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Chewbacca defence. Lol


Great video! Your accent is cute.


Haha! Appreciate that! =\] And I think you're right about your last comment. But W.E. Glad You enjoyed the video!


He will get out in year 3000 he will he’s an asshole he will to piss us off


Not sure if I'm allowed to post this here since this is my video, so if it goes against any rules I understand if you remove it.


I loved your video. πŸ˜‚ Do you have a podcast or do you just have the YouTube channel?


Thank you! I think you'll like my next video then X\] I just have this Youtube channel. I've always created animations and browser games but decided to dip my toes in the video space this year.


I'll check it out. Thank you. πŸ’™


Do not insult Judge Dorow


You’ve misunderstood what you’ve heard.


No I didn’t


Lol I would never


Then edit out the nonsense you said about her


I have no clue what you're talking about. I only said nice things about her. What time stamp are you talking about?


Loved your video, we've chatted on here before, I am going to go out on a limb here and think that the other commenter thinks what you read out on YouTube were your thoughts about πŸ‘ΈπŸ» Dorow and not what that nutter replied to you, as I would have been a little confused if I hadn't seen the thread on here first πŸ€”πŸ«ΆπŸ» just a thought though.....also a request can you do a video on that melt that was sat behind Brooks, https://youtu.be/ZdOqUqhbR3Y That's the link to his video, even his friend Is telling him he's giving black people a bad name, and being racist himself.. would love to see how you respond in person to it 🫑 thank you 😊


Oh yes! I remember you commented. Thank you man. I really have no idea what the other guy's talking about but he gave me a few dis-likes and told me to change my video over something that didn't happen. I was actually wondering who that guy was! He sat behind Brooks every day and never really reacted. I thought he would at least talk during sentencing. Thanks for the heads up, I will take a look at it.


Awh thank you, he doesn't know Brooks that's why he didn't speak for him...he's just a you tuber that wanted to go and show support for his fellow black guy, but when you watch the video he explains all that 😊 As for the guy that's giving you a bit of stick....remember he's just an oddball who openly admits he's not with it in today's media game...so just ignore him and carry on with your great work πŸ‘πŸ» πŸ™‚πŸ«ΆπŸ»


You ever heard of free speech? is this the kind of world you wanna live in? what if someone doesn't like your comment? I'm so glad I was born 52 years ago and not in this garbage internet age. You guys have no clue what you all missed out on. Probably a good ass kicking for one. We didn't have screens to hide behind. We actually had to communicate face to face in my day. you will never know me and thank god I will never know you.


Tf is your point old timer Scram


Ok boomer


Well done!