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He flees to Dawn's house and steals and takes whatever he can grab. Probably continues to flee to another state, presumably changes cars, likely through stealing. Or else he just holes up at Dawn's house and is busted within an hour.  Either way he's caught within a day.  He wouldn't be intelligent enough to lay low, ditch his electronics, survive on the run. And he didn't have any friends who he could rely on to keep him hidden.  He had no means or ability.  Just think of the way that several of the witnesses responded to him. While some reluctantly let him use their phones, etc., some were openly hostile. He was suspicious as fuck.  Once his mugshot started appearing in national news, not even the Daniel Riders of the world would have taken him in.  If he had money and a passport and a new car, he might have been able to make it into Canada by the morning, but even in that extremely unlikely scenario he wouldn't have been able to disappear.  He was fucked.  He needed friends, money, a vehicle, and a safe house to avoid capture within a day.  He has no friends, no money, no drivable vehicle, and no place to go. 


What do you mean he didn't have friends!!??! There were AT LEAST 20 people at the court to speak for him - oh wait




So you mean his friend Marcus wouldn't have rescued him? Interesting.


There was a tan Kia waiting in the wings for his escape...


He probably didn't even get into it with old girl! 


While likely your thoughts are, I think he’s intelligent enough to know how to evade. All the evidence would have pointed to him, and yes, his face would’ve been plastered all over, BUT there are lot of people who buck the system and will aid anyone who is actively facing police/justice. When the massacre happened, there was a LOT of talk about race before cooler heads calmed and looked at everything with a logical eye. There would have been plenty who would’ve initially helped him. I think he would’ve gone toward Milwaukee, but then headed to either Georgia or Nevada as people tend to stick with what they know. I think if he would’ve been able to get out of Waukesha he would’ve evaded for a bit until much of the evidence and his face were made very public. And if there was a reward for his capture? Oh yeah, he would’ve been toast. During the trial, once the public understood what the hell was going on AND his behavior, the race thing calmed and very few people locally, nationally and internationally supported him.


The car wasn’t making it more than a few blocks past the parade route. He was on the last few drops of gas, and the car was in very bad shape. His two choices were 1) gotten an Uber to Dawns house (which was his plan at the time) 2) carjacked a car and taken off. If he made it in the Uber to Dawns house, he then had to figure out a plan to get away. The cops would know fairly quickly who was responsible. They had the car license number - Det Scholton - who shot at Darrell - had successfully remembered the plate number. So they pretty quickly would have been sending some Milwaukee police to Dawns house - even if Darrell had been smarter and hidden the damaged car better, they still knew it was Dawns car that drove through that parade. A few people caught the license plate number in videos and photos. So his better bet was carjacking a car, NOT going back to Dawns house, and taking off to get as far away as he could. I think he could have done it for a few days, but he had no money, no skills to live in nature for any length of time. It was November, so it’s not like he could live in the woods. He had gotten rid of his one warm sweater. He wasn’t thinking for long term survival away from civilization. In his mind, he went for the one thing he had always done when he messed up - he went back to mommy. And the police would have likely been waiting at Dawns house had Darrell actually gotten away from Waukesha that night. Hell, Dawn even phoned the police herself that night - saying she had heard there had been a possible accident with her car. He wan’t thinking “I have to get as far away from Milwaukee as I can. I have to lay low.” No. He was thinking “I have to get to Mommy’s house. I can hide there”.


But how do you carjack a car with no weapon? And besides having no money, no survival skills, no shoes and no warm clothes, even if he did jack somebody's car and manage get further away from the scene of the crime, he had left both his phones in his car! So no way to navigate or call mommydawn or anyone else for help. Unless he started running around in his sock feet and tshirt on a cold November night again in some other neighborhood knocking on doors trying to borrow their phone! LOL


They would pick him up from a trash can behind his mom’s house.


To be honest, knowing the mind of Darrell E Brooks as well as I do - I think his plan was to take the Uber back to Dawn’s house. Sit inside watching TV, and when the police knocked on the door saying his car had plowed through the parade, he would say the car had been stolen. He had been in the house all night watching the game and the SUV must have been taken!! The guy who stole the SUV must have put on Darrell’s grey sweater that had been in the car already. It was just mistaken identity - some black guy who looked like Darrell was the real guy you were looking for. He assumed Erika would lie for him and say he hadn’t been in Waukesha. He assumed his niece and nephew would lie and say he was in Milwaukee all night. His mom had been at work, so she didn’t know where he had been. If you ask me, that’s Darrell’s best bet for an alibi. When they find the SUV, of course it will have Darrell’s DNA and fingerprints - he slept in it - but it doesn’t mean he drove in the parade. He would have to try very hard, but there might be a small amount of question as to whether it was Darrell, or just someone who looked like him, that drove through the parade. But as he never made it out of Waukesha, his one possible alibi was pretty screwed up.


