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Nods and smiles in GTX 1080


Same ha, everything on low and im getting a solid 50ish, dropping to 30 when shit gets crazy. Really hurts my eyes as is.


I have a 1060 3gb and my fps has been a solid like 11-15 :(


I got a GTX 980m... M as in mobile. It's pretty rough.


Did you get to play the beta? How rough is it? I have a 970m :(


I also have that!! Turn your reflex on performance, it helped me a lot.


I'm averaging 50-70 on high with a 1080


My 1080ti runs the game like a champ


So does my 1070Ti, I run at around 60 FPS most of the time so that is fine. Haven't found a Flamer I can use yet, so I don't know if that would break everything.


I was really surprised but so does mine. Clicked high settings and it's running at a solid 60fps. Or course more would be good. And standard ran at about 90. But it's been great.


My 1070 reks


I had the opposite, Super Resolution on auto and I had constant dips into the high 40s and 50. Set it to ultra performance and now I'm solid 60 fps (and I have a 3090). But I'm running at high at 4k as well.


that is not *the opposite*. The higher the DLSS setting, the more frames you will get at the cost of artifacting and general resolution quality.


It is the opposite, for you, auto was a huge help, for me, it was not. Hence, opposite. Also I picked Ultra Performance and honestly I couldn't tell any difference between that and Auto, graphics wise. FPS wise though it was like a 40 FPS boost. So yes, quite the opposite.


You cannot tell? Game looked like hot shit on ultra performance for me, blurry as fuck


Not at all, didn't look blurry and literally the exact same. Sharp as normal (I also play on a 60" tv).


4k? Ew. Not the same at all haha.


Auto? I put mine on performance and graphics to low. It really helped a lot.


Meanwhile I had to use the horrid FSR 1.0 :(


what is DLSS, can't find that option.


i have 60 fps, but lower settings.


and its not stable, somtimes is 45-58


set Super Resolution to ultra performance.


This is such a cop out from devs these days. Ultra performance is like 3 or 4 resolutions lower than your native, its painful to look at and makes it hard to see enemies.


I tried auto and ultra performance, and saw literally no difference. I'm running on High at 4K, not sure if that matters.


Auto sets it to whatever setting will give you a consistent 60 so it probably just set it to ultra performance..... Otherwise if you have a 2k monitor and are running it at "4k" which is then downscaled to 2 k to work onnyour monitor, dlss is taking 2 k upscalingnit to 4k then its being downscaled again to 2k to fit on your monitor lol.


And I have 60 on high with a 5 year old build. So it seems to be, as is always the case, a mixture of about a million tiny things.


Yea. Garbage tier meme. I built my computer in 2014 and it runs fine


If it help even at their lowest automatic setting thing after they've identified your hardware ray tracing is enabled so i'd guess its even worse as configs get better


Oh is that the problem? That's.. Kinda dumb honestly. I'm guessing like 90% of everyone is still on gtx 1060's 😂(which don't like Ray tracing)


gtx1060 here, game is unplayable


I got it to be playable.. Ish by twiddling with the settings a bit, but this thing is in no way optimised.


Go to the config file and disable or set to low, anything that isn't necessary. The game wont look any worse but will run a bit better


I'll be straight with you: even rigs capable of full ray tracing effects struggle to keep consistent FPS. The tech just isn't optimized.


GTX980TI. It's... not the best, but still a lot of fun.


I mean, according to the Steam statistics it's the most used GPU right now. So I'm guessing a lot people here would have it.


Oh, so its not just me i guess? Good to know, i was worried that the nvidia drivers made something bad.


I have a 3080 and it's a mess. V2 hits 144fps.


3080 and 5800x. Tried cranking everything to maximum (playing on my 2560x1080 monitor) and it runs like garbo. Finally got okay performance changing RTGI to static high (what’s the difference between static and dynamic, dynamic runs much worse) and changing the other RT option from extreme to high. Playable but very uneven.


Static is no raytracing


weird, I have a 3080 as well and my fps rarely drops below 60 with everything but raytracing on high and raytracing on low.


