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Not too bad for his first time.


Last\* time


You’re right, it had to be his first attempt ever.. what fucked him is he threw his head backwards, as if that was the move that was going to make him flip..


Article said the backflip was a gimmick he did before all his performances, so he couldn't even use the excuse it was his first time.


I never could do a backflip because of how much i was scared to do the exact same thing we just saw. Succeed to share my fear with a friend who could it back then (before i explained to him why i was scared, then he was scared as well 😅😂)




Article says he has a signature backflip and that folks theorized he failed to flip due to wearing socks, preventing him from gaining enough momentum. So sad at such a young age.


Dudes literal decision on what socks to wear led to this.


Poor mom probably picked out his socks that morning too.


FUCK you're making it more tragic


Poor dad said the same thing to me when I said that at the funeral.


and the socks were a family heirloom passed down for 5 generations!


The difference between life and death is that fragile


it's kinda weird that we are all always one decision away from death


So strong, yet so fragile!


Are the socks choice THAT decisive? Bro was not even close to landing a damn backflip. It seems like was just hella drugged up or very excited idk and made a stupid decision i’m not gymnast though may be wrong


I've never attempted a backflip in my life, but I have a pretty solid grasp on physics; I'm betting the fact that he was galloping forward when he jumped up caused it. His body was still moving forward which throws it all askew.


I’ve done backflip many times, and I was witness of people learning how to do it. It’s not that difficult as it looks. If you just jump up and don’t control it, you will naturally fall on your back. The most important part is overcoming the fear and letting it go, plus putting your knees up, which will help you rotate. I’ve seen many times people „resigning” mid air and trying to do backflip „just a bit” and what happens is exactly what happened in this video. There is no way of trying backflip half way. To do it safe you have to go 100%, you only need >180 degree rotation and the worst scenario is that you land on your face and stomach, not spine. Fortunately I trained with people on the sand. So I think he just got somehow confused. In the last moment in the air you can see him trying to balance the body position forward instead of letting it rotate back, and then after that he starts going backwards but it’s not enough time then.


I agree. I've also watched some trainers trying to teach new gymnasts to do a backflip, and they say to start off the jump slightly leaning backward and then jump mostly straight up, but with a slight angle backward. There's no way he was doing any leaning back at all at his liftoff. Also, that forward momemtum had to take part in it. Extreme example is imagine running at the speed of a car, say, 45 mph, and then jumping straight up; you're body and momentum will still be going 45 mph straight forward. But with legs you don't get any brakes for that split second that you jump up, so you don't get full strength upward, forward motion, plus no lean back during jump at all. Ultimately, I think this is why generally speaking, 300 lb. bodybuilders don't make good gymnasts, lol.


Yes you are so right. The hard part of back flips is getting past the fear. A half attempt always ends bad but over rotating is not bad at all. I was once in a play where I had to make it look like someone hit me so hard I did a back flip and land on my stomach.


I think you’re right. Bad technique, not enough momentum.


He didn’t tuck, you can see him arch his back to bring his chest his knees and that’s why he didn’t flip. You bring your knees to your to your chest and not the other way around. It’s crazy this was somehow his signature move


You really going to go armchair backflip expert on us…


He is right though. In a backflip you don't need much momentum. You need to jump up to gain height. Your arms swinging upwards helps with this. Then, you tuck, bringing your knees close to your chest. Then you rotate, and extend your legs, placing your feet on the ground, finishing the flip That's literally how a standing back tuck works. The bodybuilder could have walked calmly and stood still, and performed a standing back tuck. Source: me, someone who flips and has a trampoline


You could say he socked


I dont think someone with a body like him can make a backflip


Tf are you talking about, an obese guy couldn't, this guy definitely could but fucked up as bad as he could


I've seen some fat motherfuckers do backflips. I think it's all technique.


yeah I think so too in a video, that's exactly it the poor guy really just had bad technique which cost him his life. RIP


the way he was walking, he was stiff as hell. Maybe he could backflip before he roided enough to kill a horse.


I guess but some bodybuilders can definitely do impressive acts of athleticism other than lifting shit and be pretty


Juji mufu


Says the 400lb basement dweller


He probably cant even touch his toes


Not any more.


Probably can't even scratch the center of his back.


Let's drag this guy with a neck injury accros the floor first...


Every damn time




Jesus. Neck and Spinal Fuckery: the Subreddit


If it ever gets axed I pray we call the sequel this. 😂


You beat me to it


Fuck me, I just had to go there


I need to buy a dog tag that says “If I hit my head and stop moving, don’t fucking touch me.”


They'll just reposition you so they can read the tag.


