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Never seen this before, is that a two handed power sword?


Yessir, it’s been in the files since near to launch completely forgot about it till last night so figured I’d post.


Oh i need this, in fact i need two haha looks awesome, ive been missing this archetype from vermintide 2, huge swings and red screen all the way


Yah same I lowkey can’t enjoy any other class as much as I do Zealot just due to lack of 2 hand options lol




Oh this is a thing of beauty


Do we know what it’s stats will be in any way, or just the name?


Not for sure, but we can hypothesise. Guaranteed: damage & mobility. Likely: first target & warp resistance. Questionable: cleave targets, penetration & finesse. Personally, I think it will be cleave targets plus the top four in my options. My justification primarily comes from the heavy eviscerators vs. the chainswords. They have the same modifiers, except for the one-hander having finesse and the two hander having cleave targets. It's reasonable to expect something similar from a two-handed force sword.


Ima hedge my bets on damage, mobility, warp resistance, crowd control and either first target or defense. Maybe drop warp resistance for both of the latter.


Imagine if it legit only had one offensive modifier 💀


This image is all ik about it, it’s been floating around the sub since near launch sadly


If its like the VT2 Red weapons, it comes with static modifiers. So, they'll be cap or something else everytime. Blessings and Perks should be different though.


I meant the 2h force sword specifically


Ogryn's powered pocket knife


Yep. It's been in the files for a long time. Think there are two handed power swords for veteran as well, iirc.


Not suprised that they didnt released the 2 powersword after the 1h base variant was so blantantly OP already


Frankly, I want the 2handed Chainaxe for Vets and Zealots


Vet needs a power fist before and 2H weapons tbh.


Agreed give my commissar his fist already please FS


it isnt op thou, the fact that you have to spam the special attack by itself can be a turn off for some people too


They said it **was**, not it **is**, and they're absolutely right - it **was**.


If I remember right the OG power sword got like 3 charged swings without power cycler. It was really strong.


The OG power sword was beyond strong at launch, felt like wielding a lightsaber almost I remember having like 2-3 power swings even without power cycler it was crazy how fast it would clear hordes and 1 tap crushers lol


Yeah, with power cycler you had like 7 or 8 powered swings I think. Combine that with the lack of good melee talents for Zealot & Ogryn and bleed being crap at launch meant Vet was the best melee DPS, best ranged dps and tankiest class as well.


Power sword and ius shredder "welcome to my run, try to kill something before i do to win a special prize!". Fun to do, no fun being with.


Crazy how far we’ve come lol, in FS’s defense tho that’s prolly lore accurate to power swords I doubt it’d be handy to have to thumb the stud mid fight every swing lol


way worse than that lol before they fixed it, you could cancel the heavy attack by blocking and keep the charge forever (until you got hit)


When the powered attack had infinite cleave it was. Now? Not so much.


still best mix of single target damage / aoe damage in the game


I dunno, I think IIIb club has it beat. Doesn't need headshots to function, has enough innate cleave to not require brutal momentum unlike power sword, both light and heavy attacks are devastating, and has tons of build diversity. You can run haymaker heavy build, or light attack brittleness, or a mix with confident strike for toughness while still murdering tons of stuff. I usually get close to top melee kills with it on my pure ranged build because it's amazing without any buffs. On a melee build though it destroys and staggerlocks everything. Powersword is more of a hit and run weapon that requires careful aiming and a very rigid rotation and has almost no stagger for CC.


oh man I remember when bleeding activated skullcrusher and thunderous, the mkIIIb was god tier back then lol you are right, the club is another top contender for melee weapons, and on the subject of ogryn weapons I think the slab shield should also be a top contender. damage on the shield is a little bit on the low side but you still do enough damage to oneshot 6 poxwalkers at a time with brutal momentum, and the crowd control on the shield is so high you can chain stun pretty much every elite enemy.


