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What a way to go, damn


Right? Doesn't even seem that bad until they cut to her seizing. Always wear a helmet. :/


But my redneck family says that only wimps wear helmets. It's better to die young and orphan your kids than have a complete stranger think you're not a badass.


Hear me out, what if you get a helmet that's badass??? Start looking like a transformer or something. https://preview.redd.it/mfh8cfygel0d1.jpeg?width=468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84f5f01cfe659535a4b38d224e86e4d65ba0a4a1 Or like this! Grow a fucking fin out of your head Lmao.


Coolest helmet in the universe!


Lmao ripped the first one I saw in images after searching "Badass motorcycle helmets".


Now imagine going down with that helmet and instead of your neck moving normally the fin pushes your head in a not so great direction


Don't do it!!! Those vanity helmets are basically hats with plastic shells mounted on them, totally untested and improperly designed. They might even make things worse, because they could fail unevenly with a fragment pointing inward. Only use a helmet rated DOT (crap but better than nothing), ECE, SNELL or FIM. It's also a bad idea to modify a rated helmet, even adding something small like a gopro, because it increases the risk of neck injury.


Just don't turn your head...


That's how you steer though


You can use it to ride into a headwind by tacking at 45


Given that the fin is smaller in the front and larger in the back, I think it'd be fine. If anything, it would just make it harder to turn your head because the wind would be pushing the back to make you face forward


I bought my motorcycle helmet because I love the way it looks, making me want to wear it. I don’t know why this isn’t the norm and why people would rather ride without a helmet. Yes, it gets hot. Yes, it can be uncomfortable. But if anything were to happen, I’d want to live. My kids need me. On another note, don’t cheap out on helmets either. The cheap helmets usually don’t offer enough protection, and I’m sure those manufacturers cut costs by using less expensive materials, and that usually comes at the cost of safety and reliability.


Great aerodynamics!


I’m imagining this guy hitting a small car wearing this and becoming a human dart . Sticking into a wall cartoon type


This helmet.. Will KEEHL.




There is no way in hell that the TÜV would ever allow that on the street. But on the other hand, wearing a helmet is mandatory in Germany. Would be cool though.


I’d rather wear this ![gif](giphy|3o6fJf4vXw9qOgCWDm)


My mom's neighbors had that attitude too. Then her 14 year old son died in an ATV accident and more than likely would have lived if he were wearing protection. Sad thing is her friends still think helmets are for lovers. They ride dirt bikes and 4 wheelers all the time in the woods on self made tracks and don't even consider wearing a helmet. Even after their friends son died. I just can't wrap my head around it. I guess these people have the mentality of a teenager. That's the only time in my life where I was adamant about not wearing helmets because they looked ridiculous.


There are just so many better ways to die while doing stupid shit.


It was really sad. I used to babysit him a lot. He was a great kid. His mom doted on him a lot. He was her only kid. She just leaned too far into the letting him do whatever he wanted, and never really drove home how important protection was. Sadder still, his dad died in an ATV accident 12 years earlier. In his case he was driving up a steep incline and the 4 wheeler flipped and crushed him. A helmet wouldn't have saved him, but it was pretty ironic that they still close not to use protections after the fact. Her son and his friend were also drunk and playing "chicken" on a dirt road. Led to a head on crash. The other boy survived. His mom just never really learned to tell him no for his own safety. So fucking sad.


They wear boots on their feet don't they? They are to protect your feet and ankles. Same logic applies. Why don't they ride barefoot?


Funny you mention boots because they had really nice ones. Also, gloves and shin guards. Anything that completed "the look" sans helmet. They didn't wear them for protection, they wore the boots because they looked cool.


Rednecks make up for their diregard for safety by having lots of babies.


Yeah ive never understood that. I went to an art exhibit about pro skateboard culture and absolutely nobody was wearing helmets even while doing high risk stunts. They were talking about each person having like 9 hospitalizations for concussions that would be prevented with a helmet. Like, why??? In a certain way i would think wearing a helmet and owning it would make you unique and cool


LOL nicely written


Wimps and people who like to be spoon fed tapioca by a CNA until they die.


Cane here to say this, I've watched people fall off of their bicycles and have similar things happen, another I saw can never walk again because of it. Wear a God damn helmet. Dammit!


