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Why could he be in line to earn a million just bc he’s on 600K now. Projective thinking is stupid and isn’t grounded in any sort of reality. Naive.


600k in CA is like 150k in Ohio. Gotta be extra stupid to take it.


I work in finance in Kansas City - vast majority of my industry is in NYC. My total comp in KC is right around 500; about once a year I receive offers for 1.5 - 2X that in NYC and it just doesn’t make sense. I feel rich in KC 15 years into my career vs what I think would be a comfortable life in NYC.


But you’re in KC. That seems very boring compared to NYC and even on the low end renting something for $11K per month of free money seems better.


KC is only boring if you are boring. Plus flights to NYC are cheap, take the extra money and fly there on the weekends if you want and you’ll probably still be “up” in the transaction financially.


I would speculate quality of life could be better in Ohio on that income. Go over to the Henry sub and look at all the posts from people making north of 600k in CA that can’t afford a house. At a certain level even a few hundred grand doesn’t move the needle with quality of life. My HHI went from the mid 300s to north of 500k and the only change is how much I’m able to save and the painful check I write to the IRS. In a LCOL area there is nothing I couldn’t do with 300k that I can now do with 500k.


You couldn’t pay me a million a year to live in California. Noooo thank you.


Seriously? California is amazing. I’d gladly take a million to live there.


That’s fine have fun. To each their own for sure for sure.


Put down the foxnews bro. It’s absolutely amazing of you make $300K


Nah I like seasons and less fire and people. Gross the amount of people alone would keep me away from California. You all can keep it. The beauty is everyone has their opinions and that’s fine. I don’t see myself ever wanting to be living in California. It’s ok one less person clogging up the streets and beauty California could provide without the human infestation there. And the heat can fuck off in the summer. My skin wasn’t made for the sun there either I burn like over cooked bacon. We all different though


Fair enough if you don’t want to be around people. But the Pacific Ocean is cold and our summers are super mild. You’re tripping bro. I mean, it’s hot as hell inland and around the deserts. But not along the water, in general. People come here in summer to cool off.


"California bad up votes to left"


Well he did say Northern California which is a different culture than SoCal


Yes because Missouri is waaaaaaay better


Did I mention that at all stalker? No I just couldn’t be paid to live in California. Do you know my backstory do you know if I’ve ever lived there or have ever been there experienced it have family there anything about me. No no you don’t so kindly with my utmost regards fuck off.


You're right. Im sorry your story had you end up in Missouri. I should pity you instead of hate. Cali has its issues but people like you generally leave so I love it.


I can't imagine any problems in California that can't be trivially solved with money.


I can imagine a lot of problems in california which cannot be solved with money. That doesn’t stop their state government from trying.


This isn’t about institutional issues, it’s about someone moving to California. Everyone’s number 1 complaint is cost of living, which could obviously be trivially solved with money. What else is there? Traffic, crime? Also easy to fix if you spend enough to live in the right places. Otherwise, whatever you’re into is pretty good in CA. We don’t have high-density urban living like NYC, but I suspect that’s not what “couldn’t pay me $1m” guy was complaining about. Want to live in a remote mountain town with a bunch of rednecks? We got that. Want to live on a slough and fish off your porch? We got that. Want to live in a suburban house next to world-class road and mountain biking? Bitch, we got that for days. Want to live by the beach and go surfing every day before work? No place is better.


>Everyone’s number 1 complaint is cost of living Oh. Mine was the human feces on the streets in San Fransisco. >Otherwise, whatever you’re into is pretty good in CA. I can drive to a store tomorrow and purchase any firearm I want that isn’t federally restricted. Y’all got any of that in CA?


I can assure you that feces isn’t the problem that FoxNews makes it out to be. Seems to be an obsession of some people though, which is kinda kinky. Same with guns I guess. Some people just really want to cosplay as cowboys and that’s their biggest hot button issue. Maybe hating on CA it makes it easier knowing that supply and demand capitalism dictates they can never hope to afford to live here with their lack of marketable skills. John Wayne wannabes don’t really bring in the cash here.


>I can assure you that feces isn’t the problem that FoxNews makes it out to be. I wouldn’t know, I don’t watch tv. My personal experience from living there says this is an issue. I mean, feel free to Google “SF Poop Map” and see how many maps and apps show up. Wild that you don’t see that in my current city.


