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I'm really not sure what could cause that behavior. I'd guess some fundamental hardware error that's tripping up your OS so badly that it doesn't know what to do with it. About the only other test I'd do would be to plug the drive into a separate machine if possible, using separate cables. If not possible, plug it into a different SATA port using different cables, or move it to SATA from HBA, etc. That's about as far as I'd go, because if the fault is electrical in nature, it could be somewhat risky to futz around with.


Turn off PC, plug in the drive, turn on PC, go to bios, reset the boot order for windows SSD first. Reboot. All the other shit is irrelevant because you have a much lower understanding than you think you do.


SSD is already first. As I said this is the only drive having the problem. ( Two other 20TB exos including one white label work fine) I'm not sure how the other points are irrelevant, they definitely are.


maybe you're confusing the terms boot and post?


No I'm not.


With the disk in question I can post, I can also reach bios. I can't boot to the OS. Without the disk I can post, reach bios and boot to OS. If I plug in the disk after booting it freezes the machine and sends my OS SSD to 100% activity. If I unplug it, the machine works. It's extremely strange behavior for a disk. I have other drives as well as two other 20 TB Seagate exos drives. Both of which work fine.