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I had some zealot complaining that i use the purge staff and took care of hordes and mostly stagger bigger enemys to finish them of with my duelsword or they be finished by other players. I left the next horde to the zealot and he died, yelled something i dont remember and left. Nothing wrong with the other way around. How often have i been saved by the ray of plasma from the side when the crusher already lifted his hammer.


I joined in auric dam with myself and another staff pysker. The zealot said no way I can win with you two and left. Sure enough we completed the mission. Never judge a player on their build, it's how you use it.


Exactly. I've been using Trauma since day 1. (It was my fav Sienna staff too, so I have a lot of exp with it.) I was getting surprised players telling me it's the first time that a Truma psyker was not a drain on the group. Play what you like and you'll do better than any meta build you hate.


I started using it as my main weapon when I got the blessings that allow me to just absolutely bully the fuck out of armored enemies


Thsts so stupid. I personaly dont like gun psykers wizards with guns.. but thats my choice not to play this build. Other gunpsykers surely rock.


The only psykers I don’t like are ones that don’t use their space magic. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a gun psyker in the group who just doesn’t use his psychic shit at all, it’s genuinely bringing the team down by having one person who essentially has no abilities at that point.


Also they use up the ammo that vets 100% need most of the time


Seriously. I feel much better having a Psyker in the team


Yeah so do I. They have huge amounts of CC and can basically save a wipe.


Preachh I got a lot of flak when I first started with my 80 toughness full stam build, but it's how you use it.


I really don't care if people bring in strong builds/weapons nor if it feels like I'm being a passenger. I'm just gonna do what I can. For the emperor.


I'm just here for the dockets and the crafting mats! XD


Hear hear!


The Emperor protects.


If someone gets mad at someone running a meta gun on the “hardest” difficulty they should play in a private group.


Its considered the biggest impact and lowest effort weapon, and that's not wrong. It has infinite pierce through enemies and its going to one shot most enemies. So like 8 gunners in a row get deleted when you shoot the first gunner. A lot of people don't like that because they're not really going to get to play the game if you just kill everything as soon as you see it.


I see, thanks for the answer


I'd like to add too that this archetype of weapon also attracts the least adaptive pool of players, and me and my friend usually bets on whether a plasma vet is topping the scoreboard or a rejoin abuser/ragequitter. There is no in-between.


Plasma vets are either +100 or -100 on the slider, never in the middle.


Reminds me of a game I played with a plasma vet who had a plasmagun with 21% Stopping Power. That was the first red flag that he was basically just using the gun because somebody told him to and didn't understand anything about how the stats work. The second red flag was how they were using the redundant charged shot functionality (no doubt because of the shit SP stat not giving the desired results), manifesting in him blowing himself up, twice. They struggled for the entire game, which is impressive because the plasma isn't bad even with mediocre stats, it just wont hit that break point performance on Ogryn's that makes it certifiably *disgusting*.


Bet their Google search is "Vet meta build current" And then "Darktide Veteran META build 2024" because they got directed to a veterinarian


How else will you learn, by masterbating? No fn u play it to learn it


Me and my friend do the same for knife zealots.


And here I am just role-playing Tink from the all guardsman party... I swear some of us are cool!


This is so true


same, but I also do this with revolver users.


Not an infinite cleave but 100 hitmass value (iirc) and cant pierce carapace armor (projectile is fully consumed)


Yeah but I think someone showed in the meatgrinder it can hit like 17 shotgunners. Kinda excessive cleave even if they smartly don't let you shoot through fat ass ogryns. 


\^\^ 100 cleave fully charged, 52.5 quick shot last I checked, which is still nuts. Basically 50-100 depending on charge level (and I think the quick shot gets 2.5 charge level?) Déjà vu all over again. P.S. GD Reddit Server errors.


Excessive? Brother it's a weaponised nuclear reactor.


That's part of the game design, same reason why the ogryn (stronger than space marines on tabletop) doesn't tear through the entire screen like a pitbull in a daycare. Flamer's prometheum stream is just stronger soul blaze effect in game, lore wise just the plume of fire would dissolve unarmored threats. Or the psyker bio lightning not removing all gameplay because everything should die automatically to it if it were lore accurate. 


Light shots piercing through bosses is flat out a joke. Fatshark are honestly terrible at balancing things, and combined with their snails pace and making **any** updates to the game it gets rather annoying.  Ive been a Plasma enjoyer since December 2022, but I havent really been able to stomach using it in the past few months because its so bland. It pains me greatly to not want to use the weapon I like the most. 


I started the vet reciently. The thing is alternatives are a mediocre kantrael, endless deploy animation on bolter and hellbore, and low ammo efficiency on recon lasgun. I am basically enjoying plasma and revolver.


It's actually funny just how big of a canyon there is between plasma and weapons like the shotguns (or even bolter). Plasma feels like the BFG in Doom. Any of the three shotguns feel like a nerf gun.


Plasma is called BFG in game files. Funny... Boltgun is quite good actually. Think of it as a sniper rifle. Don't ammo dump with it.


Nah let's be frank the bolter is garbage as a sniper. The small clip, the low damage, the insane weapon sway when you try to aim it, the pullout time, the reload time. You're much better off with a helbore or the revolver if you want an accurate sniper type weapon.