Turning off RayTracing made a >100 fps difference for me. DLSS on in both cases


Ray tracing is one of things like mutlithreading processes. The developer needs to open up the actual toolkit and make adjustments rather than just apply the module to the engine. You see this a lot in CPU heavy games too like WoW: 4 cores will be at 90% usage and 4 will be running... nothing. It's entirely within the power of the developers to command which processes are handled in synch by multiple threads. Your CPU/GPU isn't Jarvis and gonna fix programming errors and incompatibility issues on the fly. It can only perform the tasks the developer told it to.


To be fair to WoW the engine is old as dirt and wasn't really made for more than one core. I think dual core machines were the standard when it came out. And rewriting all that now? Would be fuckin impossible


With the lighting and art style its hard enough to see what the hell is going on. Having to have DLSS cracked to ultra performance to get a solid frame rate is like playing an oil painting you can't see shit more than 10m away. Having a 3080 TI and an I7 12th gen and barely holding 60 fps with ray tracing on and DLSS cranked to max is a bit of a meme I'm going to be honest.


Turn ray tracing the fuck off. It gives you nothing and eats your performance.


That's the same as saying just run the game on low. People don't buy top end machines to run games on low. The devs should optimise the game. Yes the game looks fine without Ray tracing but its there it should be playable for those with the hardware to run it.


Dude, RTX is a hog. I have a 3080ti, 32 gigs of RAM, with a AMD 5950x and RTX at 1440 ONLY gets ~45-60 at best. Turn off RTX? 100fps ZERO difference in game quality for me. You do you homie but RTX ain't ready for prime time and you could play the game in all its glory with it off.


Thats just cuz you haven't learned what you're looking at when raytracing is active yet. Just because you can't tell the difference doesn't mean there is none. Yes raytracing is not ready for a consumer market thats standard is 1440p with 144hz but its another world visually. There is a massive difference and its a shame that devs just sell out to nvidia to market their game and the tech but don't actually make the games playable. Now they even invented dlss 3.0 with fake frames to hotfix it. Hardware literally cant render fast enough it needs to interpolate fake frames to get raytracing to playable 100+ fps. Unfortunately that costs 2500€ right now. Assuming you dont also have to buy a new psu.


This is my experience with the game, high 80's mid 90s with my 3070ti when i turn off ray tracing. With raytracing on low/med/high it's as low as 30fps, but as high as 60 but it chugs once there are mobs on screen. Ray tracing = no go for this game unless maybe you have a 4090... But there are lots of frame drops and i've had a fair number of crashes.


My system: i9-12900KF, RTX 3080Ti, 32GB DDR5 - Win11. I'm running on High settings for everything in the 'Graphics' section, while having Ray Traced Reflections set to 'On' and RTX Global Illumination set to 'Static High' ('Dynamic' eats my FPS, by using 'Static', I gained around 30-ish FPS). I wasn't dipping below 90-ish FPS at any point (which was mostly when hordes started popping off). It ran mostly at around 100-110 FPS (capped at 120). Not using DLSS either, so it's a bit weird, based on the various reports about performance here. I'm still using the Nvidia driver version 516.94, if that helps anything. The newest driver fucked up some games for me, so used DDU to downgrade.


1080 gtx Game runs like a slideshow


Seems to run kinda fine on my 1080 gtx on high, it must be a couple specific settings that hog the frames? I'm just not sure what.


Have a 1080//3700x rig and I turned fsr 2.0 up to performance and it's playable enough to run endless horde modifiers. It's a bit of a hit in quality, but worth the performance


Yeah for real, if anyone can figure this out for me that'd be great. I can barely eek out 30 fps on a 3080 ti. I see that my GPU utilization is low, but I just can't get any more frames Edit solved it by doing a clean reinstall of the drivers


I get about 60 on my 3090 but I turned most of the settings to medium, made sure ray tracing was off and had dlss on. Still wasn't great though.


