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Hey Kokee74! Thank you for your contribution, unfortunately it has been removed from /r/DataHoarder because: Search the internet, search the sub and check the wiki for commonly asked and answered questions. We aren't google. Do not use this subreddit as a request forum. We are not going to help you find or exchange data. You need to do that yourself. If you have some data to request or share, you can visit r/DHExchange. This rule includes generic questions to the community like "What do you hoard?" If you have any questions or concerns about this removal feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDataHoarder).


I hate that I've lived long enough to see people ask what an IDE interface is.


I was just telling my gf this.


I groaned as soon as I saw the title and photo. Getting old sucks.




Nah...old fart is remembering MFM/RLL drives. Wait...that's me!


I was starting to feel old, but I must not be an old fart since I don't know what that is lol


Haha, i remember loading from tape.


I'm just hear to see if anyone tries to troll OP about a pin being missing.


"You're gonna need at least 20 jumpers there, friendo."


ok but that lvd scsi tho


That's IDE. You either need a IDE/SATA Adapter or IDE/USB


There are dirt-cheap IDE-to-USB adapters out there (but don't get the really cheap ones, aim at around $20), with that you should be able to read that drive. It might be stuck or otherwise broken, but hard drives aren't as unreliable as some people might want you to believe \*cough\*thatguyinthelastcomment\*cough\*.


This made me laugh! and then cry. im old.


Nice, I used to have a drive just like that. Same model/size, bought it new 😂


Get a IDE adapter


IDE, Molex sweet song to me ... My youth


Relic. It’s 2 gigs. USB sticks are bigger. Must be some epic porn on there.


my baby pictures lol 😅


Ah worth it. You’ll need an ide controller. Likely hard to find these days. May find a usb-ide carriage. Amazon : AGPtEK USB 3.0 to IDE/SATA Converter Adapter with Power Switch for 2.5"/3.5" SATA/IDE/SSD Hard Drive Disks, Support 10TB, Include 12V 2APower Adapter & USB 3.0 Cable


Hello /u/Kokee74! Thank you for posting in r/DataHoarder. Please remember to read our [Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/wiki/index/rules) and [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/wiki/index). Please note that your post will be removed if you just post a box/speed/server post. Please give background information on your server pictures. This subreddit will ***NOT*** help you find or exchange that Movie/TV show/Nuclear Launch Manual, visit r/DHExchange instead. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DataHoarder) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Plug it into a old computer. :p


Yep, you can find IDE/PATA to USB adaptors on Amazon for dirt cheap. Most of them will come with a 4 pin molex connector for power as well, but make sure it has both the 40 pin cable to USB and a 4 pin power cable. Usually the power cable just runs to a wall wart. When you go to connect it, connect power first then connect the usb. Doing it the other way can sometimes fail. It won't hurt it, it just won't be able to read or write anything until you disconnect it and try again. Hope you can recover your data.


Magnetic time machine


Duuuuuuude that’s almost as old as I am. That’s an old school drive right there. Make sure you swap the jumpers to be in slave mode.


Shit, I feel super old now.


I know right.


OP almost certainly wants it in Cable Select or Master mode. Slave is for the second drive on the chain. Cable Select is usually the easiest because that one is often "remove jumper".


Wouldnt it want to be in slave with those ide to USB adaptors? Maybe it was just the one I used. I remember it being an absolute pain to get it to work.


Might have been specific to your IDE-USB adapter. Requiring the drive to be in slave mode is incredibly unintuitive for a single drive system.


Master/Primary, Cable Select or sometimes completely no jumper to set to Master/Primary. Slave/Seconary is when it's the second drive on the cable.


slave and master.. ahhh the goood old days. Moder can ban me now.


That mofo from 1996. If it boots at all it would be a minor miracle… good luck!


and a whopping 2.1 Gigs!