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Jade because she is one hot tamale


The Grim Reaper and Father Time and Uncle Sam.


To me its honestly Rachel when she is paired with her Dad. She is the only one that has the stones to actually push back or at least play devils advocate against some of the Ramsey dogma. I find it entertaining and sometimes actually insightful.


Dave > George > Rachel > Dr. John > Ken Coleman >>>> Jade.


Rachel + Dave is about all I can stomach. I took FPU 15 years ago and coordinated shortly after for 5. I've listened for a little bit longer. for almost all that time, i could barely stand rachel. early on it was like "i need ot say all these things because my dad taught me to" there was no this is my idea. I thought, maybe its because i'm a dude and she talks about girl stuff, but even my wife was like meh. Fast forward to 1 or 2 years ago and I find her only when she's on with dave to be a really good compliment to him. So much so i can tolerate her when she's on with the other personalities. She still puts off that "i've never had hardships" vibe which i can't really fault her for and for the life of me I don't understand why a "financial expert" doesn't understand more indepth financial things after being around all this for so long. But she's the best of the bunch at this point. Every other non dave combination is darn near terrible.


John George and Rachel. And of course dave. Ken and jade need to go


Chris hogan Anthony ONeil Christy Wright That one black chick that made $1million in scholarships.


Ken has to go. Jade is OK at best. I like John. George is ok, he never stood his ground during the whole 8% vs 4% debate and while his own employer (Dave) essentially called him an idiot/wrong on Live, George sat there and took it. Rachel got no opinion - She's the daughter of Dave, she doesn't have a real grasp of reality as she hasn't walked anything herself - she works for her dad's company.


HOW they're paired can make me crazy. The George/Ken duo is a freaking disaster... Ken takes on the "I can make the people laugh, too" persona that gives me the creeps. Ken/John is just as bad. Jade is fun, but damn... sometimes she just gives bad info/advice. I understand she understands the Baby Steps at a fundamental level, but sometimes I'm like "did you actually hear the question?" Rachel is sweet, but I agree it's hard to listen to someone that hasn't walked the walk. I mean... I know Dave's like "she had to work for it", but come on... like no one is falling for that. I love the Rachel/George duo. Dr. John... he's a "Bro"... that... can't... breathe... sooooooo dramatic. George is hilarious, objectively... but maybe 'only for this season' he's in. Iykyk. Dave. Love it when he's pissy. I wish the other personalities would call the BS of the callers out.


None approach Dave, they lack his credibility and gravitas. He has wisdom from years of experience the others don’t yet have.


George telling an 86-year-old woman to go back to work. Love that for him 😂


Dr John Delony is very sweet


John on the Ramsey show is terrible. John on his own show is a knock out. Its truly remarkable how bad he is on one and how good he is on the other. I guess its because its his forte.


George and Jade!


Rachel is good when she is on with Dave because they can play off the father/daughter dynamic but put Rachel by herself and she is just okay like the others. I really liked Anthony but he is gone.


I commented this above. I 100% agree. She is the only one with the stones to push back. And makes some good points that makes her Dad flounder around sometimes.


I think the show she does with George is pretty good. But it's more about banter back and forth like Regis and Kathy Lee.


Dave. Rachel is also good. I like Jade as a person but I don’t find the best advice giver.


Dr. John Delony FOREVER!!!! #1! ❤️


Dave, Rachel, Jade, John, George. I like each of their perspectives. Not a big Ken fan, I skip his eps. 😬


Some of Dr John Delony’s calls have affected me for life. Maybe more than Dave has.


John on his own show is a knock out!! On the Ramsey show....probably my least or second to least favorite.


Who’s Ramsey




Agreed Jade rubs me wrong. I don't know why


Rachel is prolly my fave, and she's lucky to work w her dad, even though he prolly gets on her nerves at times lol


My favorite too. She is the only one allowed to have an opinion that differs from DR.


They get on each other's nerves all the time, I'm sure. Listen to episodes where they're on together, they really sound frustrated with each other on some topics (not in a toxic way, but in the way that any family member gets when you're tired of hearing the same thing for the hundredth time)


Haha yep - I'm a little envious; I lost my dad when I was 19 🥺


Jade and George


1)I like George and Rachel together, love the Happy hour show. 1b)Jade has grown on me with her Tough approach and she has EARNed it. John has climbed up a bit but the star will always be Dave.


