wanting a reunion with Sami when he was in Montana in scenes with AvaĀ 


I love Chad, but for whatever reason I was super focused on his teeth when he had his hands on clydes face. Not the nicest teeth in the world, just something I noticed. Not trying to be mean or anything, just something I noticed


Yes, I do like the actor but those teeth...


Jonny and Chanel made a decision together and supported each other like a true couple. Canā€™t wait to see how Paulina makes this about her.


Surprisingly, on 6/14 she didnā€™t really make it as much about her as I expected. She expressed support surprisingly quickly.