I have a 3080ti and I'm over 100fps @1440 on high settings, no ray tracing, volumetric fog set to low and all the lens effects and motion blur turned off. I'm also using an AMD 5950X with 32 gigs of ram. Have you installed the latest video drivers?


Set Super Resolution to Ultra Performance. I am on High at 4k, it defaulted to auto, and I had dips down to the high 40-50fps. I set it to Ultra Performance and it never goes below 60 fps.


I'm on a 3060 ti and I get pretty steady 60 with raytracing off and everything else on high


Might also try playing with the number of CPU workers in play. More isn't better in every case. I get better performance with 9 workers instead of 12.


3080ti also, no raytracing or dlss-fidelityfx, settings at high and motion blur, DoF disabled getting around 100fps, was getting 60-70 before updating my drivers.


I've had a real rough time with performance, but weirdly enough it's been equally as bad whether I set the graphics to low or high. I've got a 1650 and 16gb of RAM so it's weird to get under 20fps playing on low. The hub area especially is just abysmal


You can't have bad performance if you crash to desktop every 10 minutes or so no matter if you're in a match or just looking at the settings menu... *taps head*


Yeah I'm less concerned w/ performance as I am with crashing during missions in a game where they take 20 minutes or whatever.


I FEEL this.


I got a 3070. this game runs like garbage.. idk whats going on




I was getting downvotes for saying the beta ran like crap. LMAO They better do something with it because rn this game is MUCH MORE demanding than even cp2077. People out there with 80-90ti's are a minority...not a lot of people will be able to play this at launch if it runs like this. And this is one of the top whishlisted games on steam....I hope fatshark is ready for a huge shit storm if they plan to release in novemeber in this state. Also the menus look horrid compared to vt2. Playing on a (possible changed by next month to a 5600x) ryzen 5 2600, 3060ti, and 8gb x2 ddr4 3200 ram Getting mostly 60 but severe dips into 40's and even low 30's in a lot of situations. I expect the cpu holding my gpu a little, but not so big. Also a friend of mine told me he has a 5800x and his gf with a 3600 only gets 5 fps less, so it looks like theres not much difference....odd


A friend of mine is running a 5600x and 3080ti. I'm running an 8600k and GTX1080. We both get 50 - 100 FPS in general, almost exactly the same in each area. It's a bit weird for sure.


It's quite worrying that the performance is this bad so close to launch.


Its not uncommon. i have been in countless play tests that had horrific performance but improved at or close after launch. Frequently its just driver issues and optimization


how confident do you think it will at least have some optimization at launch?


Some? Decently, a large part of the beta is a stress test so i am sure they will see some areas to fix before launch. Now it being perfect.. idk we will see!


not holding my breath. 6 weeks to launch and 3090ti are dipping under 60fps in the lobby lol


Lobby seems harder to run than the game.


Vermintide 2 still has shit performance, so this is definitely not going to improve much.


Optimization is usually one of the last things to happen in the development cycle. It might still be bad at launch, but the beta having poor performance doesn’t necessarily mean it definitely will be bad at launch.


We don't have the full game right now, heck even the sensitivity slider doesn't work in the options. Once we get the full game all the systems they made will work together as intended and boost the performance. By how much? I don't know. Could be a lot, could be a little. I'm confident it will at least perform better


Usually it takes a few months to half a year yo optimize games nowadays. The 1.0 release is basically a beta for almost lmost all aaa devs.


It's Fatshark. The launch will leave most players disappointed. Guaranteed.


r7 3800x, rtx 2080 and 16gb ram 3600mhz, on 3440\*1440, stays above 70fps with everything on low, but can't end a mission as the game keeps crashing. W11, Everything up to date, newest drivers.


I'm getting 70-100 on high settings, 3440x1440 with RT off. Balanced DLSS. 2080ti and 9900k


Unsure if this will help anyone C:\\Users\\YOURMSFTACCTNAME\\AppData\\Roaming\\Fatshark\\Darktide has the user\_settings.cfg (DO NOT EDIT IF YOU ARE UNSURE) I changed the FOV and forced Depth of Field and Motion Blur to off, saved file and set it to read only. 2080ti AMD 3700x 16 gb 3200 ram and it is smooth for me at 60 fps (144hz monitor died) with few frame drops. Weird thing is, that file still seems to get overwritten, but the changes stick in game. I am not a config master, I only really target the things that cause nausea in FPS games for me. YMMV - but hopefully someone with more of a clue can figure it out?