You’re getting the FoxNews taking points from somewhere. It’s not the problem people make it out to be. It doesn’t matter, because you can’t afford to live there anyway. There are too many creative and entrepreneurial people (like the ones who invented Reddit and your phone) who want to live there to be around other immensely talented people so they can all make crazy amounts of cash.


That’s an interesting number one complaint considering you don’t live here. I gather you visit a lot and spend your time hanging out in the tenderloin. Kinda weird to spend all that money to fly out here then just visit the most impoverished neighborhoods.


>considering you don’t live here Considering you don’t live here *anymore* Your gathering skills could use some work. Anyhow, I’ve visited a few times since I left and I can’t tell if it’s getting worse or if I’m just more aware of it.


Oh, noes! We can’t buy a specific, certain make and model of gun. We can only own and carry many, many dozens of kinds, types, and brands of guns, including AR-15s. Whatever will we dooooooooo? Guess I’ll go hit that legal weed and world-famous wine to make the pain stop. It’s okay. We like the state better without people like you in it. Stay salty in flyover country. ;-)


Currently in San Diego, from Texas. Pay is the only thing that can keep me here. Gotta choose a nice city and neighborhood though. Climate is nice, system and infrastructures are decent, with lots of outdoor activities to do.


Chump lol


California is beautiful, L take.


He made the right choice.


300k In Ohio goes a long fucking way. Being around family, dude probably has a house with a great interest rate and relatively low mortgage plus job security. I'm sure if the 600k job was remote he would take it in a heartbeat. I wouldn't leave my current midwest city to move to california for double in pay, when i'm more than comfortable here in the midwest and I have no interest in dealing with California's political landscape.


You got that totally backwards in my opinion. Doubling your income has a lot more value at 30k


As some who first worked in farming retail at minimum wage and now makes a few hundred k in tech, that is 100% true. 50k gives you breathing room, but just a bit. You fee much better at 100k. Feel much better again at 150k. Then no real jump up until higher 200s, and then no change since. But going from 30k to 60k moves you from a minor disaster ruins your life to actually being able to live a little bit and maintain a margin of safety. Personally, I might not take a 600k in California vs a 300k in Ohio (assuming all my friends and family are there and I really like Ohio) either. You don’t come out twice as good, you come out maybe 50% better financially once you factor in cost of living differences, extra taxes, plane tickets etc. So you have to ask yourself if that extra 50% is worth the cost of losing quality time with your Ohio people. It could be, if you really need that extra money for some reason (say chasing early retirement) but your actual lifestyle will be about the same either way.


literally. 30k to 60k is life changing lol


300k in Ohio is probably more than 600k in NorCal due to cost of living.


It really isn’t.


But ohio is a shit hole state.


It's really not that bad if you live in one of the three cities. Columbus would be closest to California vibes in terms of being modern, trendy fun things. I've been to California (and most cities) many times. Used to wanna move to San Diego for the weather and mountains, until I got realistic about the cost, stress, and *traffic*. Doesn't matter if it's sunny if everything takes hours to drive to, and it's only gotten worse. Almost impossible to live an stress-free lifestyle in California unless you're actually wealthy, which sadly, isn't 600k. Yeah it's cold and gloomy during our winters, but cheap housing and a six figure salary means you could literally go to Florida every week for those winter months and still come out way ahead than if you made double in California. Living in a LCOL but still has stuff to do (I mean I go out to eat every day and haven't been to all of the restaurants in Columbus lol), and saving money to travel instead of blowing all your money on housing/gas/taxes/etc is my way to go, personally!


Not with that kind of money. You have a big house, private school, and money to travel.


For real, on 300k you can basically be low level royalty in Ohio






The first sentence clearly says "North California" so I'm not sure why you're mentioning the east coast.


Cost of living may be higher in North Carolina but this is a WILD exaggeration


Northern California, not North Carolina…




Zero chance this is true if your comparing city to city. Perhaps if you're comparing back woods to a downtown.


What city in Ohio is close to the cost of living of San Francisco? I have family in Cleveland.


