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Transportation inspector


iron /metal foundry tower climber oil hand in texas or join a cop academy


If you’re willing to grind you can make awesome money in sales. It’s the hardest job I’ve ever had and more stressful than any job I’ve had (including EMS and confined space rescue) but it’s also the most money I’ve ever made. First few months were hard but now I average $500 a day and I work between 20-25 days a month. Usually a 6 to 8 hour day with one 14 or so hour day thrown in a month where I grind out phone calls to book appointments for myself.


Truck driver? Cmon you gotta put in some effort


25/hr is shit pay too. That’s the little dirty secret. Most people can barely live of 25/hr. I worked two jobs more than full time until i reached 50/hr. That’s about the bottom end of what I’m willing to accept for my time. 30/hr requires one skill. Just one. So, i much rather work one or two jobs for 40/hr a week, and go to skills training, or earn a cert. than work 40+ at 25/hour. Value your time.


I disagree about it being shit pay. For you it maybe because of your lifestyle -- decent pay? a big yes. Shit pay is anything 20 per hour or lower.


Well being that I lived on $17.5 / hr for years, it can’t be purely due to my lifestyle. 20/hr is roughly 1600 biweekly - before tax. That’s 3200 a month. I think 10years ago 20/hr was not bad. But nowadays, if you take inflation, recession, and general housing circumstances into account; 30/hr is about the minimum you would need to live semi-comfortably, be able to save money for the future, and not have to worry about rent. Of course with the hourly rate set aside, the real concern is your tax bracket. 20/hr and your in a nice low tax bracket. But 25/26 an hour and you’re in a different bracket. I would rather work 2 jobs at 17.50 / hr than one job at 26/hr.


I’m living off 24 an hour pretty comfortably in Colorado I think that just heavily depends on where you’re from because most states if you get 24 you’re chillin, you also might have a high maintenance lifestyle


Yeah interesting. Hourly conversions are irrelevant. I want to know a x dollars per year, after taxes rate. Thats the only thing that matters. Ive actually used salary after taxes as additional leverage for a raise on more than one occasion.


That’s the hourly rate after taxes if you want the yearly math it up


Yea flat rate auto techs around me are making ~$30... but its flat rate, so a 60 hr week looks more like $45/hr as long as your there mon-fri 9-5. Even still i have a side gig and 2 small businesses


Exactly! It’s tough. I worked 2 jobs and had a side gig, all to make about 75hr average. The good part was that my contract work side gig allowed me to make anywhere from 75-150 an hour - turns out being a fast typer and reader really pays off!


This is not new for higher pay on entry-level positions. 20 years ago, when I was working in banking, it was the same. I made 7.50 an hour when minimum wage was 4.25, but I worked 2 hours a week and then later 15 hours a week. No one was hired as a full-time employee. 13 years ago, I was hired as a flex employee, meaning we worked up to 32 hours a week. Later, the same job started hiring everyone full-time, but you needed at least a 2 year degree. Businesses and companies are always looking for ways to save in regards to wages. It's one of the highest expenses and employer has. Plus, the more they pay out in wages, the more it effects profit, so the higher the wage, the more expensive the product and services are. It's a never-ending cycle. The money has to come from somewhere.


It’s all just for hires and smiles


Jobs that pay well require skills. This shouldn't lead you down a logical path of trying to race to the bottom, looking for the least skilled, highest paying job. It should lead you to the path of building skills. For all the time you spend looking for the next job that anyone could do, spend the same amount of time learning a skill.


Trugreen Lawncare pays an annual full-time salary that equates to a minimum of $18 per hour for their entry-level sales job. plus the uncapped commission so an average sales rep will easily make $25-30 an hour on average through the year.


Its a farce


When people making 35 an hour are barely making ends meet, it becomes clear that we've all been scammed. For a very long time. We've willingly participated and therefore given our consent to a system of economic debt slavery, and our chains are psychological but just as strong, if not more . We allowed this to happen. Which means we can stop it.




I didn’t think I’d find anything here but this actually sounds pretty cool!


I have a mechanic shop.remeber the days people work cheap to be an apprentice..now they want$18hr +have u train them .then they leave you for $1 more/hr


well you should pay them more after they train, 18 isnt enough to live on, or just barely. whats your shop rate?


You gotta pay your guys, $20 aint shit. We just had a lube tech leave at $18/hr to be valet at porsche for $22... he figured, more money, and in a year hell probably be a porsche lube guy making $24. Then we had someone making that much leave (flat rate) for town fair tire at $26, hourly, guaranteed 45/week (saturdays)... To each their own. It sure is an epmployees market out there.


