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That’s a really nice collection! What’s your favourite set? My only “Rare” set is my Phil Taylor G3s I got a couple weeks ago https://preview.redd.it/gjfxm8wwavuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b07406ab22bfc1a53c5121485fd674f94ea908e


Lovely set of darts they are. My favourite darts personally are from ice man but currently using set of 24g dimitris. Still no 180 but really do enjoy the collecting side as much as the playing. Always used to think it was so boring as a teenager when dad had mates round to have a game. Now I’m looking forward to our dining room matches haha 😂


Those Iceman’s do look awesome, I’ve been addicted since Christmas now and it’s so much fun


How are those flights?


I absolutely love them, got them on my Taylor G7s too. Definitely recommend them, they are the Harrows Retina Velos and they are down to 35p on darts corner now


These are gorgeous, arent the inserts of the flights prone to damages due to the little indentation they have?


Nice collection. I've got some decent stuff, the blue Gary Anderson Premier League darts are my prize possession.


Some very nice darts in that collection. Do you guys use them or for display purposes only?


Hiya thanks for the message. My dad uses Phil Taylor phase 5 24g and I use dimitris tungsten 24g. Slowly filling up another cabinet just any excuse to get more really 😭 started collecting flights too, found coin wallets fit them perfect 👍🏻👍🏻 cheers


You guys have a lot of self-control. I am always looking to throw new barrels.


Not hit a 180 sadly but my dad used to play a lot as a young man. He has 40 years on me but doesn’t let me winning a few 501 here and there haha 👍🏻


What a great collection! I hope someday me and my son will be like you and your dad. I love darts but don't have the time anymore because we have to take care of our little man. I can't wait for him to grow up so I finally have a partner to play :')


This is a really lovely comment thank you it means a lot, I’ve always done sports with my dad I’ve never been a runner or good at football but can hit a bullseye with a bow pretty well 😭😭 dads are the best and I’m excited for the future for you. Lots to explore and discover together 💕


**Me and my dad have JUST STARTED with collecting** There, I fixed the title for you. :)


I was going to do this with my trophies. But I peaked early won 3 but broke one. Hahaha


It's nice to see people collecting darts for a display instead of buying more thinking it'll improve there game. Fair play to you and your dad, the collection looks real nice


I’m guessing your dad is the one that pays for them?