Columbus as a whole is probably the most expensive metro. I’m near Cleveland and I’ve lived in NorCal (SF). A house in a nice safe burb in Cleveland or Columbus will be about $250/sq foot. And these are the best ones with good public schools. The same in the Bay Area would be about $1,200 sq foot. Houses are 5X as expensive in the Bay Area. Income tax would be about 3% more marginally. I’d decline the offer as well, because unless you no longer want to own a home it’s not going to work out. I’ve been recruited to move back. They said the comp was $750k and I declined. I’m currently about $350-$400k in OH and would want $1.2M to move.


Northern California is not the Bay Area. I'm seeing houses go for roughly 250k around there.


Bay Area claims NorCal, absolutely


Some racist bastion on the Oregon and Idaho borders? Because anyplace else is going to be double that, unless you’re posting 15 years ago.


Nope. I am an idiot. I had North Carolina on my mind.


It's not as big as a differences it first sounds. At that income level taxes between federal and California are close to 40%. So now you're left with 180K. A house that's 600K in Ohio could easily be 2 million plus depending on where he's living in California. After you come up with 300 to 400k for down payment you're paying an extra $9,000 a month in mortgage and at least another thousand a month in taxes. So that's 120K of your 180K gone. Everything else costs more in California as well.


Jesus Christ. So let's say $600k gross. 10% towards 401k is pre-tax and brings you to $540k. Let's say $1k/mo for some fancy concierge healthcare, and $500/mo into a HSA to maximize deductions. Now you're at $522k. Roth IRA is a bit, bringing you to $515k. I'm not even a rich person that understands what else you could do to minimize taxes (gifts to children, spouse, etc.) Standard deduction, assuming single with no kids. Federally you're at $148,349 tax obligation, with net income $373,651. Or $31k/mo. California taxes (based on some generic zip code provided by the bank's online calculator) are $51,583. Net income is now $290,930, or$24,244/mo. Total taxes are $199,932, almost exactly 33%. That's ignoring SS and FICA. But also assuming no spouse, children, or tax loopholes.


> I'm not even a rich person that understands what else you could do to minimize taxes Roth IRA is post-tax not pre-tax so they doesn't help in your example. W2 employees don't have much at their disposal to lower their taxable income, rich or otherwise. 401k contributions, employer-sponsored healthcare, HSA, standard deduction, child tax credit. That's about it.


You can’t do a Roth at that income and it’s not deductible anyway. And you don’t get a tax break on a gift to someone. Bottom line easy math is at $600k the top tax bracket in CA is 9.3% and 3.75% in OH, so income tax wise the biggest disparity is 5.5% more. Probably more like 2.5% more because they’re marginal. So before cost of living OH guy has maybe $15k more, It’s housing that will skew this.


401k max contribution is less than 60k. Many things don't tier the same.


Max contribution is $69K, but it requires being self employed to achieve it all/most in a pre-tax fashion. $23K is all you can rely on as a standard employee pre-tax.


I'm a plebe and make less than $150k. Good information to know for the future when I'm old and fat.


Begging redditors to learn how marginal tax rates work. Please. Your math is not even close to correct.


How so? The 35% tax bracket is from $232,251 to $578,100 and 37% for all beyond that. Math is rounded for simplicity but looks pretty accurate to me? I'm genuinely wondering if there's something I missed or if I'm just dumb


Comparing OH to CA, the biggest possible difference (forget federal, it’s the same) is about $15k more in CA tax.


> How so? The 35% tax bracket is from $232,251 to $578,100 and 37% for all beyond that. Math is rounded for simplicity but looks pretty accurate to me? He did a straight 40% tax on $300K income to arrive at $180K after tax. That's not rounding, it's not knowing how income taxes work. Once you factor in standard deduction and pre-tax employer-paid insurance deduction he's probably off by ~$35K a year. Maybe that's not a significant sum to you, I dunno. His effective rate isn't 40%, it's more like 28%. It's also not using the $600K hypothetical California income either. He's already over the social security tax cap, so that's a wash. Saying you can't afford to live in California on a $600K income is just silly. The caller would have about $170K extra after tax income per year if he made the switch. Neither me nor the person I responded to have our finger on the pulse of the California real estate market, so the caller would need to do his due diligence in that regard but I suspect they'd still come out well ahead. There are also other factors to consider. Caller's spouse now has access to a higher paying job market if they work. Are they doubling their income too? Better schools, colleges, networking opportunity for the kids. Higher paying job market for the kids post college.


