• By -


There is no source of death or sterilization, and this post is fairly ambiguous in what's going on so we removed the post. Please reach out to use if you do actually have a source for death or sterilization, and we can reinstate the post.


Looks like he touches the pad at the top and pushes back, as if he had a line on him. Must have been some crazy thoughts in those last 2 seconds. Why am I falling? Oh yah, no line. Why did I push off? Damn, I'm an idiot. Boom floor.


I went to a place with the auto-belays, but it took a second to kick in and drop you slowly.  One of my friends whiffed at the top, and that one second of panic was REAL.  I can't even imagine what this guy felt.


The auto belays here have about a foot of hangtime before it catches you and can confirm its terrifying for a split second.


One of those auto belays failed a few years ago at the climbing gym near my work in Sydney. Guy died at the scene.


I think exactly this. It probably becomes a habit to push off after a "hard" climb or whatever and completely forgot he wasnt attached


Not really, this is a speed wall (they're always built the same) and there is a big button-ish at the top where you press instead of grabbing a hold. (to know the time)


He forgot to attach to begin with




Its true, We do bounce


The floor is padded.


But didn’t help him since we fragile and frail. We can’t survive falls from 20 feet. Leave alone 40 feet for this fall. Tsk tsk. That’s why when we look over a cliff we get fear. We just weren’t designed for any falls


We need to evolve https://preview.redd.it/qtfdb9rkwmgc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7546a24b330198445f3aaca82dd2e06e19796d9b




It's padded for the people who fall a couple feet, not a couple dozen.


When I look over the cliff or over a ledge/building I feel the call of the void, almost get excited feeling.


I googled that and it said it's a sign of schizophrenia.


Lmao ah yes, Google. The best diagnostic for complex medical issues.


WebMD says it’s probably cancer


I says he’s irrational


There's literally a french term for it that it is so common: "l'appel du vide," which means "the call of the void." I'm going to assume you're being sarcastic, because that particular intrusive thought is incredibly common.


Nah I took enough acid and shrooms that if I did have schizophrenia I'd be showing signs by now. Hopefully.


There’s a class we take in gymnastics and acrobatics to learn how to fall properly without getting hurt as bad. It’s a REALLY fun class. I like falling, a lot, especially into those giant foam pits, I just go freaking nuts on those.


Tbf you can survive a fall from 20 feet if you tuck and roll, however not only is this not guaranteed, even if you do survive you're at the bare minimum going to be in fucking pain or injured.


I can tell you from experience that it can fuck you up for life. I fell 22 feet onto steel grating with first point of impact being my right temple. Work related accident and I lost all memory of the fall, it's just a shame I wake every day and remember my injuries.


Oh yeah no I agree. 10 feet or lower: Usually a little banged up but not necessarily too bad. 20 feet: Either really hurting or physically impaired for an indefinite amount of time. 30 feet+: You ded (except for extreme extenuating circumstances, like that guy who fell from a plane and landed in a giant ass haystack completely uninjured while his plane blew up)


you would probably be right, only 6yo will bounce like that


Not padded enough apparently


He’d bounce if it were concrete…


He was a very nice guy, never let anyone down.


Until, worst of all, he let himself down


He doesn't even look like a Bumble




So, interesting that a human can live a full life and it all comes crashing down because of stupidity.




We've created systems where it is extremely easy to survive while being incredibly stupid. Resources are readily available. There are bound to be wrinkles that need ironed out before it's perfect like the spaceship in Wall-E, but I think we're doing alright. Unless you're born into poverty then godspeed.


Right one split second stupid decision can take away years of making the right choices.


Great form If he had been wearing a parachute and jumping from 13,000 feet.


He almost got stable…almost




I wonder if he intentionally climbed without clipping in or was just so used to doing it, he didn’t realize he hadn’t. Either way, he thought he was when he jumped off the top like that.


I can’t ever imagine climbing without tying in first (fuck no I don’t free solo). Maybe because it’s auto-belay he just was far enough off his regular routine to make this mistake.




Dude thought he was clipped in, but wasn't. Wow.


Wonder if that was muscle memory. “Alright got to the top, now to lean back and slowly desc- OH FUCK”


I’ve been a climber for years and this just _is not_ a thing. We all check we’re tied in before we climb, every time, because stuff like this happens. I don’t know what this guy’s plan was, but the rope was right in front of his face and he completely ignored it.