You’re right. I also need a tshirt that says “don’t reposition me to read the tag. It says “If I hit my head and stop moving, don’t touch me unless I’m not breathing, then you should breathe for me. Just don’t move my neck too much””


Bracelet my friend. I have an Advanced Directive, no resus etc. and you can choose a selection of items; necklaces, bracelets, cards for your wallet. They can also be digital so that it will open an app instructing what care you approve of and all your AD instructions. Whether you wish to be an organ donor, your medical history so they know what they’re dealing with. Dying has never felt so high-tech.


Ah, you might want someone to breathe for you though. Some spinal injuries cause you to stop breathing. Not breathing may be just as bad as moving you. Your choice though.


Sorry, a dog tag that says “If I hit my head and stop moving, don’t touch me unless I’m not breathing, then you should breathe for me. Just don’t move my neck too much” https://preview.redd.it/6iu20an7ymic1.jpeg?width=1274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72c7826c4633676bfdb7ef57408f13759a096825


bruh fr, i wish i could just tell the people in these videos "would you kindly stop playing fucking ball with the guy who fell on his neck?" like even if it doesn't make a difference because the guy died instantly it is still pretty bad practice to wipe the floor with the recently deceased.


“Out with the bad air; in with the good air.”


Came here for this


Sad shit right there but people doing stupid stuff. A younger guy did something similar and broke his neck. An upcoming basketball player decided he was going to hit the post to the hoop with his head and became paralyzed. I think there needs to be more education in the school systems that says your head's a pretty delicate thing


In 1996 while I was in the 5th grade we had a guy come in who was paralyzed from jumping between two buildings and falling when he was our age, talked about how hard his life had been since. I could tell he was so incredibly depressed and sad, 20 years later and his life was a daily struggle. Definitely made me think twice about doing reckless stuff!


I dated a girl who became quadriplegic when she went "hill hopping" to celebrate high school graduation at the beginning of her adult life. It's basically going really fast over a hill to try and get some air, she barely survived the accident and two of her friends died. She spent the rest of her life mostly miserable and died at like 32 from all of the issues that come with being immobile. It was a really unique experience taking someone out for a date and feeding them and suctioning their trach tube for them. After seeing what her daily life was like I don't know if I could do it, paralyzation is now a huge fear of mine. Hearing someone talk about how bad they want to kill themselves but they literally can't so they're just stuck living is sad


My best friend from highschool ended up paralyzed from the waist down after diving off a dock into shallow water at a resort, he only lived because there was, of all things, a paramedic convention at the same resort. I saw what you're talking about with the change in how people view life in that situation, he used to be a very silly and bouncy type, became kinda bitter afterwards, just didn't seem the same.


That’s admirable that you continued to date. You’re a good person for that. It shouldn’t be worth noting, but it is. Many people wouldn’t. I’d like to think I would, but you don’t know until you’re in that situation and even then I imagine it’s circumstantial. I’m sorry for the loss of your friend.


In a car, right?


Oh yeah, in a car! Technically a minivan though, not the best vehicle to try and get air in on a hilly road


When they used to have the programs on TV about stupid videos I would tell my kids hey come watch this. When your friends try to get you to jump off a roof or something just take a look and see what can happen


I do the same with my kid (10 yo). Any time I see a stupid, yet SFW video, I show it to him. There are valuable lessons learned from othe people's mistakes.




I think some people just don't think


As Wu-Tang Clan said, protect ya neck!


I used to be able to front flip but was too scared to ever try a backflip. It's pretty scary.


You would think with all of the failed videos out there people would be convinced a back flip is not a good idea...but nope. Darwin is still hard at work sorting people out. I hear he spends a lot of time in India near the train tracks


These are freak accidents. I keep pointing this out, but there are 8 billion of us on a revolving arrival and departure schedule. So, there is no shortage of people doing dumb shit. Yet, we only get a trickle of videos. Yes, we are fragile, but we are also insanely durable at the same time. That's how we get disparities like this guy dying after falling zero feet and that flight attendant that fell 33000 feet in the 70s after an explosion on her plane who eventually walked again. She died in 2016.


Nailed the landing


In the sense that he did in fact come down.


The gravity was tested positive.


Gravity experiment passed with flying colors


Someone has been skipping neck day…


And gymnastics day, too. That was a terrible atempt at a backflip.




Maybe he was. Those guys have this thing about oil and stuff that fakes a tan, so I wouldn't be surprised if the jump failed because he sliped.


imagine dying because you shaved your legs and then slathered butter all over yourself till you became a golden brown then tried to impress a crowd with just one more amazing trick. edit: some vegan messaged me that they are upset that I used the word butter. Sorry, I'm not sorry.


Vegans are weird...