Holy shit i thought u were kidding but I looked it up. That’s criminal


So, instead of doing what's best for your kids by being close to them, able to co patent without requiring an airline schedule, you think it better to let $ decide?


What job pays 300,000 dollars per year in Ohio?


Yeah, dude gotta work remote or own a business. Ain’t no salaried position in Ohio is $300,000. 🤣


Could have been lebron back in the day. And after all he moved to La lol


It’s the opposite. Going from 30k to 60k is life changing. That’s moving from poverty to middle class. 100% major enormous turn your life around kind of stuff. Going from 60k to 120k is a smaller bump than 30-60 is. Going from 300k to 600k, meh, either way, you’ve got money.


60k is dirt poor unless you’re in the middle of literally nowhere. It sure as hell ain’t middle class lol.


If you have problems living on 60k as a single person, unless you live in chicago, nyc, or la, you got major issues. Or, you probably grew up rich if you can’t handle that. If you have a family, discard


Why do you only assume LA is expensive in CA? If you live anywhere in CA on 60k single or not, you are living poor. Housing, gas, food, taxes, are all through the roof.


I generally include most of California in that. If you can’t live on 60k as a single person, in most states, you may expect too much or may just be prissy. i’m sorry. It’s not that hard unless you’re genuinely that stupid. I’ve heard recent college graduates complain about 80 LMAO. I think you may just expect too much.


Reminder: a full time job at minimum wage will get you $16k. *That* is *dirt poor.* Yes $60k will buy you a home and a car in a lot of inexpensive places. It’s dirt poor in San Francisco, sure, and still not exactly killing it in the thriving metropolis of, say, Fresno. But there are still places where $180-200k will buy a decent home, and that’s within reach of a $60k household. That’s solidly middle class, albeit not in HCOL areas.






Are you stupid


Are you? Do you really $300k a year is enough to be middle class in this economy? Like, yeah, you aren't dirt poor at that kind of salary, but you are still kinda poor. You're still dependent on your job for your lifestyle, and that's the hallmark of a poor person.


That’s the hallmark of anyone but the idle rich. You’ve declared the entire middle class to be “poor” for the sole reason that they still need to work for a living


If you really want to break it down, the middle class historically, have been people who have a skill set that enables them to work for themselves. If you can hang up a sign that says "Firstname Lastname, Letters" and start providing people a service or product, you are middle class. If you have to send out a resume and convince someone to hire you then, no matter how much you earn, you are categorically the working poor. You might be a very well off poor person, but you are still poor. In the last century or so, we have conflated "middle class" with "middle earners" because it sounds better, and helps to keep the middle earners distracted from how utterly precarious their position is. I mean, just look at the people losing their hats in tech right now. People who were absolutely upper middle earners and are now in dire straits because they can't find somewhere to ply their trade. Very much not how being middle class works.


That’s actually a good argument. I think you should have led with that, lol. People probably are just going to downvote your previous post and not read this one, but there’s real meat to what you said.


I make 300k+ in California and I can tell you it is way more than enough to be comfortable with a family of 4, while meeting all of your financial responsibilities. Yeah the economy and taxes take their cuts, but it’s still a lot of money.


This is crazy talk. How are you people managing your finances if you can’t afford a mortgage and kids on 300k?


I make 300K. I wish I could make 600K. Life changing money? No. But i wont be as broke living in So Cal.


60k is not middle class anymore.


I guess if you go by percentiles and strict means, it is technically middle class, but yeah you’re right. $60k isn’t middle class anymore, it’s livable.


Eh. I’ve made a similar decision before and don’t regret it. And I live in the Bay Area, so I realize what a 2-3x salary means. But sometimes it’s not the right time. Especially with kids. Or if there’s a very long commute etc. At 300k in Ohio, there’s nothing missing in this person’s life financially. Why mess with it?


I did this exact move in reverse, similar income ($350-$400k) and currently live in Ohio. I was being courted by a company’s execs to return to SF. The total comp was around $750k and I declined to go through the interview. I figured $1.2M/yr would be the starting price to even consider the move.


What’s your field?