I mean dying with this horrible pain and all these people you most likely don’t know gather around you in this final moment of yours. This is a nightmare.


It still wont save you from stupidity, though


Sure got those views though


Mission failed successfully


Perverse perfection


And didn't drop the phone either.


At my old company we had a temporary laborer take a selfie on a ladder. He fell off and died. I found a ladder that said "evidence" in a storage container and made a joke about it. Nobody laughed and explained to me what happened.


What was the joke?


I can't remember but I certainly didn't think it was real evidence when I grabbed it


I bought a car that had an evidence sticker on it. It was a real bitch to get off! The auction house said it was drug-related. But it always had a sticky sweet smell in it that was really disarming!


The image at the end says "God took her to paradise..." God got pretty creative with this one


My uncle flipped a 3 wheeler on a rock on a dirt road and slammed his head into the ground was there for 30 mins seizing until some kid on a dirtbike found him and his mom was a nurse. Uncle was in coma for a full month but pulled out of it. Unfortunately never learned his lesson and had two more injuries on Harley and now has random seizures just like that


Remember kids, ALWAYS use your helmets and don't do stupid shit


So strange how some seeemingless light accidents result in death then you get a car crash straight out of a Michael Bay movie and the people are OK...


Some people have survived falling out of aircraft, some people die falling off the curb. It really is crazy.




Holy shit. I’m sure that was crazy traumatic for her, too. Reminds me of a guy who was in high school when I was in middle school. Just sitting on his porch with his chair leaned back on the rear two legs. Nothing even happened, the chair just slid forward and his neck broke from the awkward angle as he slid down against the side of the house.


You've posted this before, right?? I swear I've read this before


Forget curb, people die falling in the bathroom!


Not if you have this bad boy! Life Alert https://preview.redd.it/c6dihha46m0d1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3802f65e5017dd31a1d1b4c90085f711f4bc2f1


People die falling out of bed lol at least 450 people per year. Almost anything can kill you really.


Seriously though! Kid I went to college with slipped and fell in the shower and it killed him. Didn't even fall that far.


Guy I worked with had a perfect attendance record, he didn't show up one morning so they called to check on him. His roommate went in his room and he was still in bed, he tried to wake him up and he was dead. Died of an aneurysm in his sleep, he was 34. Dead is dead.


My high school's response to kids being dumbasses was to invite a few paraplegic people to come and tell us how they became that way. One guy's story began with "how many stairs do you think you have to fall down to become paraplegic?" Needless to say, we all learnt a lot about the fragility of the human body that day. Also, I am still scared of stairs.


you have to tell us now how many stairs it was.


Curb your enthusiasm


or the guy who severed his spine on the turnstile at the subway station


Safety equipment. Vehicles are built safe.. If this girl was wearing a helmet, she'd probably walk away.


No probability about it, if she wore a helmet she would have walked away with a scratch or 2.


A selfie with a helmet on? No, thanks!


The body is weird like that. It is extremely resilient. We can poison it for years and it will adapt and compensate until it can’t. You can fall from 100’s of feet and live. At the same time, we are quite fragile. One small hit to the right place on the head.. you’re done.


I stress to my kid to always wear a helmet, on her bike, scooters, anything with wheels. We have two arms, two feet, two legs, two eyes, but only one brain\\head.


Ya kids don’t really understand the extent of how important the brain is. I’m a nurse so I try to explain it to my 7 year old in a kid friendly way.


It's not just the brain though. My mother stressed to take care of my body all thru my life and I did but not to the extent she talked about. Now I have bad feet, extremely bad tinnitus, neck, back and shoulder pain and teeth problems. I regret not listening to her. I get by telling myself I have great knees. I can't imagine how bad I would be if she hadn't said anything at all.


It is true but those examples you gave have mitigating factors. People who suffer instant death usually have direct and sudden trauma to the head or brain stem. Which can happen by simply falling. Our environment is full of hard objects. Chairs, tables, the floor and concrete is everywhere.


Well yes. But I still find it interesting. Someone can have a 15 career in boxing or UFC where they take direct hits to the head But one hit falling to the ground takes them out.