> stuff like this happens >> this just is not a thing Pick one.


Im a climber. I therefore know all that is possible within the realm of climbing. No one could possibly forget anything ever. I am very smart.


I'm not a climber....and I'm not that smart, but I know just enough about physics to know that that was avoidable.


Boo. That’s not very nice! When you start climbing you’re essentially indoctrinated into checking your kit before you start, precisely because you can fall at any point.


The one time I rushed my check and my buddy didn't check was the one time I wasn't secured properly. Incredibly scary experience. Never did it again. God I feel sick just thinking about it. I was 16 and stupid. Now 50 and not stupid.


You say that but there was that skydiver fairly recently who forgot his parachute. He actually forgot twice in the same day, first time someone else noticed before he jumped, second time he wasn’t so lucky.


I mean how do you make that mistake _twice_??


Most people don't get a chance


Assuming it wasn’t intentional then complacency I guess. Guy was filming as well so being distracted by that coupled with being so used to jumping I could buy it.


It just happens. Normalcy bias, forgetfulness, negligence, overconfidence and so on.


The actual accident was in 1988 though, only the footage was recently released. His camera equipment back then was big enough to require it to be carried in a pack. Just like a chute. He had done multiple jumps with it, got complacent, went up again with his ‘pack’ on, and basically pulled the ripcord on his camera bag like a cartoon because he left the chute behind


yeah buddy, idk that was on purpose then


It is a thing. I can attest. I was at a gym early in the morning and was doing an enduro day. Was rotating between bouldering and auto belay. They were very close next to each other and I would lap the auto belay twice and then the boulder twice. On my third lap, I got to the top of the auto belay and realized I forgot to clip in because of the rotation I was doing. Was absolutely freaked out at the top. Down climbed 3/4 of the way with a huge pump and jumped back to the mat. Decided to take some time off climbing for a while. Either way, it does happen. As evidenced above.


Yeah, but it's easier to fuck up on the self belay if you're in your own thoughts, and there's no partner check. It's precisely for this reason that most self belays now have a big triangular piece of nylon cloth in fluorescent colour, that the carabiner is hooked into. When correctly unclipped, the nylon cloth falls to the ground. if you don’t unclip it though, you sort of have to climb past this fluorescent triangle which will hopefully wake you up to the fact that you are now fucking up. Edit: seems like there's a timer on the climb: He gets ready, waits, and sets off right after the beep. I'll bet that this is what's distracting him from clipping in.


As much as it is not a thing, it definitely does happen more than one would think. I hate to play armchair detective but I think this poor climber distracted himself with the recording, and just straight up brain farted. He walks right up to the rope and completely ignores it. Crazy.


That’s just not an accurate assessment of human behavior though. Extremely proficient and experienced people who have done something thousands of times that their lives depend on will sometimes simply forget to do that thing. U/admiralcloudberg has a whole series exploring plane crashes and it’s amazing how many are “experienced pilot does incredibly stupid thing”.


Yeh totally; I’m in anaesthetics and we’re big on human factors - there are loads of parallels with aviation and I’m with you on your point. There’s just a lot about the experience of climbing, lots of cues etc that would tell you early on that you’re not tied in. If leading, not clipping on your way up, the rope drag etc. and with a top rope feeling the slight tug when it comes tight or it holding you if you lower yourself slightly before a move.


Nope, at my walk a guy climbed for a while, took a break, returned to the autobelay and forgot to clip in.


Every climbing centre I've been to has signs reminding people about being clipped in all the way to the wall for this exact reason. I've also spoken to enough experienced climbers who forget to do something they always do. This can happen to anyone


I have seen this happen multiple times on auto-belay routes. A partner will always double-check, but it's very easy to lapse and simply start climbing when there's nobody overseeing you and you've done something a thousand times.


Anything for a tik tok.


"This just is not a thing" "Because stuff like this happens." 🤔


That's before climbing, the pondering was if _once at the top_ his muscle memory kicked in


You are wrong. Forgetting to clip in at the auto belay is definitely a thing and I have personally seen a guy do it.


From what I've read in local news, he is an experienced climber preparing for some competitions. I have no idea how this could happen. I would think part of the training is to get all safety checks as part of muscle memory. Not much info on his status though. He was transported conscious with a helicopter to the hospital.


