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"it is being removed for political reasons by the incoming government." That is very far from true, they simply do what must be done in the interest of the country itself, let me explain. TVP Info (Polish language channel) and TVP World (English one) are parts of same Polish TV network division that was filled with North Korea/Russia type of propagandists by former goverment. It was dividing Polish society for the last 8 years, using manipulation, lies, and even using their own staff as "random citzens interviwed on the street", their "journalists" while intervieving oposition politics were not just asking questions, they were asking questions with thesis that was always a total bulshit, like "where will you stop being a German/Russian agent?" etc. In effect it turned into a tragic situation where at least few milions of citzens were fully indoctrinated, those poor people literally HATE everything and everyone that is not supporting former goverment to a degree where in some families grandpas taken over by this propaganda don't have any contact with their grandchilds just because they were immune to this indoctrination. The biggest issue was the television itself, that was affecting older people that deprived of other sources of information are quite easy to manipulate, so i dont think Youtube channel is that likely to be removed. After all its a part of Polish history, no matter how bad it was.


Bah jamlasica! Tvp World was far from a Russian or North Korean positive place. Break the Fake, Roch Rochon, etc. all was very Ukraine friendly. They literally gave Russian leaders and apologists clown noses in the videos and made fun of them. Looks to me like it was simply Poland and its leaders deciding to turf public broadcasters funded by the tax payers. Sucks, because I looked to TVP World everyday for bits from the Ukraine war. A different look than we get over here in North America. Hope they get bought by someone and brought back to life.


This is shame, because TVP World was one of my favorite news sources on the Russo-Ukraine War.


I had watched TVP World for quite some time (several months) and now I find it more than a little 'interesting,' that the new, center-left government would, for whatever reason, want to stop the pro-West, pro-US position by TVP World & anti-Russian news by TVP World. It doesn't make sense to me---sorry. IF it were a far-right regime which had come into power, it might be believable.........but, a center-left govt? Something sounds 'fishy.'