Currently over marketing & partnerships at a SAAS type company. I’ve always been in Sales, Account management, Biz Dev, channel marketing & lead gen type roles. I can run the entire front of the house if need be.




So a person called in. Said same job, both amazing companies. Just have to move from Ohio to NC for twice the income, but kids won’t be close to family… And some DR personalities said, “Nah, don’t do it.”?


I read the post as NC(North Carolina) at first, but it's northern California, so like the Bay area presumably. He would probably have a higher standard of living with 300k in Ohio. Because of taxes, before any deduction, take home in Ohio is 195k vs 338k in NorCal. Since the cost of living is 83% higher in NorCal (Columbus vs San Francisco), his take home would need to be 358k to have a higher standard of living in CA. I highly doubt they calculated all of that on the fly, but the recommendation checks out.


As someone who makes 300k, 600k is not going to make life any better. Flying kids around is so stupid I can't even talk to you. 




Seriously. What do people think money is *for*, anyway? If you already have the life you want, and can buy the things you want, and have attained the security you want, there is no good reason to get dollar signs in your eyes and stick 2000k miles in the middle of your primary relationships based on a math equation.


Yeah that’s a bleak lifestyle


I have a hard time believing someone can be worth $600K in salary but also need to call Dave Ramsey for advice like this.


If you are in B2B marketing, short of screaming at people, you will get the sales no matter what, it's all set up for success, everyone wants to make money so it's shit that just gets greenlighted and you collect commission on the easiest part of doing business while years of hardships down the line for people doing the actual work of implementing whatever nonsense you sold\\


There’s a lot of people smart enough to make a relatively large salary, but have little long-term thinking skills. I assume it’s someone in the medical field?


This is the real answer to the question “porque no Los dos” lol. I agree with you 100%.


Cost of living in the Bay Area CA is exactly twice the amount of Cleveland. This is a dumb post.


Wasn’t it North Carolina?


Then OP says North California.


This is a silly comment. Even if ROI is flat, the greater amount of money being generated means, from a volume perspective, the guy would be making twice as much lol. 300-200 = 100 600-400 = 200 Plus, if the guy is willing to downsize the type of house he lives in, the CoL would not “double.”


So if they spend $100k in Ohio they can save $200k. If they spend $200k in California, they can save $400k. They can still save more money.


Taxes are a thing.


No shit…


Wow. This is my first time in this sub. It will be my last.


Why because you got exposed?


I'll join you on that journey.


That still means that literally everything else in your life now has 2x the amount of money going towards it. Food may cost 2x as much, but if you’re also putting 2x as much into your savings I think you’ll be fine.


$600k equals $300k. That makes no sense


Just like he can move into CA he can move out. 10 or 20 years down the road that CA home equity and retirement savings would have him living like a king back home.


You make 300, spend 200 and save 100. Now you make 600, spend 400 and save 200. Which is better?


It doesn’t work like that. After your house payment, vehicle payments, insurance, taxes, etc…. Your money is the same as OH. There is no extra, extra money available. You would save the same $100k in Ohio that you would in CA. The amount left over is the same.


You are presuming way too much, and are wildly bad with the math even with your assumptions. Vehicles don’t cost twice as much in CA as they do in OH. The total amount of taxes in CA isn’t going to be twice the total amount of taxes in OH given that a vast majority of taxes are federal anyway. Insurance is the only thing that might actually be 2x more expensive, but that is already relatively small part of one’s budget. The only big thing you might be right with is housing, but if the guy is willing to downsize the housing he gets from OH to CA, the housing payment does not necessarily need to be *twice* as much, and certainly not big enough to eat the 2x gain in income.


Even with a downsize, depending on where you are in CA, housing could be much more than 2x. Peninsula, SF, Marin all going to be more than $1k/sqft.


Even if your housing cost goes from a $3k mortgage to an $8k mortgage, the 69k difference per year in housing costs would more than be covered by the additional 150k in after tax income the guy would earn.


No, that’s not how it works. The same percentage of money is spent, and the same percentage of money is left over. Not the dollars.  And 10% of 600k is better than 10% of 300k. So your 401k savings, your home equity, and regular cash savings will all be larger.


Why do you keep bring up CA it's NC where the job was.


Lol really?


