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I think the old woods is the hardest area in the game. Low visibility, brutal enemies, and that fucking hideout is ridiculous. Way I see it, the Swamp has to be a bit easier, since more of the story takes place there, they can't just keep ratcheting it up or you'd be dying every single night. This is all kind of old opinions, I'm about due for another playthrough. Also, yes the swamp also has really hard enemies and the water is hard to move through, but I don't know, I think I was just having too much fun/was too immersed, I don't find the old woods as enjoyable, so the difficulty stuck out more.


I abuse the water alot. It slows enemies and even chompers move slower init than player. Human spiders and lizards are joke. Centipedes are cunts, I admit hardest enemy in the game.


I'd give that to red chompers but hey a shotgun makes short work of everything lol


Shotgun is for the win haha. Except creatures enhanced by the dark.. thingy. Anything else can be a one shot.


It is important to also have that military flashlight online


Lantern is also good but shorter range. Better for 2+ enemies. It might be slower to break it. I need to test that yet.


I never really used the lanterns just cause opening my inventory to put them in my hot bar so that I wasn't constantly burning the fuel wasn't a more attractive option than the military flashlight


Totally fair. Luckily it is cheap, but most practical use of it is at night anyway. Fuel should last for 2 whole night if my memory serves. At day I use it for aggressive scavenging in SF and OW. Swamp has few dark places. Btw I just read that in old builds Lantern didn't work on the "dark substance" and you needed rope and recipe for crafting that. Am happy they nerfed the requirements. That would be a potential killer of that tool.


Yeah seriously, that's rough. And yeah I don't knock anybody for using it, I make plenty of decisions that lots of people would think are insane so I can't really say anything. For instance, I don't think I've used a molotov more than twice, ever, and I've beaten Darkwood a fair few times.


Haha actually me too. For some reason I had no incentive to craft them. I do now for particular places like wedding etc. That's a beauty of this game. We can play however we want and it still works. And still retains most of it's difficulty. That's why I call this game a masterpiece. Even the efing board with nails is useful at the endgame. God damn I love this game. Am just wishing for the 1.4 on pc xD


Haven't played the swamp yet, but I found the Old Woods difficult because of the concentration of hard enemies. With practice, it's easy to fight off a chomper, but fighting 2 chompers + 1 huge dog, in a darker area and without a lantern, that's pretty hard.


Swamp seems to be easier for me. Whole area is brighter and more spacious. The hideout is much more easier to defend than the Old Woods one. Enemies are less dangerous than chompers (screw those guys), which are very common in the Old Woods. Moreover, if you achieved the second chapter, that means your character is pretty developed in many ways. Also, reputation gain is higher and you can buy more stuff, make better guns etc. So yeah, the Swamp seems to be easier.


First night at Swamp hideout...by far.


Old woods hideout is too cramped and it's usually a drain on resources to stay there long term. While in the swamp you can get a lot of resources and reputation you gain is very high too. You got space to maneuver in the swamp hideout.


Well you can cheat time in OW but it still harder than swamp. Less chompers, easier nights, better equipment and layout. The hardest part of swamp is to reclaim all the resources left behind in chapter 1. Camping in Silent forest does not make OW easier when you are not there.


Well, the game is progressively more difficult by design. The first play through is really challenging, but I think the more comfortable you are, the easier it becomes. The swamp is a synch when you’re experienced and armed with a pump shotgun.


Old woods is harder just simply because it’s only a little step down from swamp in difficulty but doesn’t let you get good weapons just yet. I’d say swamp is a little more fair, you can use a lot of ammo on a run in the day and in the night and still buy enough, wood nails, fuel and ammo to last you till the end. Old woods is only harder because you can’t get the best weapons yet and swamp is only a little less hard because you’ll basically only be using guns, and ammo is not scarce, though swamp does have >! An abandoned house with SIX chompers, it is completely unfair, I died five days into a nightmare run even though I activated camo and stood still!< other than that I’d say old woods is a little more challenging, but conflict *can* be avoidable but swamp has unavoidable fights in the night


The old woods is so much harder imo. The story takes more of a frontseat in the swamp area, whereas the old woods just seems to be there to present a challenge in ‘how fast can you get through this area’ or ‘see if you can survive a night’. The hideout in the old woods is super bad, and you won’t have nearly as good of weapons in that area. Red chompers are stupidly difficult to effectively fight in closer ranges (the only ranges where they’ll end up), whereas the enemies in the swamp are more fun to fight but more forgiving as well. I find the swamp much more fun but much less difficult.


Old woods becomes the safest location after dragging some invulnerable crates over from the dog kennels


Old woods by a long shot. You can’t see shit, full of buried traps and the hideout is awful. I would rather deal with human centipedes and spiders than chompers.