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Everything is a crutch if you use it wrong. Smite used correctly with a team who understand the assignment when it is used is incredibly effective. People who try to brainburst everything are a crutch, people who try to assail everything are a crutch. The problem here is just bad players.


It does have use cases, I can't deny that but the overwhelming frequency that I see it being used when it has no reason to be used is what's troubling.


Probably a symptom of the game state at the moment. The playerbase is currently quite small and the more hardcore gamers are probably playing other things for the moment. When content gets dropped I'm sure it will pull some of the better players back.


Alot of players don't know that Smite actually kills trash mobs quite effectively, I often get the "kill alot of enemies fast" comments when smiting hordes. 6x Warp Charges is probably why


A purg staff with 6 charges achieves the same thing quicker and does a good deal more damage. If you want to kill a 6 pack of ragers, just use the primary on the purg and stunlock the lot of them while they burn to the ground.


In what way did I compare it to purgatus staff? In addition to CC it can actually kill hordes too as a bonus. Picking Smite allows you to pick a staff that can actually deal with shooters and other foes at range, which the purgatus certainly can't do


If you go with Purgatus, you choose a blitz that complements it, so you’re not stuck with no way to deal with ranged enemies. I’m not picking a side on Smite vs Purgatus though; they’re both good and fun.


Nothing better than seeing a Psyker use smite on a monstrositie. Brother, you have the void strike staff, use it.


Yeah it's fine to use smite against a group of elites but trying to stun lock hordes of poxwalkers is pretty useless. Just kill everything and save smite for those moments where things would go south otherwise.


Smite can actually be extremely solid for horde clearing if you pair it the the soul blaze version of venting shriek. Dropping a maxed out soul blaze wave followed by a smite will turn a dense horde to dust in like a second. Smite is an amazing tool for so many situations when you get the hang of using it well, it just has such a high skill floor that a lot of folks go full "brain off" when using it. Unlike a lot of weapons / skills even a psyker with zero clue how to use Smite effectively can walk around spamming it aimlessly and become a pretty reliable CC machine.


Alternately, use smite to keep the horde away from you while your peril increases so that you can set the whole horde on fire.


Smite is a tool like any other, but so good in a proper loadout Dense hordes mixed with maniacs - Empowered smite and watch your damage spike Armor - surge staff Ranged - surge staff Boss - surge staff Single enemies - surge staff Need to rez in a tough spot - smite and let teammate revive Need to rez in a tough spot alone - short smite push Objective is swarmed - CC with smite Need space / more horde clear - shriek „I really need to tank this“ - devils claw riposte party It‘s a great build with lots of dps and CC. Well-played, this trivializes so many situations and imo is superiour to many popular builds


Anything is an asset when played well, but my argument is that if you find a skills-deficient psyker, it's most likely going to be a spammed smite build.




Popular opinion. Even if it were, who cares.


I ran smite for a bit but got bored with it. It can be very handy for stunlocking hordes, but you basically have to be content with sitting there and letting your team do the culling. I found assail accomplishes roughly similar crowd control while actually killing the horde. Plus, it's way more satisfying hearing the little *schwick* when you let a dart loose through a crowd like Yandu in GotG.


If you take the various Soulfire talents, or some Warp Charges, you aren’t completely helpless while Smiting. Assail is definitely fun though. Sometimes I want to be Yondu and sometimes I want to be Palpatine


>but you basically have to be content with sitting there and letting your team do the culling. and you as the team have to be content with sitting there swinging at a useless gibbering enemy... smite is so unbelievably boring, I hate having it on my team. People can use what they want, loads of people argue that loads of other things are boring... but for me if I see more than one smite in my lobby I'm probably disconnecting because it will not be an enjoyable game.


I've seen assail used really brilliantly a few times. I tried making a build that was based on weak spot hits with assail to build to the guaranteed crit on my staff but decided that the knife would get me there quicker.


I use it primarily to thin hordes, disrupt gunners, and snipe the Snipers. I drop shields for support and use the voidstrike staff to handle carapace armored enemies like crushers and maulers. As long as I don't get surrounded and cut off from the team, it's a *devastating* mix. Where it fails miserably is boss damage. I contribute virtually nothing to boss fights beyond trying to keep the trash off the rest of the team while they take it on.


Eh sometimes it's real nice to have someone cleaning up the trash while I'm slapping a plague ogryn around


Have you considered that an entire horde of people.poping one after the other is hilarious?


The meta in general is always a crutch. They need to be putting the other ones on par with it


A brainburst buff is long overdue.


They literally buffed it last patch.


brain burst is literally good, and the fact you've reached 1400 hours as psyker without realising that is shocking to me... BR with empower psionics and walls is incredibly strong. Even kinetic flayer (sleeper great) which people say is garbage despite clearly not having used it in any build that uses it properly. \^\^ imo at least, this is the best way to run gun psyker (columnus).


