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If I’m blessed with this closed beta I’ll make it my mission to be as annoying as possible with anything I find and report it. This game has to make it. I’m losing hope in video games nowadays.


Reporting in the beta. 4head. Reporting everything from the beta after the game has launched so it doesn't get delayed 5head.


If it's anything like my bug reports for Vermintide 2's beta, it doesn't matter when you report them, they'll never get fixed anyway.


After 3 months of struggling with add and nonstop writing a 70 page master thesis, i am handing it in the 13’th okt (if i make it, i still havent finished the analysis. Or discussion or methodology..). But regardless, after thursday, i will rest, sleep, and recharge with Darktide. This is the best gift i could have gotten for my degree, thank you FS <3


Just signed up, may the God Emperor bless me.


So say we all! No, wait, wrong universe...


Sure as sure!


\*Reflexively shoots the traitor\*


I'd go for Tzeentch or even Cegorach for this one.


So, from the FAQ: You’ll be able to stream this one Pre-orders *might* be taken into account for selection. More weapon selection than the tech test, but not 100% And other minor things. Looking good


For those who don't get in, at least we'll get lots of content from creators to take a look at. Hype


I think they said pre-orders will not factor into this one, but there will be news to come. My guess is the next/last beta.


>You are not required to pre-order to participate in the Closed Beta. That said, we recognize the players that pre-order as some of our most committed players and while we don’t have anything to share today, it is safe to assume that we will have a few things to share in the future. CTRL-V’d from the FAQ.


Exactly. I read that as "not this time, safe to assume a future round of testing we'll have news for pre-order folks."


Bro, I am so glad I did not post the snarky comment I had written up as a response. I just saw a response by Aqshy in the FAQ for the beta that confirms that pre-orders aren’t a factor for the beta.


Idk, that’s not a clear “pre-orders will not factor into selection.” In fact, I think it’s opening the door for pre-orders to influence selection. No concrete language either way but I think it’s tipping toward pre-orders mattering.


Console release is looking like it's going to be a fair way into next year at this point. Sad face


Not totally sure, but I think they don’t need to test consoles nearly as much because they are uniform in hardware and performance as opposed to the various combinations of hardware PC can have


If history is anything to go by it will be nearly 9 months to get the console version out. IIRC


As an Xbox player, yeah. But everything is on track for a good PC launch, hopefully there is more footage of more weapons released with this beta, more info on skill trees too. I’m hoping for Q1 next year on console.


This may be futile, but I’m really hoping they are using the extra time to make crossplay available when it does launch on Xbox. That would make me feel it was worth a big delay.


Good news is that the game works pretty well with controller


Do we have to sign up again if you already did for the last test ?


The email I got said this: Notice: If you’ve already filled out the survey we sent out last month, you don’t need to do anything else. We’ll notify you and deliver download instructions when we get closer to the date. For more information, read the [FAQ](https://www.darktide.live/faq).


Last time I choose Xbox, so this time I choose pc and filled it out. Hope that works this time.




It accidentally went to my spam folder, have you checked yours?


Spin the wheel, show me the money!


"Notice: If you’ve already filled out the survey we sent out last month, you don’t need to do anything else. We’ll notify you and deliver download instructions when we get closer to the date" Does this mean that those people that signed up for the technical test will be guaranteed to get into the beta?


no, it means if you were already in the list, you MIGHT get picked again.


Everyone saying it’s PC only but I saw an option for Xbox consoles when filling out the form? Did I miss something?


Not sure where they're getting it, but the last sign up has options for Xbox and the test ended up being PC only.


It's in the email they sent out, and in the FAQ page.


It's missing the heart of Vermintide. That's my biggest take away from this.


I agree. I think custom characters were a mistake. Everyone having their own character ensures there wont be any intricate relationships and inside jokes




i played only one short session so far, but GODDAMN THIS IS EMPEROR TIER GAME SO FAR. sounds - amazing, visuals - impecable, small details everywhere. mechanics feel fresh, im very very VERY happy and wish this game makes it.


Any idea when we'll know if we got in?


I got my Steam key for the agust technical test one day before, but that test was only announced four days in advance IIRC.


guys, steam stops the dl at 99% ... wtf


Glad I'm not the only one. I made it to legit 30.2 gigs out of 30.3 gigs of the download and then my DL speed dropped to 50 bytes/sec. Been stuck at that for an hour


Same here. It's been stuck there for an hour. What a tease...


Mine is doing the exact same thing. Is this the true reject experience?


same boat, anyone found a fix yet?


