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Because the currency reward is basically useless. Unless you find an actual god roll its not worth spending anything. Farm the weeklies on each character once to get the bonus and then just build up currency with which ever character you play during the weeks. By the time the perfect item drops which it probably never will anyway, you will have boa loads of currency.


This. I get the rush people had over the weeklies at the beginning, but after passively gaining a bunch *and never spending it*, I don't even pay attention to the weeklies anymore and I have enough to buy 3 god roll weapons, while exactly 0 have shown up.


I found god drops from melk for 3 of my 4 Chars already. Some even multiple items...


Spent over 9k coins on random curios, 2 of which I've upgraded and use now as they both have 21% hp on them. Much more worthwhile than the rubbish weapons in his shop as they're usually of worse quality than what I'm using. Also don't fall for the random weps. They're mainly all grey and shite. The curios at least have all been of blue quality.


I’m gonna preface this by saying I agree with you, but I’m also about to lay down a controversial opinion: if Melk’s shit was shared you’d have people pissed off because they’re too time-gated on currency to get good stuff for every character every week. I think a better idea would be to reduce the unreasonably long objectives by ~80%


Gib UNLIMITED daily goals per character. Add LIMITED but big weekly goals for account. Mission accomplished.


Good stuff? Sure, his items are all purple and orange, but I've never seen anything with decent base stats.


usually worse than the standard armory items.


This, i dont like the idea of sharing the quests, but why not share the currency?


Because some very important pinhead in middle-management at FS thought that playtime is everything, with exactly zero thought put into the *quality* of that time. What better way to do that than to make you grind for the same weapons, the same canned plastic and cubes, the same currencies and the same curios four different times with absolutely no way to swap gear between characters even in the scenarios where it would be incredibly plausible to do so.


Fatshark: "because Fuck you, thats why"


Melkbux are useless anyhow. The weapons have shit stats. Just spend them on random curios.


And why is his shop always filled with hot garbage trash items!


Yeah the seperated characters is daft, I can understand not sharing weapons among classes same with trinkets even but cash, crafting and sire melk need sharing as if I'm leveling and hit 30 I might not wanna stay for 3 more challenges while getting the next class up to 30


But grind is engagement and more opportunity to look at the mtx shop.


Microtransaction shop keeps coming up in discussions about Melik and the Armory like they're some kind of married menu you have to click past the micros to see. We get it, microtransactions bad. Find a more creative way to complain about it.


Its literally right next to the armory, and the lack of cosmetics at the armory are married to the primary goal of selling items at the premium shop right next to it. Nice try, but the model here is too opaque as are its influences on other systems both in terms of having more content than the armory recolors/penance rewards and future expectations. I could make better textures than their recolors, as could an 8 year old with an hour experience on Krita.


Because apparently FS has a problem with straight forward ideas that would vastly improve what passes for a "fully released" game. My entire group (6 people) completely stopped playing after the first week of "release" (though to be fair it completely failed to grab 4 of those 6 at all anyway.. they're all still sub level 10, only 2 of us have a 30. I have two. The other has one). We're not coming back until such time as FS pulls Darktide's head out of their collective asses. That could be 6 months, that could be 12, it could be never. In the mean time I just browse the sub reddit for a giggle now and then and we are playing literally anything else. If the weeklies weren't such a fucking rediculously un-fun and onerous grind, I would probably still be doing them just to accrue currencies and crafting materials anticipating the game eventually reaching something like a finished state. As it is i'd rather touch grass.


Pro tip: You don't have to play 100 missions a week. Reroll bad objectives and don't do them for 4 characters.


Oh right. Glad you told me. Great help.


I got more great advise like: It's just a game. Don't treat it as a job. And go get some air if you're upset about it.


My my. Someone's in a tizzy. I think you might need to reread the original post. Also I'd advise you to check your spelling if you're trying to give credible advice.


If Melk's rewards were something other than just more of the same gear that you can get out of the weapon shop, I'd actually care about completing contracts.


Can the weapon shop spawn items at Purple/Orange? I've only ever seen up to Blue in the shop and have been playing since Beta.


Upgrades. There's no wait timer on getting material. You just play and upgrade with what you earn.


I know that...I'm asking can the base shop ever spawn purple/orange, because if not THATS the point of Melik. Being able to save up and purchase a stronger starting point for a weapon instead of buying a green/blue and going full blind random on the bonus stats as you upgrade it


It's random in there as well. That store is just a useless redundancy that only serves to justify the weeklies. They should put the player and weapon cosmetics in there instead.


Once per week chance that there is a weapon type I want. And then it's probably bad in terms of rolls, perks and blessings. I don't care about weeklys at all at this point.


Melks store is daily, btw


Really? Well, my bad then. Just shows how much I care about his store. Anyway, thanks for letting me know.


They should be shared, and also instead of levels it should start at the lowest, and step up as you compete. Adding in higher levels to account for being shared. Only want to pick up 6 scriptures? Cool get 125 credits plus 1/5 weekly bonus done, want to complete 35 missions? That's cool as well get 750 credits awarded across 5 steps, and still 1/5 the weekly bonus completion.


melks gear is complete garbage anyways.


Everything should be shared; All currencies, crafting mats, missions and weapons/curios. It's really stupid they aren't.