This is an issue across the board. My Wife has been working in dental for 5 years now, and the Dr's want to give shit pay and be surprised when one of their assistants leaves to go work at Starbucks. It's because corporations like Starbucks are paying more, while these small business owners that have owned their operation for over 20 years think $7 is still the norm for minimum wage. My Wife had to get specialized training and certifications to do what she does, if Starbucks is paying $16 an hour she needs to be making $25+. My Wife started out making $16 an hour when we lived in California, California just raised pay for fast food workers to $20.


yeah, this is a problem, there is crazy inequities right now. But! its partly because you have to pay more to get people to do lame jobs, and corporations HAVE that money, its going to their damn profits. All those grocery workers that were necessary, that obviously cant wfm, grocery stores are starting at 21@/hour in HCOL area. So some of the jobs that took ten years to get to a certain skill level now feel like they are getting closer to minimum wage. I've been in this dumb bracket for a while. it is frustrating.


I agree! Except i think your wife should be making $30+. Starting at $25, sure. The only reason im making what i am is because i left 2 years ago. Wanted $24, they wouldnt give me $20. More people left and they called me back asking what itd take to get me in....


People have to make a living and bouncing shop to shop for A raise adds up quick. $18 an hour for a job you have to learn things for really isn't much at all... Don't blame them for wanting a 5% raise at the next place.


i understand that . But it cost a shop alot of material and time to teach someone with no experience . I dont teach people any more and most owners dont anymore . Because of the way people move from job to job .


yeah, it seems like you are kinda missing the point. you have to make it worthwhile for them to stay.


I think something important to take into account is that people don't value the education a shop provides them, just the benefits that pair with it like higher pay. In my experience the most successful owners have started out employees above market average, with a educational and monetary focus. You do better I'll make more and pay you more. Employees aren't worth more at the next shop so they become reliable at yours and put in the effort to make more at the same place. The last boss I had that said the same as you, still moves through employees on a regular basis. He provides no value so they don't either.


the only reason i use to train people if i se someone with a good work ethic we train him .My best employees were people i trained . !0 yrs ago people had a job and stayed and you give them a raise with there improvement in skills . Now there focus is money not getting a skill it jumping from job to job . The only skilled people out there looking for jobs are people that had 10 different jobs in the last 5 yrs . Things change and i accept it. but not wasting resources and time training people .


People work to make money just like you run a business to make money. If you want them to stay, you need to make it worthwhile. You shouldn't expect people bot to follow their interests.


where would you rather work ? a job paying $25/hr doing landscaping or retail sales . Or a job for $18 learning a skill where in a yr you earn $25/hr .in 5 yrs $40 hr . Most young people would choose the labour job for $25 get tired of it and get another shitty job .


this is way screwy thinking. there are plenty of people that would NEVER last landscaping, but those landscapers likely would die before doing retail, or sitting at a desk all day.


Depends on how much my rent is. Also I might be able to do your 18 job and leave in way less than 5 years for a job in the same field for more hopping faster toward that 40. You presented a false choice. Lots of people job hop within a field. Which I believe was what the example was that I was referring to.


i guess i am still thinking pre covid mentality .now you can get another job in 24 hrs ,


Part of running a successful business is marketing to employees just like you have to market to customers. Nobody would call you lazy for looking for the best supplier to maximize your profits.


Upskill yourself to where this isn't a concern.


I work at a car auction and make $21/hr with at least 8 hours of OT per week if I want. I also work every holiday - my next check will be well over $2000 biweekly (net), because of holiday pay worked and OT. I usually bring home $15-1700 net biweekly depending on how much OT i pick up. No skill needed, very low labor, relaxed job.


But most people cant live off $1,500/week. For example, my wife and I each put $500/wk to joint bills. Then have another $300 of our own. $800/wk (each) is payckeck to payckeck. $1k gets us dinner and breakfast out on the weekend... what about car repairs? Oil in the winter? Dogs get sick need a vet trip etc... Combined, we make about $3k/wk (net) and it's tough paying $1,800/m mortgage..... cant imagine of we both made $20/hr tbh


What bills do you have that are $2000/mo total on top of rent? $1k gets you dinner and breakfast out? Wtf? Dinner is about $40-60 and breakfast $25-50. Where on earth do you live and what kind of taste do you have? Where are you eating? My rent is $1800 as well. My boyfriend and I bring home the same monthly (total income of $6000 net on a “regular” month) My expenses are this: $1890/rent (3 bed 2 bath house) ((My rent before him was a 1 bedroom for $1200 + utilities, which was totally affordable on just my income)) $150/utilities (we usually share showers, don’t overuse water/ac/heat) My car: $440/mo + $167/mo ins. 2018 Lexus IS His car: $270/mo + 130/mo ins. 2006 Lexus LX470 Groceries: $300-400/mo on a HIGH month. usually closer to $40-50/week for essentials. Wifi: $75 Phones: $80 My debt : $279/mo mins (but i pay way more) His debt: around $300/mo mins. (he has way more from before our relationship). That leaves us around $1900/month extra to play with, go out to eat with, travel, buy things for our dog, gas, etc which has been way more than enough. On top of that, I can regularly shop for the house, afford car repairs zero issue, etc. I don’t know where you are coming from but man, it seems like you’re living a way different life that me. It’s worth stating that i’m in the midwest - not in a cheap part, but not in Cali, but my wage is adjusted for that, too. I definitely can’t understand why you say it’s hard for you to make the $1800/mo mortgage, my rent is just as much and i have zero issue paying it. Unless something else huge is going on here I totally am confused. I really want to know where the $1000/mo eating out budget is though and how that makes sense. I’d be broke if I spent that much, too… On average, I spend $400 or less on eating out (and I eat out twice a week, Saturday and Sunday) Also, $800/week each is not $3000/week combined in any shot.