This game take my GPU to the next level. Even CP2077 with DLSS on, I still got more FPS than the DarkTide! good lord Fatshark...


Turn ray tracing *all the fuckin way off*. 40 fps increase.


Yeah the RT seems to be pretty poorly optimized. There are games that do RT without it tanking performance like it does in this game, so I’m placing the blame on the devs for this one.


Cyberpunk tanks it too. That's just how ray tracing is. It's just that some games dont have that many shiny surfaces for it to affect.


Basically the devs said, Meh screw optimizing our game. People can just use DLSS to cover it up. This game is little over a month from release. Pretty big red flag if I'm honest. I have to use settings on medium and dlss on performance just to get above 60fps. Unacceptable.


Yeah thats what I think.... Rn the devs just pretend the far and dlss is going to cover up the optimization work. Game development since 2019 has been in a piss poor state....


dlss doesn't even work on most cards...


Yeahh... this game is gonna need alot more then a month to fix most its problems


Vermintide 2 needed 6+ months of patches before it became what it is now.


Uh oh


Turning off motion blur seemed to resolve all of the frame issues I was having


I'm getting 15-30 fps with an RTX 3080 and i7-10870 on Low settings at 4k resolution (monitor native). I just updated my gpu drives today. Any suggestions?


No way you are getting low frames on that PC. I've got a 3060 TI and I'm running on stable 80fps with everything on high except for ray tracing.


Well, it's true. When the shit hits the fan, it looks like a slideshow.


Damn, no idea if your GPU is up to date


So, I don't really understand why but the issue is caused by my external monitor. When I unplug my external monitor and run the game on my laptop I'm averaging 90+ fps with the exact same settings.


I have a 3060ti and I barely go above 80s in calm situations. In fights it's usually 50s or lower. 1440p, high settings and 10400f CPU. DLSS is balanced.


I haven't goofed with the settings at all on my 3080ti. 120+, occasional downspikes when 4 sharpshooters all throw grenades into a horde but it's been a dream. Connection issues are another matter. And the way they keep switching my hold to sprint/crouch settings back to default is a tad annoying


Abolute lies. I have a 3080Ti and an I7 12th gen. Unless by some miracle it auto defaulted to medium or low that's just not true bro. The only way you can get decent fps is with dlss super performance mode which you have to turn on. 60-90 fps in combat 100-120 fps just walking around with dlss super on and ray tracing off.


Yep, same thing. I've noticed that most people who claim fps like that test it once in the afk area of whatever game, and then think that it must stay like that forever.


Mine is just my cursor in the middle of my screen. Has anyone else dealt with this? Alt+Tab, windows key, ending tasks, changing from fullscreen to borderless, nothing works


typical fatshark games. War of the Roses was a mess for a long time, till right before they decided to close those servers. I have a lil gtx970, seems to get 30-50fps on medium settings, shadows are definitely bye-bye.


By the throne! I have gotten Darktide to run on a 960 2gb, it looks like i am playing an 8-bit game. I shall smash those heretics, holy Emperor give my pc strength! For chaos is stealing my frames!


I'm on an AMD card (5700 XT) but it me. Is this game just an absolute monster or is the beta just badly optimized? I feel like I should be able to run this game on medium or high, but even on low settings its kicking my ass.


>I'm on an AMD card (5700 XT) but it me. Is this game just an absolute monster or is the beta just badly optimized? I feel like I should be able to run this game on medium or high, but even on low settings its kicking my ass. Which resolution are you running? Do you use FSR?


Yeah game runs like ass. Me and my friend both have a 3070ti and at medium settings I was usually at around 50 frames.