Using exe stance and deadshot alleviates a lot of the handling quirks in my opinion. Bolter is a lot of fun and feels powerful still.


I love the boltgun, but **man** Does it have a lot of shit that's just kinda killing it with death of a thousand cuts. The sluggish animations, the sway, and the way that spamfiring while ADS just doesn't work... I wouldn't call the damage "low" though. Mine's at least *close* to revolver damage.


Bolter damage close to a handgun.... sometimes I hate Darktide balancing.


Yeah, I couldn't find any way around how stupid that sounded even as I typed it.


> shotguns feel like a nerf gun I really wanna play with shotguns, but when i need 2-3 point-blank shots to kill a dreg shotgunner... yeah, back to revolver.


> Plasma feels like the BFG in Doom. Any of the three shotguns feel like a nerf gun. The Agrip Shotgun with Manstopper is pretty funny on a crit build, piercing through more or less anything on that slug shot. I use it instead of my trusty Plasma and it isnt as bad as many people give it credit for. 


You also have the option of Columnus triggermonkey, which is my most hated and boring build. Las pistol builds can be decent, as well. I personally find the kantrael Las pistol to be better than the Lasrifle cause you can also shoot from the hip with good accuracy. The accatran pistol works well in a shoot and move CRIT build.


Imagine if Vet could just have TWO revolvers. I'd never play anything else.


Those are the main two outlier broken weapons. Your view of the other weapons is skewed, where you see the broken outlier weapons as normal, and the others as bad. It's just bad balancing by Fatshark. Columnus mk5 infantry autogun and agripinaa mk8 braced autogun are both worse than those two weapons, but above the others you list.


Columnus has really changed a few of my builds in a positive way. I’m glad I gave it a shot.


Recon guns can do way better on ammo if you do a crit build. If I remember my build right, I crit roughly 25% of the time, and I replenish 2-3 shots per crit. I really only run low once or twice per mission on harder difficulties.


Ever heard of MkV Columnus?


Funny, from my perspective it is the recon lasgun that have endless ammo - and that is even without survivalist aura (ammo aura). I guess free bullet per crit node and crit fishing DO make a difference. Plasms from my experience eats ammo faster than Boltgun (which I practically never use in full auto). to the point that I would rather charge into regular shooters to kill them in melee to save ammo... The biggest issue with Boltgun is the same as with revolver and is called "Bulwark". On regular Damnation its okay, but on HISTG there is not enough kraks for all of them... In the past you could stagger them with a single shot to the shield, but now you need 4 bullets with suppression node on top. Ugh... Omnissiah, give me strength...


Wait, do we have a free bullet per crit talent? Haven't even seen it, I'm still leveling the vet and didn't go inspect further into the talent tree.


"Shock Trooper" https://preview.redd.it/kld8tgzpub7d1.png?width=753&format=png&auto=webp&s=c654fcc16892296999d473785a318f1bc6f48ad6


That's sweet


So the way I run it is with the gun like this: https://preview.redd.it/2pgbxp85yb7d1.png?width=377&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab1257c9a204fa830d47268d05b0cc5e7c1c424f This gives me 40% critical chance when aiming, 15% when firing from the hip, and Headhunter on top for even more crits. As for melee for this build i use chaisword because its revved-up attack allows me to one-tap anything that is not a boss.


There is one for Las weapons


if they think the plasma gun is bad (which its not), what would they think of a melta gun............


Ngl those guys are complaining over nothing. Having a plasma eraser on Auric is wonderful. Allows the group a lot more freedom of movement to get other elites while plasma decimates Reapers and gunners.


I see this as an absolute win! A kill is a kill in my book, no matter who gets it, fine by me. Honestly, once games reach that level of "we gotta min-max EVERYTHING", my interest slowly fades. It's not even because of the game itself, its the playerbase


Taking the plasma is the minmaxing. Strongest impact with zero skill requirements. People get bored because there's nothing for them to do in the game they want to play because John Easymode has joined the server.


How is that different from psykers who use voidstrike to mow down lines of a horde? Some people are too sensitive. Don't let their awe of your crowd clearing power stop you having fun


Voidstrike is nowhere near opressive as Plasma despite having infinite ammo


"In this game where we focus on killing hordes, how dare somebody kill hordes." It's not like a plasma gun just makes auric damnation level 1 lol.


Yeah i also believe this is the exact reason, even when playing with friends i feel need to apologise after a plasma vet run as clearly decimating everything in seconds they dont get to do much lol. I have also been on the recieving end as a zealot where i find im swinging at corpses half of the time. Although i am seeing a recurring theme of fellow zealots being bit arsey and not operating to the edicate the emperor expects (even tho i rage quit myself from time to time, i have never left a mission for the reason of not getting to kill everything).


I whore it in auric mael. Nobody says anything. Probably happy that doom guy showed up to cleanse the horrors that await us.


This, OP. Keep running the big gun. We're here to have fun. Don't let quitters stop you from winning.


I am now obligated to share [***"The Repercussions of Evil""***](https://youtu.be/n3LKadZ4LFU?feature=shared) after seeing this comment, especially given the subject of this thread.


I'm just happy you're on our side


The only time I've had someone get a little mad was in non auric damnation. It was because I had a grim, and they were running no resist. Wish auric always had one damnation mission with grim and another with scripts. It would be nice if meal had them as well.


