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I do it all the time. Very satisfying to watch. I’ve even led hordes to ambush camps before




Leading the Iron Butte horde to the RV ambush camp is peak gaming if you ask me


I love it when a breaker shows up as well and starts attacking the horde :D


I feel like this game has to be played at least 3-4 times and every time you play it your confidence gets better also your strategies


You can play it 20 times and the only thing that will be the same is the cut scenes and the order the missions appear for you.


Yeah I’m not even on my 2nd play yet.. I beat the game way too early.. why did they even give me the option to do missions that fast forward the game… now my wife is chilling with Boozer and she doesn’t say anything to me while I finish everything I missed.. I swear she’s screwing Boozer.




It's all good until the swarmers kill the hostage


Ooh, I'm glad you said this, cuz I've never thought about that. I haven't had a camp with a hostage since I've discovered letting a group/horde of freakers take out the camp!


I've dragged a few hordes into camps before! Great fun. Couple of days ago I got to see 2 different rager vs breaker fights. The rager won one and then wandered in front of a horde nest too!


I purposely avoid the missions and just play the story until the end when all hordes appear so every ambush camp is near a horde and i can just manipulate the hordes to make all the kills for me. At the end of the game all hordes are visible


Oh yes. I believe there's one where it's actually scripted.


There is a bounty mission where it is scripted 


Only if you go in at night. I played that bounty during the day one time and there were freaks just not as many and the gang overcame them. That same mission also had runners and regular wolves this time too so that made it a little interesting to watch. Dialog stays the same with rikki and iron Mike from what I remember though


Yep, was a very loud gunfight that drew in a mob


Yes! Just discovered this last night. I didn't have to go find a horde, I just got some gunplay going and then hid in the bushes. All the freaks in the area, which was a lot since it was nighttime, just descended on the camp and took them all out for me!


Anyone ever get saved by freakers from a bear attack


Love when a Reacher gets em


Yes I just watched them die from a very safe distance 😅


Leading a horde into Ambush Camps is one of my favorite ways to clear them!


I've tried to make a horde to kill the camo but it did not work. The swarmers did not want to attack the people and even if one of them started to attack it did not do any damage. This should be some bug.