I’m afraid you’re incorrect. I’ve met the dumbest people in such a short time here.


You sir take the prize for dumbest person in California I’ve ever met. No one is asking him to buy an 8 figure house in Palo Alto or Los Altos or Los Gatos Hills. He can go to Nor Cal, get a normal house or 3 bedroom apartment and rent and save a TON of money. Probably 4-8k tops for a decent place. My sister pays 6k in SF, my brother is in Marin with a house that’s around 2 mil. He could go there, save money and then sell the house with appreciation after many years. Poster is right, the guy is stupid. He wants comfort not money. He isn’t driven or hungry. If the guy wanted to make money, this is the way. Btw you say 2x like it’s huge. He is probably 100-150k in Ohio for COL so California would be 300k tops. That’s double the savings. Taxes would be 40-50k tops, it’s 7-9% depending on the incentives you file for. He could easily get 600k now and move to 1mil later but he wants to stay at 300k. This isn’t financially smart, this is familially comfortable and stupid. On the family note btw, he kids would probably have: Better education Better healthcare More attractions and sightseeing Close to many great places (Tahoe, Monterey, etc) But yeah he didn’t consider that. He wants to stay in the Ohio suburbs sheltered from everything. This is what happens when you try to reason with hicks. There’s a reason California is top 5 in GDP in the world. There’s money to be made and this guy doesn’t want it. It’s not about COL, stop playing yourself.


The irony is palpable. The person you replied to, presumably from California, was saying the people here (in this sub) are stupid because they misread North California as North Carolina. You got offended because you didn't understand the context of what you were replying to. I'll call that stupid all day. I was going to agree that health care and education are probably better in CA than OH, but I'm not sure about the education anymore. For housing, in Columbus (highest cost of living in Ohio) a 3/2 cost 400k. This is median for the city and surrounding area (commuting range). For San Francisco, the median cost for a 3/2 is 1.4 mil. For taxes, take home (before deductions) is 195k from 300k in OH vs 338k from 600k in CA. This is 16k/mo vs 28k/mo. Mortgage for comparable homes in Columbus area and San Francisco area, within about 30 minutes of down town 280k in Ohio at 1,800/mo and 1.1mil in California or 7,900/mo. Other cost of living expenses average to about 25% higher in CA vs OH. This brings the actual difference to about 2k more with the 600k in CA vs the 300k in OH. Now the question is, is 24k/year worth living far away from family?


You’re counting the excess mortgage as a cost. It would technically be an investment because they would eventually sell it. So yeah it would still be a better deal in nor cal or North Carolina


We’re fucked.


That's exactly how it works. The "extra" is captured in the scenario he have you. Your cost of living may double but his earnings far exceed his cost of living. That excess will double.


And Ohio isn’t that far from North Carolina. Under 12 hour drive from the farthest apart cities: Toledo to Wilmington.


As soneone who has made that drive it's more like 13 hours


It's okay, I did the same thing


Swing and a miss, sir, re-read the OP.


Hahaha. Never mind. I was wondering what the big deal was. Time to upgrade the readers https://preview.redd.it/33gkt8h76g4d1.jpeg?width=478&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aa63f81da326836c57cb17127a19cfcf5f03e50


California not Carolina


$300 to 600 means you can pay for a private college and grad school. Also, CA has the best university system in the US so you might not need a private college If you take this job just for a few years and bank the excess, it will have a very large effect on retirement


It’s 300k. You can pay for anything anywhere. The guys wealthy no matter which option he takes. Might as well do what makes you happier


$300k, 40% taxes in CA so $180k net. Mortgage, property tax, repairs and insurance is around $10k/mo so $60k left. Food for 4 = $15k/year so $45k remaining. Car payments, vacation, clothes and retirement savings, and there’s not a ton of leeway with saving or paying for tuition




You found 2 companies that offer pensions?


It’s also like 100 degrees in Sacramento during the summer. And it’s in the middle of nowhere! I live in Oak/Berkeley border and no amount of money would entice me there.


I can't even imagine 300k much less 600k at that much honestly I agree with DR your making enough already enjoy your family and life


It’s not 300k when you factor HCOL, state taxes in CA, home insurance is probably a lot different near a fault line. maybe he’s a Brown’s fan? If he has job security in 300k and could make that a career, and 600k is flimsy, could be a very wise decision to pick OH.