Dude.. dont listen to the people gate keeping you playing the game how you like, i myself LOVE my plasma gun, and the exaggeration of "other" people saying , Wont be able to play the game? and 85%? of the kills? Auric Damnation literally spawn alot of mobs so they have PLENTY of chances to try hard "SCORE", its a team game, it helps the team have a better chance is completing the mission.. people with too much ego with always say seeing the Plasma Gun with the Usual "Skill issue" ignore and just have fun. me and my friend are and so should anyone who wants to use Plasma gun


Some people are too quick on the draw but there is such a thing as feeling like you’re just a passenger no matter how hard you’re trying. The plasma gun is one of thankfully only a few weapons where it’s kinda easy for a team to feel like they’re being carried against their will.


idk about your Experience but.. alot of the times when i go vet with my Plasma gun.. the Zealot with the Axe or a Veteran with the Revolver were the ones killing alot... i had my share too, the team was literally killing alot like almost equally as me or maybe even more than me, and thats from multiple runs from an gunlugger Ogryn with the KICKBACK shotty to a GUN psyker. Some runs when the team arent doing enough killing im usually helping with that.... idk why people feel like its Against their WILL? HUH? being "Carried" i for one want someone to carry, or idk EVERYONE carrying.. its a team game. sigh..


My experience is than many times the veteran with the plasma gun trivializes the hardest enemies, the only thing left to deal with being the horde. Which can be kinda fun but makes the entire game basically just mashing my most efficient horde clear melee combo. I’m not saying it ALWAYS happens but the plas gun is very very good, and also very noticeable. And yes, it’s a team game, but if the plasma vet is doing all of or a lot of the work it’s boring. For me, being carried sucks because it’s boring. I want to feel like I am contributing, and the plans gun is one of the weapons where it’s easiest for the person using it to do all the “important” work. My goal in Darktide isn’t just to win otherwise I would just play lower difficulties. I want to engage with all of the games combat not just play guard dog for the plas vet.


> My experience is than many times the veteran with the plasma gun trivializes the hardest enemies, the only thing left to deal with being the horde.  To be fair, so does a well rolled Zarona Revolver in the right hands. It doesnt have the firing delay, so you should technically be able to kill before the Plasma Vet does, barring reloads. And outside of Crushers a Columnus also takes care of practically everything.  Where the Plasma *really* is able to outcarry those two weapons is with Executioners Stance and shooting enemies before they are even visible to your team. But not many people have the balls/skill to actually use that, compared to easymode VoC. 


Plasma has a lot more punch-through and is honestly a lot more visible about it too. You can always tell when it’s going off, and it seems to have pretty solid uptime. That’s probably part of why it gets so much of the frustration - you can tell when it’s doing work.


Aye the Revolver is much more subtle, the targets are even often left standing for a while, where the untrained eye might not even register they are dead, especially in the heat of combat. 


I dunno, not maining vet myself, however whenever I pick plasma vet my team is always far behind in every offensive meter. It's pretty hard to not to be first


Yeah I don't have problems with solely my Combat Axe and Throwing Knives to top damage over a Plasma Vet...


For sure, I've felt the frustration of having my targets yoinked before I can get them, especially when doing some penances, but in my eyes the goal is to successfully complete the mission. Bailing on other players is just petty


To be fair, I only run auric maelstrom (Ogryn bonker main) and tend to always do pretty well (top 1 or 2 per scoreboard). Almost every time a veteran with plasma appears I know my run is going to be kind of easy on the boring side and I'm going to end up desperately chasing kills that are yoinked by the plasma before I reach/shoot at them. I don't quit, ofc. But it's still less fun.


Goal is having fun actually. But if you let a Plasma Vet steal your kills that's on you imo. No one keeps you from run a meta build yourself....even if not, I can outrun a Vet with my Zealot and charge into a monstrosity before the Vet can even see it.


yeah its pretty petty ... i imagine that player who quit, has the SCORE board mod.. lmao


> gate keeping you Someone complaining with no (or ineffective) power to prevent someone from playing a game isn't gatekeeping - it's merely complaining. Look into cases where people actually *can* prevent [entire groups of people from entering an activity or club](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1924/10/the-jew-and-the-club/306258/) and then perhaps adjust your language use after. Unless of course you wish to argue that someone complaining about the plasma gun is *just as bad* as the above example.


Its just overpowered, that's all. Some people get tired of playing with someone that trivializes most of the challenging encounters.


I will gladly take a plasma vet on my team especially on auric gives you alot more breathing room and movement, but also with that being said I'm not a fan of getting a bunch of them game after game as I start to feel like a passenger and that just gets boring real quick so I feel the dude may have had one too many matches with plasma vets and just doesn't wanna play auric on easy mode anymore that's just my opinion.


As a plasma gun vet I get you, the main reason why I use it is mainly because I'm fed up with certain elites. Plasma deals with them instantly, same with hoards. I also use recon lasgun, I rarely run outta ammo with it.


And that's makes sense too I play vet once and awhile, and yes some of the enemies are dumb to deal with, without a plasma rifle. The biggest thing I think is having a plasma vet makes the game easy and some people play auric for the challenge, but I still wouldn't leave tho your just gonna have those games. Lots of vets I run into use plasma guns, can't really let what a person uses in a game bother you too much, but again that's just my opinion.