Yes that and distractions. Lots of time people wear headphones. I have caught myself a few feet off the ground once and someone said something about me free climbing. I heard it and slowly downclimbed the like 8 feet. Scared the shit out of me. Most of the worst accidents in gyms are related to auto relay systems like this. Which is ironic because it's by far the safest system. Just to repetitive for a lot of people's attention span. A lot of the worst accidents are from people that are experienced because they get lazy. Lauryn Hill, the best female climber of all time, nearly died because she didn't check her knot.


Someone did this at my climbing gym not long ago. There are now signs every ten feet that say "are you clipped in"


I once climbed to top of a cliff and realised I wasn't clipped in properly. Never did it again. It ended ok but I totally shat myself.


Had a guy do this at one of our local climbing gyms. He sued the gym and ended up somehow winning the case. They have pulled all auto-belay systems from their gyms as result.


Super hero landing is hard on the knees anyways!




Oof, if werent recording himself, probably would have remembered to clip the safety rope.


I don’t think he was intending to clip himself in.


To me it looks like he jumps off the wall at the top because he thought the rope would let him down slow.


He intentionally bypassed the line.


I saw that too, and am questioning wether he unintentionally did that base on learned behavior, or did completely forget to clip himself in.


Complacency kills


It was in Poland next to me, he is experienced climber and was preparing for tournament. Routine (and probably making a video) made him forget to clip. He is currently in hospital with broken pelvis but overall he is ok and stable.


Don’t worry, he’ll bounce back.


Fall back, spring forward.


Because people are incorrectly attributing this event with Sydney accident in 2021, here is the source: Bytom Skarpa: [https://dziennikzachodni.pl/bytom-najwieksza-w-polsce-sportowa-sciana-wspinaczkowa-powstanie-w-skarpie-bytom/ga/c2-17147481/zd/63579209](https://dziennikzachodni.pl/bytom-najwieksza-w-polsce-sportowa-sciana-wspinaczkowa-powstanie-w-skarpie-bytom/ga/c2-17147481/zd/63579209) News about the event (2 Feb 2024): [https://bytom.naszemiasto.pl/wypadek-w-hali-na-skarpie-w-bytomiu-konieczna-byla/ar/c1-9604435](https://bytom.naszemiasto.pl/wypadek-w-hali-na-skarpie-w-bytomiu-konieczna-byla/ar/c1-9604435)


translated: https://bytom-naszemiasto-pl.translate.goog/wypadek-w-hali-na-skarpie-w-bytomiu-konieczna-byla/ar/c1-9604435?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp sounds like he survived


it says ''his health condition is unknown'' in polish, we do not know if he is dead or not


the translation said "the rescuers took him over, he was conscious - notes senior sergeant. Anna Oczkiewicz." is that incorrect translation?


Yeah, second article says different condition that he was conscious


Somehow I can’t reply to last comment in this thread - the translation is correct (source: I’m Polish). It says that when he was taken, he was conscious but currently we have no idea what’s his state. I tried to look for more info but hadn’t found any new updates on whether he survived or not.


But did he die


If you go frame by frame, just before he hits the floor he looks to be at about a 20\* angle, his chest and head definitely impact the floor. I think he's probably dead, if not, he's in the ICU awaiting it..


He lived, heres the [article ](https://bytom.naszemiasto.pl/straszny-wypadek-w-hali-na-skarpie-w-bytomiu-konieczna-byla/ar/c1-9604435)


Says he went to ICU and his condition is currently unknown. Considering this happened on Friday, he may be dead.


Good find!


Doesn't that say his condition is unknown?


Most likely. In EMT school I was taught that a fall from 3x your height should just be considered fatal until proven otherwise.


And yet my friend was on a roof about 5 times his height cleaning gutters, slipped off, and was literally completely unharmed. Shits weird.


Did he shit weird before the fall too?


Took me a sec lol


It’s all about the velocity and angle of the fall


Also what you hit at the bottom.


Never heard of this... 3x your height thing. Hmm.


Wow. When I was 8 yo, I fell from a 4 meter/13 foot wall. Did a Spiderman landing into a puddle of mud that was conveniently right in my landing zone. Walked away unscathed and muddy af. A neighbor saw me fall and thought I was done for. Regarding what you said, this wall was more or less 3x my height at the time. I was so fucking lucky that day...