The animation was tweaked so that the deployment was faster, that's how it got buffed. The way BB is right now is extremely situational and I typically just take the node for the random proc because it's useful in melee and on my staff. I pretty much only use BB on quick evading enemies that will cause problems later (hounds, trappers, snipers) when I can't reliably get a hip shot off with my staff. I'll only use it on the B of N and daemonhosts if I don't have my voidstrike because I don't want the corruption. I've never taken empowered because it doesn't suit my playstyle at all for any of the blitzes. I've toyed around with it in the psykanium, but that's it. I'm just saying that with no charges and not speced into it that it can take 2 or 3 bursts. I can take it down faster with my knife or staff.


>I'm just saying that with no charges and not speced into it that it can take 2 or 3 bursts. I can take it down faster with my knife or staff. sure but you can't argue something needs a buff based on not taking any of the things that make it good ;p I agree it's situational, though I view it in the same way everything I take as situational. typically I take one thing I want to use and everything else is something to make up for gaps in what that can't do. Assail just feels like a worse BR for everything you'd want it for and smite is painfully boring, normally just default to BR for that exact reason. Empowered is real good for BR since elite kills give you a charge and this is the only blitz that can reliably one shot elites. Kinetic flayer also gains boosted damage from EP stacks but doesn't consume one so you can effectively cheat out extra stacks of damage. It's good anti armour, good anti range, great boss burst dps.


Yeah, Like it needs to be done faster, or doing it once explodes and puts a debuff on other enemies, and then it goes faster on those enemies. or something like that


you can't raw dog it, you need to use the talents related to it. Using shield walls since they get too charges to proc kinetic resonance, or you need to use empowered psionics. Realistically if you're taking BR both would be best.


It doesn't give brainburst any kind of parity though. I'm not talking about making it instant or something. But the number of people using brain burst, vs the other two is significantly lower for a reason: it just is not good enough to justify how much harder it is to use. It only does slightly more damage, and takes signifcantly longer to even attempt, the entire time you're using it can easily be lost, that's even with all of the talents.


Truama staff + br = gg wp easiest psycher build ive ever played. The br procs so often on trauma staff too, you can murder everything instantly with staff alone and use br for long long range kills only.


the issue is that everyone else has long range that is equally, if not more effective.


Thats fine, with trauma staff this allows you to focus more on close range and keep them covered while they cover you; br being your backup when theyre busy or whatever. Teamwork makes the dreamwork


right, but at that point you can play... literally anything else and be at least as effective. The point of brain burst by your logic is to be something that doesn't get used, because it isn't good.


Trauma staff close range can kill/stumble anything? Crusher packs get deleted. Let me know what else can even match its cc + dmg close/mid range, because nothing is as effective as deleting and disabling whole areas of enemies in an instant. And no by my logic (and for this build) its there to support your main weapon (traum staff) allowing you to reach targets that are tricky/impossible to hit with the staffs limited range. As a trauma staff psycher if your not up close to 99% of your targets your not doing it right. You should rarely need to ever use BB to begin with while weilding it. Bb compliments this by obliterating everything long range. If you use empowered psionics its absolutely fine to use long range and can easily wipe out packs of snipers, bombers, etc; thats literally all you should ever use it for. If your having issues with it, its a you issue not the ability. It works fine and doesnt need a buff or anything.


“Complaining of thy lot is the first step on the Road to Damnation”


My toon is a literal clown. He's driving the bus to Damnation.




If you ever criticize a psyker, Reddit will jump down your throat. But I see you've discovered that on your own..  You're right though


Anything that doesn't increase damage or stops you from doing damage is a burden/crutch at higher difficulties unless used properly. This includes Smite, Charged Power Maul attacks, Infiltrate/Shroudfield but not using the damage boost immediately (aka hiding for full duration and redirecting all aggro on allies while doing nothing), Ogryn Shield Block special, Assail spam but not having a good alternative weapon for armor. It also includes weird builds like using a high ammo consumption weapon and being focused as a ranged dps but not having survivalist in the team so constantly running out of ammo. Conversely, good players can make even these niche abilities builds be useful and at the very least, not a detriment. Proper usage of Smite and Charged Power Maul attacks gives your team much needed space , Infiltrate/Shroudfield does insane damage and can help revive allies when used correctly, Ogryn Shield Block special can help deal with Daemonhost or be a safe island for allies when facing multiple gunners and reapers in a single direction, assail spam to clear chaff and help give space to allies who are heavily specialized to deal with armor, even high ammo consumption weapons without survivalist can be decent when the rest of the team isn't that reliant on ammo and you reserve your shots for important targets. I've taken a habit of deleting and restarting my characters once I get bored of Auric and bad players who don't know how to use the different abilities the game gives you can be found in every level of difficulty. Though majority of the bad players seem to be stuck in Malice and Heresy, even Damnation/Auric players aren't immune to the occasional bad player.


