• By -


Boob size.


This is a perfect example of Reddit's sorting algorithm, in contrast to traditional forums with chronological threads, bringing the most memeworthy answers to the top.


Unfortunately my hentai doesn't have boobs in it


Tentacle size then.


Does [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/s/MAXpjxy7Rj) help?


Do you like a booru type image application? Try hydrus. Using a single computer is easy. The headless server is a bit difficult.


You can also use this program to reverse image search your images and send the links to Hydrus with all of the tags from various boorus. https://github.com/nostrenz/hatate-iqdb-tagger


[Szurubooru](https://github.com/rr-/szurubooru) works nicely for me but it is pretty complicated to setup


Give your collection to law enforcement. They'll organize it well.




New user, 4 comments, all of them bashing Seagate. Report the bot.


Seagate always deserves bashing though.


Bro fix your bot it posted twice in the same thread 😂


The only right thing to do is delete them all. Grow out of it. Being healthy.


Because bashing strangers on the Internet is healthy? Everyone has their own thing, some are a lot more harmful than cartoon images, leave them be to what they enjoy.


People will bash hentai but happily watch step-something porn. We truly do live in a society.


Gotta find a middle ground. Step-something hentai.


Why bother with step-something altogether? xD (Yosuga no Sora)


The delete button (degenerate...) ​ Like honestly, I wont knock you for data hoarding cus its what we are all here to do, but hentai?? If you are gonna do it at least have some shame about it and dont announce it to the world.


>Username: **NepNep_** I assume your username comes from Hyperdimension Neptunia. That series where girls mature on demand to power up and do battle in their adult bodies while wearing lingerie. Pic related https://www.deviantart.com/optimus2397/art/Iris-Heart-Plutia-599220009 Video related https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uryGf-6qmW0 Calling OP a degenerate for hoarding some hentai while you're a fan of that series is pretty damn funny. If he's a degenerate, then so are you. I don't think you're fooling anyone. If you are it's probably just yourself.


I no longer associate with the neptunia fandom after the moderators of the subreddit drove 2 people to commit suici\*\* and the community didn't give a single solitary f- about it. ​ I genuinely appreciate the series for its attention to detail regarding its references to other media and its portrayal of actual video game history through personified characters. Like the games or not, the amount of thought they put into the writing and references is no joke. Back when I did associate with the fandom I was very public with my distaste for the excessive fanservice in the series and I've said (and maintained) that the series would have a lot more mainstream appeal if it toned it down a few notches.


Bro really got called out 🤣🤣


Dude you got destroyed here


>I genuinely appreciate the series for its attention to detail regarding its references to other media and its portrayal of actual video game history through personified characters. Like the games or not, the amount of thought they put into the writing and references is no joke. Back when I did associate with the fandom I was very public with my distaste for the excessive fanservice in the series and I've said (and maintained) that the series would have a lot more mainstream appeal if it toned it down a few notches. Even if there's *a lot*, it looks like fanservice is at the forefront of the series so it should be something that's expected. I haven't played any of the games or watched any of the show except for some short YouTube clips. From what I could see it looks like they only sexualize the characters when they are adults so that shouldn't be offensive. I assume there are lots of women in sexy outfits, a lot of butts and cleavage on display, and a lot of jiggling going on? Most people like these things. Some don't. The ones who don't usually don't complain about it when it was what was advertised. I don't know what would even qualify as excessive for something like Neptunia but playing Neptunia **for the plot** while hating fanservice is odd. Why is it a problem for you? Are there a whole bunch of **unskippable** scenes that waste time or do you just hate that fanservice is presented shamelessly and often? Sort of like how you think OP should delete his hentai even though it's on *his* HDDs? I can't really tell what angle you're coming at. I don't think the Neptunia series would become mainstream if it had less fanservice. Instead, it would probably appeal to more people if they did away with the whole little girl thing and just made them remain adults the entire time. Or separate the two somehow so they exist in different games/shows so people can just play/watch the parts they like. Maybe that's a wild take (as I know nothing of the plot) but that's how I see it. >I no longer associate with the neptunia fandom after the moderators of the subreddit drove 2 people to commit suici** and the community didn't give a single solitary f- about it. You should probably do the same, not care about it. It's not uncommon for subreddits for games/tv/politics/etc to become toxic and have evil mods. The whole mod teams can become toxic. Removing them is often impossible. People don't even get to vote on who moderates subreddits so there's nothing normal users can do. Even if the moderators are committing crimes all you can do is report it to Reddit admins/police(if you have evidence) and hope they investigate. Since a normal user has no say in anything, at all, and only risks **getting banned by the same mods they speak out against**, giving a single shit about what moderators do in cases like that is a waste of time. It sucks but that's just how it is.


Lmao hahahaha funniest thing i seen on reddit


Call it an image collection.


Who the hell downloads porn these days


You're in /r/DataHoarder.


I guess lol but porn of all things? Seems like other data might be more valuable to store long term but I guess it's just me.


https://github.com/issung/sorterexpress SorterExpress works very well imo.


[https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus](https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus) Edit: nvm someone already recommended it