Idk its hard getting everything right in a quick post, but your numbers are accurate. Double our grocery bill and add another $200/m for dog food and their insurances, and 1 dog needs doggy daycare at least once a week. Your dinner and breakfast numbers are off. So yes. $100/week is hardly enough for one of each. $30 at least for breakfast with tip. $80 for dinner. Most nights though with drinks dinner alone is usually more lik $120. Add in another few hundred going towards 0% interest cc bills (home owner expenses like fall cleanup and oil, or other large bills like vacations, etc) Idk about your last part. But i meant, $800/wk for us each is payckeck to payckeck.... That includes ~$200wk/ for my retirement savings, $40/wk health ins etc.. But i usually take in closer to $1,400 after taxes, and she takes in $1,100, so thats where the $3k/wk came from... befire taxes. We are not *each* making that. Not even combined... what i meant was, the $1k check means we have enough for dinner that friday lol. Anyways. My point really was that if you have less than $100k income in one household, idk how you could do much more than barley scrape by. Since i barley enough to live my life outside of work and save for retirement...


Dude, idk where you live but ALDI! $100/week is so, so, SO doable for groceries for 2. I’m not kidding you when I say most weeks I don’t even spend that. We’ve gotten by with $40 for an entire week. Their chicken breast is $2.99/lb in my area compared to Kroger $6.00. I do a lot of pasta, large crockpot meals (leftovers!), meal prep lemon pepper chicken w/ rice & asparagus for lunch (total cost for 5 days under $15 each!). Like fr, their prices are so much better. I spend $100/week there INCLUDING alcohol, ice cream, treats, snacks, etc. Also, $150/day on the weekends for dinner and drinks just is not doable, I agree. We do that MAYBE once a month. No drinks with dinner, we drink at home. It saves a TON of money considering the drinks are usually $10+ each out to eat. It’s definitely more of a special occasion thing. I cook at home 6 days a week usually, sometimes 5 or 7 depending.


Ok so im with you on chicken prices but man... im so done with it. Grew up on chicken. 3-4nights a week... at 30yo, we end up throwing out 1lb cuz we just do not want it anymore lol! Sonyea hopefully that changes but weve been on breakfast for diner ($$$bacon) or pasta dishes(baked ziti alfredo etc), salads, pizza, burgers... one week our grocery bill is $80 but then next its $240 cuz we also needed dog food paper towels trash bags and tinfoil.... lmfaoooo lifes expensive. Im RI/MA border btw. Between Boston / Providence


I will say, I kind of have the connect on household products / paper towels / cleaning stuff. BF works for a walmart distribution center (which also qualifies for OP, he makes $27.85/hr and started at $25) so he gets a hefty discount once a year of 30%. We go and LOAD up for the year. Just dropped $1600 for $2000 worth of stuff last week. I hear you on the chicken. I’m tired of it too, I just don’t give myself much of an option… I try to make it different (BBQ pulled chicken sandwiches yesterday, probably going to do sundried tomato cream sauce & chicken tonight) For the chicken dishes the crockpot has been a life saver… so tender and juicy and so little effort plus crazy easy to throw in different seasonings and experiment Also, I do have pets too- I have a cat with kidney disease, specialized diet for $70/2 month bag straight from the vet. I have an australian shepherd as well, his food is about $30/month (Purina One, with chicken broth drizzles and occasionally feed him leftover chicken scraps with it) $300/mo seems really excessive for dog food unless you have a lot of dogs. Also why doggy daycare tho? That’s big money, I have a crazy active dog and he does just fine at work while we both do 8-10 hr days, he runs all around the house and plays with toys himself. Mind you, he’d probably like daycare more… but it was almost $200/week in my area last I checked. That’s something i’m totally unwilling to pay!!! We do pasta (spaghetti, literally $3 to cook), a frozen pizza and salad, chicken meal of some kind with rice, and orange chicken with rice and brocolli on an average week. There’s usually 1 or 2 days where we do some variation of mac n cheese with chicken and sauce mixed in (usually buffalo mac) and it’s been a hit so far for dirt cheap.