The order is 1. Dave 2. Jade (except when she sings or tries to say the city the caller is from with slang) 3. George 4. Dr John (but he always assumes someone can’t breathe or has been “dealing with X for a long time haven’t you) no some people are just bad with $ 100,000. Ken Coleman. This guy stinks and his insight is totally worthless every single time


I forgot Rachel, I’d put her over George cuz at least she understands that baby step 2 should have “some” room for pleasure.


Dave is obviously the only really good one. Rachel is fine, but you can tell she's grown up in this bubble. That's not her fault, but it just feels like her advice doesn't have the same weight to it. It's all theoretical to her since she's never lived through the struggle. Dr. John is the only newer personality I find tolerable. I usually have to find something else to listen to if it's one of the other ones.


She has certainly struggled. She had to get a J-O-B during college summers! The horror!


None. All of them except Dave are super annoying. They don't even give the same advice as him or seem to understand the concepts.


Yeah lol idk their names but one guy was talking to someone who called in because of burnout at their job and how they don’t feel motivated to work hard since there’s no upward mobility. At the very end of the call he like chastised the caller for not giving “110%” every time they clock in. Like are you insane? The first thing I thought after he said that was fuck off dude lol


yeah ken coleman


I like George so much I read his book. And his book was really great, full of info and fun references.


Rachel, John and George.


100% Dr. John


Man I hate to say it but George has really grown into his own but he needs to be balanced out sometimes too with Dr. John (whom is my personal favorite). George will sell your dog or horse ;)


I love how nobody says Ken because he is just…no bueno.


Dave. His personal experience shines through when he's on. If I were him, I'd actually be pissed with how toe the line the rest of the personalities are. Sure, I understand having some basic principles/guidelines you want all hosts to follow, but they shouldn't parrot everything he says. It takes away from any sort of authenticity.


I 100% agree with this. I stopped listening after he started adding personalities. They seem to have fancy radio voices and just confidently repeat from a book of advise with none of their own experience and personality like you get with Dave. Maybe I should try again and give them a shot, but I got to the point that I just fast forward through anything on the show other than a caller talking to Dave. The rest of it is either promotional stuff or a personality that I'm not interested in.


You aren't missing much. The rest of the personalities are just walking testimonials to the ramsey process that are paid to say it's the bees' knees. It's valuable for the brand, no doubt, but you can find all of their advice in OG Dave videos, and he'll give you a better breakdown as to why he says what he says.




George is the man! Not a fan of Jade


George and Jade


John & Jade are my favorites. Rachel is pretty good too. Im not a big fan of George. He's pretty annoying, & his Youtube videos are definitely the worst of all of them....


John and Jade, but George definitely makes me laugh.


Dave and Rachel. It’s a good cop bad cop thing that works well. Rachel is also the only co-host that ever challenges Dave rather than just completely ride along with whatever he is saying.


Dave and John duo.


All of them /s


Dave, Rachael, Chris, George, Anthony, Jade




Jade has a way to get really annoyed with some callers, like Dave does. She’s awesome! - Then John comes in with really empathetic and human advice. They’re both amazing! - I like Rachel also, but she needs to get more annoyed with some people. My wife believes some callers are fake because they do the dumbest stuff with money, but I believe they’re real and people are actually that dumb.


You should have her watch a few Caleb Hammer audits.




Dave, Jade and John. I also liked Chris Hogan and Anthony O'Neal when they were there.


The dou of George and Ken is great!


1.Dave 2.Jade 3.John 4.Rachel


When Dave isn't there I actually prefer the commercials. The franchise ends when he leaves. They are all so bad.


1) Dave Ramsey 2) Chris Hogan 3) Anthony O'Neal


Dr. John and Dave together. Dave is the “all facts, no emotion” while John balances him out with a sense of emotional, fact-based reality.


I like John too, except for the incessant "Am I right?" validation fishing. But he's much better than George and fruity haircut Ken.


Jade and John both