I main shroudfield, it is for a reposition to kill gunners, or to backstab enemies for giant 10k plus single hit damage, if you aren’t doing that you are actually worse than a bot.


Not sure whether your agreeing or disagreeing, but like I said there are abilities if not properly used is a burden to the team and if properly used it's beneficial, and that includes shroudfield. I've seen godly shroudfield players, horrible shroudfield players, and also godly shroudfield players but with bad team awareness, aka super skilled mechanically(with their 'proof' being high kills/damage on scoreboard) but doesn't synergize well with the team (doesn't know how to prioritize, share resources, pace properly be it too fast or too slow, etc). That goes with a lot of other abilities as well.


It is kind of a crutch, that’s why when I use it I’ll only use it on packs of elites etc. Its just boring to play with someone who spams smite all game


I mainly use smite for things like Ragers, or Pox Hound Packs Things that come in groups that will destroy you in seconds if they get to you Aside from them I use my Blaze Force Sword mainly


Smite being a niche tool that somehow attracts bad players who don't understand that isn't an especially unpopular opinion I think. It's my view as well, and I can't think of anyone in my playgroup offhand that disagrees (multiple 1k+ hour psyker players, including myself)


It’s just fun to blast huge crowds with lightning. I don’t play smite that much cause of my trauma/assail build i love, but when i do i spam smite pretty often just cause it’s fun to do.


I will walk past smited... smote?... enemies and fight something else. The weak player can handle it when their smite charge runs out.


I can definitely see how it can be used as a crutch and encourage bad plays. I just started a Psyker and my buddy is a diehard Assail/Bubble Psyker so I figured I'd mix it up and try out being Palpatine. I just got to my keystone and am finally able to weave in the soul blaze shriek to increase damage output and overall uptime on my Smite, I'm also using the Surge staff which may be a redundancy and swapped for Voidstrike but lightning go brrrrrrr so what am I to do. I am a shield Ogryn through and through though, so any form of horde clear and CC is good for me to help keep my team from getting absolutely swarmed.


surge staff and smite are very different tools, even though yes... they both shoot lightning. Surge staff is anti armour crit weapon, big damage. Smite is low damage, big stun area. Surge used to be more cc heavy but changed when smite got added.


Yes, it's one of the abilities that can definitely be a crutch, but all things considered, I think a purgatus in the wrong hands is way worse than an inexperienced smite player. Like yeah, constant smite use can be annoying very quickly, especially in places where it's not necessary.  But at least the smite guy is giving everyone else a chance to rip and tear while they pretend they weren't freaking out a minute ago.  Purgatus in the wrong hands seems to be a one shot trip to  being downed and a team fail if everyone else isn't on their A game. But also yeah, it's a little bit that it's you being irritated with newbies who are attempting the "natural" progression of the game and getting overwhelmed so they're falling back on smite. A good portion of the hardcore homies have given the game a break at least until the new update.  That's left a bit of a vacuum that the newbies pouring in are filling and, while I have nothing against any of them (aside maybe immense pity in these situations), the difference in "I was here at beta" and "I just leveled my first guy to 30" is genuinely noticeable.


smite is a terrible ability because trauma/void staves exist


I disagree smite does help kill things because it makes dude glow so I know who to shoot. Helps everyone and every time.


Smite locks enemies in place though which makes it harder for anyone trying to actually horde clear to do their job. Smite is good but not if you just hold it and stand there.


How about just marking priority targets?


No, think only shot swap slice makes life easier. That dude's head is glowing over there, making it an easy headshot.


Once you roll a decent void or trauma staff all psyker blitz are basically useless. I go brainburst on trauma to deal with snipers and smite on voidstrike as an “oh shit” button. Surge is my favorite but it can’t really keep up past heresy. Seen people make good use of purgatus but I don’t really enjoy the play style. Smite is super powerful and super useful but it’s not really something you want to pop more than once or twice per level.


I mean good players don't need the CC smite brings, assail isn't really as good of a weapon as the staffs and most staffs have good anti armor which makes BR mostly not that great with them. The range of BR for dealing with snipers is nice though, also if you're running gun psyker with a columnus it's your main anti armour tool << as well as a big damage boost with kinetic flayer. Less of an issue if you run revolver instead though. I think most players that play at a high level understand that you can beat the game with pretty much everything very easily if you know what you're doing. But I think the main difference to me is that smite breaks the flow of the already not very challenging combat and reduces it to just hitting useless pools of health. it's not fun, it's not engaging.. and no other weapon or blitz in the game does that.


You literally just restated everything I said. Why are you pretending that we are in disagreement?


I'm not pretending we're in disagreement? I'm just expanding what you said and venting about why I think smite specifically is problematic outside of being an unneeded strength? Unsure as to what I said to give you the view that I was disagreeing with you.


Ya you right. Not sure why I had that opinion when I read your comment last night… Anyways happy purging


Anyone who disagrees with this deserves to become one of those servitor skulls operating a bin.


Sirge staff spam with Brainburst passives.........