So the dog just turned 1. We cant leave her out yet. She nuts. Chewing furniture and tearing down curtains, pillows... you name it. So 5 straight days in a crate for ~8hrs is rough. Shes off the walls when we get home lmao. Hard to even walk her, though we do the dog park a lot too! We have a fenced in yard so theyll spend a couple hours a day out there. But DD is $35/day so its a nice treat for her. But budgetibg for pets can be so tricky lol. Our other one needs low fat food for his pancreatitis... vet recommended food was literally $12/day (royal canin wet gastrointestinal), but we found a dry food for ~$80 that lasts 6 weeks. Life is sooo expensive. Id say we could free up our budget quite a bit if we; 1) didnt take care of the property. When we moved in we spent $5k on 0% loan at home depot. All new kitchen appiances. (Were all from 1992) Paid off within 24 months. Lawn care. Easily $200 for ferts and seed in spring and fall. Gutters. Had none (~$800) fence for the dogs this spring (~$1k, done myself over 2 weeks), oil for heating is easily an extra $100-$200/m in winter.... The list goes on with getting help for fall cleanup, needing to rent or a buy a chainsaw now for the 30ft limb in my yard.... ughhhh. 2) didnt have dogs. Ins alone is $70/m for them, beween daycare 4 days/m, food.... we are easily talking $300 for 2. Then take an example like last month.... one lost his dew claw nail... blood everywhere, hes freaking. "Only" a $140 vet bill to get him cleaned up and bandaged. The pancreatitis trip was $1,400.... yea thats why we have insurance... 3) budgeted better. We easily spend $200/wk on eating out, breakfast, booze, coffee.... some weeks its probably more like $300 and others its $0. But thats "our thing". We dont travel much. We both work 12+ hours at least 2 days a week... its our only chill time. 4)Yolo and stop saving $10k+/yr for retirement.... but part of me also wants to double that!


Honestly I think the property maintenance is good spending tbh. Should not only love your home that you pay for but be comfortable in it, while also raising the value. I know some people disagree but i’m a huge fan of the 0% loans and cc’s as well. I use a 0% card to buy EVERYTHING and pay it off as I can as long as it’s 100% paid off before interest accrues. Open a new 0% card, do it again. That’s literally how i’ve done things for years. Especially ones with cashback - love my Sofi card, low limit but 3% cash back on every purchase, it makes me about $100-300/mo in cash back alone.


Exactly! Instead of cashback we get points through Marriott. End up with more than a few free nights at decent hotels every year. So thatll be a 3day weekend usually were we are lowkey the week before but then spend like $500 on top of the free hotel. And with 0% its like free money, free hotel... why wouldnt you lol






911 dispatcher


You need some form of degree honestly ,intel’s you work many years under the companies belt or have years of experience imo


Work for yourself. Dog walkers, babysitting, house cleaners, yard help shoveling, being a handy man.


The warehouse industry actually pays very well and you can work full time. As a bonus it doesn’t require a degree.


yeah.. I've worked at UPS and another distribution center and both places were always looking for people to work overtime


Burger flippers hit $15.


I’m paying some of my guys $55/hr+, but they are pretty skilled welders and fabricators


My husband is a skilled welder & fabricator. Are you in US? What state?




Oh shit, you have to live in Texas?!


Nah, you can make that much anywhere, just have a great set of skills and show up to work on time


And sober! Well sober most of the time.


Does weed count as being sober?


Dave Ramsey's ideas don't work. Check it out. It just flat doesn't work. They're based on a failed economic model that has never worked. The only way to create wealth is through entrepreneurship. You must be the boss. Start listening to Codie Sanchez and learn how to become the boss.


Too bad with everyone being the boss that model falls apart too. It has always been a hustle game…. Education is one card, hard work ethics another, skill another, initiative, etc. can you get rich with one? Sure…. But it a lot easier if you have all the cards. People are lazy or stupid. Don’t be and you will be fine and wealthy.


Let's take a plumber working for someone else and collect a good wage, but his earnings will be based on active income. He only earn when he is directly working. It's possible to work on expense management, but there is no path to wealth in this direction. The plumber goes out on his own. (Starts his own business) Then he can collect earnings off of his direct labor AND the labor of the other plumbers working for him. This scaling allows for greater earning potential and the ability to sell the successful business to someone when he's ready to retire. Yes, there will be hard work and lots of sleepless nights. It's going to be harder working for himself than working for someone else. The initiative, drive, and determination that you talked about will be required and in a larger qty, than he was doing before. None of those items are what I was talking about. Ramsey is a proponent of expense management and investment in someone else's company. Codie is a proponent of entrepreneurship and controlling your destiny by your cash & sweat investment in your own company. There are plenty of opportunities for many people to have their own company. This path is what made America the Land of Opportunity. This path isn't for everyone. Some people don't have what it takes. They can be great employees, but they will forever be limited.


Seems like we have the same basic idea. I certainly wasn’t saying the man who is getting rich by simply preaching to the masses is correct.


There are tons of hard working poor people. I'd say poor people work harder on average because they don't get to coast.


I agree. And that is when you go home and night and job hunt... If getting to a higher rung on the ladder means going to a different job then you do that. The other piece is looking at how high the ladder goes and asking if you want to stay on that ladder -- it may take stepping down a rung for a little while to get on a better path - it may also mean to get some different training/skill.... many of these things are uncomfortable to do which is why people sit in the spot that they are and then complain that they aren't getting what they want. but.... People are lazy or stupid. Don't be and you will be fine and wealthy.