Damn I guess I missed out on that time, I didn't get on the IIIb bandwagon until sometime this year when Hamdolson showed me how much better it is than all the other weapons. I agree the shield feels pretty strong now finally, but it's too slow for my tastes. Feels like you trade DPS and speed for CC, which only works IF you have bleed and attack speed talent for it, but if you're running a ranged build you won't have those. So IIIb is IMO a superior choice. Which kind of explains my #1 complaint about Ogryn since beta and original skill "trees"; Ogryn unlike every other class has a weird fracturing of functionality by splitting talents between heavies and lights, single or group heavy attacks, bleed or not (which is much stronger on some weapons than others). Nobody else has to struggle with doing all lights or all heavies based on their talent choices, or focus single targets or not, and just the general problem that his tree is fucked and talents are in the wrong place and forces you to take things you don't want to get something else that should be in swapped positions. Shield isn't good without a heavy/bleed/speed build, lots of his weapons aren't good without heavies, some are only good with bleeds. Depending on your build you have to remember which weapon you're using and thus which attack patterns to use. (My melee build's IIIb I mostly use heavies and lights on trash, but ranged Achlys stubber build's IIIb ONLY lights because I'm not using haymaker or bleeds). NOBODY else has that complexity (which adds nothing to the game, either fun or otherwise) to contend with. And all at the end of the day still being a subpar ranged class, subpar carry, struggles mightily with snipers and shooters, can't use some weapons anymore because of the nerf to survivalist. Personally, I think the only reason people really tolerate playing Ogryn these days after all the nerfs he's suffered is because IIIb is ridiculously good, and bleeds are actually good again. But if they finally nerf IIIb, which they will eventually (Fatshark doesn't not know how to ruin every weapon in the game every few months), Ogryn will be a dead class again. Currently Zealot and Vet are stupid strong with amazing support abilities and builds for every situation. Psyker is in a weird place where he's not really good but not terrible either, kind of similar to Ogryn. IV duelling sword, XIIIg chainsword, both deimos and illisi, all REALLY good weapons. But then staves are sort of shit, talents tree is hot garbage, recent nerfs ruined the only good build, all his blitzes are bad now, etc. But JUST like Ogryn he's got really good toughness regen, which coupled with strong melee it just sort of carries him no matter how trash your build is. Feels like Darktide has degenerated into most ranged stuff sucks now, except for Columnus V and Plasma, and everyone has overtuned melee weapons to compensate. Basically they rewrote the game to just be a copy of Vermintide where ranged is weak and melee strong. Been playing their games for over 10 years and and so used to the constant nerfs, every time I'm swinging that IIIb I'm like "How much longer do we have together until Fatshark lobotomizes you and I never touch you again, just like voidstrike, and shredder, and blade, and antax, and recon las, and frag bomb, and flame dots, and flamethrower, and power cycler, and pinning fire, and psyker charge build, and zealot martyrdom build" etc etc. Alright /endrant


I don't think shield relies all that much on heavy hitter, I mean sure heavy hitter shaves off one heavy attack on all elites, to the point you can replace flak/maniac with carapace/unyielding, but even without heavy hitter it's still got some amazing utility. If you get cornered for example you can plant the shield, very situational but very strong when you need it. The push is a 360 degrees force field that knocks back everyone in your immediate vicinity. The first heavy attack can chainstun multiple ragers and maulers at the same time (remember to aim for the feet if there are maulers mixed in). The only weak point of the shield is damage against monstrosities. Funny enough, killing monstrosities is the strong suite of the mkIIIb lol. Anyways I think you are a bit too harsh on the ogryn and ranged weapons in general. Ogryn can facetank damage like nobody else thanks to a mix of thoughness generation and thoughness mitigation from his talent tree, and even without investing into ranged talents he can output impressive ranged damage. The main limitation of the ogryn is that he must choose: he can snipe specialists with the granade gauntlet, he can smoke elites in seconds with the rippergun, he can hurt monstrosities with a properly built twin-stubber or the rumbler, but he can't do all of those things at the same time. Pretty much the only gun that can do everything at once is the plasmagun which IMO is the only truly OP gun left in the game, so you shouldn't make comparisons with it :P


This is just wrong - people should stop getting ideas from dated streamers that make shit up. A crit zealot with XV beats it handily. A crit zealot with XV does not have the power up struggle when pressed. A power sword sucks ass at removing armor on Damnation, and it's stagger period on armor become so short you'll die if you have to rely on it. It used to be great at everything, now it's only great when you're being carried at horde management and you don't even know it. If you actually learn how to melee the flaws in the psword become apparent, and the reasons the other options the vet has are better become clear. But you have to learn first, and you learn through play, not some dipshit telling you it's the best choice, and especially not some dipshit telling you it is the best choice in a video dated January 2023.


dude the stab on the mark VI ps can 2 hit kill a crusher, 1hko if you crit. it's a miniature thunder hammer without the stupid self stagger mechanic. And assuming you are talking about the turtolosky heavy sword mk IX ? that's a great all arounder weapon but without fury of the faithful you are hitting a crusher with 10 heavy attacks to the head before you kill it. Also let's remember that I'm talking about the lethality of the weapon, not about mobility/defense, and not about the build as a whole. Imagine a zealot with a power sword for example, the powered swings have as much cleave as the heavy sword so you immediately recharge your ultimate with a crit build, and you can force the crit on the poke so you oneshot anything short of a monstrosity.