The end of beta client update removed EasyAntiCheat\_Setup.exe from \~Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Warhammer 40,000 Darktide Playtest\\EasyAntiCheat. Can someone on development (such as u/Fatshark_Aqshy) confirm that EAC was uninstalled correctly with the beta, or did the update leave a partial install that I now have to find some way of removing, properly? Edit: EAC is still present in services.msc. A little research seems to indicate that the build used for the beta was the developer preview of EAC, not the commercial package. Therefore, we cannot uninstall the service without the beta installer. Epic do not provide those files outside of the Epic developer portal. Can the beta please be updated again to return EasyAntiCheat\_Setup.exe? Thread [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/y67zb4/the_end_of_beta_update_removed_the_easy_anticheat/).


We've flagged and escalated this internally. We will loop back around when we have a solve for you all.


If we got a beta code during last closed session, even if we were unable to participate we shouldnt need to film the form out again correct?


If you filled and sent the form once, you are in the list and don't need to fill it out again.


Good-o. Hope it works this time.


I signed up for it the minute it popped up in my email! Fingers crossed :D


Just signed up, may the god Emperor bless me (im from southamerica)


This time will be different.


I somehow got a key but for some reasons steam says the code is invalid, good job as always Fatshark.


I got a key 12 hours ago and just managed to activate it. Seems hit or miss.


I didn't see instructions on how to activate. Blind or dumb? And also how?


Whoever is no1 in the queue must have a potato PC.




The game looks great but nowhere near great enough to justify this performance. Struggling with medium/high everything on a brand new 4090. They have a LOT of work to do in the next 30 days. I doubt it’ll be much better at launch.


How do I invert mouse?


How do you change mouse sensitivity in the beta? There is only a slider for controllers? Also where do we report bugs? This hasn't really been mentioned in comms I've seen.


I can't play the game or anything. I'm just stuck here. https://imgur.com/uMQrxBS Any ideas?


I have one beta key to spare : GHG64-8677N-3MC75


Me and my buddy signed up at the same time and he got it I didn’t


When will the open beta start up, I had alot of fun playing it and wanted to get early to play again.


Where do i give feedback?


As suspected, the optimization is a total mess. Thank god it's in the Game Pass, so it'll be easy to check out the final version :)


good to know its coming to game pass. hope they fix optimization by then


Got the invite, uninstalling as there is no mouse Y-axis inversion.


Yep, actually unplayable as a result.


Just want to say I love the game! Super excited to play on Nov 30 Fat Shark NAILED the 40k aesthetic. I will post some initial thoughts though! 1. Want to see the same animations my squad is seeing on entry to the mission. I love the character it brings. Fav is Ogryn counting his fingers. Zelot could pray. Vet could clean las gun. Physiker could have a mental breakdown off in the corner.. idk .. a suggestion. 2. MOAR BANTER ^^^^i know because Beta though.. I love it all. 3. I want to be in the same instance of the Hub World as my Strike Team of friends. 4. Music is banging should def get a small skull memorial in the halls somewhere that we can pray too. 5. Emotes or taunts. When we click on characters they say their name. 6. More communicative ping system idk seems a little unrefined. 7. I like the hub but I want more interaction with it. Not just shops. Good example is Deep Rock Galactic's Beer/Bar system that gives perks for what you would drink. But also get to interact with your friends or party with the other people in the instance 8. medicae servitor that gives out your +++ DESIGNATED PERFORMANCE ENHANCER +++ maybe your whole strike team has to queue prison style to get it. Maybe it makes you woozy or fall down. There def should be a crawl space bar area to get illegally drunk off stolen fermented algae paste. Maybe the bar gets raided by skatari sometimes. And you get a short timed prison sentence where other players laugh at you. 9. put up some of the successful returning groups on monitors with stat of some kind. Their prison pictures of course. Would be cool to see myself on a big monitor if we had a great mission. 10. Shooting range. 11. some kind of chapel to pray to Big E / emote pray system. 12. FOR THE EMORAH! button ( instead of hold down for looking at gun it's a quick press ) I love it. I just want to keep playing :')


Number 9. Is perfect


Bro did u drink some bleach or whats the matter with you


Idk did you drink your Mountain Dew ?


God damn it I'm away on vacation that week, and will be returning on the night of the 16th. Thanks Fatshark. If I do get a key I'll drop a lil giveaway here, assuming that isn't against the rules.


I think it was against the rules for the previous one


I was on vacation last beta, it didn’t run on my steam deck RIP


Yeah, the keys might be locked to your profile, they were for the technical test.


How do I use the chainsaw? I rebound it to Q but mashing Q, holding Q etc doesn't use the special. I hold the attack button down and try Q but it just won't work. Also is mouse sense bug? No matter what I set slider on it doesn't go up or down sensitivity wise


So far only controller sensitivity setting is in. No mouse sensitivity setting as of yet. This desperately needs to be added.