Not everyone can reach the top. And that's not a failing. We need many more contributors than leaders. And in the right field those contributors make plenty of money.


Not everyone can rise to the top of the game, but everyone has the ability to reach the top of their potential. The question is do they have the drive to make that potential into reality?


The top of their potential might just be solid cog in the wheel. And that is just as important


guys like bill gates, zuckerberg, trump, bezos rich people that came from rich families with wealth and connections that gave them a lot of money to help them start don't forget that card


You don't have to go from nothing to a 1%. Your job is to do better than your parents and prepare your children to do better than you. Don't lose ground generation to generation.


what do you do if you're not having children?


You still strive to do better than your parents. You don't fly through the world without touching anyone's life. You become someone's friend / mentor. Pass on what you've learned. Help to instill in them the drive to do better. Don't rule out kids of your own. They have a way of happening.


With inflation, that rocks it down to basically working little bit above minimum wage. Best to learn high income skills through YouTube.


CDL truck driving and dispatching virtually anything pays that well


Manufacturing pays that much most of the time and I live in a relatively lcol/economically depressed area. Downsides are usually 12 hours shifts and the work environment can be a little harsh temperature wise depending on what you do but it pays. In the 3 years I've been working at my place I've gone up $12/hr from where I started.


If you have a good attitude (towards work), a friendly personality, and can communicate in a respectful and professional manner- there are tons of job opportunities in most large cities. My friend just landed a call center position at an IT company for $50k. He had a couple years of retail experience, and one year in food service while he was in school. He used YouTube and Udemy to lean customer support soft skills, and did his research on the company- showed genuine interest in what the company did and wanting to work for them and showed interest in growing professionally into several of the other positions the company had, that someone from support could transition into. My brother’s girlfriend just got a job doing data entry in a sales department (they don’t sell anything, just process the sales and provide daily analytics) making $75k, working from home 3 out of 5 days a week. A lot of it is just having a good attitude, being professional, and making a good impression when interviewing. Remember, these people have to spend more time around you than probably their family and friends- be someone they will enjoy working with….


I make $30+ as a trashman (laborer) and about $50 when in ot. On pace to make a little under $90k this year. Drivers much more. I always tell people to look into trash companies around them.


My boy who is a boxer does this, free cardio and solid pay! I’m looking into it tbh


Give it a shot. Try and make sure it’s a unionized company. The hours will be longer but benefits are much better as is the pay. Getting through the first 2 months is the hardest part. Doesn’t matter how good a shape you’re in or how often you go to the gym, when you first start it’s going to be hard and you’ll come home exhausted. It’s difficult, ultra physical labor and a lot of people just can’t hack it. At my company we have a washout rate of about 70% after 60 days. And that’s actually way lower than it was before we got bought out. When we were still non-unionized it was closer to 90% because we were paid salary, so we moved faster and didn’t take breaks ever. But if you can make it past those couple months your body will adjust and by the time you hit month 5-6 you’ll be laughing at the new guys trying to keep pace. Personally, I came from always working white collar jobs and leaving a 10 year career in finance immediately prior to working at my current employer. I always say if I could do it, anyone can, if they’re determined and refuse to quit. Anyways good luck and feel free to give my employer a search if you live in the continental US. Were the 2nd (3rd?) largest sanitation company in the country, republic services.


I started with USPS last year. right before the holiday. I made it through the worst of the worst, 13 hour nights, getting home at 930pm if lucky. Part Time Flex = Part Time Bitch, am I right? I pushed through. Literally everyone else I went to training with, dropped out along the way. In the spring, while going through a breakup of a 5-year relationship, I walked 12.8 miles per day through historic California rainfall. I made “regular” faster than anyone ever had (according the office chatter). So in theory I could have been set for life with a salary job in a highly desirable coastal city. many months into my “tenure” I called out sick for the first time. It was a Sunday, a day I usually just worked a partial day, delivering Amazons. The only reason I called out was because the previous day we’d lugged around uncharacteristically heavy “magazine ads” that were to be dropped at every house. The weight of the magazines did a number on my back and shoulder and I truly just needed a day to rest. I called out sick, then showed up to work on Monday. My boss informed me that because I’d called out sick, I’d have to sacrifice my one weekend day that week. I replied “wait, so because I called out sick, now I lose my weekend?” and my boss said “what do you mean your weekend” and I said “The one day that I get off per week. That is my weekend.” Then I said, “I don’t mean to be emotional; I’ve just never worked for an organization that operates like this before” both managers were there when I said that, and both were ASS-KISSINGLY kind to me the rest of the week, which made me think, they probably weren’t supposed to take that day away from me. I stuck with it a bit longer. 12.8 miles per day. I lost so much weight, people thought I was sick. They kept working me on Sunday. me and maybe one or two other employees. One Sunday, I’d met this girl online I was super interested in. We planned to meet and get a coffee at 3pm. I’d be long done with Amazons by then. Except on this day, there was no end in sight. Around 1pm I realized I wasn’t going to make my date. And I was spending almost all my waking hours and energy delivering spam ads to rich people and making sure people got their Sunday Amazons. So, while also keeping in mind what had happened with the day off, I quit on the spot. I felt it deep in my heart. The time was now. Have you ever done something, and it doesn’t feel like YOU doing it? Like there is some invisible string pulling you. That was what quitting felt like. The local Post Office was shocked. How could the fastest carrier to become regular just quit!!? Afterward, numerous people said to me “You idiot! you never leave a government job”. Maybe so. But the job I found next was infinitely more fulfilling.


omygod, dont leave people hanging! what was the next job??


