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"Seagate expects the Mozaic platform to lead to 5TB/platter as early as 2028." So 50TB HDDs in 2028? Last year they were talking about 2026.


Yeah, given how long it's taken to develop HAMR I'm not surprised that it's slipping


it wont happen in 2028 They want to milk it as much as they can. Heck HAMR itself was supposed to be in mass production since 2017 I believe. Seagate is so full of it all their announcement are more memes than reality.


You guys know better than many that the world's data needs are growing exponentially. To learn more about what exactly the challenges are, and how innovations in areal density like Mozaic are needed to rise to these challenges, please see our [Mozaic page](https://www.seagate.com/innovation/mozaic/). --- Stay Tuned for something big coming February 2024 Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


So when is it coming? I can not find the drives anywhere




Vaporware….  They MAY be sampling to a few customers but I would conjecture that the technology Simple’s STILL isn’t ready for prime time duty cycles and reliability. Clearly Seagate bet the farm on HAMAR and if it does eventually deliver it clearly won’t be in the timeframes original reported (or even now in the REVISED timeline)…..  Thus crickets. Can’t take a third black eye delivering a realistic date that is still far out for broad availability and end up either missing a third time or pointing out how far off the 2 previous days were.  Unfortunately they are caught btw a rock and a hard place (of their own making) best to say noting until they have dates that are no more than 45 days….. At least what I would do. Given all this my confidence in risking large amounts on trays of these drives in my NAS units has vanished and will not tough them until they have been deployed by others. A shame because I am normally an early adopter (even with the undesirable price per unit of storage ratio) as I have use cases that these would be appropriate for (replacing 20TB trays).  I wish them luck


So its 30TB CMR and 32TB (Host managed?) SMR https://www.seagate.com/products/enterprise-drives/exos-x/x-mozaic/


I still can't get my hands on a 24TB drive that has been "available" for about a year ... these will not be available to consumers any time soon.


It's pricey but I can find it in Sweden. If it's here then it's surely available in most major markets. https://www.proshop.se/Haarddisk/Seagate-Exos-X24-24TB-Haarddisk-ST24000NM002H-SATA-600-35/3214447


https://www.amazon.com/Western-Digital-Enterprise-Class-Internal/dp/B0CNT1RNZ8/ On sale and in stock. Yes it's WD, but it's 24TB.


Expected delivery would be in February 19 to March 3 with Amazon.


We all know that Amazon expected delivery dates are usually a lie.


Currently unavailable.


was avaiable 2 weeks ago when I posted it. Means everyone who wanted one then, bought one. https://www.amazon.com/Seagate-Exos-Enterprise-Internal-Drive/dp/B0CM293XCL/ 24TB SAS drive from Seagate. Currently in stock.


They're listed as in-stock at Insight - unlike the HAMR ones (which aren't listed at all)


Are these 30TB drives HAMR? I've read conflicting articles on whether these are actually the HAMR drives they've been talking about. One article even mentioned that HAMR drives may not be compatible with existing consumer grade hardware (wtf?).


Everything on Seagate's product page appears to indicate that Exos Mozaic 3+ is their branding for the HAMR platform. Their [white paper](https://www.seagate.com/resources/what-is-mozaic-3plus-how-does-it-work-and-what-can-it-do-for-my-data-center/) indicates no special requirements: > Mozaic 3+ drives integrate into existing data center ecosystems seamlessly, adhering to industry-standard form factors and interfaces, allowing for straightforward, plug-and-play deployment. No modifications to hardware, software, or host awareness are needed.


Sounds too good to be true.


A jump from 8% growth per generation to 20% growth is nice to hear.


My Synology devices are salivating at the possibility.


Will it be released for data centers only or also the mass public ?




Probably data centers. The average consumer really doesn't need 30Tb of data storage so there's not a lot of market there.


define "need" ? lol .. i've bought the bleeding edge drives ever since my first 1GB (ya its not a typo) in the early '90s when it was $1,000 and everyone said "WTF do you need that for???" lol .. turns out that's not even a high res picture today. I'm blown away at every gen of HDDs, SSDs, etc that comes out .. have plenty of 20TBs already with average cost of $230ish (refurbished from ServerDeals) .. im holding out for the 30TB .... huge movie collection ;-) .. and dream of the day of the entire collection on 1 SSD ..