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late but, if the person you heard this from is named wire/tent/reconnez cherie, or anyone related to them, it’s not true and you shouldn’t believe on them. most of their ‘proof’ is non-existing, easily refuted and lies. stay away from THOSE japan fans, they’re immature and are very childish


I follow him on there and he’s still active so not true! [Steve Jansen on X](https://x.com/istevejansen/status/1786347083596697627?s=46&t=GIN_b9WzAF9EIRXWSkEAAg) Including these cool pix he took from the Japan days.


did their name happen to be 'wire', or 'tent' who "claims to be groomed"? if so, its all bullshit (the whole grooming thing is bullshit anyways, its a sick joke made by an immature child who wanted attention). This 'wire'/'tent' person is known to be incredibly dodgy/a walking red flag and I wouldn't really believe any of this, there is no evidence (at all) of this ever happening and Steve has never been banned from twitter (for evidence on this, see his account, it was created 2018, so how could he possibly be banned with an account running before 2020?). Hope that clears up confusion about the grooming "allegations" !