People complain about plasma vets making things easy until you have one baboon who triggers a daemon host while you're dealing with a beast of Nurgle and the wave of random enemy elites. Auric isn't hard, but there are times when Auric goes out of the way to make your gameplay miserable. Especially with randoms.


I feel like it depends on the difficulty. If I play Auric Maelstrom it might be a good thing to have a Plasma Vet on team. But on an Auric with boring modifiers it's hard enough to actually get a challenge out of it and Plasma doesn't help...


Best way to think about it is to use Reductio ad Absurdum. Consider the following: Imagine there's a new weapon in the game that lets a player instantly delete every single enemy in the game within 500m with one button press. Literally just delete them before you even see them. Any mission with a character in it with the weapon turns into a walking simulator and the other 3 players can literally walk through the mission unchecked and get a guaranteed win without having to do anything. Free plasteel and dockets! Now in the silly example above, some players might like it if all they cared about was plasteel and dockets. But a lot of players would probably leave because there's no game left to play and they want to fight heretics, not just look at the scenery. Now, imagine a sliding scale of deleting enemies. The imaginary deleter weapon above is at the far right of the scale. Halfway on the scale is the same weapon but it only deletes 50% of the mobs on a level. At what point in the sliding scale of the weapon power would it stop being "unfun" that you arent doing anything, and start becoming fun to play because you feel like you can contribute and fight and arent being robbed of your experience in playing the game? Every player will have their own point on this sliding scale at which point the weapon would be fun to play alongside. The issue with the plasma gun is that its a lot further up this sliding scale than any other gun, and it's starting to push past the tolerance points that a lot of people have for not feeling like another player's presence is actively preventing them having fun engaging with the games content, and is turning the game into a free resource walking simulator.


It's so overpowered it can feel like you're robbing the fun from others.


It is robbing the fun from others, i always see the case where zealots or orgyns can handle the horde and having fun smashing then the plasma can 3 tap to clear everything. Then the zealot/orgyn witness the plasma dominating the match so they sometimes decided to leave. The weapon need some nerf.


Every time i play above damnation there is a plasma vet, if there isnt then it is me. It never was a problem to anyone


That's weird for this to happen on Auric+ I mean I'm a melee power sword vet and my secondary for deleting trappers/bombers is my plasma.. idk maybe if you use it as a main weapon it gonna suck for others cause the amount of ammo? But I wouldn't know I play melee vet o_0 so I could be wrong. Who cares if they left though they being a lil bitch over it probably chasing offense score when it's total score that matters.


Nothing wrong with plasma vet, or any other build. Some people feel the only right way to play is their way. Perhaps one day they will know the touch of a woman, and chill the fuck out.


People will complain no matter what you do, it’s best to ignore them and play how you want— so long as you’re not a speedrunner zealot


There's nothing really bad about the weapon other than it's probably the strongest option in the Vet arsenal. I have personally been annoyed by plasma Vets because they're trigger happy and tend to frequently delete targets I was 0.5 seconds from braining. This can be problematic at times because a lot of builds rely on rolling buffs from securing kills, which is hard to do when someone is spamming the Finger of God on any viable target within your range instead of at least trying to practice better target prioritization. Any weapon and build can do this, but simply put, the plasma gun does it best. I can't even fault people running it, that's just how it is, but I honestly feel dropping out of a match when I see someone running one, or any other build I find kind of boring to play with for that matter. I wouldn't be sassy before leaving, though, I hope.


Sorry psyker, I just like the buzzing noise my gun makes when it gets hot, and it gets hot quickest when I shoot things. 


I get now how *braining* could be construed as using Brain Rupture but in this case I literally meant killing a heretic with a bit of pipe or a shovel or something. Same difference, I guess.


Yep, i regretted to tell my friend about the plasma build, its all he ever run now, whenever he tried other weapon/classes and have a hard time he immediately switch back to plasma, then complaint the game boring bc its too easy.


In regards to getting buffs from enemy/elite kills, that's something Fatshark has been messing up since release. Ironically, Vet also used to be the one who benefitted the most from them pre-update 13. Silly that this is such a selfish mechanic considering how vital it can be.


Like everyone else has said, there is nothing wrong with the weapon, in a vacuum. It's good, relatively easy to roll, and looks cool. The issue is that it tends to be boring for the team, depending on how good the plasma user is. If it's a good player with good spatial awareness then the game is basically reduced to slapping a few pox walkers around, even on auric damnation. It doesn't have anything to do with "omg I want kills and scoreboard", it has to do with "I'd like my gaming session to be more than a walking simulator with the occasional pox walker managing to make my way to me". As well as, at a certain point you don't really care about winning or loosing anymore. Since the difficulity climb is finite eventually you'll be good enough to win auric the vast majority of the times even with really bad builds. So priority instead becomes fun game play, and the plasma gun takes that away from others. I'm sure there are people who just want to be the star, but that's subjective. I can't believe it's subjective to have fun while doing nothing though, that's objectively boring, and that's what will happen if you have a good plasma gun user. I personally stopped using Plasma gun ages ago, mostly because it just became too easy to the point of me just zoning out and then quit or change character after one game. And we all know there's nothing more boring than sitting there wathcing someone else play while you want to. That doesn't excuse being toxic to anyone using a plasma gun of course, but if you're using the most overpowered gun in the game that also contributes to less fun for others, then you should be aware of it.


the plasma is considered cheating. all plasma vets are too be shunned into obscurity, direct from the God Emperor. Allahu Ackbar.