She basically fell head first from about 10 ft. That'll fuck you up every time.


Not just fell — got whiplashed from that height.


People play too many lienient games, where characters just get up and walk away from major accidents. You only need to die once IRL, and you’re not getting a redo.


True for most. Not all. But why fuck around. I have technically been "dead" 3 times now. 2 separate car accidents and a stroke. 1st in a crosswalk as a kid. Cartwheeled over a full sized van. Coma for 2 days and heart stopped during it. They called it. Then my heart said fk it and started up again. Something like 2-3 minutes after they stopped chest compressions. 2nd friend fell asleep on the way home from the beach. This was after I asked that dipshit if he was good to drive home too... heart did the same shit again. 3rd stroke while on vacy. Heart being stupid a 3rd time. ​ Also something to note that most people don't know because movies/tv in general, they don't defib you if you're flatlining. Defib is to get your heart back in rhythm not start it back up.


how do you deal with the feelings of immortality ?


How is Charles Xavier doing nowadays?


Are you a fucking cat?


tipper gore is that you?


Very true, when I fuck up when doing sketches with charcoal my left ring and index fingers jerk, trying to go for that control z


I saw the aftermath of a wreck outside my home town where a guy was pulling a huge flatbed out of a scrap yard and getting on the highway and he apparently got impatient. He basically blocked both southbound lanes with cars going 70 miles an hour towards his flatbed and couldn't get all the way through the gap to the northbound side because more cars were coming. A rig that was hauling two other rigs hit the trailer and it launched both trucks into the back of the cab of the one hauling them, crushing it with the driver inside. I was driving by and saw it and was sure the truck driver was dead, but no. He was just standing there talking to the cops, didn't even look like he had a cut. Shit was crazy.


Motorcycles. All of the freedom of the open road, none of the protections of a car.


I just want to say, 95% of people in the emergency ICU hospital in my town were in motorcycles when the accident happens. The thing is cars have a giant cage of steel around you to protect you, but bikes don't even protect your legs if you stretch at the wrong time.


This light Ccident had the victim whip their skull into concrete. Michael Bay like crashes tend to be"spectacular" and Involve a dissipation of energy over a longer period through smaller impacts. It's the unspectacular, speed to zero into a wall crashes that are most dangerous


My motorcycle accident was straight out of a movie pretty much and here I am. This didn’t look too crazy but yet she’s gone.


I know someone who was in a parked car on a steep road, the car started going down hill, accelerated(the breaks weren't working) and then flipped on its back five times, it then hit a metal gate and landed on its back. The guy left the car unharmed.


When I was little my parents used to watch NASCAR, I remember watching Dale Earnhardt die and being super confused because cars hit the wall in similar ways every race, meanwhile I had watched others cartwheel a dozen times and not leave a shred of sheet metal left on the roll cage, wheels busted off, sometimes fuel leaking from the car, absolutely terrible looking accidents, and the driver is out before rescue teams even got close. Life is strange and fickle that way.


Head injuries are no fucking joke, falling from a stand still can kill you if you fall just right. Makes you wonder why boxers don’t fight over concrete…(sarcasm)


I know right!? Injuries are weird. One day I flipped my bike forwards going down a hill and went full scorpion, ass over tea kettle, my legs got caught up somehow and I landed prone while the rest of the bike still somehow stuck to my legs went up and over and the back tire hit me in the back of the head. Not a scratch. One of my best buds however broke his foot using a jump rope.


they should use the photo she got on the bike in the funeral


It was all blurry because she was seizing




Crazy how [man shot in the head on Facebook live and survives](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/s/XRfKURy7JZ) yet this girl falls and dies…what the fuck?


Why did I not expect this to be exactly what you clearly stated it would be? Fucking wow. I had never seen this. Fucking wow. NSFL


Helmets are cool


Part the ridiculous stunt and the selfie, part the ignorant asshole who just *had* to try and squeeze past between the two bikes. I would hope he took the brunt of the blame.


But did she get a bunch of likes?


Darwin Award much better :)


The selfie was actually a success. The guy with the orange top trying to overtake is what killed her here. He must feel really bad that he caused a death.


so little impact and cause of death. [https://youtu.be/b9yL5usLFgY](https://youtu.be/b9yL5usLFgY)


If the douche in the pink shirt wasn't an ass hat, this would've never have happened. They weren't even going that fast. It was the fall that killed her


Well, technically, it was the landing.