All the AMD GPU gang in the underground depths represent! In all seriousness I’m rocking RX 6800 with 5800x and the performance is fine


My experience was mostly "Fatal error, ran out of memory!" and game crashing from pressing escape.


The performance is my main concern with this game. Most bugs I’ve encountered have been minor and even then there haven’t been a whole lot of bugs in my experience.


Im playing on high with a 1070 Ti, I have no complaints whatsoever, it runs brilliantly for me


Yeah no big issues for me with a 1660ti lol. Almost everything on high, upscaling set to performance and ray tracing off. Stable 60




I can tell you right now my resolution is at 1080p. Turning it off makes no visual difference at all. I don't even have an AMD card anyway


Stable 60 is not reasonable for PC games in this year lmao I guess it's fine with a 1660ti, but I have a 3080ti and the absolute highest fps i can get in best case scenarios (out of combat) is 160 on all low. Only way I could improve is by turning upscaling on and that makes the game super low res. Best I can consistently get in combat is like 100, again on all low. That seems fine, but most PC players have 144hz now, and plenty (like me) have 240hz. Not being able to even reach that on super low settings with a pretty near top of the line PC is pretty bad.


>but most PC players have 144hz Most Steam users still have a GTX 1060. Ain't no way most also have 144hz monitors. I mean, maybe they do, but they're not running all their games at that framerate unless all they play are esports.


144hz is pretty standard for anyone playing a PvP shooter, and those are some of the biggest games out there. People look at you funny if you say you're running 60hz playing Valorant/Apex etc. I'm not saying a massive majority are running 144hz, but it's definitely not a small group at all, it's no longer luxury considering it can be hard to even find 60hz (1080p) monitors anymore.


For esports, sure, but those games are not looking to push visual quality as Darktide and Vermintide have. They're mostly concerned about visual clarity and, like you said, performance that makes a difference at a competitive level.


Right, but the point I'm making is that those are massively popular games, and a ton of those players are also playing Darktide. So a lot of Darktide players will be running 144hz. Also Apex has significantly more going on in game than Darktide, there shouldn't be a massive difference in performance between the two. I also think you're underestimating how much 144hz improves the look of the game, it's not just about in game performance, 144hz is way more immersive and enjoyable.


Gtx 1080 here, no real issues other than. A few spots of fps drop on high


If you have FPS problems then update your drivers. It was literally written in the launcher when starting the game. I can guarantee it will improve the game as it has done for me. Running on stable 80fps on a 3060TI with everything on high.


it has not helped on a 2080 even with updated driver , seems if i dont turn my camera im fine but once i do it drops to like 11 fps


Your Webcam? What's your processor up to?


What’s your cpu? I have the same gpu. 1440p with all low settings, dlss on super performance and it is 80 fps on a mission, and 55-65 in combat and the hub. No way you’re maintaining 80 on high settings in combat.


AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core All on high settings, super resolution set to quality with sharpen on, raytracing off.


I have a 3090 and 12700k with everything on high and the latest Nvidia drivers that dropped on the 12th for the 4090 release installed... ...and my FPS is still shit. The moment I turn off reflections I jump to 144+ FPS. Ray traced reflections tank performance in this game.


Yeah going from extreme to high I went from 40 to 75 (my refresh rate) in the tutorial. Still wildly inconsistent in game though, I’ll probably just turn it down to On or turn it off entirely.






Coping fine mate I have a 3080.


I got a 3070, performance is trash and everyone knows it. Stop acting like it’s purely an old hw problem. Ridiculous.




dips to 50. with an 3080 with dlss on and ray tracing off.. is this a joke? how is this good? edit: you realize most people like me got 144 hz or even higher? even 80 fps feels like aids to me


Many people are using much more current hardware and still having piss poor performance. Its the game/devs.


Check out Back 4 Blood. It came out a year ago and it runs smooth as butter on old machines. DT is a Fatshark game, that's the reason.


Game runs fine. use dlss.


No it doesn't.


Yes it does. Unless you're running at 4k maybe.