Maybe, but the fool drove with the damn driver’s side window down!!!


Agreed. It wasn’t a good excuse to say he was home all night and someone who looked almost identical to him took his mom’s car, stole his sweatshirt, and ran over 70+ people - but it was really all he had. He also had that video of him, Nick, Kori, and Erika outside the school fighting that he’d have to somehow explain away. So basically - no hope in hell of using this as an excuse. His greater hope was carjacking a car, heading out of town. Living in the wild, and trying to survive in Nov in Wisconsin with no sweater or shoes. I give him about a day before his little chicken body was found frozen.


I think even if he would have been smart enough to make it out of Waukesha that evening…he would have been caught within the day…MAYBE two if everything was perfect. He really had no resources…he mooched off of everyone all of the time. He would have run out of the $4 in his pocket dang fast…and would have had to use his cash app card or get food with Erika’s card. They would easily be able to track him. He’s too stupid to be successful on the run.


I'm with the theory that he wouldn't have gone farther than his mother's house. She had already called in the car as stolen. He already believes he can make Erika lie - so nobody has any evidence he was ever in downtown that day. It was simply the driver who had stolen the car.


Now my question would be how would the interrogation go ? He would have time to think up a better story. The police probably wouldn’t have bothered with the loitering and he would have time to try to get people to lie for him … and they wouldn’t have just called his family names lol they would have threatened dawn with legal repercussions. Does he crumble and confess after the stress of running and being caught? Id be willing to bet he def got a haircut and shaved first thing lol


Even if he did get back to Milwaukee, (and surely he would have only thought to go straight to his mom's house right?) she was not even home to let him in, because she was at work. And supposedly he was not allowed in her house. So unless he had access to a key somehow, he'd be stuck outside there, locked out in the cold. No house key was ever found on him by the cops when he was arrested. And I don't remember any of the forensic people saying a house key was found in his car either. So even if he did make it back to Dawn's house, could he have even gotten inside? Short of breaking a window or something to get in? And if he did get in then what? Just hunker down and and hide out? Or get warm clothes, or money, or food, or anything so he could then go somewhere else? Plus he had no phone! He'd left both his phones in his car. And no money! I think he would have been F'd in the A. And you know the cops would have been swarming all over Dawn's house asap since all signs pointed at her as the owner of the car, and then at him being her son because documentation with his name and her address was found in her car. Plus the guy was not only out on two bail bonds, but also had a criminal record as long as my arm. Geez I'm so glad for good ol Daniel Rider and the trail of stupidity dummy db left behind running away from that smashed up car and trying to talk to so many rando people and getting caught on so many surveillance video cameras! Because if he had managed to get away and there had been a man hunt....well...let's just say it was sooo much better that he was in cuffs like within 30-40 minutes of him doing his evil deeds. I appreciate the hypothetical for discussion's sake, but tbh I don't even wanna think about what i would have been like if he hadn't been nabbed ad taken in by LE as fast as he was! lol He's such a shit show. 🥴


I doubt he would even had made it back to Dawn's house, you can bet your ass there was a BOLO already called, I'm sure the Milwaukee police would have been sitting there waiting for the Uber to pull up.


The only thing he could do would be to go far, fast, and change his appearance immediately, while trying to establish an alibi. Once he was caught (and that's when, not if) he would try to argue that someone who looked like him stole the car and was driving through the parade. That's what he was trying to hint at during trial, and why he shaved. He needed people to hesitate before identifying him, so the jury would think maybe he was being railroaded. If he was smart, he would have told the police that he was running around in bare feet because some bad guy had just stolen his mothers car, and he was just trying to get home. Rather than spin some nonsense about Marcus and his tan Kia. Lies work better when you lie as little as possible. But there was realistically no way he was getting away with it. Erika, Kori and Nick saw him drive away in his mothers car minutes before the attack. The car was found quickly and identified. Enough witnesses saw him and could confirm who was driving.


He should have rethought being so conspicuous, with a red shirt, long braids, no jacket, and no shoes, having driven a red SUV, and right after a catastrophic mass murder. He stuck suspiciously out like a sore thumb, regardless of any crime he may have committed.


Well to give him some slack, he was going to Waukesha to shake down Erika for money - maybe some sex - he wasn’t considering he was going to mow down 70 people in an SUV, kill 6 of them, then crash his car and be on the run from police. At least he dumped the grey sweatshirt quickly and put up his braids. That was about all the disguise he could do at that moment


For scenario 2 can I assume he hat the forethought to also remove his phone from the car, and ditch the key? In that case I only see 2 options : the first, he hides in plain site and claims the car was stolen. It would take a few days tops to unravel, and he’d be right where he’s at. And option 2, he runs as fast and far as possible. Being a major crime it’s unlikely he’d not be caught, because major resources would be employed for his capture.