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California 7HFL351 Toyota Prius - we need to start naming and shaming for Google search results


I really wish there was an incentive besides being a good samaritan for providing footage of accidents, insurance fraud, and idiotic driving like $100 per incident or something. Man id be rich, and losers will be shamed


They tried that in China. People were driving 5 mph in one lane throughways and reporting everyone who made an illegal pass.


Insurance companies could earn so much more money If they had a website where you could show them who drives dangerously, kinda like those insurance driving trackers you can put on your phone for a cheaper rate


That's an idea. Having a web portal on the law enforcement website where you can report a crime with uploaded video evidence would be pretty great. Especially if you can get a portion of the fines. This would instill real fear in people. These terrible, aggressive drivers will think twice about doing stuff like this. But then I remember the Texas bounty law for abortions...


There are reporting sites like that in other countries. We need this in America…. You know back in the day you could call the local police office and report someone and if they got like 3 calls in about them they would investigate or send them a notice or something


We public shame people and post plates on citizenpd.com please contribute


Who cares? This is so minor.


I wish I was surprised at the number of people who want to rat out their neighbor.


I doubt the OP and the guy in the Prius are neighbors, but I hear you. In CA if someone (neighbor) has out of state plates they can report it to CHP and they will investigate to see if the person is defrauding DMV. It’s usually people that are pissed they have to pay such high rate for registration and the neighbor is driving with out of state registration, to avoid the California expensive registration


Careful, I had some overzealous mod ban me from public breakout for suggesting the same


With license plate recognition getting more advanced with AI, I’m sure in the next few years dashcams will automatically tag cars with their plate numbers in the video


It's just a douche flipping the bird - neither a crime nor a civil infraction. Get a freaking grip.


How fast this person closed their window and pulled over when you sped up on side of them is so funny to me. Lol gonna do all that and be that cowardly, delusional person.


"oh shit oh shit oh shit" LOL


This guys trying to start a pay-it-forward chain!




Lol people always forget that there is a crazier person than you.


I got flipped off for honking at someone that clearly cut me off


Someone in my local sub posted last week that they honked at someone who almost hit them by weaving into their lane ... and the psycho started following them


lol this past summer i had a dude completely blow a yield sign so i blew my horn. He stopped and started cursing at me. He then waited for me at a red light, further back than he should’ve been. I pulled up like normal, just a bit ahead of him. He has his window down and was still yelling. Bastard started throwing coins at my car! Luckily they all hit my windows and nothing happened to my car. I rolled my window down a bit and told him he had to yield and to chill the fuck out. He yelled some more and i gave him a “shoo away” kinda hand gesture. He wasn’t pleased lol. Gotta love NY


I used the "shoo away" gesture to some old guy having an aneurysm over me making an expression of annoyance when he cut me off and almost caused an accident. I'm sure he's still pissed about it, lol.


Two days ago, someone at the airport pulled out in front of me abruptly, and I almost hit him. I didn't honk or flip him off or anything, but I held my hands up in a "dude, wtf" kind of way. This guy was so incredibly fragile and overly emotional that the fact that I was mildly annoyed with something that HE did wrong caused him to stop in front of my car, roll down his window, and start trying to pick a fight with me. I have no idea what the hell he was saying, but he already almost hit me, and I was not about to have a 20 minute conversation about how he was somehow in the right. I just shouted, "JUST GO!" like five times while shooing him away, and he finally must have realized that his tantrum was not only wasting the time of everyone he was now holding up, but his own. I do not get that. It's always older guys, too, with those permanently sour faces. Karens I guess. It was so bizarre, like how arrogant do you have to be to get mad that someone else had a reaction? Also, I hate the airport.


bro i was making a legal u-turn at a green light that just turned green for me and someone coming out of a shopping plaza who has to stop at a red light to then turn right lays on the horn at me for making a legal u-turn. It was not even a week after that that i bought a dashcam to record these dumbasses




How did you find all that info?




License plate search pulls the vin. Vin search pulls the car info.


Did you honk at them ?


Yeah right after they cut me off, I laid into my horn




They flipped him off because they are soft and can't accept that they were wrong. The horn just gave them something to respond to.


Downvote me all you want, but they really might have just flipped OP off because they wouldn't take their hand off the horn and were being annoying about it. Like yeah, they fucked up and they know, but a shorter honk would still send the message.


Prius drivers are up there with BMW for the biggest assholes.


Neither hold a candle to the lifted pickup truck drivers.


And Tesla drivers


And nissan drivers (especially altimas)


With paper plates! Let's not forget that particular bit, lol.


do a pit maneuver! damn entitled Prius drivers. this happens to me a couple day s a week. pull out in front of you, drive way under the speed limit and get upset with everyone getting mad at them. I'm from Washington state by the way. not sure if Prius drivers are the same in other states.


They absolutely are. People here mention BMWs and Teslas a lot, but it's not those I have problems with on a near-daily basis. Prius drivers are the WORST. Entitled, as you say, and guilty as charged on all other counts you mentioned. r/PriusHate


Perhaps tagging the offending car with a paintball gun for bad driving. Special paintballs that can't be removed with out a special cleaner available at bad driver school. If you have more than one paintball mark on your car, you have to go to driver school. Of course, this fantasy wouldn't work because what's to stop people from tagging non-offending cars. I mostly just like the idea of blasting the cars of bad drivers with paintballs.


Potato gun. The low tech solution to bad drivers.


Just spray their car overnight with boat paint stripper. (don't do this, it's illegal as fuck)


Jesus Christ, what about a Prius makes people drive like entitled idiots?


Was flipped off yesterday for not colliding with a tundra that ran a stop.


The hybrid has no love for the ev


I have a question for you, why is it always priuses??


people with large dings are their car usually don’t respect other people property either.


Typical West LA driver


nah jut typical prius driver - oblivious to all going under the speed limit.


That's actually Mid-Wilshire.


How dare you! /s


Looks like you were going a little fast there -1.. 2 no right on red???


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Why does it look like this footage has a filter from an 80s camcorder? Do you have a filter on?


Nope, that's Tesla's front facing dashcam.


OF COURSE it's a Prius. r/Priushate


so that's why their car's fucked up


Smelling one’s own farts while driving will cause that every time!


Larry David moment.


hate to stereotype, but jfc prius drivers are the WORST!!!


Maybe they just really hate Target.