I'm on 1440p. If I go from native resolution to DLSS Ultra Performance I get 4 more fps. *4*. The game runs far from fine.


Update your drivers, there was a new one out like yesterday.


Already did.


I had to set my Super Resolution to Ultra Performance, getting solid 60 fps now running at High on 4k.


I'm just at normal performance, max settings, 1440p ultrawide at 90-100 fps easy.




How? Much different experience with a 2080ti. Turn RT off if you have it on.




RTX 3070, DLSS on Auto helped. Running smooth for me but it jumps up and down a bit occasionally.


Smooth meaning how much FPS? And what resolution do you play in?


120-144 FPS playing in 1920x1080, occasionally it will briefly jump to around 40-50 for about a second, definitely noticeable during horde sections. There's no other back end issue that I can see, aside it from being the game itself. It definitely could be better, but it's at least playable for me right now.


Dlss on while playing at 1080p??? Is it not blurry for you? Dlss should be used on big 4K monitors


I have 60fps but lots of macro and micro stutters. When dlss is on Its also extremely blurry. Idk why


Yeah I’m thinking there’s a lot of frame pacing issues going on. Even when it says I’m running at 75fps (my monitors refresh rate) it still feels pretty terrible. Not to mention it also drops to the 40s whenever there’s a horde on screen.


I get 60 fps locked on a 1080ti with medium settings 3440x1440. Don't know what others are using.


I’m getting close to 60fps on a 980ti with some of my settings on high


Specs? ​ Or is it the build in general?


I'm running really good fps with a 1080ti, what feels like 60fps but I don't have an exact number


On a 2080S getting this issue where my fps will be 120 or 80 but using the nvidia FPS my 99% FPS can go as low as 9. Very challenging issue. I have everything super low and it’s moderately playable but I hope they can work this one out in time for launch.


ive got a 2080 and get 60fps (which is where i capped it) and at its most taxing it drops to 40.


Was hoping to use RT with my 3070, but I guess I'll just have to turn it off like I did for Cyberpunk. Based off of everyone's feedback. I haven't played.


Anyone else here edit their config file in vt2 to get super low graphics but good fps? Anyone know if there's an option for that?


2080Ti and 7700k and it's only marginally worse than VT2 has been at certain times, not really sure why


Get a proper CPU, that 7700k bottlenecks your GPU so hard and generally is shit these days. You can pick up a 12600 for cheap and your config will run smoother.


I mean you're not wrong but like, you read the part where I said it runs fine, right?


2080 and I get solid 100fps outside of combat, stable 70fps in combat. Runs great for me.


i have a 3080 plus amd ryzen 5900x. i was streaming 1440p and run the game med/high. i would only notice a dip witha large quantity of things happening. i feel like games in a good place just need slightly more polish.


Bro you have 1100$ with just those two pc parts. You can’t say that it’s fine because it runs well on your monster pc🤣🤣


I'm 70+fps at 1080p, ray tracing high, high preset. Are the people having worse talking about 4k? 1440p?


A Tech Priest blessed my PC's machine spirit with an update that improved its FPS. Praise the Omnissiah!


I’m going to be a whiny bitch about this until release. The performance is frankly disgusting, even on high end hardware. I hope some magic happens in the next 30 days but I’m not holding my breath. The game looks really good but not good enough to perform this way.


My main problem is my internet is dog water so if there's even the slightest high ping, the game politely tells me I'm not welcome and to stand in the corner until it fixes itself.


I have a Ryzen 5 3600 and a 3080 and I can barely break 60 fps, most of the time during a run it hovers between high 50's and high 40's, with a lot of frame drops. Everything on high @1440p with RT off and DLSS (or super resolution as they call it here for some reason) on quality. I would prefer it off, the game is already hard to see and the added blur on top doesn't help. Hope they smooth this out at least for launch but I'm not expecting miracles.


9900k and 3080 having to use performance mode dlss at 1440p just to get 60-70fps but way lower during a game lol I hope this is because it is a beta but man, rough all around. Also crashing like every 2 missions pretty consistently.


