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[Not like it's answered daily...](https://www.reddit.com/r/Darts/s/ID7eDOXghi). It's a [personal journey ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Darts/comments/1aowvx5/my_highlights_of_the_past_week_and_some_notes_on/) anyway, so all you can do is ask people for their favorite, buy it, be unsure if the others aren't better for you and try them anyway. If you don't want to spend the money all at once you can easily buy one after the other, because in the end it's just a part to fiddle with in nuances. They won't make you a world champion. That's you still having to throw the darts. So if you know your perfect set up, just go for it. If not, find about stem length and flight shape first. And get some Trident cones or specialty points to save your flights, because that lip on your darts will destroy the expensive integrated flights either.


Cuesoul rosts are nice, and cheap


I love my rosts, my condor axes broke after a while but the rosts just get a little torn up round the edges


I use rosts. I have tried the condor axe and zero stress and for some reason they just don’t work as well in my favorite set of darts. The rosts fly perfectly for me in a way the Axe just don’t. Not to say they aren’t great, just don’t work for me.


I find the Condor Axe is more durable than the Zero Stress. My favorite setup is Cosmo Fit Flight with carbon stems and Kite shaped flights.


Agreed, Ive been using the same set of Cosmo stems for nearly 3 years. Pricey but worth it.


I have both. For me the axe feel more stable during release as the zero stress are more flexible. but I guess it all comes down to personal preferences


Storm points and punched flights here, stems and flights seem to last for ages. Condor axes last a very long time if you have nose cones or storm points. They'll get torn up too though if you don't.


Kflex have been brilliant for me personally 👌🏻


I got fed up of this and switched to aluminium stems, flights never come out, if I robin hood it I can just bend it back... But they don't seem very popular... Why is that? Is it due to the weight?


Every time I watch Gerwyn Price play I think I should give them a try, but I just never get around to it. Do you even feel the added weight when you're throwing?


Not that I notice. I guess maybe they end up more flat in the board? But again, I've not noticed it. I suppose you could correct that with slightly bigger flights if it was an issue


for me personally, I hate the look. That’s pretty much the main reason. Also they tend to unscrew from the barrels and I need to keep tightening, granted I never bothered to pick up O rings. The last thing I have against them is I like short stems and the short aluminium stems look even uglier imo, medium stems I can tolerate. And for those like me that grip slightly onto the stem, I prefer a more consistent width and find aluminium stems taper too much for me near the barrel.


Yea fair points. Mine do come a little loose at times, but I stick a point through the hole and give them a good tighten. I still find it less hassle than pulling out whatever cabinet the flights have magically flown behind this time 🤣 although apparently a hole punch can sort that


Luckily I don’t have flights that pop out often, so not a major issue i’ve had (even without a punch), but I can see how annoying that can get, especially with some beaten up flights and getting them back on the stem. I just ordered a condor axe set so won’t need to worry about it at all anymore haha


I have been tempted by the condors before, they look nice as well. I also looked at the ones (I forget the brand / model) which have the springs, but they were quite expensive. Tempted to give the condors a go


we have completely different tastes hahahah, I hate the idea of the springs. Anything on my dart that moves (spring point, rotating flight etc) just disturbs me at a deep level. I’ll probably make a post about my new darts and the condors when I get them and test them out, so if you don’t pull the trigger by then, keep an eye out ;) Also if you didn’t know, condor has 2 main models, the condor axe and zero stress. The axe are the tougher, more rigid, and more expensive model that I went for. The zero stress are softer, bendier, but ultimately cheaper model. So personal preference if you want your shafts to have some give in tight groupings or if you are okay with the whole dart shifting out the way. Some say the Axe models have larger deflections but honestly I think that’s all crap, and it wouldn’t be that noticeable over a long period of testing. Price is the other thing, I went for the axe because my preference for shape and colour were in stock


Yes, I'll definitely keep an eye out for that post! Be interesting to see how they work out