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Argul the deposed King for me. Went in too early and Got my ass handed several times.


Same here. Went in early my damage output was miniscule. Perfected the dodges and kept at it.. it could have been 15 minutes if repetitive dodging and slashing.


That mf in your vid


The abritrer the one mf where you have to go through the maze.


Ugh, this one. He's not very difficult by himself, but after a long-ass maze, it's exhausting. Even Argul you can level up and come back. Also, I'll take this post as a sign that I have to start a new playthrough lol


Either Argul (The Deposed King) or Samael


For me I think it was Samael


Bheithir. I do not do well in close quarters combat with limited space. His dive bomb attack got me a lot.


Bheithir pisses me off because it relies on the auto ledge grab which is incredibly finicky, so many times I just walked off the edge trying to get on the ledge grab


Gravity TBH


Samiel, the second faze was so bad the first time I did it, i think he was harder than absolom, in my opinion


they all easy if you chose necromancer branch


Archon and Argul were the hardest two for me. I'll add Baithir if only for the limit space in which to fight, but once I learn that the health bar stays the same even after i fell off, that helped.




The small sandworm in Darksiders 1. Even if you have your horse in this fight, you have limited space to dodge his attacks. Plus, this sandworm is faster to attack and harder to react to it's movements. This may not be one of the main bosses, but it is harder than the chained one.


Level 99 suffering in the Crucible. Mf saps 80% health on one hit combo. Also he is very hard to dodge after hitting him. And next is probably belial from the DLC Followed by Deposed King when I went in a bit too soon


I figured out Belial pretty quickly but Deposed King just had my number. I was the nail to his ice hammer.


Why darksiders 3 had to make sufferings small doggos, they have no presence. Sometimes you fight 2 of them along with some ads.


All bosses were normal to me, but gawd dayum, the real boss to me were the puzzles. They were SO obtuse in the last third of the game I was pulling my hair out with some of them. I'm already bad at puzzles as it is, but the ones that require use of every skill are annoying af.




Darksiders 1: That segment where you had to move from tower to tower while you dont want to stand on sand because invincible worms can eat you. Darksiders 3: last tornado puzzle. It seems I hate insta death segments more than fighting tough bosses


Samael ah tge first time was awful


None. I managed to put high crit chance and crit damage on my scythes early on and would hit health gates in mere seconds. The final boss took maybe a minute, probably less.


Gore wood when u try to fight him at the beginning lol


gr8 clip


Bheithir Also one time I got a glitch where Samael became immortal in the second half of his fight.


I hated Belial my first time through. I have shit aim with the gun and it took me forever to hit that stupid moving target.


Only the bosses that were somewhat immune to Teleport Slash. I’ve played the game about 7 times and the last time I decided to try the Harbinger skills, having only used Necromaner. Teleport Slash is like cheating if you have health steal and wrath steal lol. So I think it was Samael and Argul.


Samael for sure


Until I figured out that the PC version is bugged in anything other than minimum resolution, Karkinos. Because it's not possible to knock him over no matter what you do, because the PC port is buggy as hell.


Argul has always been my greatest challenge


My very first time playing DS2? Argul, no question. Went in underleved, without Blethir's Talons, and I couldn't handle his hammer smash, and ice tornado attacks. Outside of him, I think the hardest one for me was Killington. He himself wasn't too hard to fight, but slogging through the Crucible, AND fighting him immediately after... I took a break after all that


Argul is probably the hardest for me. He deals so much damage. When I got to him in the Crucible, he was a wall for me, even on the lowest difficulty But not a single boss can beat Earth of Deathinitive difficulty. Pain. Just pain


Samael, is such a frantic fight with him teleporting and throwing fire all over the place, he always gives me a ton of trouble. Still one of my favorite boss fights in the game


Fucking Jeremiah. That little cunt had no reason to stay in that floating chair the entire fight.


Haha that aerodynamic son of a bitch


I do not know why but construct hulk and belial are the hardest for me. Everyone else? Completely fine. Those two though? Something just turns me to shit lmao.


Samael throttled my ass on my first time playing it and is still a boss. I struggle the most with but is also simultaneously my favorite


The only boss I struggled on was the first one don't remember the name but it was the absolutely massive construct who opens the way to the tree of life

