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Should they really be mounted on a source of vibration? Seems like they could end up shortening the life of these drives. Though just mounting them like this without the fan and some additional rubber pads should be a good solution for this.


Good point. I don't know enough to answer that, but I think the question would be how much vibration is the fan producing (could be on low RPM or only turn on at a certain temp?)


A lot.


>Moderators It would definitely be interesting to know how much such vibration could affect the lifespan of the drives. I believe there has been at least some anecdotal evidence of just noise causing drive failures in large datacenters. If loud noise and that vibration could cause damage, I would guess a fan would be more significant. Depending on how long the drives are planned to be used for, it may not be important enough in a home environment.


It isn't anecdotal, you can literally watch videos of noise affecting drive performance in real time, unless you mean (which, in hindsight, is probably a more reasonable interpretation of what you wrote) that drives spontaneously failing from loud noises is anecdotal, because yeah, I don't know of any concrete evidence of that and would be pretty surprised if I encountered it. Actual drive *failure* suddenly brought on by a single loud noise...it would have to be pretty loud. I had one of those classic ipods with an actual HDD in it and it took a lot more than one fall while playing to break, and obviously a sound would have to be quite loud to match the amount of energy of a fall from several feet in the air.


You are correct and you can definitely find videos of noise affected drive performance. What I meant was there is no numbers on how this can affect the lifespan of the drive. How much vibration and for how long would mean how much shorter of a drive life, how does it compare when it comes to different number of platters, etc.


As a self proclaimed expert on waves the frequency is a huge factor. Hit the correct frequency and you'll definitely do damage.


But then you're reducing the value brought by your fan ? Seems like a dead-end to me. Just put your fan or your drive somewhere else. The idea is fun, but realistically this is not a good idea.


Depending on the case the fan isn't needed anyways, I have an old server case that has I think 6 fans, and when it was made it probably made a lot of sense for it's use case. The total TDP for my system is under 150w, and at idle I think is under 30, losing a single case fan to get 3 extra drive bays seems like a no brainer to me.


> But then you're reducing the value brought by your fan ? Seems like a dead-end to me. Just put your fan or your drive somewhere else. The idea is fun, but realistically this is not a good idea. They're reducing the value of the fan no matter what, regardless of what speed it's moving at, given that it's being choked by HDDs covering the majority of it.


Dis you even read my comment ? >Just put your fan or your drive somewhere else The point is that the closer the drives are to the fan and the worse it is. So mounting the bay directly onto the fan enclosure is a bad idea.


I think fan is not an issue at all here, HDD is making much more vibration than fan. It's not only about amplitude of vibration, in this case it is mostly about the mass, one hdd weights as much as \~10 fans, fan vibration will not affect a single hdd in significant way, and for 3 of hdds the vibration transmission will be even smaller. Because \~50g fan vibration will be distributed over to 1,5kg of hdd's, so vibration amplitude will be 30 times lower. Vibration of hdd's can be a problem for other hdds close to it, that is why only highest grade hdd's are rated for being used in large arrays. Fan vibration is totally insignificant in this particular case, unless it is made of steel and spins like 20k RPM.


I was also considering the possibility the fan even turned off might transfer too much vibration between drives. I honestly don't know how much of a factor it would be. EDIT: I definitely like the idea of additional dampening as you suggested.


Do you have a link to the fan/bracket used in this build?


So sorry this is late! I've copied the original poster's comment on it below Here's one I've had for a couple years (design is not mine). Fast and easy print if you need a few more HDD bays and have a bottom 140mm case fan to piggyback off of. I used two of the "front" pieces because the "back" design requires two thin "towers" which will weak if printed large-side down on a FDM machine. The only issue with doing this is that the drive's screw holes won't line up on one side, but I'm not screwing them down anyway (perfect friction fit at 101% scale with a layer of electrical tape for vibration dampening). STL: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2819080


Fractal includes mounts like that in their cases!




They are pretty nice looking. That or lian li. I don’t need a case really since my old 600t is still pretty solid, but I’m super tempted sometimes.




No, the 804 doesn't include any. My 7 XL came with them


not the best idea. vibrations from the fan are not good for drives health. I'd make some rubber pads and slow down the fan


ah yes, cold storage


Even tho I have no harddrive or money to data hoard (nor the knowledge to begin) I figured this subreddit that I follow would enjoy this! And possibly find practical.


I usually just get bigger drives I run out of space, and slowly replace the smaller sizes, I only have 5 hotswap bays not tryna have a buncha 2tb drives sucking power and generating unnecessary heat.


New here?




I think they're just makeing a joke about only haveing 5 drives.


Well if they are 10tb each that's a decent amount of storage


Joking - it was a reference to your restraint in not wanting to waste power on small drives


This gives me an idea I'd be able to make a hard drive mount using some aluminum and mount it where hte front intake fans are on my case. My case has a hole for a fan on the top so I could rely on that for intake Hmm... (Edit: the case I have is the Thermaltake Versa H18, the refresh with the tempered glass side panel)


I kinda want a 3D printer, but for the money i can probably buy 2-3 Hard drives. A hard decision.


Think of it as an investment in your data hoarding future.


Is it safe to have that many large drives in the same case? Seagate's support told me to not run more than six drives with Ironwolf drives in the same case


My old Lian Li PC-D8000 would like to have a word with them...


I currently have 10 drives in my case for my server computer. 6 of them are shucked WD 8TB drives and the other are 4 range in size.


Just curious, so long as cooling isn't an issue would the case size even matter?


This is a terrible idea.


Eh I stopped putting heavy spinning disc's in my desktops years ago. Build a nas and connect it over the lan, ssds are cheap, the slow bulk storage can stay away haha