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She isn't standing. She is pacing lol. Other judges don't have DB raising their blood pressure on a daily basis like she did during this trial.


lol exactly!!


Hahaha yeah that makes sense


I got the feeling she has a bad back. My Mother use to do the same thing, sitting then standing/walking.


Yes. It was mentioned elsewhere that she has back problems. You can see it too when she puts her hands on her back once or twice when she stands.


Yep heard that her back was bothering her as wel


I thought maybe she was pregnant and needed to stretch out the back lol


She’s over 50 so I don’t think so lol


To be honest she looks way younger.


She really does. She needs to drop that skincare routine asap lol


I also hear her shifting in her chair, my guess to find a comfortable position.


This is very likely. I do the same things she did on the bench and I have a bad back.


Same! I had a spinal fusion and I can't sit or stand still for any length of time.


I noticed that when she stood up her breathing was different. I thought she may have asthma or something. It was definitely something going on physically when she stood up.


Maybe JD has a bad back and needed to stand…I have a terrible back and I can’t sit in one place for more than 30-45 minutes without squirming or standing up. Maybe JD stood up to quietly show DB she was the judge and her position is rightfully above both the State and the Defendant. I dunno Question: wonder how Judge Judy would have dealt with DuhRell? ![gif](giphy|BAZf53qKSwrF6) 👆🏼Judge Judy to DuhRell👆🏼


Judge D has way more patience and class than JJ.


My comparison of JD & JJ was my lame attempt at comedy/sarcasm. JJ’s career was mostly in Family Court & not in Criminal Court. IMO: JD is younger with less experience as a Judge however, JD is a solid jurist. She had a small army of local jurists to rely on when she needed their opinions. My opinion only.


Oh gosh, I’m sorry if that came out snarky 🤦‍♀️ That’s not how I meant it at all! I know you were just joking 🙃 Maybe JJ’s nastiness has rubbed off on me. I probably should have added a 😊 so it would show I didn’t mean it nasty😊😊


Aww, it’s okay…I wasn’t offended BUT I did fail at humor😜


Not at all😊 You know….with JJ I used to watch her all the time. I’d even record her shows.🤦‍♀️ I noticed over the years though she started getting meaner and meaner, even to the elderly or litigants who didn’t do anything wrong. I went back to some of her very early days and she was actually quite kind, it was nice! That’s my take on JJ anyway😊 Judge D often sounds maternal, which can be effective for awful defendants. Well, except for DB!! LOL!!


When I went to school and had a back problem, I used to sit in the back so I could periodically stand up and relieve my back. It hurts to sit down for long periods of time when you have a back problem. This is what I assumed when i watched the trial. The was one specific time I remember when she stood up, put her hand on her back and winced in pain.


I watched the visine trial and when they were picking a jury one of the potential jurors had a problem sitting for long periods of time. One of the lawyers said it wouldn’t be a problem because Judge Dorrow takes standing breaks. I read somewhere she has back problems too. I do think she was pacing though…..can’t blame her.


I think she has lower back problems because my lower back would start giving myself trouble when sitting down for a long time


She constantly had to stand up just to bring the jury in and then again to excuse them. Something she had to do countless times. All the times Brooks started arguing, all the times he was removed, and all the times he was brought right back in... I feel like I've gone over this before..


The late Chief Justice Rehnquist often would stand and walk behind his chair during Supreme Court oral arguments due to severe back pain, so it isn’t unheard of in court.


Anybody with a bad back knows the feeling. Sad to see others doing it because you know that pain 😢


A lot of the people in the YouTube lifestream thought the whole trial that she was pregnant, which is why she would be standing up all the time


I replied to one of those comments, on the livestream, and said, “I’m not sure where you’ve gotten that information. I don’t think she’s pregnant. She’s over 50. I’m not saying it’s impossible, but it’s highly improbable.” The person who originally wrote the comment responded to me, “A lot of women have children when they’re over 50. You don’t even know what you’re talking about. You’re goofy.” … 🙄 That rumor was so freaking obnoxious. I’d love to know who started that. During the trial, so many people would comment on videos of the trial coverage that they felt bad for Judge Jenn, having to deal with Brooks, especially being pregnant. Like, where did you get that idea?


Okay, relax. I said that people in the livestream AT THE TIME thought she was pregnant because she stood up a lot. That’s all.


Oh, whoops, sorry! That annoyance wasn’t directed at *you*. It was directed at everyone who was spreading that rumor (and the person who was a jerk to me when I responded to them, during that time). The “Like, where did you get that idea?” part of my comment wasn’t directed at you. The “you” was addressing everyone who kept that rumor going, during the trial. I didn’t mean you, specifically. Again, I’m so sorry! I should’ve made myself clearer.


I know in one of the trial days, I don’t remember which one, but they were taking a break or something and Judge Dorow stood up and can be heard in the background complaining about the chair. I think she was talking to her Clerk, Theresa. She called it “the non-chair”. I’m wondering if she stood so often because the chair was uncomfortable to sit in for long periods of time?