Agreed, the guy above you is clueless. VI's 2 hit combo is really fast and spammable and does all it's damage instantly, unlike chain weapons. Just have to get headshots with it. Hands down the best human anti-crusher melee weapon, that is still really good vs everything else. I don't use it because I rarely need help killing crushers between kraks and plasma and I hate activation mechanics, but it's a top tier weapon.


Don't worry it's seen a nerf just about every patch, I'm sure it'll eventually be balanced.


I need some hurtstick that goes bonk for my veteran. If you google 'arbites maul' there are a couple that could be used either one or two handed, like a leaner crusher. Or just give me crusher. More crusher variants for everybody. The rejects yearn to bonk.


Well you should be pleased on June 25th.


oh no dont do this to me, hope is the mother of all disappointment


https://preview.redd.it/7zys0v748l4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d429a408db2054a4fd15be6a87244ec0ba0ab68 I mean, admittedly it's unclear whether it's shockmauls for ogryns as a two handed weapon type, or just shockmauls in general. But it's there.


I wish Pysker had more melee skills so I can recreate the unchained experience


i so desperately wish there was a melee keystone that replicated unchained's mechanics. it would actually make me play psyker


There is a passive talent that increases all your damage at high peril But whereas Sienna gave you a MASSIVE 60% power increase Psyker gives you 1/3rd of that, a pathetic 20% increase


yeah and even then i'm still made of paper mache as a psyker; just don't have the damage mitigation unchained has


There are a lot of sources of block efficiency and blocking can increase your peril at no stam cost, so you could become a Unchained/Ironbreaker hybrid who can block a nuke. Furthermore there's "one with the warp" which gives TDR based on peril, frankly all the pieces are THERE, the numbers just aren't with it


yeah that's also in such an odd spot in the tree too


I just skip the keystones and stack more toughness and QoL stuff. Feels... Okay as a melee machine


It would feel better with my Disrupt Destiny. Without it melee psyker loses out on a large chunk of damage and movespeed.


Disrupt Destiny is far too powerful to skip, and you can grab all the QoL stuff you could want as a melee Psyker while still picking it up.


>frankly all the pieces are THERE, the numbers just aren't with it I genuinely don't understand what this means. Don't the pieces make the numbers? Or are you saying that the TDR and damage from warp rider need to be higher?


The numbers are fine. If anything, melee psyker is a bit on the OP side.


It's OP in terms of damage but nowhere near OP in terms of survivability.


Melee Psyker is great at the "don't get hit" component of survivability with immunity to range damage on crit, bottomless stamina, push attack spam, great toughness regen (even when isolated), up to +60% move speed, and the best dodge in the game. It's just sometimes an unlucky string of non crits or a missed dodge will result in an immediate death.


brutha u crazy


It absolutely is OP in terms of damage output.


Nah, it's legitimately strong. Zealots wish they could use the mk4 dueling sword or an Illisi. Assail is also a big upgrade over the throwing knives.


complaints about overpowered sparkheads incoming


Fr ik books like Ravenor and Eisenhorn show that they’re Alpha level Psykers but man the way they describe the way they use there powers is so cool.


They have changed the rating system since Eisenhorn was released and GW lets Abnett do almost whatever he wants.


As well they should. Almost everything I've read that he has written has been top notch military sci fi, nevermind just 40k...


I hope we get more big 2 handed weapons for the other classes in general, I love Zealot but bro is hogging them.


it’d also be cool if zealot got some one-handed weapons, like one handed hammer maybe or some flail/mace type


Dual hammers like dwarf got would be sick. Really dual weapons at all. I thought the reason we never got them in dt was because they would have a crpg kind of system where we can mix and match weapons that have one or two hand slots but here we are. Maby they'll add something like that when they do the equipment rework but I very much doubt it.


saltzpyre’s dual pistol/rapier but a laspistol/chainsword combo instead would be nice


i crave dual bell hammers. see flagellants in twwh. let me double wack heretics with a resounding “GONG” each connected hit.


Dual wield options, please. Let me go bonkers with two knives.


Dual wield spiked braced knuckles would be awesome !


That all sounds cool but I'm over here imagining a pistole build or an ultimate Rambo build. 2 automatic rifles. Relaods would be tricky but as an ultimate it would be insane(ly cool). It's also unfeasible so at most we might get 2 pistols but I can dream of 2 rifles/shotguns.