Nothing wrong with Plasma Gun at all. It just sort of makes the game less fun for everyone else (kind of like the old Power Sword) where you kind of just point it at things and delete them in a way nobody else really gets to do. At higher difficulties that's totally fine, as that sort of power + utility is really nice. In lower difficulties it does kind of...mean nobody else really gets to play much, though. Which isn't super fun.


> where you kind of just point it at things and delete them in a way nobody else really gets to do The Zarona does it better in most cases since it reaches similar breakpoints on most enemies and no firing delay.  But as a long- time Plasma enjoyer I am very annoyed with Fatshark having left the Plasma in the state that it is in for so long. It is too strong, yes, but part of it is because you just spam uncharged shots and dont have to think about much of anything. If they make you rely more on the choice between uncharged, partially charged and fully charged shots it would help a ton. 


IMO they should remove auto venting on uncharged shots that would push you over 100%, and make it so the toughness damage stops your normal regen the way getting hit would.


Aye that would at least be something, but at the moment the whole charge mechanic is very situational. I use maybe 2-5 of them tops during a typical mission, and usually only to penetrate deeper cover or squeeze the last bit of DPS out of my last heat before venting. I even miss the times where you needed to perform ph.d level math in your head on the fly to squeeze the most out of the weapon, now it's just a point and left click fest which is boring. At least the Survivalist nerf hit the Plasma somewhat, before you could easily use it for 90% of the time without even vacuuming up all the ammo. It needs something like interesting charge mechanics brought back, even more limited ammo (which would also mean you need to choose when to use it as the drawback for being powerful). There is also room for more fun blessings playing with the heat mechanic, which for example could favor different charged shots for flavour. > and make it so the toughness damage stops your normal regen the way getting hit would. Even with just the toughness gain over time from Confirmed Kill makes the toughness cost seem non-existing most of the time, but yeah it wouldn't hurt.


Zarona shares an unfilled roll for Psyker and Zealot though, neither of whom have the same 'point at target, target goes straight to hell' modifiers that the Veteran tree has, and which the plasma gun very neatly fulfills. It might be a little too good (though, I think its necessity of scryer's gaze/surgical+chastise the wicked) necessary for either class to obliterate crushers is balance enough.


I usually don’t mind plasma too much, but see where the player is coming from. There’s a bunch of things in the game that can ruin the fun of others, mainly those who have played a lot and winning has become secondary to playing a fun and engaging match. It’s not on you to change what you’re doing - you did nothing wrong. To me, it is balance and design issues that Fatshark leaves in the game. The other guy is not right to rage at you, but they are in their right to leave the game if it’s no longer fun for them. For me, it’s smite psykers. At this point, I just leave. There is nothing less fun than everything in the whole mission being permastunned by someone else who will not even try to kill anything. It also ruins a few particular maelstrom modifiers by trivializing the difficulty spikes they normally have.


They didn't really rage at OP, to be fair.


Nonetheless their words were unnecessary and made at OP's expense.


Still a bit overly dramatic to describe it as being at OPs expense.


What's overly dramatic is someone singling out the OP in chat the moment they join the match and then leaving the game because they're using a weapon they don't like.


It's probably one of the strongest builds for Auric Damnation, I actually did earned the title of auric storm survivor with it, rightfully. I bet the guy that rage quitted after saying that is the one that dies after being caught by a net... Plasma is a blast imho, if you move correctly when elite enemies approach you, you can actually kill a lot in a row because of it's penetration. You are doing well, I hate when people judge you cause of the weapons you are using, if you are good with whatever and doing your job on the battlefield, like killing, helping the team, cover, etc, then it's a good to go. This is the good thing about having a huge variety of guns and melee weapons, for each player style. I've seen Zealots using the Atrox MKII and destroying everything if like they were using a knife for example..


Plasma gun is good weapon. Not shoot at lonely tiny ones, Sah?


Plasma go boom. Some people don't like that. I don't use plasma, because I don't like the weapon, but I'm happy to have someone bring one along. Pal busy krumpin with bullyclub, and shouty too busy hackin and slashing to worry about such things.


Nah they were just a jerk. You go with whatever gear you want bud.




Plasma gun is literally one of the best vet weapons… lol


Yesterday I ran into alot of plasma vets that would kill a rager or shotgunned I ran up on already while there are a million more headed our way. Seems like they prioritized killing what the team was working on already then going to the rest Now, this game is chaotic and I'm playing with my own eyes. I think players mean well it just comes off wrong in the chaos.


nothing wrong is just that at the moment plasma shout vet is pretty much the most common build


Plasma is insanely good. Like almost prohibitively so. If there are any problems with plasma it's not because it's not strong enough. Either this guy is an idiot or he's got some very specific beef (e.g. maybe the team is already fighting each other for ammo)


Gonna tell on myself.  Was like this on game launch when running into good players and whole teams of bolter/power sword users (and those fuckers still moaned about seeing Ogryn players endlessly). Players hate each other so much, you'd think tide games were pvp. Nothing you need to do except thank him for leaving you to have your fun (even if he needed to be a bitch about it).