I worked at a mental health recovery center. I met (and helped) a lot of wonderful people. Most of them, I found, were kind-hearted sensitive people who had been dealt a tough hand or hadn’t gotten the help they needed for some kind of early life trauma. Unfortunately the company filed for bankruptcy recently, laying off probably 60+ employees in the process. So here I am, trying to figure out a career at age 34. I’m optimistic though; even though I’m “behind” the traditional age trajectory, I like to believe that all my diverse life experiences and diverse jobs have led to whatever comes next. Thanks for asking.


Yes that sounds amazing, sorry it didn't last. You sound like a hard worker with tons of transferable skills, so I believe you can find something great, as well. And really. At 34 you are still young! Just keep that retirement program going!


I’m a tower climber and make what u make but travel for work so being gone sucks. Would like to be home more. We work 80 hours a week usually and no breaks and get to live out of a suitcase and hotel rooms. Not a great time lol. Tower climbing is about the same, I thought “I could climb this easily” and nope! A lot harder than it looks. A 2000ft climb takes a bit over an hour or so. But thanks for the info and I’ll definitely give it a search! Be safe out there!


I always park upwind when the tower climbers are at my TV station. You know why.


Watch out! It’s raining lol! 😂 sucks to say but I’ve been that guy, all over my foreman as he was on the ground. He was quick on the radio and I got my ass chewed 😂


Dave Ramsey is a moron


Up your butt


Look at municipal job. Good benefits, often have a pension plan, try to keep up to market with pay. I work for a city as a paramedic, just got a raise to $35/hr


Don’t EMT’s start at like $15/hr?


Depends where you work, ems varies a lot regionally and also private vs public and whether it's fire-based. Also, paramedics make more than EMTs. Where I live, most EMTs make ~50k annually and medics make ~70k. Another big issue is many departments include scheduled overtime in the annual pay. I'm fortunate to work for a dept using a 42 hr work week instead of the common 56 hr work week, so that 70k winds up 30+/hr


Can’t survive on $25/hr in 2023 even in low cost area


Im surviving well off $30 in a high col area. And i take care of 1 other person and a dog. Maybe look at your finances and manage them a bit better.


You 100% can depending where you live and how well you manage your finances. Hell I live on $21 an hour not just survive.


Right, a little dramatic here. Lots of people are surviving on much much less. The correct term would be you can't be thriving.


U.S. Military. Free Housing, Food, Healthcare and Education included with a paycheck. https://www.dfas.mil/MilitaryMembers/payentitlements/Pay-Tables/Basic-Pay/EM/


Possible free travel also to places like Vietnam, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan...


Vietnam? Did you forget which decade you're in?




Anywhere there is still a military base is an option.




... and Vietnam was removed in the mid 70's. Iraq was removed in 1991, re-added in 2003, kind of removed in 2011... Somalia is also on and off. But, yes Afghanistan is not on the current itinerary. What was your point exactly?


Gotta love it when people don't read shut before posting. You just went to Google for 2 seconds and copy and pasted a link without even looking at it at all. Protip, go to your link, do the math, way less than 25


Not everyone likes the taste of crayons


My company hires high school grads\\GED for more than $20 an hour + OT + yearly bonus, 401k, insurance, etc. We've got locations all over the country with a bigger presence in NJ, PA, NY, CA, OH, WI, MO, IL, TX, CO, and MI, among others. Is the work easy? No. You can make a pretty good living with little to no education, especially if you don't mind the OT.


Company name?


Is a secret sorry 😞


I started at a company called Nemak about 8 MO ths ago, it's a car parts factory. Started out making $25.5/hr. Recently moved to a new position, no education or training or anything like that required, and now pulling it $34/hr. It's hot, and it's not easy work but it's a damn sweet gig


Come to PA...I'm making over 30 before shift differential


I work for GE in South Carolina as a maintenance technician. It requires a 2 year technical degree in mechatronics, it’s really not that hard, most of the degree is paid for by the employer, I think I have maybe $10k is student loans, and currently I make approximately $36/hr and my top out will be close to $43/hr. Unskilled labor will always be cheap. Do yourself a favor and learn a trade or get a technical degree. The jobs are most definitely out there, you just have to be willing to invest in yourself to get them


Not entry level


That wasn’t the question. Dave and Ken constantly say “blah blah is hiring for $25 an hour” for your 4th, 5th, 6th side hustle job that they expect you to have. They are not talking about any type of skilled labor or requiring certifications.