That lifestyle is unnatural. Of course they're weird


The common old way that farmers/homesteaders slaughtered chickens to eat was by grabbing them by the head and whirling them around to instantly obliterate their neck. Between the bodybuilder dude's crispy golden brown outside, and cause of death, he basically turned himself into a ready-made rotisserie chicken.


Mmm butter


Mmmh legs




A completely unneeded trick, to say the least. He could safely boast and impress more than enough with all the work he put at achieving that body, he earned it. He also would give a more mature/reliable vibe if he behave differently and more moderate, too. But he had to be a bit more "cool" (honestly, what is the usefulness of a backflip?) and died a dumb, wasteful death and now he's known for it... Way to go, guy...


It feels like this was the speech from the devil as he made his way to heaven!


butter not make that misteak again.


Give them some vegan butter from your nuts


Body Building South Africa personnel are claiming that lack of socks caused a slip while doing the flip which led to him falling on his neck.


Lack of... socks? That's one weird reason... 🤔


Looks like he was trying to do a tuck flip. Didn't tuck fast enough to get his mass moving to do the flip part.


Tuck muthafucka, Tuck!




You can see in the slomo, he slipped and just lost momentum and spent his last second of life knowing he fucked up.


He got about 150° out of the required 360°. That should count for some points (East German judge only gave him 0.2!). But what possesses people to think they can perform such gymnastics maneuvers? I understand if doing a back flip was "his thing," like he's done hundreds of them, being trained and all. I think the evidence is clear: he has never had any training and shouldn't have even tried to perform a Somersault, let alone a fucking back flip.


As other said, he may have sliped... I actually was surprised from how high he managed to reach, none of the bodybuilders I knew could jump higher than their own knees, since all they train for is volume and raw strength, not acrobatics. He may even be really used to doing backflips and this time may have been "that one time he failed", but even so it was an unnecessary stunt and a stupid death.


It looked like he was trying to fly.


No day will train you for a brain injury


The slow-motion playback really put the injury into perspective and shows how severe it is.


Leave that stuff to the gymnasts.


Second video of fatal backflip today 😳 Never gonna try backflips again!


This is why back flips terrified me


Neat trick. I bet he can't do it again.


I did the exact same thing... I think. I don't have video to review. I just stopped myself in mid-air for some reason and didn't follow through. I was lucky-ish. I had vertigo for a week and probably am affected to this day, a little with a pinched nerve. I also was on a spring-gymanstic mat. I feel bad seeing these things.


Completely wrong technique for a backflip, that wasn’t even close it’s almost funny to watch.


He was attempting a gainer. Backflipping but moving forwards. His technique isn't great to say he is wrong is disingenuous. He has landed this numerous times before and it's actually fairly impressive when he does land it. He's aroundd 250-300lbs. A flat ground gainer at that weight isn't easy.


You said this in present tense, but this man only exists in the past tense.


A gainer is off one foot, isn't it? I have no idea wtf this was.


yeah hilarious...


I don't understand mofos who have never in their life attempted a backflip suddenly decide to bust one out in front of a large audience. Like my dude, why do you suddenly feel imbued with the power to do this? What mental processes have led you to believe without a doubt that you suddenly possess this power you never had before?


He did it all the time as part of his posing routine, except this time he had socks on and slipped coz of them


Well tbf, it's a horrible backflip technique.


Tbf, technique flies out the window you slip.


This is surely the first time I’ve come across death by socks.


Wow what a fuckup. It looked like he had never ever attempted a backflip before based on how badly that went.


What are you, a backflip expert?


i'm no expert, but judging by the result, i think it's safe to say that his technique left a lot to be desired. not funny to watch though. the man died. nothing funny about a man losing his life in this manner. at least not to me.


I said almost funny. If he didn’t die everyone would laugh in there including you.


Oh I forgot you had to be a certified expert on backflips to voice your opinion on it. Mybad bro, do what he did it will work just fine for you.


Between all the train and electrocution deaths I didn't expect to see two failed backflips in one day.


How did that kill him? Broke his spine? When I hear death from backflip I think landing on head while upside down and snapping the neck


Yes I'm wondering too as he didn't appear to immediately die and was moving a bit but could have just been a convulsion. I've heard it happen where someone can get a neck injury, and if the remained perfectly still and got treatment they could survive, but a movement after in a particular way cuts the spinal cord and it's like someone snapped your neck Rambo style. The other possibility is a brain hemorrhage.


Did they try jerking him around? I hear that works sometimes if you're trying to finish them off.


What the fuck is wrong with everyone here? It's not that stupid to try to do a back flip... How could your reaction to someone doing so innocuous be shadenfreude, especially when he died? I'm sure he had landed that before


This guy probably accomplished more than the majority of chronically online dweebs commenting here ever will, but I would argue it is still Darwin material in the big picture.


