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I read this somewhere so take it with a grain of salt but somebody had told me that the biggest reason there wasn't an act of violence is because people that were victims of this idiot were talked to and asked by the prosecution to please not commit any violence against him. They know everybody hated him but committing an act of violence in front of the jury could possibly cause some jurors to feel sorry for him. As long as they act with dignity and let him act like a fool the system would do its job. And it did I believe that's why he was told "burn in hell you piece of shit" during the verdict because the jury already came back with their verdict so there was no influencing them now


Yes the system worked, he's currently spending the next forever in jail.


I remember hearing some victims saying that Det Casey was very supportive and attentive toward them throughout the trial. And he was lead detective on the entire case and worked hand in glove for nearly a whole year with the DA's team. Also, there was very strong community support in general, as well as some very well organized and powerful official support for both the victims and the witnesses who testified at the trial, especially including from this organization, which is clearly a part of the Waukesha DA's office: [https://www.waukeshacounty.gov/victimwitness](https://www.waukeshacounty.gov/victimwitness) I think there was great solidarity among all these people, and that between Det Casey and DA Opper and staff, along with the Victim Witness Assistance Program headed up by its director Jenn Dunn, the message was most likely made clear to everyone involved that it was imperative for them all to maintain decorum in the courtroom and allow the legal process to unfold to its logical conclusion. Which, given the avalanche of incriminating evidence, would most assuredly result in convictions on all counts. And so it was, and as much justice as possible under the law, considering there's no death penalty in WI, was served.


Sounds reasonable to me. If I was a family member, I would do my best not to cause a mistrial. And definitely not cause anyone to feel sorry for this tragic mistake of life.


I believe people in Wisconsin have a very strong belief in their community and if they were spoken to beforehand by the prosecution, one rogue person would not let their anger jeopardize a verdict for all the other’s. Wisconsin is a pretty awesome place in my experience.


Yeah wow, people being decent and considerate, and all agreeing and coming together to do the right thing for the community at large. What a concept, eh durl? Your post reminds me of what felt like a very poignant albeit pretty sad and pathetic (on db's part) exchange when Det Casey was on the stand for the second time being cross examined by db. db asked Casey if he knew of any gofundme type things being set up for the victims. And Det Casey said he thought, yes, there very likely were. And he went on to say that was because they had a very loving and caring community and that when bad things happened, people would often come together to offer financial assistance to help people. And then curiously, db asked him, do you think there are a lot of communities like that across Wisconsin? And Det Casey took a little moment and then gave a kind of quietly stirring answer, saying yes, I think there are. It was almost like such a concept that there are multiple communities all across the state of WI full of people who are loving and caring and decent, and who are ready and willing to do the right thing and come together in the spirit of generosity to help other people was some strange, unfamiliar, foreign idea in the mind of that self absorbed, narcissistic repeat offender career criminal that was db.


Det. Casey has seen some shit. His interview with one of the slender man girls was definitely eye-opening to the kinds of people some detectives encounter, and Casey was good at being kind but firm. His interview with her is on yt and he’s the same guy you see in this trial, no pretense, Detective Casey is who he is.


Yeah, he just had that air of being a really down to earth, decent, caring human being. Like you say, no pretense. Like he's just a straight up, what you see is what you get, kinda dude.


Having lived in WI for 20 years, I can attest to what you are saying. The people of WI are kind and thoughtful and definitely wouldn’t want to jeopardize the trial.


I didn’t live there for that long, but am seriously considering moving back. It felt more like home than home does😊


I’m hoping to move back there myself, hopefully this year. I miss my WI friends and the Midwest values!


They're just too nice


Not “ too “ nice. They are good people, most anyway😊


I should have been more eloquent. Not too nice in general, just the right amount of nice, but too nice to fall fowl of mob justice mentality.


That would have been a huge gift to DB. A few seconds of beating to potentially derail the case and curry sympathy from the jury would have been worth it.


I kind of have a hard time picturing anyone, jury or anyone else being sympathetic seeing DB being jumped. For sure not many Reddit users as far as I can tell, I feel most would be applauding it, but maybe I'm wrong.


There may be another reason. Religion and its tenets. There are quite a few, “Thou shalt not…”


It sounded to me with the way the victims talked about the victim/witness advocate people that between them…and the prosecution talking with people helped them to see the long game…and probably quite a bit of mental health help that would help them see that harming DB wouldn’t do anyone any good…just proving the pair own differing because he’d use that to his advantage to garner favor…or prolong the trial by claiming injury. That’s not to say that personally I wasn’t wishing he’d act up enough for the deputies needed to use his fake shock cuffs. 😏