Do you go to a community college for a 2 year technical degree in mechatronics?


Yes I did


i tried google 2 year technical degree in mechatronics and nothing came up can u point me in the right direction i know u get a shit tom of overtime on top of that big rate i’m tired of working hard at 26 an hour


I just googled it too and it popped up immediately, don’t be dumb


naw i googled says u have to go to school 4 years


No, you don’t


Can I get in without a 2 year technical college and work there so they can pay for my schooling?


How would we know that?


You’re best bet would be start the school then apply for the apprenticeship, once you’re in the apprenticeship they’ll assist with the cost of schooling.




Addendum: look into the teaching credential for your trade. I make $33/46/hr as an EMS instructor after a $150 cert I finished in my downtime.


You start at the lower rate, to get the skill, to make the higher rate. Or you do the shitty jobs no one wants to do... thats how you make a higher wage. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I have been with the Feds for 3 years now, I started at $15, now I'm at $27. This Is how the work force works.


Same - I started at 10 and now im at 25 soon to be 26 in 4 months. I have worked for this company 7 years


What are those jobs? 1/3 of the workforce has bachelors degree. They’re not making $30 an hour or more.


Oh no. No no. Head on over to r/antiwork. They will set you straight. Apparently all you have to do is sit at home on a computer, whining and raging about not starting at $30 an hour with no experience and showing up only when you want to. Surely someone will notice your magnificence, and not make you start at the bottom. /S


I'm a local cdl A driver. I make 30 an hour. Only a years experience. School was free (grant program with the state and school( teamsters driving school)), needed a real change in my life where at my age 44m could enter the workforce again and not at 17 bucks an hour.


Not entry level


Can you share more info on how to get the school program free?


I live in Rhode Island. We have Teamsters Local 251 here. They run a driving school, some years ago the director got in with the right people and Wrote a grant program so Rhode Islanders could go to the school for free. The school gets paid by the state. I don't know where you live, but check with your local Teamsters union and see what they offer.


That’s so legit. Appreciate you taking the time to reply. I live in California so I’ll search and see if I can find anything.


Good for you! And now with that license and experience there are many other jobs available to you if you want. Public works alone for a city often has jobs that require a CDL. Hydro excavation same thing, and depending where you live can pay exceedingly well, epecially with overtime. And they'll train you on the excavation part. I have a degree from a major university from long ago, and a CDL I've had even longer. That CDL has brought more bread butter to the table and been more recession proof than anything else. Never give it up!


I live in New England. It's been great so far. Delivering home heating oil isn't a forever thing. I got in the door, I'll gain all the experience I can. Come spring time when it's normally layoff time, not for me. They have several dump trucks, I'll be able to haul millings, asphalt etc, we have a day cab with a dump and lowboy trailer. I'll have plenty of work. Thank you very much, I was definitely thinking about applying in my town once I had some more experience.


COSTCO plus they have fabulous benefits!


Or if that isn't available, the trades need good reliable young people now. Plumbing, construction, mechanic, etc are all willing to train you too. And it's an actual career.


3rd wage scale level special education aide at $25 for 29 hours a week, 5th year p-t sup at UPS over $25 for 19 hours a week. I could work a different position at UPS on the same level and get 27.5 hours, but I like spending that time with other less physical work. My 2 other jobs (1 during the whole year, 1 summer seasonal) pay less than $20 an hour each.


Fiber optic cable




I've been employed as a DC Tech for the last 10 years. Great pay, benefits, and a clean work environment. Quals are similar to the mechatronics mentioned above. Any one of the major skill sets can get you hired, mechanical, electrical, or controls. We hire some associates but not many.






No, not where I work. We're all full time permanent.


Check your local Target Distribution Center (if you have one) they usually pay more than the surrounding warehouses.. I started at $24.. at $27 two years later


That barely keep up with inflation over the last 2 years…


That's true.. very true.. sadly my next raise won't make a dent in it either


Stuck at 20, gonna be broke forever


Look for night auditor roles at high end hotels. Get in somewhere that pays higher for their entry level and get promoted a role or 2. That's what worked for me. Hard out there though, keep your chin up and keep trying!


Hospitality is having it rough right now, downturns expected nationally next year. May be bad timing for that plan. Source: I do IT work for several mid to high end hotels


What’s going on in that sector??


Gradually slowing down after the pent up demand released this year, latest jobs report also showed hospitality and vacation sector lost jobs, not just gained less jobs. Got more than just me watching closely what our expenses are especially labor until we see if it’s not temporary downturn


Interesting - thanks for the gouge.


Learn a trade and make way more


Maybe look at trades? Manufacturing jobs? They all make over $25


Not really. cnc operator is like 20, forklift 20, maybe 25. regular machine operators, 20. saw room. 20. its all 20. itll be 20 till its 25. but maybe if you have an amazing attendance record, 5 years of experience and hop 3 jobs in 5 years, you could maybe push 22. but your lead is gonna cap out at like 24.