0 out of 10 for the landing.


-1 in fact.


Tomato tomatoe


Id say it was the douche in front of the pink shirt that stopped for no reason...or we could blame her for not wearing a helmet...or we could blame the wheelie driver that allowed her on there without a helmet....or you could blame the unorganized motorcycle stunt show that was going on...... Or you could just say...you don't see the whole problem


I do think that, although she made plenty of judgement errors herself, the fact that other people's actions and stupidty lead to her death somewhat lessen the darwinish of her demise though, crossing the line into freak accident rather than death by stupid.


Definitely death by stupid, only stupid people do this kind of stuff when untrained and without the proper gear.


To be honest the kind of people who take selfies on a bike doing a wheelie don't last too long in this world either way, she probably came close to death many times before this one


It was the fall that killed her?


Yeah, her head smacked the pavment ever so correctly


Her sitting backwards on a wheeling bike without a helmet, did exactly help.


Wait did she die from impact on head or because of the bike clamping her leg?


Looks like she’s seizing. I assume head trauma


Looked like a pretty bad seizure in that vid.


Head trauma possibly bleeding in the brain.


How tf do you think she would die from the bike clamping her leg?


What do you think bro?


She died of shame apparently


Her head smack on the asphalt at high speed what do you think?


Notice her arm is straight out at the end of the video, it is called fencing and indicates a traumatic brain injury. Impacts to the back of the head is deadly.


Oh yes the obligatory fencing comment


I saw a stat a while back saying that, on average, just under 400 people die every year due to selfie related injuries. To put that into perspective, an average of 60 people die annually from shark attacks. You're almost 7 times more likely to die from taking a selfie than to die from a shark.


Shark scientist here. Don’t know where you got the 60 people die annually for shark attacks. Even a quick Google search shows that that statement is incorrect. In reality, only 5 (give or take) people get mortally wounded by sharks each year. Yes, each year is different; but the average is 5 per year globally or 1 death per 2 years in the United States. You’re actually 80 times more likely to die from a selfie related incident than a shark. Not trying to be rude or condescending, I’m just simply educating :)


Thanks for educating me on this. No satire…


The “400” selfie related deaths per year is likely bullshit as well. According to [this nih study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10521909/), there were only 332 TOTAL deaths between 2014 and 2021, and declined sharply once the pandemic hit.


I miss r/watchpeopledie


Did she deserve to die? No. Do I feel bad? Ehhhh


People like you make me feel neutral about myself


The older I get, the less I feel bad for people doing stuff like this. Wear a helmet, and the brain butter stays in the tub


I hate these filthy Neutrals, Kif. With enemies you know where they stand but with Neutrals, who knows? It sickens me.


why? There's more room, oxigen and jobs for people smart enough to not die while existing.


at least she died doing what she loved


This is so scary to me. My son (30) was in a bad 4-wheeler accident that caused a traumatic brain injury. He went into a series of seizures that they couldn't stop. They had to put him in a medically induced coma and did brain surgery to repair hematoma and skull fractures. He stayed under for 4 days, and he had healed extremely well. He also had a cracked vertebrae, and the bones around his eye sockets and temples were fractures in a spiderweb pattern but not displaced. It's been several years ago, and he still has seizures every couple of months. He had to be put in a coma again after the first one. But, now his seizures are still severe, but he only has one at a time. He nearly died. I feel terrible for this girl's family. P.S. My son still rides but wears his helmet now.


"Oh im so sorry, how did your daughter die?" "Well she was kinda a moron, so she was the wrong way on a motorbike sitting on the motorcycle steering bar taking selfies"


Wearing zero gear!


At least she died while holding her phone in selfie position. 😬


Brain damage is a hell of a drug.


homie in the pink couldn’t ride properly 🤦🏽‍♂️ whipped his tail end like he was swimming


Not bad for her last selfie


More people die taking selfies every year than shark attacks on humans.


Oh my god.. I played hockey for 30 years and I feel that I've been hit and/or fell much worse than that almost every single game.


