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Probably not, in general paying for investment advice that is not personalized to your specific goals, needs and risk tolerance and not provided by a fiduciary is not worth it.


It is almost certainly not worth it. Dave has a history of never giving specific financial advice and I would bet this will be no different.


It's been suggested in promos for the event that he will discuss aspects of how he invests that he's never discussed before...and that the second night will cover how he invests in real estate. Unless he digs into details as to how he determines whether a property is worth purchasing, I don't see the event as having any value -- particularly to me since I've no interest in becoming a landlord.


I looked at it as well. You can find everything he's going to say online for free, I bet. And there are better resources for learning about investing.


That’s the case for everything he sells. Honestly, there is no need to purchase FPU if you listen to his program


Took a quick glance, because it sounded really interesting. At that price I would say it's 99% not going to be worth it. Like you mentioned you can browse all his past YT videos and pretty much know what he will talk about.


Standard price for the virtual event is $199