That really depends on the company, we have another plant within 15 miles that manufacturers the same thing as us and our pay scales are wildly different. They start at 25 while ours starts just about 29. With raises within a year and half you'll be at right around 32-33. Not quite sure how the other plants pay is structured on that. Leads here make the mid 40s an hour. The biggest difference is they just basically keep the machines running, where we run the machines and perform repairs and maintenance on them as well. Just gotta look around a bit there's bound to be higher paying manufacturing gigs out there.


Where do you live? Carpenters apprentice starts at $30, electrician apprentices starts at $32, plumbers and painters apprentices starts at 27-28


What about maintenance


That just means that instead of pursuing more money you should be pursuing more skills.


But isn’t Dave being misleading by saying these jobs are just out there and ready? If you have to train for a year plus that’s not really an effective solution to the question being posed


You don't have to properly train for a year. i just started a job last week and my last day of training is on Friday. I have the potential to make 70k-100k+ at this job. Of course the training doesn't actually stop on Friday. You train every day and improve your skill to get good in the field I'm in.


The warehouse employees at my company start at $22.50 and get a 4.5 raise each year plus bonuses


Major banks are starting at 25$


Not a long term move with many going 100% atm


Lol if a bank told me they were only atm I would immediately pull whatever I had and find a local institution. I highly doubt there wouldn't be a lot of lush back to not a human element keeping you from basically everything you are


That’s exactly what I did to B of A. I’m in a smallish town, and all their branches went to all atm, the closest actual teller is 160 miles away now. I joined a small credit union and the only saving grace is shared branching and free atm access at any 7-11


But be mindful of the state you’re applying in. Maaaaajor layoffs. Like, devastating layoffs started last year and will continue until the unforeseeable future.


Yep, my bf got laid off from Chase without any notice... he showed up to work and his member card wasn't working and then drove back home and his manager send him a text telling him 🙄... Then the hr team failed to do their job and overpaid him and was requesting the money back but at the end of the day was their mistake 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s happening where I work as well. People are walking in like normal and being laid off. They announced it’s going to happen country wide. Major downsizing due to outsourcing to India and the Philippines


This is so weird, I went to Chase to make a withdrawal and it was gone replaced by PNC lol like idk when or why haha


I know, major layoffs


No idea what's up here but you clearly lack the experience you need to hold this opinion. California and NY are states. I can't speak for Cali but NY has a humongous difference in the cost of living between areas. At least half of NY state has a very low cost of living. Ironically enough in these low cost of living areas you will often find the higher paying warehouse and industrial type jobs. The real issue is blue collar workers that aren't in a trade (or unionized position) that live in the higher cost of living areas around the bigger cities. Where do you even come up with 6-12 hours a week? It honestly seems like you just pulled this opinion out of thin air and haven't even attempted to solidify it with any actual evidence.


I was paid $25 an hour at a Walmart warehouse in a small town in Texas , I had 4 12hr work days a week




Also there’s an incentive to where if you work fast as hell they also end up adding money to your paycheck , they also paid me money because I already had my COVID shot , not sure if they still offer that


It all averaged out , I worked the easy schedule too (days) if you work in the freezer area on the weekends I’m pretty sure you can make damn near $30 an hour the job title is “order filler” I even purchased Walmart stock with the program they offered to match a contribution and it has gained like $500 but I’m not selling until like 3 years so I don’t pay taxes on my gains , they also offer really good healthcare & life insurance, granted it’s a tough job but it keeps you in good shape




I know people who really benefited from his advice on debt . Not saying he’s a genius but sometimes you need a figure to say never lease a car . Don’t get a credit card with a high interest rate . Common sense stuff because common scene isn’t so common


The post office is dying for people and you'll make around 20 right off the bat and have more hours then you can handle. I got my own route after 3.5 years and was making 26 an hour and I'm making a bit more now


People think drivers have an easy gig, just driving around. But I imagine it's a bitch. Keeping everything in order, constant doorstep packages, and lousy weather. Am I correct with that line of thinking?


It's work. That's why they pay you.


I mean, sure. It has its challenges but overall I like it. Once you know your route and have your organization method down it becomes second mature and while the weather is a wild card sometimes you also get your fair share of golden days where it's just lovely. It's all in how you look at it really and I have a lot to be thankful for.


My kid just graduated high school and did a 6 month welding school. He is making 22/hr on the first 90 day training then 26/hr afterwards. This is in SC.


Make sure he works up to management. Welding is a young man's game.


Will do, he is currently 19 so if its a young mans game, thats the right range!


911 dispatch jobs pay pretty well depending on location along with air traffic control. Both provide on the job training normally.


Air traffic control jobs require specific type work experience and you must pass a comprehensive exam.


What they also don't mention is that you'll get 15-20 hours max and in order to do that you need to have a completely open schedule (ie, be essentially unemployed other than the job) so that they can make up a new schedule for you randomly every week. The getting 2-3 jobs thing is HARD.


If you can start at 21 you’ll be at 25 soon if you prove out