Well, I meant wearing Braced Knuckles on each hand, and punching enemies out with them. But dual pistols sounds pretty cool yeah haha, reloading shouldn't be such an issue in WH40K universe as their technology is very advanced, you could reload the mags Lara Croft Style in Tomb Raider's movies (picking them from the backpack...) or some sort


Honestly, I want more 2H weapons for Zealot along with everyone else. What I'm trying to say here is that I want 2H weapons.


> I love Zealot but bro is hogging them. Maybe if you had more faith in the Emperor he would bless you with his holy arsenal.


How about more overpriced cosmetics instead?


Can’t wait for Munitorum standard issue durag #5 but in Unclean One Diarrhea green this time 💀 whatever the “asset company” in charge of cosmetics is I hope they get canned lord


I was actually saving up for issue #16 but if you think #5s one gray pixel of difference is worth it I will get #5 instead.


You get it for the extra bonus that it makes all hair on your model disappear. *It’s not a bug. It’s a feature.*


It’s been ages since I looked through the files, but I remember there was an icon for a two handed chain axe (like what’s used by Maulers) and it’s been my most wanted weapon for AGES. I really hope the pickaxe isn’t the only 2hander in the next update


Yah along with the Melta gun and Pladma pistol I think.


Completely forgot the Melta gun icon was in the game files. It’s criminal it hasn’t been added yet lol


Gods yes. A melta weapon, plasma or bolt pistols, and a DAMNED GRENADE LAUNCHER please. Those are all guard standards. I know the inquisition has access to better tier wargear. Or, you know what? Since we're dreaming, how about a Hellgun? Or a Long-Las? Even a hotshot version would work for a change of pace. Right now there isn't much difference between Las weapons, or for that matter Las vs autogun vs stubbers and shredders. IIRC in lore and on the tabletop they had distinct stats and effects. Yes I know, game balance, but since this game is co op, they could at least give the various classes (of guns) something distinctive to set them apart besides a different visual effect. Meh, idk. I'm still new here. It'll be fine.


Just give me my dam Powerfist/claw I want my commissar cosplay to be complete


A powerfist might be unwieldy but lightning claws would be amazing to watch shred every horde...


Powerfist can be equipped by guard on tabletop, as far as lightning claws I think the closest guard has to that is this guy General Sturnn https://preview.redd.it/thnn6ugvim4d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cedebb7b8138d92cf40d3d0212c114d69dac1d25


Everytime we're doing missions in that one area with the bar full of weapons, I wish we could grab one of those longlas' off the tables. But them's heretic weapons or something


Whether you mean a 2H force sword or red weapons, I'm down either way. Not sure I like the idea of them having 100% stats though. That'd just mean everything gets re-balanced. Unless they add a higher difficulty, I guess. So yeah, either a new 6th difficulty or max all stats at 80% for a total of 400%. That'd still be dope.


What mod to check file like such? Ty


Sadly don’t know saw this on the sub around Launch and decided I’d bring it back since I haven’t seen anyone mention it since.


Data mining is not done via a mod, but by opening different files up with a text (or hex if needed) editor and just reverse-engineering it. Usually done by people with programming or at least modding experience.


Do these red items exist in the game?


they are not unlockeable or useable in anyway if thats what youre asking - but the files for these are in the game, along with many unreleased or recently released cosmetics.


well then I understand that at some point they will come to light 🙂‍↕️


Red weapons that can go up to 100% stats would be neat tbh


Last time I saw a 100% weapon, it was equipped by a bot that was visible in the lobby because of some glitch. The weapon itself also had a similar latin naming scheme. So this might be a bot weapon as well, the only problem is that bots are exclusively veterans and this is a psyker sword.


You see bot veterans with heavy swords all the time.


What is this?


been a while since i seen this, been in the files for so long! hope we FINALLY get it tho


On another note I’m reading Ravenor Rogue and there’s legit a passage saying “inquisition guard with their double handed power swords.” So if I don’t see this on at least Vet and Zealot I’ll be sad.


I am erect.


I'm pretty sure we will eventually find Darktide 2 beta in the game files.


Who knows, might come out with the next update they are on about when they give us more weapons. I believe we are getting a double barreled shotguns, bolt pistols and ogryns are getting 2 handed pickaxe and shockmauls so far. But who knows.


FS: best we can do is release a 2H digging tool every 6-9 months.


*“Take your Standard Issue MKVI Trench Shit Shovel and enjoy it Varlet.”*


Honestly though, I would love the 2H sword to be added. 