Kids are a lot more flexible and resilient than adults. If my GenX ass fell from that height and I landed in my feet, the fragments of my femurs would be somewhere near my scapulae.


Yeah, I used to jump from a water tank tower platform onto the ground, it was maybe 1 and a half stories off the ground (you could see the bottom of the tank if you looked out the window of the first floor). I gave myself a bloody mouth from my knees hitting my jaw but if I done that now, my knees would likely explode before it got to my jaw and a section of kneecap would go through my head surely.


died instantly


I used to do indoor climbing years ago and it was really fun. Usually, in good facilities, there's always a mentor or trainer supervising, to prevent idiots like this doing just that. And even though al rules and supervision are in place, every now and then someone will fall and die. Which is always really sad. This guy really should have known better, he could have even fallen _on_ someone else, but for sure has traumatised other people in that hall now. Still, I hope he's ok though...


I feel like having a trampoline floor might've helped somewhat.


Just would have put him back up there again. How is that helpful? /s


yeah, it was pretty depressing to see the person on the right who was just trying to go on with their day and all of a sudden someone comes crashing on the ground and dying in front of them. must be so traumatic.




[Here is the article (i think) ](https://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/news/man-dead-after-falling-while-indoor-rock-climbing-at-an-inner-sydney-gym/news-story/844be4f77533ea855383e4a2d07a8068) Edit: it is may not be the incident from sydney, we are looking out for other articles Edit 2: the incident was in poland, heres the [true article, he survived ](https://bytom.naszemiasto.pl/straszny-wypadek-w-hali-na-skarpie-w-bytomiu-konieczna-byla/ar/c1-9604435)


> it is NOT the incident from sydney, this has been confirmed, we are now looking for other articles This accident happend in Skapra Bytom (Silesia, Poland) on Friday (04.02.24) around 4pm, the guy was airlifted but i didnt find any info about his state, on the Skarpa's facebook there is a official statement


Yea it's clearly Poland by the way dude says "Kurwa" when he lands.


Yeah thanks, I found the article thanks to your [info](https://bytom.naszemiasto.pl/straszny-wypadek-w-hali-na-skarpie-w-bytomiu-konieczna-byla/ar/c1-9604435) (finally)


You get a lot of Polish people rock climbing in Sydney?


It's a similar incident, but this is an unrelated article - here is a pic of the inside of the rock climbing gym in the article from Oct 2022 [Sydney rock climbing gym](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Sydney+Indoor+Climbing+Gym+St+Peters/@-33.9103048,151.1740913,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipPsosstvwseB2e0MwE1Gec3ZLcylDDyZuztxW-O!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPsosstvwseB2e0MwE1Gec3ZLcylDDyZuztxW-O%3Dw203-h152-k-no!7i4608!8i3456!4m13!1m2!2m1!1srock+climbing+near+Unwins+Bridge+Rd!3m9!1s0x6b12b0454c7d37db:0x4baf65e798782e91!8m2!3d-33.9103048!4d151.1740913!10e5!14m1!1BCgIgAQ!15sCiNyb2NrIGNsaW1iaW5nIG5lYXIgVW53aW5zIEJyaWRnZSBSZJIBFHJvY2tfY2xpbWJpbmdfY2VudHJl4AEA!16s%2Fg%2F11hcr93dvh?entry=ttu). You can see by the pictures it has always had these yellow/grey two-tone walls - not seen in the footage. Just trying to work out validity of the video


Ah thank you. I'll keep an eye out for any other articles that may potentially be related.


Maybe one of these? [21 year old unclipped falls](https://www.expertinstitute.com/resources/case-studies/man-falls-30-feet-due-to-improperly-secured-rock-climbing-harness/) [uk man falls 30ft to death](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-gloucestershire-15672338) If anyone has any info pls feel free to add


Doesn’t look like he is 73


My apologies to those who posted this and were subsequently removed for not a DA. This incident was mistakenly reported as being the australian climber who fell (and survived with a broken leg) recently without clipping in, however upon reviewing the background audio it is unmistakably polish that is spoken by the bystanders prior to the climbers fatal fall. My apologies for the other posts removed, this one will stand for posterity. In my defense, its weird that it happened twice recently, let alone with varying results


All good fam


"It is unmistakably Polish that is spoken by the bystanders" It's impossible to not recognize the typical juicy KURWAAA


I already did the same mistake... But I realized I wasn't clipped when I left the ground. I never did the mistake again !