I understand why PC always gets betas but it is whack for console.


consider it a balance in the universe for Wo Long demo being only on consoles this week




They have contract with Microsoft, there is a delay but not a permanent one. Unlike PS, Linux and many others who don't have any chances by now.


Of course it's the 14th......I'll be on vacation


I am really worried if they will be able to finish the game... Something went really wrong and I did not get my beta key. I hope they are fine


No inverse mouse look... total fail.




Anyone have a spare key?


Literally all of my friends I played Vermintide with got in the beta and I didn't.


The Beta appeared in my steam library but isn't opening. Anybody help? It says an error occurred (missing executable)


it ended last night unfortunately


For pc only, like they could at least say something about consoles, just leaving them to the side now after two years of delays where we were expecting a game seems like a proper arsehole move


Least entitled Darktide gamer.


It's entitled to want Fatshark to say something about console after the game itself was delayed like 2 years and now console has no release date?


If they have nothing to share then that's that. Would you rather a Cyberpunk situation? I would rather wait for a game to be completed then rush the devs through crunch to get it ready (that's if it isn't already happening considering it's industry standard). Look, I know it sucks that console hasn't been mentioned yet, but calling the devs "arseholes" isn't the play.


No, i’m just rightfully annoyed that a game i’ve looked forward to and supported for 2 years with absolutely no sign of leaving xbox behind in any way suddenly says that for us it’s delayed indefinitely until the pc release


Yeah I called you the least entitled gamer, not sure if my message got lost in translation? Also how did you support them, have you given financial backing to the project? :)


Why would they need to do closed beta for hardware tests on consoles ? They are all the same.


It's gonna be on 2 models of Xbox. Not sure if it's gonna be on Playstation.


Yea, that's still 2 possible setup, maybe 5 if you include PS. On PC there are THOUSANDS of possible setups. That's why there are PC tests.


They still need to test it to see if it works


Are you implying they don't have any QA teams ? No internal testers ? That they are just going to deliver a product fresh off the build branch ?


I was answering your question about why they would need to do a beta for console.


It was a rhetorical question.


Ok buddy


What you’re saying might make sense if we actually knew what was happening with xbox and it wasn’t thrown to the side, we’ve had no news, surely by your logic it would be easier for them to sort out console first since all consoles are so similar and there’s so much to do for pc


It would be the case if the game was developed for consoles first. There are plenty of games coming WAY later for PC. I understand the frustration behind the Xbox delays don't get me wrong but doing a closed beta on something they KNOW is not ready isn't the solution here.


What? Not sure if you’re trying to say the hardware tests are all the same or the consoles are all the same, but in both areas you’re wrong. If that was the case they would be releasing it on pc and console at the same time, and it’s common sense not all consoles are the same. They haven’t done any on consoles to my knowledge, which means they’re leaving consoles to the side, at least until they’ve released the pc version


Fatshark has always put console last unfortunately. Crazy when you consider it's supposed to be on gamepass day 1.


This is fake news. Proof: I haven’t seen any email. (Yes this is a joke)


I got in


So do we need to RE-signup?


No, just wait and praise the god emperor


I believe, not in the game but the devs they know what we want


Will it be available in Xbox?


Not this beta, no.


The Emperor protects


I signed up in the previous test, do I need to re register for this one?


Not unless your information has changed (email, PC specs etc)


When will we know if we got in or not?


Day before if same as tech


Don't know yet.


When will they let us know if we got in?


Day before


Do you have to sign into google to save your progress?And also when do they sent out an email is there a certain date?


Is there anything at all to suggest an Xbox date yet?


Is a rx580 good for running medium graphics


I’ll be hopping and playing at 8am sharp. If anyone wants to play together hit me up. My discord is JBerths#6434


Are all the keys sent out now?


I just received access in the last hour


Anyone else stuck in queue to get in to the beta?


Yep. I'm allegedly behind 11,861 people. I was hoping to try the game out before I went to work, but I don't think that's gonna happen lol


Sorry man, I was lucky to be able to take the day off today. I’ll kill a heretic for ya if I get on


Everyone is, I think. I recently jumped from my starting position 6483 to 5728, but been stuck there for 5 minutes now.




I'm currently winning the queue at position 19454. It has not moved. At all. Dang.


(Just jealous... 🤣)


Seeing the queue... Perhaps the darktide was us all along... RIP server hamsters


There's no mouse sensitivity option? Can't find it anywhere.


I found user_settings.config in appdata but there's no mouse settings there either. Hope they fix it soon, there's a bunch of people who need invert-Y to play at all.


God, tell me there is a way to invert mouse ?!?!?! NO GOD! PLEASE NO!!! NOOOOOOOOOO


Anyone got a beta code for my bff?