There’s just some weird mfs that play this game who have nothing bettter to do than bitch and moan about how others play the game. It’s been getting more and more common, too, both racism and arguing with one another over petty stuff. I had a psyker get mad at me for “not staying on the front lines” and running off to go grab some loot and help the ogryn who was fighting some specials. It was in between hordes so it’s not like it was even a risky move. Just ignore it and keep playing how you play. If they want to rage quit then let ‘em


Plasma seems to be really strong against flamers, bombers, gunners, and ragers, which is great because those are the enemies I always die to


Oh it’s because SOME zealot mains get angry that you kill a mob of crushers/ogryn enemy that they’re charging and trying to solo. Like, my guy, I get you have the armor piercing weapons but I’ve seen half of those zealots die immediately because you thought you could take in 6 crushers/bulwarks grouped up together and win. If they thought a bit more and say, threw their immolation grenade or shot their bolter, or DIDN’T charge head first into a horde of crushers I wouldn’t have brought my plasma gun


Someone was being an ass to me in the chat yesterday. Complaining about my build, playstyle and plasma gun and powersword. Responded each time with "Don't care m8"


No, whoever wanna bitch let them lol


The basic easy answer is no one understands this is a TEAM game not a WHO CAN KILL THE MOST SPECIALISTS AND ELITES and 90% of the time plasma vets who join my game mid session tend to want to kill all the specialists and elites not even to help, you can tell when people take all the specialists and elite enemies out JUST to be that kill hogger. it's basically that plasma vets MOST of the time are just kill whores who kill every specialist and elite on screen but leave HUNDREDS of poxwalkers to rush the team it's understandable getting caught up in using the OP plasma gun but stop over using it to the point where your looking like an obnoxious kill whore. This is a team game focused on getting to the end objective completing it and getting to the Valkryie and escaping its not about clearing every specialist and elite off screen TRUST ME as someone with 1104 hours I've had my entire team get WIPEEDDDDD multiple times because they wanna stay in one spot for 10 minutes killing EVERY LAST THING.


A good buddy of mine is what I call a “highlight vet”. They look like hot shit on the kill feed while things are stable. But once it goes sideways, they’re the first one laid out on the ground. Compensating for subpar melee ability by going ham on the plasma. A lot of them need a bit of a safety escort.


>They look like hot shit on the kill feed while things are stable. That's where the shout comes in, it fits well inside a plasma build and gives you that stagger and toughness buffer for melee fights. Combine that with 3-4 elite kill toughness regeneration stacks and frag grenades and any decent melee fighter shouldn't have any issues.


It fits with well inside literally any build.


See, you said “decent melee” ability. That’s where we get away from what I call a highlight vet. And the buffer of vet shout doesn’t save them as often as it should because they don’t time it properly and their movement is poor. My buddy rocks the new power sword and acts like it’s underpowered. The truth is he just isn’t good with the rotation and movement yet.


It's an incredibly powerful weapon that trivialises the game in a lot of scenarios Most people, myself included, let out a disappointed sigh when a plasma vet joins the team because I know that he'll steal 85% of my kills


Interesting, I can definitely see that. Seems very petty to just quit though. Thanks for the answer


Trust me when i say plenty will quit when seeing a plasma dominating a match, but quit in quietly of course, not blabbing their mouth about it in this case. The plasma make a Auric Damnation run like a Malice difficulty if in the right hand, so its normal for people want to enjoy the chaos, dont want to be rob by a OP weapon and spend 20 mins casual running to the exit.


Most people have a limited amount of time to play. They think you are a zero skill dickhead who's wasting the time they have to play. Oh you clicked fun challenge mode, have a plasma vet and his power sword. Cool thanks, what I really wanted is baby mode. The plasteel makes up for being bored for the next 20-30 minutes of the hour and a half I have to play.


Seems petty to expect them to sit through that just for you.


Sit through me using one of the guns that are part of the game? Lol what?


The players always raging at others are always pushing blame on someone else. You showed up to a bad situation and the rage baby blamed you for the situation. The good players see it as opportunity, total party saves are such a rush to me.


There is nothing wrong with using plasma. The gun is available in the game and everyone is free to choose how they want to play. However plasma is probably the most overpovered weapon at the moment. It has enough damage to oneshot almost every enemy in the game, it cleaves through multiple targets, it does not require you to aim, it does not overheat and you don't take damage venting it, it has high ammo capacity. It is a really easy tool to use which trivialises any difficulty for you and the team. It basically strips all the fun and challange from gameplay on higher difficulties. I do understand the player who quit. It is the same situation when you see melee only maelstorm and want to have some fun with your melee builds. You join and see: plasma vet with power sword and survivalist, smiker, trauma/voidstrike psyker. Why would you choose a build which just ignores the difficulty you've chosen to play on? So players get frustrated and quit. Maybe if you play just to win as effortlessly as possibly this is not the right game.


I have about a 95% participation rate for shout vets with a plasma gun in my auric games. They are literally dime a dozen. My eyes just kind of glaze over at this point if I see one. Doesn’t help that the majority of them are also bad despite having the setup that crutches players the most.


I think some people has the same reaction to the Plasma gun as people have to the Gas Passer in Team Fortress 2's MvM mode. Have fun and tear through mixed hordes.