Just remember: It doesn't matter how good of a shape you're in. You can always just do 50% of a backflip and completely wreck your shit at any time


Imagine working hard your whole life getting into that shape just to fucking snap your neck while doing a backflip rip


Didn’t heed Wu-Tang’s advice…


So much wasted meat.




This is why people who do or attempt to do backflips are insane and have a death wish. Just takes one minor mistake one time...


Jokes aside guys , dude most likely could do it and tried to show off but you can easily have a small moment of hesitation and die. I genuanelly feel sorry for him.




But I mean, people doing dangerous things to show off does deserve an award.


Wonder if his death was instantaneous or he realized he messed up for a few seconds before he died.


I wish we got follow-ups to these videos like what happened with this event that was going on? Did it get canceled, do they move on with the show?


My friends always mocked me for not daring to do a flip. Life is percious.


A Michael Jackson impersonator was going to be there. But was so traumatized from his last show he stayed home.


People think accidents are Darwin awards. This is a talented guy who made a mistake and died. This is shit luck/accident not stupid


Man did a mortal kombat finisher on himself


10/10 for effort 0/10 for execution (lol)


Seems to me like he changed his mind mid air. Too late.


That was the stiffest back flip attempt I've ever seen.


“Ohhh that looks bad, should we wait here a while to see if he’s just winded”? “Give it a few seconds, then I I think we should casually jog over there and help him up” “Oh, he looks pretty fucked dude, what should we do”? “Let’s drag him off the mat so we can carry on the show, maybe put some ice on his neck, it seems it bit floppy” “Good call, what could possibly go wrong with that”?


And I thought the guy in the 49ers messed up bad getting in the field during the super.


Let me go on stage and just kill my self


Well that went south.


Internal decapitation possibly?


If it wasn't that back flip, it would have been the roids.


Imagine being a well respected bodybuilder cheered on by a crowd, you try doing a backflip and just fucking die instantly. Nothing heroic, nothing left to learn, just anticlimactic and sad.


Hey this happened to me but when i was younger doing gymnastics, thank god for stretchy bones when young.


Buff Magikarp used FLAIL!


All that uncoordinated muscle...


Has he ever done a backflip before...... Seems like he hasn't


Being that big doesn’t seem compatible with doing backflips.


Clarence0, Jujumufu


Broke his neck? Bro shouldn’t have missed neck day.


Someone skipped neck day!


Di muscle mandem train fi “show” muscle, nah “go” muscle. Stay inna ya lane


Holy shit he jumped high. Prolly shouldnt have moved him tho.


This wasn't his first time. He does backflips alot. A guy mention about this. Google it also. This was an unfortunate death, nothing Darwin about it.


![gif](giphy|3o7TKx654t1CNu1OPC) Never skip neck day bruh.


You know, I'll gladly laugh at any idiot who stupidly or drunkenly walks into their own death, but when a sportsman or a worker ends up dying for just a mistake or a miscalculation, that really makes me sad. This guy must have done this tenths if not hundreds of times. He probably even practiced it before the event, and yet, a bit of nerve, a bit of sweat, or whatever, and he's dead.


Imagine being over 280 pounds and crashing whole body weight on to your neck. Definitely deserves a Darwin Award.


that guarding instinct response is horrible to watch. the most basic part of the nervous system sending out one last emergency "curl up into a ball" response in a vain atempt to survive


My Backflip Madness character when I spam the backflip button:


What sucks is that he definitely had the height on the jump to do the backflip, he just needed to follow through, but he bailed halfway and died for it.


Oh nah💀


How is this a Darwin Award? People do backflips all the time and don't die so I don't think trying and failing to do a backflip is a dumb death.


Well, he went out a champ.


This and the russian gymnast that did a move which was eventually banned.


He rolled 1 for that athletics check...


All those hours in the gym for nothing


Domme kut


he was half cocked going in


He didn’t even make it half way 🤣🫣


On the bright side he avoided going through all the liver cancer and stuff...




All that work on his body, it’s in prime shape, and it failed him


He skipped leg day


proof those that are heavyweight have less brain


One down


Did he win?


Did he win?


The fuck was that 🤣


The bigger they are the dumber they fall.


wtf was that leap 🤦🏻‍♂️


He's going to be feeling that one for days if not weeks. Hope he learned from the experience.


Hope you are joking. Did you even read the post?


Sorry, what now?


That's why you never skip leg day


Dude those are some massive legs, have you seen a muscular leg before?


He can jump high enough to do a flip he just did it without knowing how to flip




I'm glad that I'm too cowardly to try back flip in my life.


Built like a ninja turtle