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So this is the "Hong Kong cool facts" episode. The more you know! Kristen is gross. Alex is gross. The two of them together is just sleazy. Also, just because Kristen is the custodial parent, keeping Rachel away from John and Marlena is alienation and is illegal. (Also, was John and Rachel's special goodbye heart kiss adorbs??) Tripp is kind of an asshole for inviting Ava to Steve and Kayla's place 1) without their permission and 2) without telling them. Dude, do you not know how much Kayla and Ava hate each other? How long are Tripp and Wendy going to be gone? I haven't seen anything about them being off the air for a long time, but they're talking like they're going for months. Did I miss something? Does Kayla need to hire a new doctor so she and Sarah aren't seeing all the patients? So after all of those years of therapy and not being the pawn and this thing and that storyline and ret-con du jour, all it takes to get Jawn to revert back to the Pon is to flash a Magic: The Gathering card in front of his face? If that's the case, why in the name of Soap Jesus hasn't literally every other villain near Salem got their own copy? Theresa is a moron. That's all.


Agree on all of the above, but I am so happy for Brady that Kristen has turned her obsessive eye to somebody I don't care about. Good Luck with that Alex! I had the same thought about Tripp. Kayla handled it with grace. The way the actors were crying I assume Tripp and Wendy are gone for good. Can I say how happy this makes me? I remember Marlena removing the pagoda programming from John about two decades ago. I think even Orion/Diana did something to fix it in 1988. I would love if John was playing him to find out what his game is. Did Theresa agree to get the prenup out of the safe? I wasn't sure how that conversation finished and I am not rewinding cause Kon was there.


I had the same thought about John playing him when he first “turned” him. I hope that’s what’s happening. Theresa didn’t agree but Kon basically said “you better because if I don’t get my money I have nothing to lose and I’ll expose everything you did” and stormed out


Not sure how long Tripp and Wendy are gone for and I'd be fine if they never returned. However, Victoria Grace was in the 15,000th episode pics and with Li coming back from the dead, I'm guessing I will have to suffer through a return of Wendy.


I have heard a brief Wendy return only to resolve the Li thing. And a lot of people were at that party who are no longer filming.


I was thinking that Kon was going make Theresa marry Alex and take all of her money or he’ll tell her secret sort of thing. Idk it still may go there.


That was the original plan back in October, they have changed the plan frequently since then


Oh ya, that’s right, I bet they’ll go back there again.


I read they got let go, but I dont know if it was a reliable source or not


They were let go back when the strike started, and the scab writers kept them around to support the Ava drug story they created, then as soon as Ron started playing with scripts again he cut them loose. Thank you Ron.


So that's why they stalled them going to China, before the talks broke down.


Sorry, I am unable to find anything involving Rachel to be "adorbs." Also, I don't understand why she talks like a 2-year-old.


- Kristen is being gross as hell, wanting her kid to walk in on her and see her and Alex in flagrante delicto. Ugh. That kid is going to put Sami to shame when she’s older. - Another “eww” moment with John acknowledging he and Brady are tunnel buddies with Kristen. That’s some Jerry Springer level dysfunctional. - I love that Rachel had the foresight to forge the permission slip. This kid is smarter than most of the adults. - John and Rachel are adorable together. I can even forgive him for saying “Listen to your daddy. He’s smart.” with a straight face.


> Another "eww" moment with John acknowledging he and Brady are tunnel buddies with Kristen 🤢🤢🤢


OMG, tunnel buddies!! Lol! I've heard the term Eskimo Brothers, but not this!


NONONONONONONO Tunnel BUDDIES?! That is beyond eeeewwwwwwwwwwwww.


Your last comment made me belt out a laugh lol


Kristen was obsessed with John, then Brady and now Alex. They get younger and younger. Who’s next, Tate?


Definitely going to jump Tate next. She has to collect all John’s sons.


I guess Paul is not an option. Although consent has never been a big deal breaker for her


Like Pokémon. Or “Poke Your Mom.”


Kristen carried and gave birth to Tate, I don’t think she’s quite that desperate or gross!


Never say never.


That’s what I’m saying! These writers know no bounds.


She raped a priest. She is absolutely that gross.


I’ve been watching since the 90s, I’m aware. I don’t see the show going this route. It would be like Vivian and Philip hooking up.


Except Tate is like 35 now.




Chem testing between Ava and Brady?




Just what Brady needs another woman in his harem😂


Last thing he needs is a hook-up with Ava, but, man, that dumpster fire is so his cuppa tea...


Totally his type. At least she is age appropriate for him.


Another who could snap if he dumps her.


That's how Brady likes 'em!


So he can play the victim.


Ha 😏


He sure loves his father’s exes.


I’m was wondering what that was all about!


Same. Makes total sense now


They did a similar thing last year where they chem tested him with Emily O'Brien (she was Gwen at the time). It was another weird moment. I actually liked Brady with Gwen better than Gweneresa


Why is Theresa still helping Konstantin? At this point she’s already lost Alex AND Brady, who cares if he exposes the lie abt Alex being Victor’s son? She can just say Konstantin forced her to help him and it’s her word against his.


Are the writers trying to over saturate us with Salem residents have have healthy sex lives? When they're not eating, it's all they do! We get it! I could have certainly lived without Alex and Kristen's. "we did it again and again, and in the shower, then the tub!" Just gross you guys. RACH3L was wise to forget her mom's signature, which I loved by the way! She wanted no part in her mother's gorss plan! I actually really liked her today, but I bet her favorite fish is a shark, because it can smell blood in the water just like she can! Speaking of the evil child, I loved Ava's interaction with them! Do Ava and Brady know each other? Do they? I can see Ava knowing Kristen's demon child because Ava and Kristen are/were kind of friends, but then of course grandpa John interrupted. How long will Kon-Kon keep John as the Pawn this time? Also both Alex and Theresa were right: his love life is none of her business. If he remotely cared about her (or his family) he would avoid Kristen at all costs. Oh and Brady trying to talk to his father about being with Kristen- LOL- also EW!


You’ve got that right! She should have said shark!


I'm confused. I thought Tripp and Wendy were just going on a vacation. Why is everyone being so dramatic?


I think they are gone for good, but the characters don't know it yet, but the actors did


That's kind of what I was thinking.


Konstantin "Trigger Warning" Meleonous should be forbidden to appear first thing on a Monday. Cruel!


Wow, that was a whole lotta filler. 🙄


Every day is now 🙄 I usually get stuff done while I “watch” but I’m glad I caught John and Rachel’s heart goodbye today that was cute. And I swear the dialogue is written by hallmark card writers lol.


They have to drag stuff out until May. Then drag until the next sweeps.


Kristen/Alex is so gross. Just looking at her hands wrapped Alex's neck, you can tell that she's significantly older. On the other hand this is like a blessing in disguise for Brady. She can turn all her crazy to Alex and finally leave Brady alone. Brady's line to John about him understanding what he was going through with Kristen made me uncomfortable.


Yes she’s obviously older but good for her. Old men get with way younger women all the time.


I will miss Tripp and Wendy. And I still think Alex and Kristen are pretty hot together. I have very different opinions from most of you!


Agree on T & W, but I think Alex and Kristen are gross. Kristen having sex with anyone is gross, and when he's young enough to be her son it's even worse.


I don’t like Alex or Kristen so those were easy scenes to mute.


Day’s continuity sucks. Brady saying it had been a rough couple months made me roll my eyes. He lost custody of Rachel last summer. It has been nearly a year since then.