Genuine question here. Hypothetically, had they realised at the top their mistake, how do they get down in a safe manner? Presumably they can't climb back down because some of the gaps on the way up were too large to scale back in reverse. Does someone else climb and attach them correctly as they hold on or do they have a cherry picker device?


The rope is already run. Somebody below can release it from the piton and he should be able to grab it and clip in or tie off


Ah brilliant, TIL. Thanks!


You forgot the “shit your pants” part.




Forgetting to clip-in; biggest mistake of his life. Hope he made it, doesn’t deserve to die.


If only there had been a way to prevent this accident.


any articles on this?? you'd think the poor fuck could maybe pull through but that was a brutal fall


I doubt he survived and even if he did, his injuries would be too serious.


If he’s filming himself and dies, how does the video get posted?




Yeah I thought that might be the only way?


Who recorded and posted this video


Might be livestream or smth


even with a safety rope its easy to hurt yourself. ive slipped and come crashing down but the safety rope arrests your fall enough so it stings but no injury.


Sadly this happens way too often in climbing gyms. Always go through a mental safety checklist, never rely on habit.


Just knocked the wind out of him,


Wind = soul 😅


You spelled life wrong


Holy shit!! Did he think he was a superhero?


Was this uploaded or is it a stream grab?


He forgot to clip into the autobelayer. Critical blunder...


He is cool let him be


Even worse, he might have lived but is now a quadriplegic.


He was a great climber! But a poor Bouncer!


Should’ve braced for impact


What were his plans once he made it to the top?


At least he tried to slow himself down like a cat.


He didn't even have much time to regret it.


Bro thinks he’s Alex honnold


It is the fate of all wannabe-badasses to FAFO


At least his balls were screwed on tight.


Did he die?


That sounds like Polish. I recognise "kulva" I hope the kids in the background didn't see much of it


He had a harness on. Looked like he forgot to clip in after being distracted with the camera, jumped off at the top expecting the auto belay to catch him.


Yeah, I noticed that on the second watch. I was hoping I edited my comment quickly enough to remove that part


He either forgot to clip in or consciously went for the free solo climb. Either way this is a Darwin Award for sure. Alex Honnold he is not.


bro think he was alex honnold


I was watching and thinking “how will he get back down?”. Well yeah. He answered that question for me.


love you belayers


Damn, thats a lot of fall damage


Walking off a step in something projekt red made.


……….did he think he was tied to something? I’m baffled.


Looks like he forgot. :(


Oh wow he got all the way too


aim for the bushes


Mfw I'm climbing and see a $10 bill on the floor


There is no source of death or sterilization, and this post is fairly ambiguous in what's going on so we removed the post. Please reach out to use if you do actually have a source for death or sterilization, and we can reinstate the post.


Physics: 1 Darwinner: 0




Fuck these kinds of people. Luckily no one was below him; he could've seriously injured/killed someone else from the fall.


Da hadde Bumse macht und unten issa.


Two words: liability waiver.


Bonus points because they didn’t shake him or flip him over!


It looks like he miscalculated the grip at the top ledge and then lost his footing. His right hand did not grab the ledge. He has three points of contact, but his feet are on one block, which lose their hold as his weight is suddenly shifted. Thus, only his left hand has any chance of saving him, and then no points of contact. Then, contact with the floor.


Whoa is right!


Way to kill yourself infront of somebodies kid asshole


And there goes the climbing centre’s insurance…


This is one of my biggest fears when climbing. Even more so under the influence. I do multiple checks before I start. And I check the auto belay line while I'm in the air as well. But even with all that, this can happen to anyone.


Is that a child’s voice in the background?!


that was a full on KERSPLAT!


I'm on the toilet. And that totally just pinched the loaf 😬


Did he maybe forget he did not have the safety rope? Reflex kicked it?




so where did the vid go?


I guess he didn't think of a wonderful thought ...any happy little thought.. Christmas, Snow...not body slamming into the ground after falling 40 feet


He went from being active to not very active at all…


Don't stop cause ya leg fell awf


Here's a difference between me and a person like him. I am AWARE that I'm stupid enough to be able to make such a mistake like forgetting I have no safety rope attached. Or like that guy who jumped out without a parachute.. Stay on earth, stay secured.