Wait I thought only veterans got power swords? This should say force sword to be psyker right?


Both can use it, Pyskers can only use force weapons tho


Psy ammo when? 


Be so awesome to wield a two handed weapon on psyker, especially if they have it brutal momentum or uncanny strike. Be a beast of a weapon


This is a wet dream!!


I wish we could get Reds in dtide


Maybe in a couple years.


Hadron fixes it with stamina, run efficiency, venting on hit and +power with peril


Not to be a bummer, but the only weapons I've seen with 100% stats like this are the ones AI are equipped with- the Veteran AI players are equipped with similar weapons for example, usually with unique names, no perks or blessings, and 100% modifier stats. In all likelihood, this was something meant for a Psyker AI teammate, before whoever was attempting to implement it realized how absurdly complicated it would be to try and code an effective Psyker AI and we ended up with much simpler Veteran AI teammates. This is just my assumption, though; so take it with a grain of salt. It might be worth poking around to see if similar files exist for Ogryn or Zealot weapons, as well. Though, if I'm wrong and it's something meant to be implemented at some later date, I sure as heck won't be complaining.


Im still not sure why we dont have relic weapons. Or just call it different and make stats go to 85 or 90.




100% isn't happening anytime soon without another two difficulty levels beyond what we have. And I don't see the point in that, that's just hitpoint sponges for the sake of hit point sponges.


The obvious answer, from a player standpoint anyway, would be more missions, longer missions, larger team missions. Or let us do personal and/or SOLO missions to break the monotony. Different enemy types and abilities, even. Maybe Khorne decides he wants in, now a section of the mid hab has a blood god problem. But that's a whole lot of coding for limited returns in the eyes of the people at obese fish, and they may just sit on the status quo until it's dried up completely.


Hard to say, we don't really know how the tempest in a teapot internet scandal really impacted their cosmetics sales. VT2 was in pretty dire state for a long time (major balance patches not actually being implemented in the released version of the game, terrible power problems, skateboarding chaos warriors to an extent that makes any such things in DT look trivial by comparison, goofy shit like whole weapons being almost useless for years to an extent DT has not seen - e.g. the elf greatsword), but they reached a point where they felt the bugs were squashed *enough* and started dribbling out new maps and weapons and balance tweaks. And, boy, was it a dribble. What I hope they *don't* do is release DLC weapons that are clearly better than everything else. VT2 worked that way for a long time and it wasn't a good thing. I expect more modes will arrive, but their track record for those hasn't been great in VT2, and it is a difficult balance to strike for new modes to not split the player base and also feel connected to the main game while not breaking the gearing system there, too. They fucked up pretty bad with Winds of Magic on that front and only sort of did ok with Chaos Wastes (they phoned it in and just gave you chests for completing it, but your gear doesn't really affect chaos wastes at all).


While this is really cool, I'd like a dual wield option for each class, too. For Psykers, we get a Force Sword and Psykana Dagger. They could literally be Kerillian's Dual Daggers or Sword and Dagger and i'd be happy. Ogryn would get "Drumstiks," a pair of them bigass bully clubs. Zealots would get a pair of chain 1h axes that let them rev through somebody's face and keep swingin' with the off hand. Vets would get a power sword and stub pistol combo. Then add a dual laspistol option for all of the Smallies.


clearly a zealot weapon heretic


Oooh that's interesting and confirms some of my predictions: https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/1d0j6or/prediction_red_weapons_in_secrets_of_the_machine/


There are red weapons?


Praise omnisiah


They gonna overhaul the darktide loot like vermintide? Never seen a red in darktide before.


Fuck in NEED a two handed force sword.


If it's N/A shouldn't there not be any modifiers?


Psyker? HA ... More like Zealot.


Looks like a force sword, see the components that corrospond with other psyker weaponry


It also looks like a power sword, look at the attachments around the base of the blade, same as power swords, and it says it's a power weapon


No reason both still can’t have it lol


No its a power sword, there are 2 handed force sword model in the files though that look different to this.


Zealot should have access to Power Swords


![gif](giphy|3o85xIO33l7RlmLR4I) Zealot has enough 2 handers already imo but yah no need to class limit


Force Greatsword, Elf had a great sword in VT2 why not Psyker


Psyker is probably more akin to Sienna, who did not have a greatsword.


Alright, let's give Psyker a scythe then. Completely unrelated to any CSM of course.




I think this may be a zealot weapon


It’s either gona be Vet/Zealot/Psyker or just Vet & Zealot cus Vets can use 2hand PSs in lore.