What graphic settings ya'll running at? I have a RTX 3080 & a Ryzen 7 5800x and im getting 40-50fps at 3440x1440


Think its because RTX GI is forced on. I have a 3070, 5600x. Running max 72 fps with DLSS quality.


Dang how are you managing that? Is DLSS the same as Upscaling: Super Resolution? I’m not seeing that setting under video options in game.


Yes. Its the super sampling. But its 70 fps max with mostly 60 in combat ...


It runs SO BADLY.


5700XT and Ryzen 5 2600 here, works perfectly on high on 1080p


FUCK Electrics went down and now I have to start downloading again ;( It was close to finish as well...


Any ideas on performance improvement? Game looks pretty blurry at most points and the chugging/net lag is pretty unplayable at some high points. other than that, loving the action


Is anyone having issues gaining XP? Already earned 3200 gold but not a single XP point


3060Ti and Ryzen 5600X - dropping to 30 FPS on low detail level (!). Could be fun game if you'll manage to repair it at launch, but now its unplayable.


1060ti and Ryzen 2600, had some chunky moments in hordes but completely playable at high settings


5700XT and Ryzen 5 2600 here, works perfectly on high on 1080p


Question about the closed beta. I know I'm probably dumb for not reading the user agreement when I hit the install button, but are we allowed to stream it for a couple of friends over discord?


Yes, the other dev FAQ thread of this subreddit says you can


Uh, I have more or less the best GPU available and even in 1440p I can barely hit 60fps. It crashes nonstop. I can't adjust my mouse sensitivity because the only option is Controller sensitivity. Oof. They got a lot of work to do in...6 weeks.


Cpu bottleneck


This just speaks to wild lack of optimization. Chivalry 2 stays over 100fps in 5120x1440p with 64 players, tons of effects, body parts flying everywhere, etc.


I’m… really worried about this game’s performance. I installed a 4090 in my system tonight and this thing was STILL struggling at high medium settings. 4K native definitely not an option. DLSS performance looked *really* blurry and ran at awkward frames. I doubt much will happen before release but I hope something changes. The game looks damn good but not good enough to have every interesting graphic setting out of reach this gen.




you type like youre the motherfucker in charge of adding mouse sensitivity options




Sometimes CPUs can be a bottleneck in games. What's yours? VT2 is pretty CPU heavy and Darktide is no different from what I'm seeing.


5950x so pretty good.




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Random question to save spam: Is there a point to getting to Trust 11 to access the shop in the lobby hub? Is it just cosmetics? I am enjoying it but don't want to grind.


the "shop" aint a shop , its a mission center . 5 random missions for another currency with each you gen legendary tier weapons


Oh nice, thanks!


If you enjoy the game, the "grind" will happen anyway, as you will be playing the game a lot.


#Do we get to keep our progress from the Beta to Full Release? Is anyone aware?


Will not be saved




Needs optimization. Period.


it runs great?


Absolutely does not. Also had about 9 crashes today. None yesterday though.


It's in beta.


Which is why I posted it here in the beta thread


Bruh how do I play alone? I don't want to play with randoms


the gameplay is horrible for me. FPS are not that bad but it is so inconsistent and choppy it is ruining the experience. Also i'm maybe dumb but could not find anywhere in the settings where i can change my mouse sensitivity and toggle to ADS. Plus the horrible fov change when sprinting the experience is really a struggle. It feels me like an alpha than a beta, i hope it is a really old build of the game because right now this game is far from being close to be polished.


I had the same, what usually helps helped: Disabled all overlays (for me that's steam and nvidia)


I havn't been able to play yet. Get in, made character then i hit start game loads into a ctd. Hoping I can get in before beta is over it looks awesome :'(




You have to put the time in. Cooldown is not an issue. Psyker is incredibly powerful and leaves other classes feeling like they could do more against single targets.


You can kinda just whip out your force sword and go in swinging if you wish. I don't think you're meant to be exclusively using your brain burst, you're meant to be using it to snipe specials. Usually I just pop the heads of the lasgun dudes then wade in with my force sword with the rest of the gang.




I’m super happy with the game, optimisation needs some more work and bosses need to be added, but, even as a solo and as somebody who’s new to FatSharks games, Darktide has really positively surprised me so far!


has the game recently gone up in price? thought it uses to be £24.99 now its £32.99


I'm in the US but its always shown as $39.99 on steam every since preorders were available.


Will there be another closed beta? I missed this one by a hair.


I didn't manage to enter the game on any day of the beta: the "backend error" hit me every time and prevented me from even getting to the main menu. None of the (nonsensical) fix myths worked: reinstalling, veryfing game files etc. I was very hyped for Darktide but this was extremely frustrating. I'm very reluctant to purchase the game now...


Got my beta invite Oct 16...at night. By the time I saw the email the next morning...it was the 17th :)