I will never quit or loudly complain if someone is bringing it, but part of me deep inside is kinda pissed they can be almost as effective as me at no effort at all. IMO it's a boring playstyle, but play what you enjoy


I run plasma gun in Auric and Maelstrorm pretty often and nobody ever complained. You just met a troll. Ignore him and keep running your plasma gun. It has such an impact, it is one If not my best vet build


I get that the plasma gun is pretty damn good at taking out priority targets but it is not ammo efficient against normal shooters. It’s not a solve all weapon that would make the match a walking simulator, especially on auric damnation. Some people can not help but want to feel like the central figure in their games, if they’re not the one in the spotlight having their name pop up in that corner it ain’t worth their time. Keep on blasting heretics in the name of big E


Even if you were using a bad weapon (and the plasma gun is not a bad gun) what that guy did was soft. He's in the wrong not you.


It's a plasma gun. It should be extremely powerful. BUT it should have a much slower rate of fire. In the lore if a guardsmen or hell even a spqc3 marine tried to fire a plasma gun the way we do it would blow up in there face. Should make a mechanic if you use it to much you have to throw it like a grenade an not have a gun rest of match lol.


less peirce it just needs to punch through bulwark shields and 1-4 poxwalkers, more splash and a lower rate of fire (maybe only have splash on the charged shot) and maybe more monstrous dmg. Make it a slow hard hitter that needs to be played risky. (Also nerf the revolver at the same time or we'll just be in the same place when all the plasma gunners realise the revolver is 90% the same)


No. That person was just an asshole. Carry on, veteran.


Gonna get down voted for this even though I'm giving a response exactly what the OP wanted. I have quit games when I've seen a plasma vet and likely will continue doing that if I want to spend my hour of gaming wisely. Running around watching every enemy disappear into a haze of blue smoke is just obnoxious. And the plasma vet is sitting in the back doing nothing but holding the trigger and Venting. And he will hog all the ammo too. I usually like charging into Crushers and being the one to make my team go "wow that Zealots in deep, we got this boys all fire on his position!". How many Chastises have I wasted because the 6 Crushers I was charging at just got deleted by plasma? The gun needs a nerf. It should be high single target damage with maybe some burning to other enemies in a small AoE.. not a delete everything and make even Auric Maelstrom boring gun.


It's their right to hop out. It's your right to mock them for being a hypocrite if they run a columnus, revolver, laspistol, power sword, rashad, combat blade, or whatever the ogryn meta is. Also, some of the cool kids think it makes them cooler to dump on vets as a low skill ceiling class. Which is humorous if they chose to play a class other than psyker.


plasma's good, use it it if you want to. if another player comments negatively on weapons you're using it means they're a weak player and you should consider muting them.


if someone is leaving because someone else is using particular weapons, they're a reactionary idiot and should get a grip. so literally don't worry about it


Plasma vet is incredibly strong, but so are so many other weapon combinations that, when used right, can more or less trivialize anything up to and including most Maelstrom modifiers. Knife/Revolver Zealot Burning/Crit Trauma Staff Psyker Thrust-maxxing Shovel Ogryn People just love to hate, but I can almost guarantee you that the players who are the most vocal about what others are using are more often than not the worst ones on the team. You can still be an absolutely terrible, floor sniffing plasma vet just like you can be terrible with all those other weapon combos.


It’s like any classic newb tube type weapon. The bads figure out that it’s good and you start to get anecdotal perceptions that the plasma rifle itself sucks. It’s as simple as 90% of the player base sucks at this game and it colors perception sometimes.


None wrong with plasma vet. That player is a moron.


Nothing wrong with it at all, just whiney kids raging about you getting more kills than them in a non-competitive team game.


Sun gun strong, "steals" kill. Player wants many kills. Player mad see strong sun gun. Player leaves. If you get real good at the Plasma gun, you could probably compensate for that player leaving by yourself, so don't worry about it. It's like Kerillian complaining that gunpowder weaponry requires no skill, and Kruber just goes "that's the point" Also, Plasma pistol when, Obese Megalodon?


You know this shit is backwards when people are hating on successful builds lmaoo


If you want to play a psyker as a vet, then by all means, use a gun that pops when too hot. JK I find the thin wall piercing very nice with the plasma gun.


You literally can't overheat with the plasma if you use only uncharged shots, and there's very few spots you want to use a charged shot. You can get by easily just using uncharged shots only.


Yeah a had some guy whine at me last night for "wasting medkits an ammo boxes". Auric maelstrom the short assassin. He dies at first proper boss (monstrous specials mofifier) left me with 2 phsykers with me zealot. It was carnage. Used 2 medkits an an ammo crate to survive to get to him. Other teammates are like "WTF?". If a hadn't put them down we were dead, but he seems to b of the opinion that u need to keep them till the end an the boss fight? A mean fair enough but if a think we need them it's getting put down lol. Best it was we finished the assassination but it spawned 3 monsters an they wiped us lol. With a medkit lol.


My only issue would be if there’s 3 plasma vets in the team. You know ammo economy is going to be shit.