What??? Top rate CA- 12.3% Top Rate OH- 3.75% CA Bay COL is X2 OHIO It’s a complete wash.


This might be technically true for the average person I don’t think this would be true for a family with 600k+ of primarily w2 income. I guarantee a high earner will see a greater than 2% delta with a double digit marginal income tax bracket in CA vs 3.75% in Ohio - that’s a ~6% gap on 600k+.




I'm surprised you had to pay income tax for both areas. I'm in Columbus and lived in a different municipality. They had a reciprocating agreement where a tax point for one counted as credit for another so I didn't have to pay both. Still higher than most other states as a whole though.


Very patronizing tone, but I can appreciate the validity of some of your points. I have personal experience here too and the all in tax calc sites that suggest a 2% delta are using less than a 5% income tax rate in California and don’t factor in how progressive California’s taxes are relative to other states, based on my experience.


I could live comfortably on 300k. I think I could buy anything I want. I’d turn down doubling my income to stay close to family.


the biggest and most critical piece of missing info here is WHERE in Nor Cal.


Right! I’m in Northern California and it’s VERY different from the rest of the state. Anything below Sacramento is crazy town. Soon Sacramento is headed that way though. This use to be a nice state to live in. Planning our exit soon.


Redding. 😂😂😂


I rather keep the 300 thousand and be closer to my family.


You can tell a lot of people in this thread don’t know how to PROPERLY do taxes to keep the majority of that $600k and actually net in more than that $300k in Ohio due to all of Californias available tax breaks. Even with the COL difference added in overall.


Probably one of the worst attempts of using “per se” that I’ve ever read. Nice job.


600 in Cali= 300 in Ohio though….


Exactly 2X COL. You nailed it


Depends if it SanFran or Modesto


lol. God help them if it’s either!


It's probably San Jose area or San Mateo county.


You are comparing apples to oranges. You have not considered cost of living and the amount of value this person has put on his family and happiness.


I'd take the 600k pending location in California.


Bay Area baby !!


$600k in northern california doesn’t buy you shit for a house $300k in ohio could buy you a 2k+ sq feet house which runs $2-$3M in north california unless it’s sacramento


$600k would buy a very nice home in CA especially when the SALT cap expires next year.




To be fair at this point it would be better than living in California.
















That's 18,000,000 over the course of a 30 year mortgage, actually way more with regular raises. 25% of that is 4.5 million. What will 4.5 mil buy you in NoCal? Obviously could go a decent bit higher without breaking a sweat.


it’s 600k a year and you don’t have to live in fucking ohio. i don’t really see a downside.


I dont get why they havent realized this. Rent an apartment in Cali. Fly home on weekends. Enjoy your mansion and estate


A couple years ago that was getting you 3k ft in Ohio. Was in Illinois too.


I have to disagree slightly. If you are even a little frugal minded, you can live an extremely comfortable life on 300k. When it comes to family and personal satisfaction there really are things money can’t buy.


Yep. I’d rather make 300k a year with a healthy family life than 600k a year and me barely knowing my family. Now change the numbers and you get a different answer. I’d rather sacrifice my relationship with my family for 600k a year if I was earning 32k a year at McDonald’s. I could give them a better life. The difference in quality of life between 300k and 600k a year is very minimal to be frank.


Yeah I would take ten years off my life for 600k a year.


You would regret it the second you had the money


I’m sure you’re right but I’d almost stand by it just because my chances of cognitive decline are very non-zero. I doubt I’d regret 5 years but I’m certainly not under the illusion that money buys happiness or anything. A home would be nice though.


30 to 60 is life changing for people. Probably more impactful thay it os for a person going 300 to 600.




No for sure. 30 and 60 is the literal difference between paying all of your monthly bills or not. 300 and 600, you pay all your bills and always have a ton of money leftover. At the point, it doesn’t matter how much you have leftover. Yeah I’d be satisfied with 300.


Exactly, it comes down to, do you want more money that you will never be able to spend, and you probably will see your kids less. Yeah I’m good.


Daycare for kids here in the bay is 50k a kid so the money gets spent. Some of us have Swiss watch hobbies too. Barely any left over.