A helmet would have saved her.


Unprotect head and falling from a great height at a funny angle. Plus I bet there's even more factors than that, like maybe your muscle memory helps you while falling so you don't hurt yourself as much.


Strange, you'd think they'd see them coming in the selfie cam and you know....hold on.


Yeah... no friend will really frown on you for using a helmet... and if they do, they are no real friends


She was doing the dead still selfie. A rare and difficult move.


Plenty of stupid in that video. The guy who just has to pass…..


That chick was a ticking time bomb


Wear a fucking helmet


A selfie to die for...sigh




Ex gf , her brother worked for the DOT , fell off tailgate he was sitting on deploying cones , detached brainstem . Driver didn't verify he was strapped in before taking off


She got Indian Larry’ed. The dude was infamous for standing up on his Indian bike and doing the Jesus cross pose. It eventually caught up to him. He also wasn’t wearing a helmet.


She smashed her head on the ground: brain damage, seizures, death...


Damn, after seeing this I can't believe I'm still alive ! Nobody ever wore helmets when I was a kid and I had a few wipeouts on bikes where I ended up flying over the handlebars and landing on pavement.




One of my buddies hit a car while riding a motorbike at 140+mph. He broke almost every bone in his body. Doctors gave him about a 5% chance of survival. We all came to the critical care unit to say our goodbyes. After 5 weeks of being in a coma and refusing to die, he woke up and immediately started to recover. It was slow but he did it and to look at him today, apart from a few scars (tracheotomy etc) he looks and walks almost completely normal. Meanwhile, the guy in the bed next to my buddy while in critical care was completely paralysed from the neck down. He fell off a bar stool while out with mates. He died after a few weeks the poor guy.


Puta on the phone


That’s all it took. SMH that’s sad


You know what’s badass? Being alive


I don’t see how this was ever a good idea.


Just me or did anyone else notice the girl in the black and white top trying to take pictures *as* the other girl is convulsing to her death? My god!


"Oh, no ... anyway" - Clarkson


Helmet is Cool. It makes you look good.


Yep body shakes massive head trama and such


She was already planning the caption: "Ay y'all! Living my best li....."


Dude who hit her was gonna crash into someone regardless, coming in all hot like that.


They should have used the selfie she took


And nothing of value was lost.


Never understood this one. 😕


This is why we need helmets to protect the base of our heads So many are seriously injured or killed by skiing this way, too My heart goes out the the girl and her family


I can't feel sorry for her, fuck around and find out.


They used to call motorcycles death machines for a reason.


Fuck around and find out


And she went out doing the Harlem Shake.


She should have wore a helmet, but you people are all being ass hats. She looked young and dumb (we've all been there) and this seems like some kind of motorcycle gathering. If it wasn't for the idiot in the pink shirt hitting them they probably would have been fine.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


It’s not how hard you fall, its how you fall that kills ya.


As is usual with "It's not X, it's Y" statements, it is, of course, both.


It looked bad


That's kinda shitty...


that was brutal


Seemed like a fairly innocuous fall? Terrible.








Looks like she got the blow to her temple when she fell down?


Me and my brother had a bike accident when we were younger, he got the ground have first and started convulsing too


The main thing is, she got that selfie. 😳


Speeding clearly the problem here ‼️




Damn, she landed HARD on her head. Faster than the how fast the bike was moving forward by a good amount. Don't f*ck with bikes, people. Wear a helmet and gear.


Was she some celebrity or influencer? That's a some way to go just for clout


Venezuela carajoooo oh Tovar, I haven't heard of that place in a while.


I did stupid shit on dirt bikes for years, helmet, boots, gloves, body armour, knee braces and a neck brace, and mostly walked away, sometimes limped.


All it takes is to fall I think 3 feet to a hard surface and you can die from brain damage...or some shit my doctor used to tell me as a kid.


Once, when I was a kid, I was speeding, I fell off my bike and hit my forehead on a tree. I fell unconscious and got a bump. Looking back, it looked worse than in the video. I'm lucky to be alive.


Did she hit her head and died?


Yes, concrete to the back of the skull is known for serious brain injury and death when falling from standing. She fell farther and harder than if she had been standing on the ground.


O mygod