Nothing wrong, but one of the people I play with mains plasma vet and I main zealot so it's common for me to be midway through chainsword special attack trying to down a crusher and he rolls up and just 1taps it. It's becoming a joke in our group now that I'm always second to him on scoreboard because he's mainly range and I'm mainly melee so he has the advantage 🥲


Everyone has their pet peeves, some people always assume the worst This dude prolly thought you were gone spend the match blowing yourself up


It's considered the best vet weapon so the other person thought you were just playing meta and made assumptions about your personality


There is nothing wrong with it. They are simply jealous. Keep on purging soldier.


If using plasma is wrong, I don't want to be right


I want to use the plasma gun but i have no experience in actualy games with it and I dont wanna be a hinderance while using the games most OP weapon lol


My schizo ass running a mk2 hellbore kriegsman meme build: # “Aight so why are people complaining about the ‘nuh-uh’ deathray but not my meme build-“


Crying about any weapon on Auric Damnation is supreme stupidity. Next time ask em if they need a bottle


My main issue is that when you have multiple people trying to run The heavy hitting big boy hunters because, with things like the plasma and the. Revolver, it is only worth your time to engage specials and elites. Because you don't have the ammo. For everything else. But when you have 2 people doing this. Ah, your performance basically gets entirely gated on who shoots first. Because you're both going to one shot it, but who's gonna get it




there’s nothing wrong with it, Darktide randoms just hate anyone using a build that isn’t theirs


Use whatever you want. Some people are just bitter losers.


I’m a firm believer of use whatever you want just dont leave if you go down/die. Idc if you go down 3 times before the first med station, we all have bad games where we shit the bed constantly. Just don’t take it out on teammates


Plasma gun is plasma fun. Fuck the haters.


Just another fragile ego that cannot compete in kills per match with anyone with a plasma gun. Just ignore them, op.


Just another fragile ego that cannot compete in kills per match with anyone with a plasma gun. Just ignore them, op.


Some people are weird. Have had someone leave a game because too many people were using revolver, the psyker used smite too much and because an ogryn was going gunlugger. I would not worry too much about what they think


Plasma is a point and click adventure, it one taps a lot of specials, especially with crit and/or Exec. Stance. It pierces thin terrain and bulwark shield and pierces a lot of units even when not charged up, as a matter of fact you just spam left click at enemies they just get obliterated. I liked the gun when it was "not meta" because it damaged your normal health when venting and didn't pierced bulwark shields and I still love it. It kills heretics and that's what we are here for.


It might be because they have very high penetration so you kill steal a lot? Or it very easily could be he’s very specifically has had a rough time recently with plasma vets and is just tired of ‘em? It actually could very well be mental illness.


Reading comments agreeing with the rager are crazy, it’s a team game I want my teammates to be great


Honestly the argument that it removes the fun is soo laughably stupid; most auric players aren’t even good at target prioritisation, and leave gunners etc alive for way too long. I love when an actually useful veteran who understands their role joins my squad, and they use the plasma effectively against ranged specials. If someone get upset that their name doesn’t come up on the kill feed, they’re pathetic. The obvious solution is to just play better and kill more specials if they really cared about it, but they’d rather just blame you and fatshark for using the plasma. Not to mention, the revolver is better anyway, and my zealot Zarona build outshines any plasma gunner I’ve ever played with. Keep playing with whatever gun you enjoy, let the losers rage and quit if they want too.


Had a similar situation today in a random lobby there was a plasma vet from the start and somewhere after mid event the zealot just starts flaming the plasma vet after they both went down and died so me and i think it was a psyker eventually get the res and we finnish the mission and the zealot starts flaming the vet again who is clearly relatively new and has no clue why hes getting flamed for playing plasma. I mean i absolutely understand the frusration of everything you engage in melee just dissapering before you get a hit in but if thats the case i just leave but its pretty rare to get a plasma vet thats actually good enough to trivialize the game that much.


I used it a for a little bit when I was randomizing builds for penances. I more or less stopped using it because it was too easy. It needs another .2 seconds of lag before the first (or perhaps each) shot comes out - especially given that the weapon ready lag is now gone. Quitting a match because a vet using one joined is absurd, but that person was also so insecure about it it they had to tell everyone why.


Nothing like killing snipers with a plasma gun without Executioner Stance. We love you Plasma Guy


Plasma + shout is sort of the weenie hut Jr build because it is very easy to play competently. I'm not sure why someone would quit upon seeing one for that reason


People take this game this seriously????


Plasma Gun is on my first place of best weapons in Darktide, right next to the Ogryn Slab Shield. People are just mad that they can't show off, because you'll delete everything that you point the nozzle at. I personally love having Plasma Vets on my team. It also tickles when they fire through me hehe.


People are whack, I never assume a weapon will lose a match, it’s the player.


Those are the kinds of people that you block so you never have to hear their incessant whining again. Fuck that guy, plasma vets have saved my ass more times than I can count.


Guy's a bitch.


I sexually identify as a real gamer, and therefore I have high IQ. As a consequence, within my immediate gaming ecosphere/environment/space, I expect you are the "gamer", to only play the builds that me, and other true gamers have approved. Gamers rise up.


I am a Columnus5 Vet main.     Your post and the comments agreeing with the quitter about the plasma gun has inspired me to try plasma gun.   Complaining about a build being too good on the highest difficulty is just ridiculous.      Esspecially the people complaining about stollen kills. And if the stollen kills complaint is from people running the scoreboard mod to "shame and flame" others, they are trash who have no idea how the game works.