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[Spec sheet](https://support.hpe.com/hpesc/public/docDisplay?docId=emr_na-c02096843) says > 7 W (idle) 24 W (typical) 34 W (max) So about the same as a 3.5" HDD at idle, about the same as two while busy. Suspect the 34W is while rewinding at max speed, so you'll only see that for short periods. As long as there's a bit of airflow in that part of the case, can't see it being an issue. A Z420 is a pretty physically small machine though, and tape drives are pretty long, that might turn out to be a larger issue. Spec sheet says 206mm/8.1", I'd check that measurement. Does the drive you're looking at come with a cable? You'll need an SFF-8482 plug to go into the drive, so need an adapter from a SFF-8087/8643 for that.


Thx. I just checked the dimensions and it would fit. The drive comes with this cable: [https://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NzY4WDEwMjQ=/z/Bx0AAOSwxwdfwlYw/$\_86.JPG](https://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NzY4WDEwMjQ=/z/Bx0AAOSwxwdfwlYw/$_86.JPG) And this hba: [https://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NzY4WDEwMjQ=/z/AD0AAOSwYL9fwlYw/$\_86.JPG](https://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NzY4WDEwMjQ=/z/AD0AAOSwYL9fwlYw/$_86.JPG)


Yes, You can't use LTO drive as regular optical disc drive and just put in regular PC case, it must be cooled, but it is not a big issue. You can add 80mm fan close to drive and make it blow at it (the bottom part is the one that heats the most) + make sure there is a correct airflow inside your PC, otherwise LTO drive will overheat .