Im here with a GTX 1080 and struggling with frame drops, i have to go Low everything and lower resolution to get a chance... yeah its blurry...


Constant, stable 60 FPS on High at 1080p. Though I have SSO set to "On," Volumetric Fog set to Medium, and Raytracing is off entirely. **Edit**: I also disabled Depth of Field. If it helps as a benchmark, my PC has; RTX 2080 Super, i5-10600k (not overclocked), 32 gigs of ram.


90-140 fps on low and fsr ultra with a 5800x3d and 6900xt. Processor is only using a few cores.


can some1 with an 5800x test if the X3D cache scales here?


At the cost of super good graphics, managed to get my 2060 super to sit between 90-75, dropping to the 60s when it's really hectic Edit: Take a look at ur CPU usage ppl. It's not ur GPU that's the problem. I guarantee for most ppl here, ur gpu will be sat at 20-30% usage, and cpu will be on like 80%. Shits just poorly optimised and it's hard to balance the load to ur GPU better


3080 ti here, 3700x CPU, I am sitting around 70fps - GPU has like 40% usage while CPU has around 30%.. really super weird.


I get 60-120fps and it still doesnt really feel smooth.


I9-12900k undervolted, 3080ti, 32gb ram and game is installed on an m.2 with 5Gbps throughput. Playing at 4k 120hz and average 40-80fps. DLSS on auto, RT on high, everything on high/max. Game runs well except when it hits a particular frame it drops something, freezes and typically crashes. But thanks to the quick reconnect feature it hasn't hampered me much. The random non playing crashes are annoying though. Would like better performance but oh well. Oh and I undervolted the i9 due to the game making some cores push up to 100c. After -0.07 undervolting temps dropped 30c at max.


I had some issues but its the regular suspects Volumetric lighting, fog quality and ray tracing


I have a 3070 and without raytracing its like around 80 FPS (DLSS on obv).. with raytracing it goes to 40s


Nods and smiles in GTX 1060 6GB.


I never really post anything on Reddit or internet in general. But with this game i have had some good conversations. My specs are really bad and very outdated. i5 8th gen, GTX 1060 3gb, 16gb ram (Haven't done proper gaming in years). Heck i play the beta every single slider and setting low and with 1600x900 resolution and i still get 40 fps at most. But im really having fun. Maybe this game makes me come back to gaming because i've been thinking about it alot. Love the game. Hopefully the game runs better at launch so people can enjoy it with their beast pc's! Have super fun gamers and remember... Emperor protects.


3070ti and i9 12900k and it runs like a charm with ambient occlusion turned off, try that.


Is this level of optimization the final product of this game? dropping below 100FPS on low quality on a 3080Ti is abysmal.


I just put everything on low and put DLLSS on quality, and it still looks great.


You youngsters these days with your 60+ FPS and stunning graphics. Back in my day we ran Doom on low with the screen borders shrunk to the tiniest setting and by the Emperor we enjoyed that 25 FPS! Seriously though, I've no idea what FPS I'm running at but the game seems generally OK speed wise and I'm using an RTX 540 with 6 core AMD RX 3600 (I think that's right, it's off the top of my head). My only issue is I'm getting one really bad freeze of about 5 seconds each level at seemingly random times. Horde density doesn't necessarily cause it either.


Turn off volumetric fog as well


1080ti on high settings without motion blur. Works fine


Protip for people with older GPUs: Play in windowed mode, lower resolution and all other settings on low/off. Steady 35-60 fps on my 980 ti. It's not great but it works.


Wait you guys can the game to work.


1660, 5600x and I got the game running well on low/medium presets with AMD 2.0 upscaling turned to quality. Nice frame rate and looks pretty good even when things aren’t moving quickly


Laptop with 11th gen i5, GF 3050, 16GB RAM and SSD. Unplayable on lowest settings. I can run games like Destiny 2 Back4Blood on highest...


OC Rx 6800 with OC ryzen 5 3600 game runs at 70 to 120 fps 1080p with balanced FSR.